• chevron_right

      An Ansible reference sheet

      pubsub.slavino.sk / jpmens.net · Saturday, 23 July, 2022 - 22:00

    The idea for an Ansible reference (or cheat) sheet was reborn last week at the Linuxhotel ; a few students who knew they would be receiving a tmux mug as a gift when leaving asked why we don’t give out Ansible mugs.

    One person approached me and said mugs are impractical: most people already have their favorite beverage mug, mugs have little space for information, and they typically find their way into the back of some kitchen cabinet. Why don’t we consider a nicely-printed DIN A3 sheet on good paper and possibly even plastify it?

    Ansible cheat sheet

    And so began the work of collating the information I want to present and packing it onto a double-sided A3 page, ensuring the formatting is somewhat decent. It turns out printing on A4 is doable, and you might actually be able to read it.

    I’d have very much liked to add details for our advanced course , but there’s simply not enough space. I just might make a second reference card for that.

    So, here’s the reference card , and you know where to find me if you have feedback.

    Značky: #Network

    • wifi_tethering open_in_new

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      jpmens.net /2022/07/24/an-ansible-reference-sheet/

    • chevron_right

      A human and a spreadsheet

      pubsub.slavino.sk / jpmens.net · Monday, 18 July, 2022 - 22:00

    My request was pretty easy, I thought, when I asked the person to give me a list of student names and their email addresses so I could send out invitations.

    I got a spreadsheet:


    Five empty rows. Eight rows with an additional third column containing a first name which is already in column A. Two additional rows with some blurb and a given name, but as there’s no email address associated, I can’t use the entry.

    Mind-boggling. Even more so when you know what this IT person’s title is.

    Značky: #Network

    • chevron_right

      Ten years of Ansible

      pubsub.slavino.sk / jpmens.net · Sunday, 5 June, 2022 - 22:00 · 6 minutes

    So, recruiters, you’re looking for somebody with ten (10) years of Ansible experience? Here I am. On 2012-06-06, twenty years to the day, I wrote my first blog post on Ansible .

    I’m certainly not the only one who’s worked with the Ansible software so long, and there are people who’ve done a lot more for its community, but I thought I’d share some of the things I did or experienced along the way.

    The first written record on Github of me contributing to Ansible is dated July 20th, 2012 . (I may have had previous interactions on the Ansible mailing list but it’s impossible for me to search through that.) I provided the world with a few small modules and lookup plugins , but my pièce de résistance has always been the documentation generator: modules (and later plugins) have their documentation inline, and this is extracted on-the-fly with ansible-doc(1) . The official module documentation pages, e.g. get_url are generated from the same source. Back then, running ansible-doc -l to list modules and their single-line description was fast, but Ansible meanwhile has over 6,500 modules and having to instantiate them all to access the DOCUMENTATION variable hurts. I work around this deficiency by recommending ansible-doc -l > doc and grep(1) through that.


    Contributing modules used to be fun, but hearing years later that ini_file doesn’t work when a section is empty or whatnot, just makes me yell “well then just don’t leave it empty!” into the void. Maintainers know what suffering is, and I’ve had a minuscule amount of it. On the other hand it’s a confirmation that the code is being used. (Nobody’s ever complained about my mqtt notification module…)

    There have been ups and downs. One of the “ups” was when Michael invited me to the very first Ansible Fest in Boston in 2013. There I also had the distinct pleasure of meeting Seth Vidal with whom I discussed creating local facts . Sadly, Seth passed shortly thereafter – a loss to the community.

    Another definitive “up” for me is how I won the argument against Michael that module docs should have formatting in them. A very simply C(constant) type syntax was invented, which he didn’t want, but I won. I’ve dined out on that story and strongly hope he has no hard feelings about it. :-)

    I’ve previously written about how I care about Ansible , and I still do. I greatly enjoy teaching students about Ansible and how to use it, and while I actively stopped doing so for Tower/AWX in 2020, several hundred people have meanwhile listened to me be mostly positive about the rest, and we went a step further and created a more advanced course .

