Lohan G (@lohang@mastodon.social)
    Mr.Dilipa Peiris, DSG informs Fort Magistrate Court (MC) today that poet Ahnaf Jazeem will not be made a suspect any further in Fort MC case conducted by CID, as TID is continuing a case against the Poet in Colombo MC.
    • Lohan G (@lohang@mastodon.social)

      Attached: 1 image සීඅයිඩී - ටීඅයිඩී වංකගිරියක මාස 10ක් තිස්සේ රඳවා සිටින අහ්නාෆ් ජසීම් කවියා වහා නිදහස් කරනු! ඔහුට එරෙහි සියලු නඩු කටයුතු නවතනු! ප්‍රකාශන නිදහසට අත නොතබනු! https://www.wsws.org/si/articles/2021/02/16/ahna-f16.html #FreeAhnaf #SriLanka RT @sanjayawilson@twitter.com Mr.Dilipa Peiris, DSG informs Fort Magistrate Court (MC) today that poet Ahnaf Jazeem will not be made a suspect any further in Fort MC case conducted by CID, as TID is continuing a case against the Poet in Colombo MC. 🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sanjayawilson/status/1367045599326072836