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      Sony backs down, won’t enforce PSN accounts for Helldivers 2 PC players on Steam

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · 2 days ago - 13:33

    Helldivers 2 player aiming a laser reticule into a massive explosion.

    Enlarge / Aiming a single rifle sight into an earth-moving explosion feels like some kind of metaphor for the Helldivers 2 delayed PSN requirement saga. (credit: PlayStation/Arrowhead)

    Helldivers 2 PC players can continue doing their part for Super Earth, sans Sony logins.

    Sony's plan for its surprise hit co-op squad shooter—now the most successful launch in Sony's nascent PC catalog— Helldivers 2 , was to make its players sign in with PlayStation Network (PSN) accounts before it launched in early February, even if they purchased the game through the Steam store.

    Sony and developer Arrowhead didn't enforce PSN logins during its frenetic launch and then announced late last week that PSN accounts would soon be mandatory . Many players did not like that at all , seeing in it a sudden desire by Sony to capitalize on its unexpected smash hit. Some were not eager to engage with a network that had a notable hack in its history , others were concerned about countries where PSN was not offered, and many didn't take Sony at its word that this was about griefing, banning, and other moderation.

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      Sony demands PSN accounts for Helldivers 2 PC players, and it’s not going well

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · 5 days ago - 22:17

    Helldivers 2 player posing in winter armor

    Enlarge / This gear is from the upcoming "Polar Patriots" Premium Warbond in Helldivers 2 . It's an upcoming change the developer and publisher likely wish was getting more attention of late. (credit: Sony Interactive Entertainment)

    There's a lot of stories about the modern PC gaming industry balled up inside one recent "update" to Helldivers 2 .

    Sony Interactive Entertainment announced Thursday night that current players of the runaway hit co-op shooter will have to connect their Steam accounts to a PlayStation Network (PSN) account starting on May 30, with a hard deadline of June 4. New players will be required to connect the two starting Monday, May 6.

    Officially, this is happening because of the "safety and security provided on PlayStation and PlayStation Studios games." Account linking allows Sony to ban abusive players, and also gives banned players the right to appeal. Sony writes that it would have done this at launch, but "Due to technical issues … we allowed the linking requirements for Steam accounts to a PlayStation Network account to be temporarily optional. That grace period will now expire."

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      Ikki veut jouer avec moi ?

      news.movim.eu / Korben · Monday, 29 April - 12:48 · 2 minutes

    — Article rédigé par l’ami Remouk (DansTonChat) – Merci à lui —
    — Contient des liens affiliés Amazon —

    Je ne sais pas qui a eu cette idée et encore moins qui l’a validée, mais fallait le faire. 😅 Créer une suite à Ikki (appelé aussi Boomerang ou encore Farmers Rebellion ), jeu considéré comme ultra pourri, sorti dans les années 80 sur la première Nes et en salles d’arcade, mélanger son concept initial au déjà culte Vampire Survivors , y ajouter une couche multijoueur… Et voici Ikki Unite sur PC et Nintendo Switch !

    Ikki Unite est donc un clone de Vampire Survivors : notre personnage, au milieu de l’écran, attaque automatiquement pour se défendre face aux vagues d’ennemis qui essayent de le buter. Haut, bas, gauche, droite, et c’est parti ! Ikki dispose tout de même de sa propre originalité, à commencer par le contexte : on incarne différents membres du peuple qui se rebellent contre le magistrat maléfique.

    Il s’agit de le renverser : nous avons donc différents objectifs à accomplir (souvent combattre un boss) et pour se faire, il faudra explorer la map afin de se rendre au bon endroit, éclater un max de sbires farfelus pour faire de l’XP, ramasser objets et bonus, bref, progresser sur le chemin.

    Car oui, on progresse, on débloque de nouveaux pouvoirs, de nouvelles armes, qui elles-mêmes deviennent de plus en plus puissantes. On recrute aussi d’autres personnages qui vont nous suivre et nous prêter main forte. Ça change de la formule classique, et l’aspect mignon / débile est bien rigolo aussi !

    Du roguelite simple, efficace, super plaisant. L’autre originalité de Ikki Unite , et c’est dans le nom, c’est l’aspect multijoueur : on peut faire équipe jusqu’à 16 joueurs en ligne pour mener à bien la révolution ! ✊ Super chaotique et super fun. 😁 C’est là que les différentes classes de personnage (combattants, amplificateurs, explorateurs et soigneurs) prennent toute leur dimension.

