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    Alexander MGTOW

    Alexander MGTOW

    Why Privatization of Marriage will not work. MGTOW.
    Alexander says marriage is doomed and we should accept this. The entitlements are being done away with, such as alimony. Seeing as women can work about the same as men and earn about the same as men, eventually the division of property is to no longer be a thing. Privatization would be less secure than current marriage.

    Greg Silverado

    Greg Silverado

    MGTOW is not a movement.
    Greg Silverado looks at MGTOW in a pragmatic way to show that there are a great many content creators out there getting the message out whether the label MGTOW is used or not, while being aware MGTOW is not a movement.

    Richard Cooper

    Entrepreneurs in Cars

    MGTOW Thoughts by Entrepreneurs in Cars.
    Richard Cooper, of the youtube channel Entrepreneurs in Cars, has had a ton of people ask him if he is MGTOW, and what he thinks of it. Here is his assessment, and his own experience of MGTOW men. Speaking from personal experience, the bias against men from the family courts is a point of empathy from Richard.

    Han Lockhart

    Han Lockhart

    Men cannot hate Women. MGTOW.
    Men have protected women throughout history as the wanted the best for them. Nowadays white-knights act as an enabler to female ungrateful behaviour. Han Lockhart gives us his musings on why he believes men do not hate women and never have.

    TLDR Teal Deer

    TLDR Teal Deer

    Theory for a Biological Reason for Slut Shaming.
    By comparing dating agency data, TLDR considers theories of hypergamy and hierarchical structures in humans. Women prefer to chase men already in relationships. A fight or flight reaction is used as an example for instinct being a biological behaviour over social constructs.

    Jerry Liu MGTOW

    Jerry Liu MGTOW

    Two MGTOW Stories.
    Jerry Liu MGTOW tells the audience... From a model-looking girl who he saw without makeup one morning in college to an actress girl who wanted to leave her stuff at his parents place. You never know who people are.

    Lion of MGTOW

    Lion of MGTOW

    What LOM Learned So Far.
    Being a bachelor was once considered the ultimate escape, says Lion of MGTOW. Describing the differences in culture with Myanmar aka Burma, Lion of MGTOW illustrates that a very conservative culture can be as much of a risk to men of a MGTOW philosophy as a modern liberal feminist culture can be.

    MGTOW Expat

    MGTOW Expat

    No More Professional Content.
    Documenting the trials and tribulations of a MGTOW overseas making patreon content when paypal is the only realistic recourse for making kick ass, written, produced and planned videos.

    TFM News MGTOW

    TFM News

    Women Will Not Save Japan
    The MGTOW called Turd Flinging Monkey made this video. In it he discusses Japanese economy and how childcare paid by welfare from taxes are incompatible when generally women not are likely to be both mothers and working a 60 hour week. So herbivore men in Japan have similarities to MGTOW in the West.



    Marriage is a hostile act
    A MGTOW called JohnTheOther says that Marriage is a hostile act because there is an inequitable legal arrangement and obligation where men are caged but women are not. Therefore it follows that a woman knowing of that hostility towards the man is committing that hostile act in tripartite marriage with the State.

    Coterie MGTOW

    Coterie MGTOW

    On The Listener in a Society that Talks
    Casting his mind back to a personal experience where he observed a pest controller listening to a CEO of a company speak, a MGTOW by the name of Coterie draws upon the outcome of it to tell the audience... Those who diligently practice the skill of listening are well-positioned in a society that freely talks.

    Terrance Popp

    Terrance Popp

    Redonkulas. How to avoid a sexual harassment case.
    MGTOW and MRM proponent Terrance Popp of the Redonkulas show, takes to the board for his own brand of a sexual harassment seminar, and the results are interesting. Guidance includes maintaining eye contact and having a witness.

    Sage Gerard

    Sage Gerard

    Male Students in Peril Kennesaw State University
    Mens Rights Activist (M.R.A) age Gerard aka Victor Zen Sage Gerard aka Victor Zen, at Male Students in Peril November 2014, describes the way in which people opposng his view will use their feelings as a reason for restricting freedom of speech on Mens Rights.



    An Idea For Jack of Twitter Regarding Online Abuse.
    6oodfella argues that the most abusive dynamic is coming from Twitter users who adopt the the approach of accused Twitter users being punished.



