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      AiFormat – Un outil en ligne de commande pour formater vos fichiers pour Claude

      news.movim.eu / Korben · Wednesday, 17 April - 07:00 · 1 minute

    Si vous vous intéressez un peu aux outils IA, vous connaissez sûrement Claude, l’assistant IA dernière génération d’Anthropic. Depuis la sortie de sa version 3, c’est d’ailleurs devenu mon meilleur pote pour coder à la vitesse de l’éclair. j’ai même pris un abonnement payant en rusant un peu.

    Toutefois, le seul truc qui me ralentissait dans mes grandes ambitions, c’était de devoir copier-coller à la main tous mes fichiers de code dans la fenêtre de contexte de Claude pour ensuite lui demander d’analyser ça, et me proposer des corrections ou une nouvelle fonction. Mais ça, c’était avant car je suis tombé sur un petit bijou opensource qui va vous changer la vie : AiFormat .

    Ce petit outil en ligne de commande vous permet de sélectionner des fichiers et dossiers, et de les convertir automatiquement dans un format optimisé pour Claude. En deux clics, tout est dans le presse-papier, prêt à être envoyé à votre IA préférée.

    Sous le capot, AiFormat utilise Ink, une chouette librairie pour créer des CLI avec une belle interface utilisateur. Ça vous permet de filtrer et naviguer dans vos fichiers, de les sélectionner avec les flèches, et tout ça de façon super intuitive.

    Pour l’installer et le prendre en main, c’est hyper simple, tout est expliqué sur la page Github du projet . Ça commence par un simple :

    npm install --global aiformat

    Ensuite, pour utiliser aiformat, accédez au répertoire contenant les fichiers et dossiers que vous souhaitez partager avec Claude puis lancez la commande suivante :


    Le créateur a eu la bonne idée de mettre le projet en opensource (MIT license), du coup n’hésitez pas à y jeter un œil et même contribuer si le cœur vous en dit. La communauté vous dira merci !

    Franchement, si vous utilisez souvent Claude pour coder ou analyser des projets, c’est un indispensable à avoir dans sa boîte à outils. Ça vous fera gagner un temps fou au quotidien.

    • chevron_right

      Plex Asks GitHub to Take Down ‘Reshare’ Repository Over Piracy Fears

      news.movim.eu / TorrentFreak · Thursday, 4 April - 19:44 · 3 minutes

    plex logo Plex is a multifunctional media software and service that allows users to easily access all of their entertainment in one place.

    The company was founded in 2009 and today boasts more than 25 million users globally, making Plex a serious player in the streaming market.

    Plex Pirates

    Most people use the service to access streaming content legitimately. On the fringes, however, some users abuse the software to share pirate libraries publicly, a considerable thorn in the side for rightsholders.

    Plex is not oblivious to the ‘piracy’ threat. The company is actively working with rightsholders to offer legal entertainment and abuse of its platform only stands in the way. To address this problem, it’s taking countermeasures.

    Last summer Plex surprised users by actively blocking media servers hosted at the large German company Hetzner. These were, purportedly, often used to share pirated material and an outright ban would end this unauthorized activity.

    Plex Takes Down “Plex-reshare” Repo

    This week, Plex took another step to deter potential copyright infringement. The Swiss company, which is headquartered in the U.S., asked GitHub to remove a “ Plex Reshare ” repository, alleging that it may contribute to its piracy problem.

    “Plex Reshare” doesn’t host any copyright-infringing material and, as far as we’ve seen, it doesn’t reference any either. Its main purpose is to allow Plex users to make shared Plex directories browsable on the web, which allows people to “reshare” them without being the original owner.

    “The reason behind this project is to make available your PLEX shares to other friends unrelated to the person who owns the original library,” Plex Reshare developer Peter explains.

    Plex-reshare (now taken down )

    plex reshare

    While the repository doesn’t host or link to copyright-infringing material, Plex argues that it can be used to ‘grow’ piracy.

