• chevron_right

      Crisis, what crisis?

      ericbuijs · Monday, 23 March, 2020 - 23:18 edit

    • Approximate annual number of road traffic deaths 1.25 million.
    • 7 million premature deaths annually linked to air pollution.
    • About 3.3 million net deaths of all global deaths, were attributable to alcohol consumption.
    • More than 7 million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while around 1.2 million are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke.

    We take this news for granted get in our car, smoke a cigarette and drink another whiskey but now with COVID-19 (current number of deaths: 15,430) panic kicks in. We as a species are predictably irrational. I'm not saying that we shouldn't take COVID-19 seriously, we should take it very seriously, but some perspective is desperately needed to drive the panic out.

    (All numbers except for the COVID-19 number were taken from the WHO website and are estimates)

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      benulo, Orbifx, marc, Timothée Jaussoin


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      Movim is great for schools

      ericbuijs · Tuesday, 17 March, 2020 - 11:46

    Someone here on Movim reminded me what a great solution Movim is for schools in the current situation. It's a great tool for teachers to communicate with students. I'm not only thinking about chat but also for communities for specific courses (math, history etc), make announcements and one-on-one sessions. All in one package! I don't believe there is anything FLOSS out there with the same capabilities (or is there?).

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      Stefan, Jan Rhebergen, sparcipx, Timothée Jaussoin, debacle


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      The US administration is trying to get exclusive rights on vaccine

      ericbuijs · Sunday, 15 March, 2020 - 15:53

    Corona: USA will Zugriff auf deutsche Impfstoff-Firma - WELT

    According to this German article in Welt am Sonntag Trump is trying to get the exclusive rights from a German company on a vaccine against Covid-19 and wants to keep the vaccine exclusively for the US. If true this a new moral all time low for the Trump administration and is down right criminal.

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      Buy at your local thrift store

      ericbuijs · Sunday, 15 March, 2020 - 10:36 edit


    I discovered a local thrift store yesterday that has a huge collection of DVD's all for 50ct! a piece. I bought four to begin with and will rip them with Handbrake and load them on my LibreELEC system. Who needs Amazon or Netflix.

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      Never waste a good crisis to teach a math lesson

      ericbuijs · Tuesday, 10 March, 2020 - 10:23

    Exponential growth and epidemics

    In this video Grant Sanderson of the 3Blue1Brown channel explains exponential growth and why natural phenomena such as COVID-19 appear to be exponential in nature but are in fact sigmoid curves.

    • Exponential growth and epidemics

      A good time for a primer on exponential and logistic growth, no? Home page: https://www.3blue1brown.com Brought to you by you: http://3b1b.co/covid-thanks Data source: https://www.worldometers.info/co

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      Remastered Solvespace video tutorial on PeerTube

      ericbuijs · Friday, 28 February, 2020 - 11:25

    Solvespace: Geneva Drive Mechanism. Design and 3D print (REMASTERED).

    I remastered a number of my Solvespace video tutorials to 1080p and uploaded them to #PeerTube. I had these videos on YouTube but I'm getting tired of all the ads and the YT algorithm. PeerTube seems like a great alternative. Below is a link to the latest remastered video where I design and 3d print a Geneva Drive.

    • Solvespace: Geneva Drive Mechanism. Design and 3D print (REMASTERED).

      In this video I’ll design and 3D print a Geneva drive mechanism. I saw a video of Maker’s Muse where he designed a Geneva drive in Fusion 3D and I wondered if I could do the same in Solvespace. In this video I’ll show you the geometry and how to calculate all the dimensions of a Geneva drive thus enabling you to create any complete Geneva wheel yourself. During this project I designed, 3d printed and assembled several Geneva drives but for this video I’ll concentrate on the drawing of the Geneva wheel in Solvespace. However I do provide all the available Solvespace files for the wheel, crank and mount as well as the LibreOffice spreadsheet shown in this video. links: Maker's Muse video on the Geneva wheel: https://invidio.us/watch?v=1lyWywC_z4o The animation of the Geneva drive was taken from Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geneva_drive. The animation is public domain. Solvespace files for the 6 slot Geneva drive mechanism: mount: https://drive.google.com/open?id=16I7jlSP3wSMFsNibA4037QIhivsbHtef crank: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1c0F9ohTTu_nBDvzeGqrnFAEsumUOZg11 wheel: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kCoesJJ4Ph3hLjGLmXLo50TyMc0O-vXz Spreadsheet in open document format (.ods): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hlU7H6eaDbdahSgTSBHvdT2yt7FwyPQ5 For this video I used Solvespace 2.3 on OSX. Solvespace is open source (GPLv3 license) and is available for Window, OSX and Linux. It is developed by Jonathan Westhues and maintained by Whitequark and others. It can be downloaded here: http://solvespace.com/download.pl

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      Pandemic simulation game Plague Inc. pulled from iOS App Store in China

      ericbuijs · Friday, 28 February, 2020 - 11:14

    Someone should explain to the Chinese authorities that a virtual plague is not the same as a real world one.

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      Contact publication

      ericbuijs · Wednesday, 12 February, 2020 - 15:12

    Russia's Sandworm: A New Front In The Cyberwar, with Andy Greenberg
    Interesting podcast from Torrentfreak (Steal this show) containing a discussion with Andy Greenberg about his book Sandworm. Sandworm is a terrifying story about Russian hackers that have the ability to take out every national infrastructure around the world and have demonstrated in the Ukraine that they are willing to use this ability.