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      Matt · Friday, 30 June, 2023 - 12:16 · 7 visibility

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      Movim 0.22 - Kowal

      Only a few months after Movim 0.21 - Whipple we are releasing Movim 0.22, codename Kowal. This version was more focused on stabilization, cleanup and refactoring but also introduces a couple of new exciting features. It requires PHP8.1+ to work properly. Let's dive in! Blog privacy toggle Already introduced in a previous blog post this new feature allow you to change your blog privacy level between "public" and "subscribers only". Global OMEMO toggle After some feedback from the community a global #OMEMO toggle was introduced in the settings. OMEMO is therefore disabled by default from this version. This decision is especially linked with the current encryption implementation that relies on libsignal-protocol-javascript that is deprecated by their authors. The performances of this library are not that great, especially on mobile devices, which caused lots of accessibility issues for some Movim newcomers. For now, no serious alternative are available, if you know one do not hesitate to tell us about it. Fixes and improvement around audio-video calls Several small tickets (#1212, #1213, #1214) linked to the the audio-video call integration and compatibility with other clients were fixed. Missed and refused call events are also now tracked properly and displayed in your contacts conversations. Cleaner URLs The ? was (finally) removed in front of all the URLs! While being way cleaner it also fixes some issues when #Movim URLs were shared around, especially on some other social-networks. Don't worry about retro-compatibility, existing URLs are redirected to the new format. Rewrite of the XEP-0077: In-Band Registration related code Movim is supporting XEP-0077 for close than 10 years now and this code was never really refactored since then. All the #XMPP code, and related user flow, were cleaned and upgraded to the latest Movim standard, fixing a few issues in the meantime! New Chat bubble design and interaction Kowal introduce a totally new way of interacting with the chat bubbles. While keeping the small actions icons on desktop it is now possible to simply click (or tap) on the bubbles to open a sub-menu which presents all the actions available. This menu allows you to react, retract, reply and copy the message content in one click/tap. Easy! Under the hood... or not An important refactoring was done to simplify and factorize redundant items in the UI. This brought some big code cleanup, both on the front part (what is taking care of what you see) of Movim but also in the core and XMPP layers. The code was modernized and ported to PHP8.1+ in many places as well. Several Pubsub related issues were fixed improving the compatibility with existing XMPP servers such as Prosody or ejabberd (see the related ticket). Movim now detect Pubsub nodes misconfiguration and reconfigure them properly to respect the privacy and settings specified in all the Pubsub related implemented XEPs that it supports. This refactoring also brought some small UI improvements such as a new design for the contact status bubbles and a totally new way to handle Contacts and Communities avatars. We are strongly advising you to configure the Picture Proxy Cache on your Web Server when upgrading to greatly improve the page load time. Two important security fixes CVE-2023-2848 fixes a security issues that allows under certain circumstances to open a #Websocket to Movim from a different domain. It was fixed in this commit. CVE-2023-2849 is not directly linked with Movim itself but the related server configuration. When the domain that host upload files is the same as where Movim is hosted it is possible to upload a malicious Javascript file and execute it in the Movim sandbox. The attack surface is really minimal but we advise you to ensure that such case cannot happen on your instance. To do so you can use different domains between the two services or force the browser to handle all the uploaded files as attachments and not inline elements using a simple HTTP header: add_header Content-Disposition attachment; What's next? The multi-part audio and video-conference feature that was planned for the 0.22 is pushed back to the 0.23. The amount of work planned for that is quite big, therefore it was more relevant to move all the code cleanup and refactoring plans in Kowal and have this milestone before jumping into this new exciting feature set ! As always, if you find issues or want to share some feedback you have on the project, you can find how to contact us on our official website and our Github. That's all folks!

      group_work Movim 25 June, 2023

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      The Decentralized Web of Hate - How and Why Hate Groups Started Using Peer-2-Peer Technology - But P2P Can Be Used For Positive Social Impact Too

      Emmi Bevensee, of Rebellious Data, SMAT, and the Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right, has finished the second of Rebellious Data new Research Insights series of deep dives into the critical topics of our time. This report looks at how hate movements are decentralizing using emerging technologies in ways that make them harder to combat. These technologies ask us critical questions about the future of society and the internet but also pose incredible potential to help us along our way. This was a real growing issue near the end of 2020 and there was a lot of worry that the technology intended for privacy and protection of those feeling marginalised, would in fact be taken over and abused by hate groups. I saw those hate groups making a presence on Aether P2P network, and the debate starting there, but also on Scuttlebutt and RetroShare. What is different about P2P is that your network and what you see in your feed, consists of who you are linked to and following. So if your 'community' unfollows or blocks problem individuals, they disappear from view. It does not mean they are gone as they can exist in their own community, but a P2P network is not a centralised moderated service liker Twitter or Facebook, and it effectively protects everyone. It also cannot really be shut off as it only exists between individual peers without any central server (hosting) or country managing it. If the report whets your appetite to try Scuttlebutt and venture down the rabbit hole, I'd suggest trying it via the Planetary mobile app, or Patchwork for desktops. See https://rebelliousdata.com/p2p/#more-2630 #technology #P2P #SSB #socialnetworks #decentralised

      people GadgeteerZA 14 May, 2021

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      gusilight, Terrance Brown, ericbuijs