    “We have found infringing material in your website which indeed is OTHER ‘Plex Server’. The material that is claimed to be infringing is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled immediately and avoid the growth of piracy,” the takedown notice reads.

    The first part of the sentence is somewhat confusing. Plex-reshare is not a Plex server but the company may use “OTHER Plex Server” as an internal classification category. In any case, Plex alleges that the repository can contribute to the growth of piracy on its platform.

    Liability for?

    Citing the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act, Plex urges GitHub to take immediate action, or else it may be held liable. It’s not clear what this liability claim rests on, as there are no actual copyright infringements mentioned in the takedown notice.

    Plex Takedown Request

    plex github

    Despite the broad nature of this claim, GitHub has indeed taken the repository offline, replacing it with a DMCA takedown reference . This likely wasn’t a straightforward decision as GitHub is known to put developers first with these types of issues.

    In this case, it took more than three weeks before GitHub took action, which is much longer than usual. This suggests that GitHub allowed the developer to respond and may have sought legal advice from in-house lawyers, to ensure that the rights of all parties are properly considered.

    GitHub doesn’t provide any context on its takedown decision, so it remains guesswork as to what grounds GitHub complied. The end result, however, is the removal of the repository from GitHub.

    Plex might not be done yet though. The Plex-reshare code isn’t just available on GitHub, the same project is listed on Docker Hub as well, where it remains available at the time of writing.

    From: TF , for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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      Piracy Shield Source Code & Internal Documentation Leak Online

      news.movim.eu / TorrentFreak · Tuesday, 26 March - 21:30 · 3 minutes

    Logo piracy shield Ever since Italian authorities announced their intent to introduce an even more aggressive anti-piracy blocking system than the one already in place, controversy has rarely been far behind.

    Recent reports of avoidable overblocking, a reluctance to admit that the Piracy Shield system is fallible, and new reports that telecoms regulator AGCOM is now rejecting complaints from wrongfully blocked Cloudflare customers, are just some of the ingredients in a volatile mix that has always threatened to boil over.

    Piracy Shield: Source Code Leaked Online

    In what could develop into the biggest crisis yet for the Piracy Shield system and those who operate it, nine repositories of source code, internal documentation, and other related data, claiming to be the various components of the Piracy Shield system, appear to have leaked online.

    An announcement in Italian and English, posted on GitHub a few hours ago, criticizes AGCOM and SP Tech Legal, the law firm-linked developer behind Piracy Shield, for creating a “tool of censorship disguised as a solution to piracy.”

    The main ‘fuckpiracyshield’ repository on GitHub was created by a user of the same name; they appear to have joined the site for the purposes of leaking the code online and, after signing up at 15:55 on Tuesday, by 16:50 they were gone. Aside from the leaked material, a message was left behind.

    “This is not the way to stop piracy. This is a gateway to censorship,” the bio message reads.

    Content Allegedly Leaked

    The apparently leaked collection spans nine repositories; they are named and described as follows:

    frontend (The frontend of Piracy Shield), data (Guides for the ISPs and reporters that use Piracy Shield), variations (Some code that was probably used for testing for Piracy Shield?), service (Services and main logic of the Piracy Shield API), data-storage (Storage and filesystem management for the Piracy Shield API), data-model (Data models of objects used by the Piracy Shield code), component (Components needed by other Piracy Shield packages), api (This is the API for Piracy Shield)

    For those unfamiliar with Python or no interest in code, period, the ‘data’ repository probably offers the most interesting information. It contains what appears to be up-to-date operations manuals for Piracy Shield, with the ‘ISP TECHNICAL MANUAL – PIRACY SHIELD’ described as v2.4.1, current on February 2nd when Piracy Shield made its full debut.

    All documents are named and presented in Italian and the titles suggest that there are two versions of two distinct manuals: ‘Piracy Shield Manual’ and ‘Piracy Shield Error Codes’. One version seems to be directed at those reporting domains and IP addresses for blocking and the other toward the ISPs expected to carry out the blocking.

