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      Deno 1.21 improves REPL, error handling

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Thursday, 28 April, 2022 - 19:17 edit

    Deno 1.21 has been released. This latest upgrade to the JavaScript/TypeScript runtime features improvements to the REPL (read-evaluate-print loop) and a move away from default type-checking.

    The Deno REPL is a tool for prototyping and trying out new things. With Deno 1.21, an -–eval-file flag can be used with the deno repl subcommand. This flag allows for passing of a list of paths or URLs to files that will be executed before the REPL starts and is useful for building custom, specialized REPLs. Also, type checking has been disabled for imported modules in the REPL, leading to faster imports. And the REPL now has a global clear() function that acts as an alias for console.clear . This aligns with what is found in REPLs in many browsers, Deno’s developers said.

    To read this article in full, please click here

    Značky: #JavaScript, #Node.js, #Rozne