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      Un riche et dense portrait de Martina Hingis

      François Brutsch · Friday, 29 October, 2021 - 22:05 edit

    L'histoire de deux femmes libres, l'évasion par le sport, l'ombre portée de la dictature communiste, le rapport de la Suisse à ses immigrés... et le tennis bien sûr (dont j'avoue volontiers que les subtilités ne m'ont jamais spécialement attiré). Un (très) long read absolument passionnant du groupe de presse suisse Tamedia. #potpourri #webpublishing

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      C'est aussi ça l'Amérique, entre Armistead Maupin et Jean-François Revel

      François Brutsch · Tuesday, 12 October, 2021 - 20:40 edit

    [Demandez-moi une copie privée si vous n'accédez pas à l'article]

    Une Commune trans anarchiste armée et rurale en plein Trumpland... Une illustration de Ni Marx ni Jésus de J.-F. Revel ou un volet inédit des Chroniques de San Francisco (Tales of the City), mais surtout une fantastique aventure humaine. #politix #LGB

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      Writing world in a nutshell

      François Brutsch · Sunday, 3 October, 2021 - 13:47

    • Thread by @incunabula on Thread Reader App

      Thread by @incunabula: European civilization is built on ham and cheese, which allowed protein to be stored throughout the icy winters. Without this, urban societies in most of central Europe would simply not have ...…

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      Un excellent article d'Anna Lietti

      François Brutsch · Saturday, 2 October, 2021 - 19:18

    • Trans, détrans: alertes pour un scandale annoncé

      D’un côté, une flambée d’adolescentes qui demandent à devenir des garçons. De l’autre, des repentis et repenties de la transition qui alimentent le soupçon: changer de sexe ne serait-il pas un moyen d’échapper à l’homophobie pour certains jeunes? Surtout des filles? La «question trans» est complexe, paradoxale, ultra-délicate. Problème immédiat: des mineurs se voient prescrire des traitements irréversibles, sur des bases scientifiques controversées. Y compris en Suisse.

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      Aspiration and exile

      François Brutsch · Tuesday, 21 September, 2021 - 14:42 edit

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      An Elegy for Afghanistan - Newlines Magazine

      When I looked at that picture, I couldn’t help but compare the tragedy of my generation with that of our future children: We were born in war, but we had an Afghanistan, whereas our children will be born in peace, but they won’t have an Afghanistan. They will be strangers to the country of their parents’ birth.

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      On being a "Muslim" atheist

      François Brutsch · Wednesday, 15 September, 2021 - 15:30 edit

    "The more I have delved into the three Abrahamic faiths, the more I have become convinced that the differences among them is like the differences in branded sportswear: indistinguishable to the agnostic and heathen but a source of great pride and identity to the wearer." #politix

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      Afghanistan: the women's fight

      François Brutsch · Monday, 13 September, 2021 - 20:38 edit

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      Afghan Women Confront the Taliban - Newlines Magazine

      The Taliban’s newly formed interim cabinet doesn’t include any women. They have banned unauthorized protests and attacked journalists for reporting on them. Yet the protests have continued. The women are fierce. They are not content with simply preserving their rights, they are demanding leadership positions in any new government.