    Unusual Feature of the Leak

    When browsing the source code and attempting to work out its purpose, on some repositories something immediately stands out. With no assumptions as to who the name refers, a contributor to the Piracy Shield project appears to be someone called Daniele Maglie. Their name appears time and again throughout the code, which in itself isn’t especially unusual.

    However, when looking more closely at the leaker’s bio, which includes an image of AGCOM’s president apparently deep in thought, leaving the mouse pointer in place for a moment produces a piece of popup text, as highlighted in the image below.

    piracy shield popup

    What the text means, if indeed it means anything at all, will be just one of the questions being asked in the days to come. In the meantime, AGCOM has yet another blocking target to contend with, although a DMCA notice will be much more effective.

    From: TF , for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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      Code Scanning Autofix – GitHub lance la correction de vulnérabilités par IA

      news.movim.eu / Korben · Thursday, 21 March - 10:09 · 1 minute

    Les failles de sécurité dans le code sont le cauchemar des développeurs et des équipes de sécurité et font surtout le régal des hackers. Alors pour y remédier, GitHub a décidé de sortir l’artillerie lourde avec Code Scanning Autofix ! Attention les yeux, cet outil mêle IA et analyse statique et nous fait la promesse de corriger les vulnérabilités en un clin d’œil pendant que vous codez.

    Concrètement, Code Scanning Autofix (actuellement en bêta publique) est activé par défaut sur tous les dépôts privés des clients GitHub Advanced Security. Et devinez quoi ? Il gère déjà plus de 90% des types d’alertes pour JavaScript , TypeScript , Java et Python . De quoi mettre une sacrée claque à la dette de sécurité applicative !

    En coulisse, cette magie opère grâce à deux technologies de pointe made in GitHub : Copilot pour l’IA et CodeQL pour l’analyse statique. Une fois Code Scanning Autofix activé, il vous propose des correctifs quasi tout cuits qui sont censés régler les deux tiers des vulnérabilités détectées, le tout sans trop d’efforts de votre part.

    Voici un exemple de correctif proposé :

    Pour chaque faille repérée dans un des langages pris en charge, vous obtenez une explication en langage naturel du correctif suggéré, avec un aperçu du bout de code à valider, modifier ou rejeter. Cela peut inclure des changements dans le fichier en cours, d’autres fichiers, voire des dépendances du projet. Bien entendu, vous gardez le contrôle et pouvez vérifier si le correctif résout bien le problème sans casser la fonctionnalité.

    L’intérêt est donc de décharger les experts en sécurité de la fastidieuse traque aux vulnérabilités introduites pendant le développement. Ils pourront alors se concentrer sur la sécurité globale de leur projet.

    GitHub promet d’étendre prochainement Code Scanning Autofix à d’autres langages, en commençant par C# et Go . Et pour en savoir plus, foncez sur la doc de GitHub !


    • chevron_right

      DMCA Notices Took Down 20,517 GitHub Projects Last Year

      news.movim.eu / TorrentFreak · Friday, 8 March - 21:24 · 3 minutes

    github logo dark With over 420 million code repositories, GitHub takes pride in being the largest and most advanced development platform in the world.

    As with other platforms that host user-generated content, this massive code library occasionally runs into copyright infringement troubles.

    Pirate Devs

    In some cases, people use code without obtaining permission from the creators, while others use GitHub to store pirated books or even music. And there are also developers whose projects are seen as pirate tools or apps, which often leads to copyright holder complaints.

    A few high-profile takedowns have grabbed headlines over the years, including the RIAA’s takedown of YouTube-DL , which was later reversed.

    Other rightsholders were more successful, with GitHub removing a variety of piracy apps last year, including Vancedflix and CloudStream . Following the demise of the original torrent site, hundreds of RARBG magnet link repos were taken down as well.