    One of my infamous “downs” was the sudo cake fiasco which gathered some notoriety and has even found mention in books. In terms of embarrassing mistakes in my career, it certainly takes the cake. Today, still, after countless hours of therapy I use the cake metaphor to teach students that we have to respect config management and that running modules with root privileges on hundreds of machines can be exciting . An upside of this fiasco: it lead to Brian (who read the post back then) suggesting template validation , meanwhile also available on a bunch of other modules, and while I like saying validation is for wimps , students do always realize I’m poking fun at myself in saying so!

    sudo cake

    I regret having had to abandon work I began on an Ansible booklet which could have become a good bit of (printed) documentation.

    draft Ansible booklet

    I couldn’t find the time to complete the effort and then forgot about it. Others have done stellar work on documenting Ansible: Jeff Geerling with his book Ansible for DevOps and Lorin Hochstein, René Moser, and Bas Meijer with their book Ansible Up & Running which I’ve had the honour of reviewing for the 2nd and 3rd editions.

    I’m no fan of cowsay and coined the configuration NOCOWS=1 , but I did write up a cow and bull story explaining their Ansible-related background. In my Ansible trainings I install a self-written cow server called cattled for an exercise and hope that will aid in reinstating me amongst cow lovers. Apropos cows: I’m a bit chuffed to report I’m the person who convinced O’Reilly to turn the cow around on the cover of “Up and Running”’s 3rd edition so that it matches the direction in which cowsay cows look.

    Ansible Up and Running covers 2nd and 3rd ed.

    We invented the {{ ansible_managed }} variable for templates back in 2012 as a mechanism with which I can mark a file as being managed somewhere else, hopefully preventing administrators in editing this file. The default value has always been configurable and was broken during some misunderstanding. Anyway, it can still be configured. Ten years later I stumble across official documentation which demonstrates how to couple that with {{ comment }} to make it output over several lines. The times I’ve wanted that … It turns out the idea was part of the PR introducing the comment filter, so thank you Jiri!

    It’s been a bit of fun.

    I decided to ask my followers whether I have somehow influenced/improved/deteriorated their lives in some way with my Ansible work, and these are some (partially abbreviated) responses I got:

    • “I started automating stuff with Ansible because of your blogposts years ago” – Hagen
    • “You made my life as admin easier. And while I can only write little things in Ansible, it really helps me.” joanna
    • “I’m learning about your contributions every week. Did not know that you invented ansible_managed or the dig-lookup. So thank you!” – FiLiS
    • “Since you’re responsible for ANSIBLE_NOCOWS=1 , I’d say it did, yea.” Armin
    • “I first heard about Ansible through one of your first blog posts.” Serge
    • ”.. your blog posts at the time really showed how easy it was to get started ..” Vincent
    • “There are only a few devs who I can almost guarantee will show up in my Google results when deep into a weird Ansible playbook… and you’re one of them.” Jeff
    • “Your impact is obvious to anyone who looks.” Greg
    • “Your blog posts and presentations were definitely inspiring.” – René
    • “Your talk about Ansible at OSDC years ago got us to give it a try at Sipgate (and move away from puppet). Today, Ansible powers large parts of our deployments and system/network infrastructure.” Rudolph
    • “Somewhere early 2012 you tweeted about Ansible [..] which turned out to have a massive impact on my working and personal life which I never could have imagined.” - Ton (in a long email)

    Sadly some people didn’t properly read my query (I think) and just sent a few dozen “Ansible sucks” and “fuck YAML” my way, so my expectations in that regard were also met.

    It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling that you might in some part of the world be using some small portion of Ansible in which I muddled, back in the time. Enjoy it. And what really gives me warm feelings is that along the way I’ve met a number of people (in real life) whom I enjoy encountering when I can.

    And why did I even glance at something as unfinished as Ansible was at the time, those ten years ago? I worked in a project in which I wanted to automate deployment of a number of DNS servers, and I disliked the tool I had to use so intensely, that I grasped at any straw I could find. That’s my story, and I’ve no regrets.

    Značky: #Network

    • chevron_right

      A backup is only as good as ...

      pubsub.slavino.sk / jpmens.net · Tuesday, 24 May, 2022 - 22:00 · 1 minute

    I created msoak as a utility to subscribe to multiple MQTT brokers simultaneously and consume any number of topics; it soaks up what they have to offer and prints the topic/payload to stdout . I pipe that output to tinylog for storage, compression, and file rotation. I’ve been using this setup to log from a bunch of brokers ever since msoak was born two years ago.

    Today, while looking at previously-logged data in preparation for consumption of future similar data, I discovered to my horror, that tinylog(8) truncates lines at what I first assumed was 1024 but actually is 1000 bytes.

    I simply hadn’t noticed. It’s my fault, of course. It’s documented, but I’d overlooked that sentence.

    tinylog ignores empty lines, truncates lines longer than 1000 characters

    Within minutes I found the definition and I’m now good. (80k is really sufficient for the moment.)

