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    • chevron_right

      Open your mouth, Christian!

      Melvin C. McDowell · Thursday, 18 February, 2021 - 17:07

    Eric Metaxas on Twitter: "Bonhoeffer was a Christian who spoke out for the Jews under the Nazis. Today, we must speak out for the Muslims, Tibetans, and others being persecuted by the Chinese Communists. Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak." / Twitter

    • Eric Metaxas on Twitter

      “Bonhoeffer was a Christian who spoke out for the Jews under the Nazis. Today, we must speak out for the Muslims, Tibetans, and others being persecuted by the Chinese Communists. Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. https://t.co/PP48PWp0TD”