    MessageToFeminists Challenge Extended
    Mens Rights Activist (M.R.A) DoctorRandomercam demonstrates how a MessageToFeminists hashtag challenge is actually a sort of shoutout video.

    Jay Fayza

    Jay Fayza

    Jay Fayza of Rebel Edge. What MGTOW is all about.
    Jay Fayza of reports. MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) are a growing community that rejects marriage and traditional relationships with women.



    huMAN asks why men can't eat cake. MGTOW.
    Some thoughts on why, many men have gone their own way, after continual non-payment by the culture, for doing the right thing.

    Dean Esmay

    Dean Esmay

    Dr Helen Smith, Erin Pizzey and Dean Esmay.
    Dr Helen Smith, authored the book Men On Strike. Erin Pizzey opened Womens Aid shelter in Chiswick. Dean Esmay first recorded this audio for the Domestic Violence Revelations show with Erin Pizzey, which aired every other Saturday hyperlinked on blogtalkradio's avoiceformen account.

    St37One, Fiebert

    Martin Fiebert

    Erin Pizzey, Senator Anne Cools, and Dr. Martin Fiebert.
    At the Toronto Domestic Violence Symposium on June 7th, 2014, St37One asked Erin Pizzey, Senator Anne Cools, and Dr. Martin Fiebert (California State University) 2 questions on behalf of CAFE and received a generous helping of answers. The symposium was organized by the Canadian Maltese Charitable Service Trust.

    Billy Clement

    Billy Clement

    MGTOW, PUAs and the Mens Rights Movement.
    Billy Clement M.R.A describes... Just a toe in the water of the MRM. Society has created a sorry choice for our young men- become disposable appliances, play it for maximum personal advantage, ignoring any sense of responsibility, or just walk away.


    Janice Fiamengo

    Feminist Hate in a Nutshell
    Alison Tieman (of Youtube's Typhonblue aka Genderratic) states that if you believe men are capable of creating a system expressly for the purpose of oppressing the people they have their most intimate relationships with then you believe men are sociopaths. If you don't believe in patriarchy theory, you're not a feminist.



    Debunking feminist theory. Part 3 patriarchy.
    YesIamJames M.R.A in this video. Patriarchy theory debunked with some focus on the Pay Gap and on the Pay-Offs and Trades-Offs of women's options such as being a breadwinner or housewife. Men are valued for the work they do. Men do not have the same in-group preference that women do have.

    Janice Fiamengo

    Janice Fiamengo

    Janice Fiamengo with Canadian Association for Equality.
    Janice Fiamengo asks: What's Wrong With Women's Studies? A CAFE Event An event hosted by the University of Toronto Men's Issues Awareness Society and sponsored by Canadian Association for Equality (CAFE).

    Freedomain Radio

    Freedomain Radio

    Stefan Molyneux and Tommy Sotomayor on Freedomain.
    They propose that if you compare the treatment of men and women in mainstream society, it doesn't take you long to notice a massive double standard. Despite claims of an all powerful, far reaching patriarchy; men are treated as disposable pawns while women are afforded the status of permanent victimhood.



    Sandman replies to True Forced Loneliness and MGTOW .
    Sandman reads and answers an anonymous letter from a one of his show's listeners who is on the autistic spectrum.The subject of the letter is Hardcore True Forced Loneliness (aka T.F.L) and MGTOW.



    StudioBrule films Erin Pizzey June 6 2014 Toronto.
    StudioBrule documents how Erin Pizzey explains how feminists exaggerated Domestic Violence (DV) in order to create a multi-billion dollar industry, speaking at the Domestic Violence Symposium at the University of Toronto on June 6, 2014.

    Sargon of Akkad

    Carl Benjamin

    Carl Benjamin and Cassie Jaye discuss The Red Pill film.
    Carl Benjamin and Cassie Jaye. Discussing recently-Kickstarted documentary The Red Pill by award-winning feminist director Cassie Jaye. Video from Sargon of Akkad Livestreams.

    MGTOW Money

    MGTOW Money

    How to ruin your life moving overseas. MGTOW.
    MGTOW Money is who made this video. In it he discusses, how to ruin your life by moving overseas. The different incomes of the West and East are compared, along with societal implications.



    Feminism... An Inferiority Complex.
    A MGTOW called Stardusk aka Thinking-Ape talks about a Huffington Post article and concludes it has the wrong idea about merit and men. He concludes... Feminism: An Inferiority Complex.