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      Joining Matrix Rooms from XMPP

      Previously, I'd known about the BiFrost bridge, and joining Matrix rooms using your XMPP account, but struggled to find any clear information how to achieve it... So I'd setup a Matterbridge server for some of the rooms I was interested in; but that changed today.. Here is the link on how to join Matrix rooms (and direct chats), and vice versa.. https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-bifrost/wiki/Address-syntax The BiFrost server is hosted by Matrix.org. I haven't tested any servers beyond Matrix.org, but the one's I did try, have all worked. I did notice that on some rooms, I had to alter my nick as it complained that the username was already taken. This was simple enough on Blabber, by just going into the room settings, and adding something extra to my nick e.g _xmpp is what I used...

      group_work dcentralised-media 3 March, 2021

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      Movim Post Comments and Yunohost - Fix

      If you're using Yunohost, Movim, and one of the free domain names supplied when you set up Yunohost, here are some quick steps to fix an issue of Movim generating additional pubsub nodes with each comment. For a bit of background, Movim looks for a pubsub service called comments.server.tld, otherwise it will create a new node on the original publishing PubSub service for each comment... So, for example on pubsub.do.nohost.me, it was generating urn:xmpp... for each comment.. Annoying. The fix I used on my Yunohost deployment was to add an additional domain, but this requires the commandline interface, as the web version has a hissy fit (at least it did for me).. After SSH'ing onto your server (or accessing a terminal directly if you're able), run: yunohost domain add _comments.server.tld_ yunohost diagnosis run yunohost domain cert-install _comments.servcer.tld_ - This will install a Let's Encrypt certificate Obviously, you'll need to use sudo for the above commands if you're logged in as a non-root user. After the dyndns has had some time to do it's thing, Movim will hopefully start to use the new comments domain to capture any post comments... (Fingers Crossed).. Want to post a comment? Sign up to a Movim pod... using your XMPP account!

      group_work dcentralised-media 2 March, 2021

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      F-Droid | An App Store That Respects Your Privacy & Freedom

      Matt · Tuesday, 2 March, 2021 - 06:26

    Definitely check out AuroraDroid... Really slick front end to F-Droid 👍

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      GadgeteerZA, eyome


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      How to Mine Monero (XMR) On Linux

      In this video I show you how to mine Monero on Linux. Download XMR-Stak here https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak/releases View monero mining pools here https://www.poolwatch.io/coin/monero ₿💰💵💲Help Support the Channel by Donating Crypto💲💵💰₿ Monero 45F2bNHVcRzXVBsvZ5giyvKGAgm6LFhMsjUUVPTEtdgJJ5SNyxzSNUmFSBR5qCCWLpjiUjYMkmZoX9b3cChNjvxR7kvh436 Bitcoin 3MMKHXPQrGHEsmdHaAGD59FWhKFGeUsAxV Ethereum 0xeA4DA3F9BAb091Eb86921CA6E41712438f4E5079 Litecoin MBfrxLJMuw26hbVi2MjCVDFkkExz8rYvUF Dash Xh9PXPEy5RoLJgFDGYCDjrbXdjshMaYerz Zcash t1aWtU5SBpxuUWBSwDKy4gTkT2T1ZwtFvrr Chainlink 0x0f7f21D267d2C9dbae17fd8c20012eFEA3678F14 Bitcoin Cash qz2st00dtu9e79zrq5wshsgaxsjw299n7c69th8ryp Etherum Classic 0xeA641e59913960f578ad39A6B4d02051A5556BfC USD Coin 0x0B045f743A693b225630862a3464B52fefE79FdB Subscribe to my YouTube channel http://goo.gl/9U10Wz and be sure to click that notification bell so you know when new videos are released.

      group_work MentalOutlaw-Invidious 1 March, 2021

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      No server Twitter and creating a standard because we said so

      Lace gemini://friendo.monster/log/lace.gmi Atom feeds for gemini gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/companion/subscription.gmi

      group_work Trendy Talk - Share Tube 18 February, 2021