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    • chevron_right

      I need a hard drive. Any advice or suggestion?

      Xabi · Sunday, 7 November, 2021 - 17:15 edit


    My (13) hard drives are all full and I'm looking for a new one but I don't know what to look for. My requirements:

    • No less than 8TB. 10TB would be even better
    • I only use it ~1 hour per day so I don't think I need NAS graded ones
    • 3,5 inch disks are OK although the less cables on my desk, the better
    • I want something that will last for years
    • My main OS is macOS
    • Ideally ±200€

    Extra info: I don't have a NAS. I have a case for a 3,5 disk, but I'm not sure it works anymore. I only had one Seagate HD and it was extremely noisy. #IT #tech

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