    Mayor of MGTOWN

    Mayor of MGTOWN

    Tribute to Hispanic MGTOW.
    With English subtitles, and a Rosetta Stone Spanish voice, the Mayor of MGTOWN promotes and pays tribute to Hispanic MGTOW content creators. Encouragement is given to smaller channels when the Mayor reveals the channel that introduced him to MGTOW had merely four subscribers at the time.



    Interesting video on herbivore men.
    A MGTOW by the name of Barbarossaaaa, brings to the listener's attention an Interesting video on herbivore men in Japan, a societal effect in the East which shares some similarities to MGTOW in the West.



    The debt Transferrer. MGTOW.
    Mgtopia speaks about a topic he categorizes as: The debt Transferrer. Coming from a place of experience, he talks about how debt has been off-loaded onto men. Mgtopia gives the listener a heads up to heed his sage advice.

    June Shoe0nHead


    Taste "the red pill" of MRA.
    June (from Shoe0nHead Youtube channel) decides to taste "the red pill" MRA documentary. In June's video, genuinely helpful references are made to the youtube channel of The Armoured Skeptic, her boyfriend Gregory, for further research.

    Vention MGTOW

    Vention MGTOW

    Revisiting my first video on MGTOW.
    Vention MGTOW speaks about the scenarios in which he has learned from situations experienced by other people. Vention decided to lead a single life some call Men Going Their Own way.

    Alyss Majere

    Alyss Majere

    Sentence Differences.
    Female MRA (FeM.R.A) Alyss Majere talks about the disaprity between male and female sentencing with regards to outcomes of crimes.

    Mike Buchanan


    Male Genital Mutilation.
    Paul Elam from A Voice For Men and Mike Buchanan from Justice For Men and Boys (J4MB) talk about Male Genital Mutilation which is referred to as circumcision.

    Howard Dare

    Howard Dare

    MGTOW The End of Times.
    Howard Dare explains how the dynamics of society would change in an End Times style SHTF scenario and the way in which MGTOW would affect that and how MGTOW could be affected.

    Barbara Kay

    Barbara Kay

    Women who stealth men.
    On Rebel Media, Barbara Kay speaks of how women are not only never yet charged with sexual assault or rape for tampering with preventative measures against having a child resulting from sexual acts but also how these women are paid money.



    Tribute to Monk Tea.
    GoMGTOW pays tribute to a MGTOW who vanished from VidMe and the internet in general. This is sometimes the way of MGTOW content creators. Enjoy with a cup of tea... Or your favorite beverage, and remember our brother Monk Tea.

    Jordan B Peterson

    Jordan B Peterson

    Disinvited to Linfield College.
    Jordan B Peterson of Berkley California University protest fame, speaks of how he has been disinvited to speak at Linfield college. Rumour has it that feminism may have had something to do with it.



    YouTube is such a wasteland.
    LawBorn of the Chris Exile channel speaks of how audience interaction with smaller channels has dropped since the good old days of youtube and hints at how newer internet locations might hold the answer.

    Computing Forever

    Computing Forever

    Trump Feminism NASA.
    Dave Cullen of the Computing Forever channel speaks of how his support for President Trump is put under strain from time to time such as with this example of how Mr. Trump is promoting women and girls in fields such as NASA rather than all people including men and boys via equality of opportunity.


    Alison Tieman

    Alison Tieman: How to fuck youtube.
    Alison Tieman of HoneyBadgerRadio speaks of how a fundraiser may be the answer to breaking the dependency upon youtube of activism groups. Somebody should inform Alison of Movim, and perhaps of this exact webpage URL too.



    YouTube censorship.
    Observing what appears to be some manner of down-time on his Youtube channel videos, John, your host of MGTOWisFreedom, puts it to you the viewer that Youtube have been censoring videos.

    Hannah Wallen

    Hannah Wallen

    It goes both ways.
    Female M.R.A Hannah Wallen describes fight or flight reactions in certain situations of Domestic Violence and speaks of the perceptions of the genders and the effects on freedom.



    prepTorrent Filenaming Convention.
    The subject of this silent video slideshow presentation is thus: A filenaming convention using 7zip files or similar to ensure filenames of content like videos are short enough to be written to optical disk such as DVD without concatenation by the Joliet filenaming convention. Likewise, if shared by torrent, the name is searchable.