
    • chevron_right

      Location Changed: Berlin XMPP Meetup: What happened at XMPP Summit 23 and FOSDEM 2019?

      debacle · / berlin-xmpp-meetup · Thursday, 7 February, 2019 - 11:11 edit

    Location Changed: Berlin XMPP Meetup: What happened at XMPP Summit 23 and FOSDEM 2019?

    As always, we meet at the second Wednesday of every month on 18:00 hrs CE(S)T. Just come around and talk to us. We are actually nice.

    This time, the three of us, who were at the XMPP summit and FOSDEM, will report.

    And we will plan our sprint in March, see below.

    Next Meeting

    Wednesday, 2019-02-13 18:00 CET


    Mühlendamm 3

    10178 Berlin

    Visit our chat room:

    Breaking News: XMPP Sprint in Berlin

    #berlin #xmpp #jabber #summit #fosdem #sprint #meeting #meetup

    • chevron_right

      The perfect ejabberd server setup using ansible

      debacle · / berlin-xmpp-meetup · Wednesday, 2 January, 2019 - 11:35 edit

    The perfect ejabberd server setup using ansible

    After having heard about the theoretical part of a perfect XMPP server setup in Holger's talk, Linus will now show us how to do this in practice with ejabberd. For this purpose we're going to use the configuration management tool ansible, which will automate the setup process. This makes it much easier to move your setup to a different machine or reinstalling it. After having a look into how the ansible scripts work and what they do on the server, we'll also do a live demonstration.

    The ansible scripts cover the setup of ejabberd, Let's Encrypt-certificates, an SQL database with MySQL/MariaDB or PostgreSQL, HTTP File Upload and ejabberd admin interface with reverse proxy using nginx and sslh for multiplexing XMPP/XMPPS/HTTPS on a single port (that can be useful if you're behind a firewall). You can also enable nextcloud authentication, but we won't go into many details on that topic.

    When? Wednesday, 2019-01-09 18:00 CET

    Where? DBJR, Mühlendamm 3, 10178 Berlin

    #xmpp #ejabberd #meeting #meetup #berlin #jabber #ansible

    • chevron_right

      XMPP server with LDAP and XMPP as an onion service (and a sprint?)

      debacle · / berlin-xmpp-meetup · Friday, 7 December, 2018 - 09:37

    Berlin XMPP Meetup! Wednesday, 2018-12-12 18:00 CET Searchmetrics, Greifswalder Straße 212 10405 Berlin

    This time, we actually talk about three things!

    Paul will present us two features, many people would like to implement in their XMPP server, LDAP and TOR:

    XMPP server with LDAP

    We will look into some tricks from the enterprises and learn howto connect user accounts for e.g. XMPP, email, and web applications. Example setup with necessary files included!

    XMPP as onion service (mini bonus talk)

    We talk about using services over TOR and learn how to provide an onion service, with Prosody as example.

    Will we organize a sprint in Berlin?

    Last, but not least, there is the idea about organizing an open XMPP sprint on a weekend in March or April, after Chemnitzer Linux-Tage. Who likes to help? Who has ideas? Who has a room? Who would sponsor pizza and Argentinian mate?

    #xmpp #ldap #tor #onion #meetup #berlin #sprint

    • chevron_right

      Let`s talk about XMPP tricks with Conversations' Author Daniel Gultsch

      eevvoor · / berlin-xmpp-meetup · Thursday, 25 October, 2018 - 17:59 · 1 minute

    Next Meeting:
    November the 14th 2018
    20 h
    Marienstr. 11 (Hinterhaus)
    10117 Berlin

    For the last five years since its birth the jabber client Conversations repeatedly sets standards for usability and reliability. But what sits behind? Let's take the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of a brand new feature together with the developer Daniel Gultsch. How deep do we have to dig into our bag of tricks and where does XMPP goes into its own way from time to time? After presenting the new feature (the talk is the time stip for the release of the new version) we will discuss not only XMPP specifics but general architectural questions which potentially could be applied to other instant messaging services.