    The RARBG repositories appeared online last May, quickly after the popular torrent site closed its doors . In response, some archivists collected the site’s magnet links and posted them on GitHub. Others copied these repositories to keep the data safe, but most of this effort was nullified by a single takedown request .

    20,517 Downed Repos

    This week, GitHub updated its latest transparency report with the latest data, revealing the total number of notices received and projects affected. The report shows that the platform processed a little over 2,000 takedown notices in 2023, which affected 20,517 repositories.

    Of all notices received, just 35 were contested or retracted, and a total of 65 repositories remained online as a result.


    As seen above, most repositories were taken down in March. After looking at the reported notices we couldn’t immediately find one responsible for this large uptick, but with many hundreds of “ Eaglercraft ” repositories flagged by Minecraft’s parent company Mojang, that certainly left a mark.

    GitHub says that it will continue to take a developer-first, approach to content moderation, minimizing the disruption of software projects while protecting developer privacy. These transparency reports and the publicly posted takedown notices are a means to that end.

    The transparency report also shines light on how takedown activity evolves as the platform grows. This historical data shows that, in relative terms, the number of repositories on GitHub grows faster than the takedowns.

    For example, Github hosted just under 40 million repositories in 2015, of which 8,268 were taken offline. Today, the platform has more than ten times as many repositories, yet takedowns failed to triple in the same period. In fact, the number of takedowns in 2023 is lower than a year earlier .

    Surge in Circumvention Notices Explained

    Last year, GitHub did report a notable uptick in DMCA circumvention claims. These more than quadrupled compared to the years before and this wasn’t just a fluke, as the most recent transparency report shows.


    At least initially, the reasons for this were unclear, prompting GitHub to launch an investigation. The results of this exploration, released this week , show that the explanation is quite straightforward.

    In the fall of 2021, GitHub updated its DMCA takedown submission form with questions explicitly related to circumvention. Providing that option triggered many more submitters to tick that box, raising the number of ‘circumvention’ claims.


    These additional circumvention ‘claims’ don’t necessarily mean that more notices were processed for this reason. According to GitHub, many of these notices were processed for other reasons instead, including as regular takedown notices.

    “[W]hile significantly more notices we process allege circumvention, the rate at which we process takedown notices because of circumvention hasn’t accelerated,” GitHub writes .

    Processing circumvention notices is quite costly for the company as all requests are reviewed by a team of lawyers and engineers, to ensure that developers’ projects are not taken down without valid reasons.

    This extra scrutiny was first brought to the fore during the youtube-dl takedown saga, after which GitHub launched a million dollar Developer Defense Fund .

    GitHub is now actively engaged in policymaking in this area. The company previously urged the US Copyright Office to expand the DMCA anti-circumvention exemptions to benefit developers, while eliminating FUD .

    All in all, it’s good to see that GitHub remains committed to takedown transparency, and we will keep monitoring these and other trends going forward.

    From: TF , for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

    • chevron_right

      GitHub besieged by millions of malicious repositories in ongoing attack

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 28 February - 22:12 · 1 minute

    GitHub besieged by millions of malicious repositories in ongoing attack

    Enlarge (credit: Getty Images)

    GitHub is struggling to contain an ongoing attack that’s flooding the site with millions of code repositories. These repositories contain obfuscated malware that steals passwords and cryptocurrency from developer devices, researchers said.

    The malicious repositories are clones of legitimate ones, making them hard to distinguish to the casual eye. An unknown party has automated a process that forks legitimate repositories, meaning the source code is copied so developers can use it in an independent project that builds on the original one. The result is millions of forks with names identical to the original one that add a payload that’s wrapped under seven layers of obfuscation. To make matters worse, some people, unaware of the malice of these imitators, are forking the forks, which adds to the flood.


    “Most of the forked repos are quickly removed by GitHub, which identifies the automation,” Matan Giladi and Gil David, researchers at security firm Apiiro, wrote Wednesday . “However, the automation detection seems to miss many repos, and the ones that were uploaded manually survive. Because the whole attack chain seems to be mostly automated on a large scale, the 1% that survive still amount to thousands of malicious repos.”

