• chevron_right

      Spam Assassin Resending With Headers

      pubsub.slavino.sk / warlord0blog · Saturday, 26 February, 2022 - 13:14 edit

    Following on from Spam Assassin and Bayesian Learning To give our users the ability to forward mail to the spam learning feature, we need to ensure the forwarded mail gets to sa-learn unmolested. That means with the original envelope and headers as it arrived. Normal email forwards remove all the header information that helps spamassassin figure &ellipsisRead the full post »

    Značky: #email, #imap, #spamassassin, #Linux

    • chevron_right

      neomutt - IMAP Client

      Stefan · Tuesday, 24 March, 2020 - 19:48 edit · 1 minute

    Neomutt auf einem Debian System installieren und als IMAP Client konfigurieren.

    Als erstes die benötigeten Anwendungen installieren.gnupg, pass und neomutt.

    apt-get install gnupg pass neomutt

    Den Passwortmanager einrichten. Wer noch keinen GPG Key hat, kann dies mit gpg --gen-key nachholen. Die user@domain.tld ist in folgendem Befehl die zu verwendete gpg-id.

    pass init user@domain.tld

    Password in pass hinterlegen

    pass insert -e EMail/domain.tld/user

    Konfiguration in ~/.neomutt/neomuttrc

    set mbox_type = "Maildir"
    set realname   = "Firstname Lastname"
    set from           = "user@domain.tld"
    set edit_headers = yes
    set editor       = "vim -c 'set spell spelllang=de,en' -c 'set colorcolumn=72' -c 'startinsert' -c 'set tw=72 et' -c 'set wrap' '+/^$'"
    set reverse_alias = yes
    set folder         = "imaps://imap.domain.tld/"
    set postponed  = "+Drafts"
    set record        = "+Sent"
    set trash          = "+Trash"
    set imap_check_subscribed
    set crypt_use_gpgme
    bind index,pager B sidebar-toggle-visible
    set sort=threads 
    set sort_aux=date-sent
    set date_format="%a, %d. %b %H:%M"
    set folder_format="%2C %8s %d %t %N %f"
    set pager_index_lines=10
    set index_format="%1H %4C %Z %D [%-22.22F] (%<l?%4l&%4c>) %M %s"
    set sidebar_format = "%B%?F? [%F]?%* %?N?%N/?%S"
    set sidebar_visible = yes
    auto_view text/html
    set imap_login = "user@domain.tld"
    set imap_user = "user@domain.tld"
    set imap_pass = `pass show EMail/domain.tld/user`
    set spoolfile = "imaps://imap.domain.tld/INBOX"
    set smtp_url    = "smtps://user@domain.tld@smtp.domain.tld:587"
    set smtp_pass   = `pass show EMail/domain.tld/user`

    #neomutt #imap #pass #Debian