    --- perp-2.07/perp/tinylog.c	2013-01-11 16:10:32.000000000 +0100
    +++ perp-2.07-jp/perp/tinylog.c	2022-05-25 17:53:35.000000000 +0200
    @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
     /* default maximum size for log file (bytes): */
     #define CURRENT_MAX  100000
     /* maximum size for line in log file (bytes): */
    -#define LOGLINE_MAX    1000
    +#define LOGLINE_MAX    80000
     /* pause on exceptional error (billionths of second): */
     #define EPAUSE  555444321UL

    They say a backup is only as good as its recovery. Very true.

    Značky: #Network

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      jpmens.net /2022/05/25/a-backup-is-only-as-good-as/

    • chevron_right

      One gotty(1) Web terminal per user

      pubsub.slavino.sk / jpmens.net · Monday, 2 May, 2022 - 22:00 · 2 minutes

    I need a flipchart or a whiteboard while teaching, but during online sessions I resort to using a terminal and a text editor and quickly got tired of having to swap sharing different windows in Zoom, Big Blue Button, & co. (I share individual windows, not the whole screen.)

    I stumbled over gotty some years ago, and have used it to enable users to login to systems if they can’t SSH in (think corporate firewalls). It works well and is reliable. During the new setup I’m doing for training machines I need one gotty per user which is easily accomplished using distinct TCP port numbers. My first attempt in launching them was by templating out an rc.local script, but I wanted something more elegant.

    I recalled that systemd services can take an argument via the service@argument syntax which fits in well with my user numbering, and after a bit of experimentation came up with a solution which works well.

    Description=GoTTY Web Terminal %i
    ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/gotty -p 91%i tmux new-session -A -s user%i

    The unit file’s WorkingDirectory is needed or gotty starts in / , and the tmux invocation is to automatically start or attach to tmux in an SSH session . Users can SSH into the machine and/or use gotty and see the same screen. More importantly, I can, once given consent by a student, login and see their screen, help with error messages, give tips, etc.

    Each user’s home directory has a ~/.gotty preferences file containing

    address = ""
    credential = "username:password"
    title_format = "Ansible:username"
    permit_write = true
    preferences {
        font_size = 20
        background_color = "rgb(255, 255, 255)"
        foreground_color = "rgb(0, 0, 0)"

    The required number of gotty sessions are launched during setup of the machine with Ansible . (The sequence lookup produces a list of numbers 00 , 01 , 02 based on the number of users I expect to welcome.)

    - name: "Gotty: start gotty services"
      systemd: name="gotty@{{ item }}" enabled=true state=started
      with_sequence: '{{ nusers }}'

    This is the resulting process list:

    $ps aux|grep g[o]tty
    user01      1209  ... /usr/local/sbin/gotty -p 9101 tmux new-session -A -s user01
    user00      1244  ... /usr/local/sbin/gotty -p 9100 tmux new-session -A -s user00

    Each gotty listens on the loopback interface. A templated-out configuration lets a TLS-protected nginx reverse proxy talk to the gotty s.

    location /tty00/ {
    	proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    	proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
    	proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    	rewrite ^/tty00/?$ / break;
    	rewrite ^/tty00/(.*)$ /$1 break;
    	proxy_http_version 1.1;
    	proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    	proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

    It’s only just now while writing this, that I realize GoTTY , which means “tty thing written in Go” actually reminds me of getty(8) . :-)

    Značky: #Network

    • chevron_right

      Back to the drawing board: Ansible training machines

      pubsub.slavino.sk / jpmens.net · Wednesday, 27 April, 2022 - 22:00 · 4 minutes

    I avoid using the cloud in situations where it’s not really necessary which is why I had the “whole” infrastructure with me during Ansible trainings: no dependencies on the Internet not working at a customer site, firewall rules forbidding access to resources, etc.

    During the second half of 2019 I dreamed up and created an Ansible training environment based on FreeBSD and spent quite a bit of time getting it just right. TL;DR: it was a laptop with FreeBSD and a number of jails on it. Students would each have three “machines” from and onto which they could perform deployments in labs during the training. The setup contained a package repository and a PIP repo for select installs required during labs, a local DNS server, etc.; everything was self contained. Perfect for me, and after its first productive use I reported how enthusiastic I was that nobody had noticed anything untoward:

    They looked at me a bit curiously, and when I told them they’d all been working together on one laptop, I saw the odd jaw open.

    You might have noticed that last report is dated beginning of the pandemic : February 2020.