    In den fünf Jahren seines Bestehens setzt der Android Jabber/XMPP client immer wieder Maßstäbe in Sachen Bedienbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit. Doch was steckt eigentlich dahinter? Nutzen wir die Gelegenheit um mit dem Entwickler zusammen hinter die Kulissen eines neuen Features zu schauen; Wie tief muss man in die XMPP Trickkiste greifen und wo steht sich XMPP manchmal selber im Weg? Nach der Vorstellung des Features (der Vortrag ist gleichzeitig der Zeitpunkt an dem die neue Version veröffentlicht wird) geht es jedoch nicht nur um XMPP sondern auch um grundsätzliche, architektonische Fragen die sich potentiell auf andere Instant Messaging Dienste übertragen lassen.

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      Holger Weiß, debacle, reik, Timothée Jaussoin, eevvoor


    • chevron_right

      Let's talk about the perfect XMPP server setup (part 2 of ∞)

      debacle · / berlin-xmpp-meetup · Tuesday, 2 October, 2018 - 09:14 edit

    Holger will continue his illuminating series about the perfect XMPP server setup. Both Ejabberd and Prosody will be covered. As always, the meeting is supposed to be beginners friendly. Looking forward to see!

    Wednesday, 2018-10-10 18:00 - 21:00 CEST

    Searchmetrics GmbH

    Greifswalder Straße 212

    10405 Berlin

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    • chevron_right

      Let's talk about XMPP UseCases for Language Content in Media Files

      eevvoor · / berlin-xmpp-meetup · Monday, 10 September, 2018 - 15:07 edit

    Next Meeting:

    Wednesday September the 12th 2018 18:30 PM Berlin

    xHain Hacker Space: Grünberger Str. 14, Berlin

    eevvoor will talk about XMPP UseCases in querying xml-data and providing language content and media content for language learning puposes.

    It is a research project of three German universities and has very broad UseCases which can be refined.

    • chevron_right

      Let's talk about XMPP UseCases for Language Content in Media Files / berlin-xmpp-meetup · Saturday, 4 August, 2018 - 11:31 edit · 1 minute

    CANCELLED The Meetup today is cancelled due to the extreme heat plus more people on holiday than expected

    Next Meeting

    Wednesday August the 8th 2018 18 pm Berlin

    xHain Hacker Space: Grünberger Str. 14, Berlin

    error (new nick) will talk about language annotated media (subtitles, translations, real time translation of news, accessability, language learning, community driven translations). Presentation of the current architecture with webinterfaces for only a small user group and of my planned architecture which makes use of xmpp.

    It is a research project of three german universities and has very broad usecases which can be refined.

    The report will be followed up by a discussion for suitable use cases using xmpp. Ideas welcome! Wednesday August the 8th 2018 18 pm Berlin

    xHain Hacker Space: Grünberger Str. 14, Berlin

    error (new nick) will talk about language annotated media (subtitles, translations, real time translation of news, accessability, language learning, community driven translations). Presentation of the current architecture with webinterfaces for only a small user group and of my planned architecture which makes use of xmpp.

    It is a research project of three german universities and has very broad usecases which can be refined.

    The report will be followed up by a discussion for suitable use cases using xmpp. Ideas welcome!

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    • chevron_right

      Let's talk about the perfect server setup

      debacle · / berlin-xmpp-meetup · Wednesday, 4 July, 2018 - 06:28

    This time, we'll start with a short XMPP introduction for newcomers. Then we'll go into the details of setting up an XMPP server for use with modern chat clients. If there's time left, we'll also continue the discussion on “Yvo's project”.

    Looking forward to see you tonight!

    Wednesday, 2018-07-04 18:00 - 21:00 CEST

    Searchmetrics GmbH Greifswalder Straße 212 Berlin

    #berlin #xmpp #meeting #meetup

    • chevron_right

      XMPP-Meetup Berlin: Daniel Gultsch about good and bad client UX

      debacle · / berlin-xmpp-meetup · Monday, 28 May, 2018 - 22:29 edit

    Next Meeting:

    Thursday, 2018-06-07, 19:00

    co-up, Adalbertstr. 8, 10999 Berlin

    Daniel Gultsch:

    I’m going to talk about how to deal with baggage and how legacy UX (something that long time users are used to from other clients) makes it difficult to create good clients. (Which for example lead to the creation of the infamous »Expert Settings«.)

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