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      Movim 0.28 Tempel and the Movim Live plan

      Timothée Jaussoin · / Movim · 3 days ago - 06:23 · 3 minutes · 7 visibility

    We're getting close to one #release per month! Indeed, a lot of things are going on in the project at the moment. Let's have a look at all the important new features and fixes before giving some details about the #Movim Live project.

    Freshly redesigned Search panel

    To bring some coherence and uniformity to the UI the Universal #Search tool has been reorganized and redesigned; it now gives you more interesting results in a more compact way.

    The redesigned search panel

    Using one keyword you will be able to search into your contacts, communities, article tags as well as recent articles and public contacts. Some optimizations were also made to speed-up the results.

    Improved account gateways and administration features

    Movim has been handling XMPP gateways for many years already; they allow you to connect and chat with people on many different platforms directly from your main XMPP account. Lots of work and tests were also done to improve those gateways integration, especially with Slidge which has become a reference in the #XMPP ecosystem the past few years.

    In the configuration panel you will now be able to easily subscribe, manage and unsubscribe with those gateways thanks to a redesigned and improved Gateways section.

    The new gateway panel

    As a Movim administrator the dedicated Admin panel was also redesigned and reorganized to be easier to handle.

    Databases fixes

    Two important database issues were fixed. One was preventing some migrations to run properly on MySQL (PostgreSQL is still the recommended database for a Movim setup), another one was limiting the length of the URLs that were shared in the messages.

    Movim Live, end of Part I

    Thanks to a wonderful funding from NLNet a lot of work regarding videoconferencing is on the way in the project.

    The NLNet logo

    This release is finally pushing the last pieces of Part I that was focused on refreshing and modernizing the existing stack. In the upcoming week we will start to work on multi-participants calls with the focus to integrate with Dino and bring fully standard and decentralized video-calls on the XMPP network, and across several clients and servers ✨

    Multi-participants videocalls in Dino

    But first lets have a look at all the cool stuff introduced with this release ☺️

    Introducing the new call flow and conference lobby

    Until now you were only allowed to configure your microphone and #camera once the call started. This version is introducing a brand new Lobby widget that takes care of preparing all you need to start or reply to a call serenely.

    It fully replaces the old Reply and Call Configuration widgets by merging their features into one unique place. A lot of related code was cleaned up, modernized and refactored during the process.

    The new lobby view

    This new panel also prepares the upcoming multi-participants flow allowing you to be fully setup and ready before joining a conference.

    Other improvements and fixes

    Movim is now able to detect network connection issues and send an end call message to your contact if it cannot recover the call.

    The screen sharing and camera switch buttons were also fixed to work properly on all devices, including Android ones.

    If you find issues or have nice ideas to improve all those new features do not hesitate to drop a message on our support channel or open a ticket on the bugtracker.

    What's next?

    Movim Live Part II, multi-participants video-conferencing! Even if a lot is already planned it is a totally new paradigm for Movim, so a lot of explorations, trials and errors will be made. Hopefully all those new exciting features will land in an upcoming release 😌

    In the meantime enjoy the 0.28 release, upgrade your server and share the good news! And thanks to all the people in the community for their support, you rock!

    That's all folks!