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    Michał "phoe" Herda’s feed


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      Quicklisp Stats

      Michał "phoe" Herda · Sunday, 20 December, 2020 - 18:10 edit

    Quicklisp statistics are now available as CSV files, and the Quicklisp Stats system that I've just submitted to Quicklisp is a little helper library for handling this dataset and accessing it from inside Lisp.


    ;;; How many times was Alexandria downloaded in Nov 2020?
    QUICKLISP-STATS> (system-downloads :alexandria 2020 11)
    ;;; Get all systems that were downloaded
    ;;; more than 10000 times in Nov 2020
    ;;; and print them somewhat nicely
    QUICKLISP-STATS> (loop with stats = (month 2020 4)
                           with filtered-stats
                             = (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (< 10000 (cdr x))) stats)
                           for (system . count) in filtered-stats 
                           do (format t ";; ~20A : ~5D~%" system count))
    ;; alexandria           : 19938
    ;; cl-ppcre             : 15636
    ;; bordeaux-threads     : 14974
    ;; trivial-features     : 14569
    ;; split-sequence       : 14510
    ;; closer-mop           : 14482
    ;; trivial-gray-streams : 14259
    ;; babel                : 14254
    ;; cffi                 : 12365
    ;; flexi-streams        : 11940
    ;; iterate              : 11924
    ;; named-readtables     : 11205
    ;; cl-fad               : 10996
    ;; usocket              : 10859
    ;; anaphora             : 10783
    ;; trivial-backtrace    : 10693
    ;;; How many downloads did Bordeaux Threads 
    ;;; have over all of 2020?
    QUICKLISP-STATS> (loop for ((year month) . data) in (all)
                           for result = (a:assoc-value data "bordeaux-threads"
                                                       :test #'equal)
                           do (format t ";; ~4,'0D-~2,'0D: ~D~%" year month result))
    ;; 2020-01: 16059
    ;; 2020-02: 12701
    ;; 2020-03: 17123
    ;; 2020-04: 14974
    ;; 2020-05: 14489
    ;; 2020-06: 13851
    ;; 2020-07: 14130
    ;; 2020-08: 10843
    ;; 2020-09: 13757
    ;; 2020-10: 13444
    ;; 2020-11: 15825
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