    Read 11 remaining paragraphs | Comments

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      Sky Italia Targets Pirate Streaming App VancedFlix Through GitHub

      news.movim.eu / TorrentFreak · Tuesday, 23 January - 12:17 · 2 minutes

    vancedlogo Legal video streaming platforms such as Amazon, Disney, and Netflix have gained massive userbases in recent years.

    Not everyone is willing or able to pay for multiple subscriptions, however, which in turn has helped to create a flourishing market for pirate streaming tools.

    These pirate services often use slick designs and easy-to-use apps that appeal to a broad audience. And unlike the legal options, they offer all popular titles under the same roof, without charging a subscription fee. Needless to say, rightsholders are not happy with this competition.


    VancedFlix is one of many unlicensed apps available today and in common with the others, it’s a thorn in the side of rightsholders. The official website has over 100,000 monthly visits and, since the app is available through a variety of other download portals, the total userbase could be well over a million.


    The app openly promotes the availability of free content from paid services such as Netflix, HBO Max, and Disney+ , although the operators suggest that legal responsibility for the streamed content lies with third-party services.

    “VancedFlix functions just like any other as a search engine, such as Google. VancedFlix does not host, upload or manage any videos, films or content on it’s servers [sic],” the site reads .

    “Any legal issues regarding the content on this application should be taken up with the actual file hosts and providers themselves as we are not affiliated with them. In case of copyright infringement, please directly contact the responsible parties or the streaming websites.”

    Sky Italia Takes Action

    Copyright holders tend to see the legalities quite differently. They argue that since these types of streaming apps are specifically designed for piracy purposes, their operators are liable for copyright infringement.

    This week, anti-piracy outfit Kopjra took action against VancedFlix. On behalf of Sky Italia , it requested developer platform GitHub to remove several related APK files.

    “The VancedFlix app, an app that allows you to watch movies and TV series totally for free. In this application you can see all the tv series of our client Sky Italia Srl, including all Italian tv series,” the takedown notice explains .

    “The developer of the application is not in possession of any type of license for the transmission of the Sky Italia Srl contents, therefore this application is considered illegal.”

    vancedflix github takedown

    Following this request, GitHub disabled access to the files, replacing them with a DMCA removal notice. The entire github.com/VancedFlix/Apps/ repository is now unavailable, and the same applies to github.com/ysnlek/st/ .

    Download Link Stops Working

    While these removals are a success for Sky Italia, these types of app developers are not always easy to defeat. The VancedFlix.com website remains available, for example, although it’s been temporarily decapitated.

    One of the targeted APK files on the official website was linked under the official “download” button, which now redirects to GitHub’s DMCA removal notice .

    The download link will probably be updated soon enough with a new one. The developers still have the option to file a counter-notice but simply reuploading the file on GitHub probably won’t work, unless they want to see more of this.

    github dmca

    From: TF , for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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      GitHub counts 20 million US software developers

      pubsub.slavino.sk / infoworldcom · Thursday, 18 January - 20:00 edit · 1 minute

    GitHub’s Innovation Graph , a repository containing structured data files of public activity on GitHub, counts more than 20 million US software developers using the platform.

    Just-released findings incorporating data from Q3 2023 provide a comprehensive breakdown of global developer activity including top languages, numbers of users by country, and economy collaborators, GitHub said. GitHub released the GitHub Innovation Graph findings on January 18. Key findings include:

    • More than 20,226,000 US developers and more than 1,132,400 US organizations are building on GitHub.
    • US developers uploaded code from GitHub more than 23.7 million times.
    • US developers and/or organizations own more than 56.7 million repositories on GitHub.
    • The three top collaborators with US developers were developers from Canada, Germany, and India. The Innovation Graph tracks collaboration between global economies as the summation of Git pushes sent and pull requests opened between one economy to another.
    • JavaScript was the highest ranking programming language in the United States based on the number of unique developers who uploaded code, followed by Python and Shell.

