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      marc · pubsub.kikeriki.at / miegakure · Thursday, 2 January, 2020 - 07:00 edit · 3 minutes

    New 4D Toys Update (iOS) (Steam VR & Mouse+KB) Added 11 new star-like shapes that would look great hanging from or on top of your 4D Christmas Tree. The Regular Star Polychora (or “Schläfli-Hess 4-polytopes”): Icosahedral 120-cell Small stellated 120-cell Great 120-cell Grand 120-cell Great stellated 120-cell Grand stellated 120-cell Great grand 120-cell Great icosahedral […]

    <center><div style="display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; height: calc(381px - 44px);"><iframe loading="lazy" src="https://gfycat.com/ifr/vacantanchoredachillestang?controls=0" scrolling="no" width="600" height="381" frameborder="0"></iframe></div></center> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img src="https://marctenbosch.com/miegakure/data/4dtoys/starupdate.png" alt=""/></figure> <p>New <a href="https://4dtoys.com/">4D Toys</a> Update (<a href="http://4dtoys.com/ios">iOS</a>) (<a href="http://4dtoys.com/steam">Steam</a> VR &amp; Mouse+KB)</p> <p>Added 11 new star-like shapes that would look great hanging from or on top of your 4D Christmas Tree.</p> <figure class="wp-block-image"><img src="https://marctenbosch.com/miegakure/data/4dtoys/i0.png" alt=""/></figure> <p>The Regular Star Polychora (or &#8220;Schläfli-Hess 4-polytopes&#8221;):</p> <ul><li> Icosahedral 120-cell</li><li> Small stellated 120-cell</li><li> Great 120-cell</li><li> Grand 120-cell</li><li> Great stellated 120-cell</li><li> Grand stellated 120-cell</li><li> Great grand 120-cell</li><li> Great icosahedral 120-cell</li><li> Grand 600-cell</li><li> And my <strong>personal favorite</strong>, the Great grand stellated 120-cell</li></ul> <p>Plus a Compound 5-Cell for good measure.</p> <p>The Star Polychora are the 4D equivalent of the 2D Star Polygons. </p> <figure class="wp-block-image"><img src="https://marctenbosch.com/miegakure/data/4dtoys/i1.png" alt=""/></figure> <figure class="wp-block-image"><img src="https://marctenbosch.com/miegakure/data/4dtoys/i2.png" alt=""/></figure> <figure class="wp-block-image"><img src="https://marctenbosch.com/miegakure/data/4dtoys/i3.png" alt=""/></figure> <p>Star polygons can be made by extending the edges of polygons, until they meet outside of the polygon.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img src="https://marctenbosch.com/miegakure/data/4dtoys/david.png" alt=""/></figure></div> <p>For example this Hexagram (or &#8220;Star of David&#8221;) can be made by extending the edges of a Hexagon. This process of extending edges (or faces and cells in 3D or 4D) is called Stellation.</p> <p>Warmest wishes for a Happy Holiday Season and a wonderful New Year! I felt the need to take a break from updating 4D Toys for a bit, but more updates will be coming next year! </p> <p>4D Toys <a href="https://steamcommunity.com/games/619210/announcements/">Version 1.1 Update on Steam </a></p> <p>(Miegakure Update forthcoming)</p> <p>(I also never posted here about the other updates, such as the gryochora: It turns out there exist 4D dice shapes with any number of sides, even primes! Added an assortment of over 30 new dice with sides such as 9, 13 and of course 42.)</p> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img src="https://marctenbosch.com/miegakure/data/4dtoys/gyrochora.png" alt=""/></figure> <p> 4DToys for (<a href="http://4dtoys.com/ios">iOS</a>) (<a href="http://4dtoys.com/steam">Steam</a>) </p> <p>Edit: comments were broken. fixed now.</p>
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      marctenbosch.com /news/2020/01/4d-toys-version-1-1-happy-holydays-star-polychora-update/