    Il y a d’ailleurs 16 personnages différents à jouer, de quoi varier les plaisirs et casser un peu la répétitivité inhérente à ce style de jeu. Niveau contenu y a pas mal de choses, c’est bien fourni. On sent que les développeurs se sont fait plaisir !

    Pour conclure, Ikki Unite ne paie pas de mine, mais il a tout de même son charme, sa valeur ajoutée, son intérêt à lui, et rien que ça c’est cool. 🙂 Si vous appréciez le genre ça change un peu. Pour ma part, j’aurais du mal à vous dire si ça vaut ses 12 à 15€ (selon la plateforme) quand « l’original » est à 5€ maximum… Au pire, attendez une petite promo. 🙃

    Retrouvez Ikki Unite sur PC (Steam) ou Nintendo Switch

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      Steam bloque une astuce qui servait à gruger le système de remboursement

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Thursday, 25 April - 08:42

    Valve, l'éditeur de Steam, a repéré des joueurs et des joueuses qui profitaient du cadre particulier de l'accès anticipé des jeux vidéo pour obtenir des remboursements -- cela, même avec de nombreuses heures au compteur. Les règles ont changé.

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      Nintendo fait supprimer 20 ans de contenu d’un célèbre jeu

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Thursday, 25 April - 07:36

    Garry Mod Nintendo

    Garry's Mod est la dernière victime de Nintendo qui lui demande de supprimer 20 ans de travail pour des raisons de copyright.
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      No more refunds after 100 hours: Steam closes Early Access playtime loophole

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 24 April - 17:38 · 1 minute

    Steam logo on a computer

    Enlarge (credit: Getty Images)

    " Early Access " was once a novel, quirky thing , giving a select set of Steam PC games a way to involve enthusiastic fans in pre-alpha-level play-testing and feedback. Now loads of games launch in various forms of Early Access, in a wide variety of readiness. It's been a boon for games like Baldur's Gate 3 , which came a long way across years of Early Access .

    Early Access, and the " Advanced Access " provided for complete games by major publishers for "Deluxe Editions" and the like, has also been a boon to freeloaders. Craven types could play a game for hours and hours, then demand a refund within the standard two hours of play, 14 days after the purchase window of the game's "official" release. Steam-maker Valve has noticed and, as of Tuesday night, updated its refund policy .

    "Playtime acquired during the Advanced Access period will now count towards the Steam refund period," reads the update. In other words: Playtime is playtime now, so if you've played more than two hours of a game in any state, you don't get a refund. That closes at least one way that people could, with time-crunched effort, play and enjoy games for free in either Early or Advanced access.

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      Steam ne remboursera plus les joueurs qui font ça

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Wednesday, 24 April - 07:16

    Steam Remboursement

    Steam impose une nouvelle règle concernant sa politique de remboursement parfois très laxiste.
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      Slay the Spire 2, Vampire Survivors meets Contra, and other “Triple-i” games

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 10 April - 23:12

    Bloody battle scene from the game Norland

    Enlarge / Norland is a game that communicates its intent well through screenshots. (credit: Hooded Horse)

    The Triple-i initiative is a gaming showcase that gets it, and is also in on the joke.

    The thing Triple-i gets is that most gaming "showcases" are full of corporate fluff, go on way too long, and are often anchored around a couple huge titles. Triple-i's first event on Wednesday delivered 30-plus game trailers and teases within 45 minutes, and there was a consistent intrigue to all of them. There were some big names with some bigger studios loosely attached, and the definition of what is "triple-i" is quite vague, maybe intentionally. But there were a lot of games worth noting, especially on PC.

    What kind of games? Triple-i's website notes the announcement "may contain traces of rogue-lites." At a breakpoint in the showcase, the omniscient text narrator notes there are "Only a few more rogue-lites (promise)." Triple-i was stuffed full of rogue-lites, roguelikes, survival, city-builders, deckbuilders, Hades -likes, 16-bit-esque platformers, Vampire Survivors and its progeny, turn-based tacticals, and then a car that sometimes has legs. There are strong trends in indie and indie-adjacent gaming, but also some real surprises.

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