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    • chevron_right

      Diablo II Ressurected is awesome!

      Blue · Friday, 24 September, 2021 - 07:44

    I played yesterday, it was amazing! It was a bit of a hustle to launch it but I did it!

    Here is what helped me: first, there is some kind of mess about nvidia module, i have no clue what this command does, but it helped! sudo nvidia-modprobe -u -c=0

    Then, instead of seeing some error on unreadable window the game went launching but not showing anything. So, to make everything work I shoved battle.net app into steam.

    Then I have downloaded this tar.gz and unpacked it in /home/<username>/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/ compatibilitytools.d folder wasn't there, had to create it

    After that I had Proton-6.16-GE-1 as a compatibility environment in my steam, and I forced it to be used with battle.net app and it worked! The game worked perfectly!

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