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      Using Syncthing for back up

      Matt · Saturday, 27 February, 2021 - 05:45 edit · 1 minute

    If you've not heard of Syncthing, you can visit syncthing.net for more information..

    Basically, Syncthing provides a decentralised method of syncing data between devices; from mobile to desktop. All of this can be done without any central server! As someone who has used a variety of options, including Nextcloud etc... Syncthing is a nice, lightweight option. It could even work on just mobile devices if that was your thing.

    Syncthing can be setup in a variety of ways, with folders being able to Send Only, Receive Only, and Send and Receive. With default settings, this does not provide a suitable back up option, as in some instances, deleting data from one device will mirror it on another. For example, you have setup Send Only from your mobile device camera folder, to sync with a Receive Only folder on your desktop.

    The workaround is really quite simple. Using the Syncthing Web UI on your 'backup' device, head to the advanced settings from the Action menu. You then look for the folder being used to 'backup', and select it. There are a lot of options to choose from, but the one you're after is Ignore Delete. Select the tick box.

    Now, when you delete the files from your Send Only folder on your mobile device (for instance), the Receive Only folder will ignore any deletions; maintaining a backup.


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