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      About the GO

      Christian Gimenez · Monday, 27 April, 2020 - 20:46

    About the GO

    Genome Ontology. I can even download the ontologies files!

    #Semantic_Web #Ontology #OWL

    • About the GO

      About the GO Mission Statement: The mission of the GO Consortium is to develop an up-to-date, comprehensive, computational model of biological systems, from the molecular level to larger pathways, cellular and organism-level systems.

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      Registro de Makers

      Christian Gimenez · Tuesday, 7 April, 2020 - 14:24

    Registro de Makers

    Registro de makers con impresoras 3D y su producción para aportar un grano de arena frente a la crisis del COVID-19.

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      Christian Gimenez · Tuesday, 7 April, 2020 - 13:28

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      Zoom is malware

      My wife's company pulled the plug on Zoom today. Hmm, might have something to do with this: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/apr/02/zoom-technology-security-coronavirus-video-conferencing

      people ericbuijs 6 April, 2020

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      Christian Gimenez · Wednesday, 1 April, 2020 - 23:59

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      The red noses ICC issue

      I'm still under shock: over the last months, I fought with something I never saw in 20 years of digital art. All started after I installed this new ICC profile sent from a new printer. I copied it along my other ICC profiles as I do usually and at first, all was fine. But after a couple of days something weird happened: all the noses of my characters in artworks started to be glossy and red! (screenshot above) I immediately started to investigate everywhere: the Kra files, LittleCMS updates, my windows compositor until I found something using the ICC profile manager of Krita. The color profiles had something new: the preview indicated the red part of their colorspace area started to expand! Worst, this issue started to propagate to all the ICC profiles I had on my disk! Icc profiles with expanded colorspace in red I had no idea what to do. After sleepless nights to search the web, I found this thread on a forum with a method I never tried before: the quarantine of files. I immediately put it to action before the propagation reaches more files while praying for my art to be back to normal noses. Create a new directory under /home and move them there Then I waited (the period might be different according to your local settings) but it did work! After a couple of days this removed the issue and all my profiles went back to normal. I first symlinked them one by one with special permissions, I also controlled their color temperature one by one and everything went back to normal. I then thought it was important to write this article to warn other artist and here I am now. IMPORTANT: If you see other artists with artworks having glossy red noses; please inform them they might be infected! If everyone does that with their ICC profiles, we might avoid the propagation of red noses in art!

      group_work PepperCarrot 1 April, 2020

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      Christian Gimenez · Tuesday, 17 March, 2020 - 14:16 edit

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