Hier kommen dann mal so meine ersten Erfahrungen mit #movim und #prosody:

    In den jeweiligen XMPP Support Kanälen musste ich feststellen, dass alle sehr hilfsbereit sind, das finde ich schonmal richtig klasse.

    Prosody Support: xmpp:prosody@conference.prosody.im?join

    Movim Support: xmpp:movim@conference.movim.eu?join

    Mit der Benutzung der pubsub Struktur via movim muss ich erstmal warm werden. Mittlerweile läuft mein pubsub Server (prosody) ganz ordentlich und ist auch zu finden über movim: Er trägt die Bezeichnung feed.jabber.ddnss.eu

    Eingebunden sind dort die Schlagzeilen der #Tagesschau und der #DW (Deutsche Welle), sowie die neuesten Artikel des #FHEM Forums und des Deutschen #Dulcimer Forums.

    Experimentell gibt es eine Verlinkung via MQTT zu der aktuellen #Cheerlights Farbe.

    Rückmeldungen sind gerne gesehen und willkommen.

    Leider musste ich feststellen, dass der XMPP Pubsub Ansatz zwar eigentlich toll ist, es in der Öffentlichkeit aber bisher leider (im Gegensatz zu mastodon z. B.) ziemlich untergeht.

    Fortsetzung folgt.

    Thanks for the work on the ActivityPub <> Pubsub bridge! #activitypub #pubsub #xmpp #bridge 🎉

    • reply chevron_right

      Libervia progress note 2022-W45

      Hello, it's time for a long overdue progress note. I'll talk here about the work made on ActivityPub (AP) gateway and on end-to-end encryption around pubsub. Oh, and if everything goes well, this blog post should be accessible from XMPP and ActivityPub (and HTTP and ATOM feed), using the same identifier goffi@goffi.org. Forewords The work made on the AP gateway has been possible thanks to a NLnet/NGI0 grant (with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme). I especially appreciated that the team was really there to help bring the ideas to life, and not once did they get in the way: little paperwork, no unnecessary pressure, caring, contacts when help was needed, etc. I wish there were more organizations like this one that really help develop libre projects for the common good. So once again I want to thank them for all that. XMPP ⬌ ActivityPub Gateway There is probably no need to explain here what is ActivityPub, we can simply write that it is an open protocol that allows to do things that XMPP also allows doing, and that until now these 2 protocols could not communicate together. The work on the ActivityPub gateway aims to allow software implementing one of these 2 protocols to communicate as easily as possible. I firmly believe that all open protocols should be able to communicate which each other, to avoid creating more silos, proprietary software is already good enough at that. To be useful, a gateway must use the full potential of both protocols. A simple bot transcribing messages as we see too often, using unsuitable features (such as instant messaging for blog posts), or using a very limited set of features to ensure compatibility are flaws that I have tried to avoid. Building a good gateway is a difficult and time-consuming task. If done right, the gateway should be as invisible as possible to the end user. XMPP is featuring blogging since long before AP, however the set of features is not exactly the same. Current use of AP is clearly inspired from commercial "social" networks, and metadata such as subscribers/subscribed nodes (or followers/following in AP terms) are highlighted, feature such as like/favourite were missing in XMPP, and some implementation such as Pleroma do implement reactions. To integrate that in the gateway, I've been working on new specifications: Pubsub Public Subscriptions: a way to publicly announce subscriptions, in an opt-in way. With this it's possible to implement followers/following features in a way respectful of privacy. Pubsub Attachments: a generic way to attach any kind of data to a pubsub item. It's notably used to implements noticed/favourite button (see

      people goffi 24 November, 2022

    • Ca chevron_right


      chunk · post.xml.cakes.lol / cakes · Thursday, 10 November, 2022 - 10:06 edit

    Hopefully things will start to produce in this here pubsub area of debate..... Good news so far though is that I discovered I can host pubsub stuff from cakes.lol without needing a movim instance.. In essence that shortcuts my efforts by half!

    #cakes #pubsub #ejabberd

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      How to Subscribe to This Blog Using Movim

      Stephen Paul Weber · Friday, 5 November, 2021 - 00:00

    This blog is powered by XMPP. That means it is federated over the Jabber network, it has a Jabber ID, and you can subscribe to it using a supporting Jabber client. One such client with support for subscribing, liking, and commenting is Movim. There are several public Movim instances including one hosted by upstream and one by chatterboxtown. Once you are logged in with a Movim instance, you can follow these steps to discover this blog and subscribe.

    1. Click Explore

      in the left navigation menu
    2. Click

      Communitites Servers
    3. If blog.jmp.chat is not yet known to this instance, you can use the search box to add it

      Search for a new server
    4. After entering blog.jmp.chat in the search box and hitting enter, you may need to click away to any other Movim page and then come back to the Communities Servers area as before.
    5. Click

    6. Click

      JMP Blog
    7. Click

    8. New posts from the blog will now show up under News

      in the left navigation menu 

    • chevron_right

      XMPP for IoT: Visualisation of Meteorological Live Data for Renewable Energy

      debacle · pubsub.movim.eu / berlin-xmpp-meetup · Tuesday, 11 May, 2021 - 15:29 edit

    Dan and Tim will present a beautiful web application based on Strophe.js and Flot.js to visualise live measuremen data transmitted via XMPP PubSub/PEP. This is not about instant messaging at all, this is IoT, but security included.

    When? Wednesday, 2021-05-12 18:00 CEST (always 2ⁿᵈ Wednesday of every month)

    Where? Online, via our MUC (xmpp:berlin-meetup@conference.conversations.im?join). A Jitsi video conference will be announced there.

    See you then!

    #jabber #berlin #meetup #community #xmpp #iot #webapplication #javascript #strophejs #flotjs #pubsub #pep #security #renewableenergy

    • chevron_right

      Some news about Movim

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Tuesday, 11 June, 2019 - 16:29 edit

    You may have noticed that there was less updates about Movim the past few weeks. I was indeed a bit busy with other things (jobs, other projects…) but don't worry I'm still working on the upcoming release and maintaining things up.

    Our #ejabberd instance (for movim.eu and jappix.com) was updated to ejabberd 19.05 a few days ago (we also found a little issue in the release related to the #Pubsub module, which was kindly fixed upstream by the ejabberd team).

    A new "share posts to chat contacts" feature was also introduced recently. This will need a bit of polishing but will be part of the upcoming release.

    Posts in the chat, Movim, first XMPP client to do that, it

    I am also renewing our call to help the #Movim project on #Patreon, we lost a few bakers and went again bellow the 50€/month that allows us to cover the servers + domains and few other expenses for the project.

    So if you want to help us, do not hesitate to join our Patreon as well as participating to our little community by doing translations, bug reports (or better, fixes!).


    • chevron_right

      ejabberd 17.09 is out

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Friday, 29 September, 2017 - 14:51

    ejabberd 17.09

    ejabberd 17.09 is the first version of #ejabberd recommended for the upcoming #Movim 0.12 #release. We worked closely with the ProcessOne team, especially on the #Pubsub implementation, to improve the integration between Movim and ejabberd. Thanks to them!