    The GitHub Innovation Graph was first launched in September 2023. Raw data date back to 2020. New data represent a significant update to help policymakers and researchers better understand the nuances of global software development, particularly regarding cross-country collaboration, GitHub said.

    To read this article in full, please click here

    Značky: #Rozne, #GitHub

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      Tachiyomi Manga Reader: Threats Motivate Pirates & Boost Engagement (Update)

      news.movim.eu / TorrentFreak · Saturday, 13 January - 21:32 · 7 minutes

    tachiyomi For those not fully engaged in the global manga/webtoon phenomenon, the scale and depth can be a little bewildering.

    Fans are knowledgeable, passionate, and growing in numbers, with many older enthusiasts having been introduced to the content via pirate sites, at a time when content was impossible to buy legally.

    Availability is much improved today but old habits die hard; pirate sites haven’t gone away either, a major challenge for content owners everywhere, in every content category.

    One of the companies attempting to reduce piracy of its ‘webtoon’ content is South Korea-based Kakao Entertainment. Unlike other large copyright holders that have coupled strong anti-piracy responses with generally moderate public profiles, Kakao prefers a different approach. The company’s anti-piracy team constantly engages with the public on social media, often with controversial results.

    Of course, Kakao is entitled to these freedoms. The company owns the content it seeks to protect and since almost all anti-piracy strategies fail to a greater or lesser extent, trying something different could inject new life and lead to fresh ideas.

    That being said, the history books show that some scenarios should be approached with caution; when certain ingredients are combined, there’s a heightened risk of unpredictable results.

    Open Source Manga Reader ‘Tachiyomi’ Receives Legal Threats

    For the last ten days or so, open source software ‘Tachiyomi’ has found itself under the spotlight following an approach by Kakao’s anti-piracy team. But first, what does the software do? A manga aficionado familiar with the software informed TorrentFreak as follows:

    “Tachiyomi is probably the ultimate Android-based manga/webtoon reader with plenty of features and extensibility. The development team behind it has been hard at work for close to 9 years since 2015, and has tirelessly iterated upon it, to create possibly the best kind of reader there is today.”

    Tachiyomi is free to use, with the added bonus of being completely open source. In common with similar tools, such as web browsers or torrent clients, Tachiyomi contains no third-party content and makes no attempt to lock users into specific sources.

    However, through various extensions, users are free to choose their own, including unofficial sources from where it’s possible to download content, including pirated content, without ever paying a penny.

    We’re informed that on January 2, 2024, project contributors received communication from Kakao’s representatives who made several demands in respect of this functionality.

    A source familiar with events informs TorrentFreak that the main developer of Tachiyomi was instructed to terminate the nine-year-old project by deleting all versions of the app, including those on GitHub.

    He was further ordered to delete any comics uploaded to the app, despite the app carrying no third-party content, period. A further demand sought the immediate removal of all Tachiyomi forks on GitHub.

    Tachiyomi Begins Removing Extensions

    We understand that later on January 2, Tachiyomi’s main developer advised Kakao that the best way to take actual content down would be to file DMCA notices at problematic sites, over which the project has no control. He also offered to help, advising the company that he was willing to remove individual sources from Tachiyomi’s separate extension repo if those were considered an issue.

    Three days later, Kakao reportedly presented a spreadsheet that listed allegedly infringing content available from five third-party sites. For one of those sites, Tachiyomi had no extension; for the remaining four, the Tachiyomi team would soon take appropriate action.

    New versions of Tachiyomi were released between January 6 and January 8 without a list of extensions being preloaded. Moving forward, those who download Tachiyomi will find that extensions are no longer part of the ‘out-of-the-box’ experience.

    January 9: Official Announcement

    An announcement on tachiyomi.org dated January 9 spoke of “extenuating circumstances” and a decision to purge extensions to “ensure the long-term sustainability of Tachiyomi.”

