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    Profanity 0.9.0 wurde released!

    Four months and 350 commits after 0.8.1 we are happy to release 0.9.0.

    profanity ist ein XMPP Client für die console mit sehr vielen coole Funktionen.

    #XMPP #profanity #Messenger #IM #Linux #console

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      Profanity 0.9.0

      Four months and 350 commits after 0.8.1 we are happy to release 0.9.0. 7 people contributed code to it: pasis, wstrm, DebXWoody, toogley, pmaziere, moppman and jubalh. Thanks to everybody who was involved, be it testing, writing documentation, updating the website or whatever you did! I also would like to express my gratitude to my sponsors mdosch and wstrm! LMC We support XEP-0308: Last Message Correction now. Enable it with /correction on.

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      debacle, Stefan