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      Michał "phoe" Herda · Wednesday, 15 April, 2020 - 20:19

    #Lisp #CommonLisp

    I have managed to create a portability library that successfully overrides the standard Lisp debugger and allows the programmer to supply their own code in its stead.

    Purpose: a basic building block that allows one to implement a portable, custom debugger for Common Lisp systems in place of the original system-provided one.

    Roughly tested on SBCL, CCL, ECL, Clasp, CLISP, ABCL, LW, and ACL.

    TRIVIAL-CUSTOM-DEBUGGER> (with-debugger ((lambda (condition hook)
                                               (declare (ignore hook))
                                               (format t ";; Debugging a ~S!~%" 
                                                       (type-of condition))
                                               (throw :handled t)))
                               (list (catch :handled (error 'error))
                                     (catch :handled (break))
                                     (let ((*break-on-signals* 'error))
                                       (catch :handled (signal 'error)))
                                     (catch :handled 
                                       (invoke-debugger (make-condition 'error)))))
    ;; Debugging a ERROR!
    ;; Debugging a SIMPLE-CONDITION!
    ;; Debugging a SIMPLE-CONDITION!
    ;; Debugging a ERROR!
    (T T T T)

    See it on GitHub.