    “As of now, Tachiyomi is transitioning to a fully bring-your-own-content model. What this means is that you can still enjoy Tachiyomi for manga reading, but you’ll need to source and add your own content,” the statement added.

    24 Hours Earlier

    As detailed above, the Tachiyomi team responded to Kakao’s complaints quickly and went on to take significant action. Arguably the new versions of the app could’ve been pushed even sooner absent a 48-hour delay to determine certain details.

    However, what appeared to be an amicable solution triggered an unexpected Twitter post by Kakao’s anti-piracy team. It implied that installing Tachiyomi carries a risk of viruses.

    The post has now received 59K views and to quickly summarize the first few dozen responses, people didn’t especially appreciate a long-established open source app being described as a virus risk. One of the more polite responses can be seen below.

    For reasons that can vary from person to person and sometimes between communities, people often feel protective of open source projects. In some respects, their open nature seems to provide a small oasis of trust and when that’s surrounded by free, open source software, any perceived threat risks an unpredictable response.

    It appears two can play that game.

    January 10: Kakao Threatens Tachiyomi Forks

    Having obtained compliance from the Tachiyomi team without a struggle, and then declaring the software a virus risk regardless, on Wednesday Kakao’s anti-piracy team took to Twitter once again, this time to threaten people who forked the Tachiyomi repo.

    kakao v forks

    With over 154K views, this post reached a considerably larger audience and prompted almost 500 comments. If any weren’t critical, we apologize for missing them; they aren’t particularly easy to find. The same can’t be said about the Community Notes panel featuring user responses to the claims in the original post.

    Kakao is a huge company overall so it’s possible that communications policies vary from unit to unit. Anti-piracy issues may even be completely exempt or considered fair game, but it would be interesting to see how the negative results so far dovetail with a report published earlier this month.

    According to The Korea Times , reform measures are being prepared to “reverse the negative public sentiment” toward the company in general, not necessarily Kakao Entertainment in its own right, but nothing exists in a vacuum.

    At Least Things Didn’t Get Any Worse….Did They?

    When any type of site, service, or application is subjected to legal threats, the possibility of unintended consequences or mere fallout is something worth keeping an eye on. From basic DMCA notices through informal discussions to full-blown demands, the overall aim is usually evident from the nature of the requests.

    In this case, it appears that a complete end to Tachiyomi or an effective end due to limited functionality, would both amount to the same thing; a massive loss of interest in the software and ultimately, game over. However, while Tachiyomi no longer supports any third-party extensions, it does support third-party repositories, suggesting that extension development and functionality is now the responsibility of others.

    Meanwhile, Tachiyomi’s popularity appears to be trending up, not down as intended.

    ‘GitHub Trending’ is a daily report that features repos trending in popularity on a particular day. Via RSS feeds, trending repos arrive here on a daily basis; this week the Tachiyomi repo has featured in the list, along with at least two others, one of which may have even appeared twice, at least from memory.

    Trending Up…. repos

    But at least things didn’t get any worse from here, surely? Well….

    There are many mechanisms to measure an app’s popularity on GitHub, with some more accessible than others by default. Since receiving a gold star on GitHub is universally considered a positive for most projects, another project on GitHub offers a great way to quickly visualize current and historical star data for a given project.

    The image below shows that between December 14 and December 29, Tachiyomi received an average of 15.87 stars each day. In the two weeks that followed, during which Tachiyomi found itself under threat, the daily average more than doubled to 43.92 stars each day.

    Despite the efforts to shut the project down and the imposition of decreased out-of-the-box functionality, it appears that support for the software actually increased. While somewhat counterintuitive, targeting open source software always risks unpredictable result.

    Update January 13 : There’s a new statement on tachiyomi.org suggesting that the software will no longer be actively developed.

    “Tachiyomi will no longer be actively developed. It may continue to work for you for the foreseeable future but there will be no support for it nor the official extensions,” it reads .

    From: TF , for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.