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      HOWTO: Emacs + ECL on Android

      Michał "phoe" Herda · Sunday, 23 December, 2018 - 12:02

    (This is a repost of an old blog post of mine from Teknik.)

    #common-lisp #android #emacs

    1. Download F-Droid.
    2. Download Termux from F-Droid for a sane terminal emulator with downloadable packages.
    3. Download Hacker's Keyboard from F-Droid for a sane keyboard.
    4. Run apt install build-essential clang to install the compiler backend that ECL requires.
    5. Run apt install emacs. Install spacemacs or download your favorite emacs configuration.
    6. Add the its-pointless.github.io APT repository to /etc/apt/sources.list.
    7. If you are on 64-bits, run apt install ecl. If you are on 32 bits, run apt install ecl-ext to install ecl-ext, which is a 32-bit version of ECL with threads enabled.
    8. Configure your Emacs to use ECL by (setf inferior-lisp-program "ecl").
    9. Run emacs and M-x slime.
    10. Write some Lisp code.
    11. See the screenshot below.

    If the above does not work for you, please drop me a line at phoe@teknik.io and I'll fix it.