    As you can imagine, all planned events for that year (and the next, and the next, but I digress) were cancelled, postponed, or requested as “online” versions. How to solve the problem of my portable data center ?

    Use the cloud , they said.

    I found Digital Ocean offered FreeBSD as one of their Droplet operating systems, and I was quite quickly able to convert my setup to one of their Droplets. A few hours before a training, I would launch my magical shell scripts (sue me!), and behold I’d have a for me perfect setup for doing the labs.

    Life was good. The setup performed well, and I tweaked and changed things to suit me better, but I was happy with how it all fitted together, and I don’t recall having heard a complaint during a training. (Once, a student said: “this isn’t Linux, is it?”). Then came the time when I learned that FreeBSD 12.2 was to become EOL. I contacted Digital Ocean to ask about FreeBSD’s future on their platform: hmm, nothing specific could yet be said. They were discussing it internally and couldn’t comment at this time. I thought that ominous.

    Just after 12.2 EOL in March of this year it turns out that Digital Ocean are dropping support for FreeBSD entirely. FiLiS reports about Digital Ocean saying :

    the action plan is to retire FreeBSD versions through the UI starting June 2022 and through the API starting August 2022.


    I became aware that it is possible to upload FreeBSD custom images to Digital Ocean , and a number of people responded to tweets etc. telling me likewise, but I simply am not interested in hacking that. First of all because I don’t care to actually do the work and have to maintain the lot, and secondly because storing images isn’t free of charge. It’s not a large amount of money, but there’s the odd gin&tonic to be gained from not doing so. But honestly, why should I do this if alternative operating systems are maintained? I don’t see a benefit for myself.

    The good folk at BastilleBSD pointed me at Vultr who actually do have a current (13.0) version of FreeBSD , but unfortunately it’s UFS file system only, and I need ZFS because of my iocage use. I’ve asked Vultr, and there’s a feature request en route to their development team, but it’s unknown whether it will happen and in which time frame, and that’s a problem: if Digital Ocean really kill FreeBSD in June/August, then I’m in dire need of a working solution.

    I probably could, providing enough time and effort, change, replace, rip out, re-insert, and whatever, for example replace iocage by BastilleBSD , but I just don’t feel like it any more. I’ve reached an age at which it’s just no fun. I need something with a “best before” date further in the future. Preparing for a course the evening before only to realize that stuff doesn’t work and I have to stay up for hours so that a dozen students don’t realize it didn’t work is just no longer my cup of tea. (This occurred to me near Utrecht a few months ago: at midnight I set up the servers only to have the system fail because a change to the way pkg bootstrapping worked was sprung upon me. Not fun.)

    At the moment I don’t see an alternative to changing my setup. I will likely use individual Droplets, virtual machines, instances, or whatever you call them, launching them, getting a few things prepared and being done with it. I’m a perfectionist during trainings, and labs etc. have to be just so.

    And to be quite clear, this is certainly not a reason for me to stop using Digital Ocean’s offerings, on the contrary. They’ve been good for me and will hopefully continue to be so. It’s not as though they’ll be losing a huge amount of money from my not using an 8GB machine once in a while, right? FreeBSD is likely not big business for them and hence they drop it. C’est la vie. We will gladly continue using their services for our Linux-based DNS & DNSSEC trainings.

    I’ll get over it and solve the problem, but judging from what I’ve looked at the past 24 hours it won’t be using FreeBSD .

    Značky: #Network

    • wifi_tethering open_in_new

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      jpmens.net /2022/04/28/back-to-the-drawing-board-ansible-training-machines/

    • chevron_right

      My requirement for DNSSEC: a napkin

      pubsub.slavino.sk / jpmens.net · Sunday, 23 January, 2022 - 23:00

    I’m regularly made fun of when teaching DNSSEC because I tell people I use a “napkin” when creating DNSSEC keys to jot down the key tags (or key IDs), and it’s true: also during trainings I have the “napkin” – to be precise it’s a sheet of A4 paper on which I note modifications to schedule, timezones, whether I still owe answers to questions, and of course, the key IDs of DNSSEC keys.

    Here’s a partial scan of last week’s napkin:

    the last napkin I used for DNSSEC signings

    I don’t mind students’ grins, and I typically laugh last, when they say they’re getting errors (e.g. during manual signing), and I can victoriously respond: “if you’d used a napkin to make a note of which key tag is KSK and which is ZSK that wouldn’t have occurred!” :-)

    I wonder whether I ought to start a napkin business and what the design should look like …

    Značky: #Network

    • wifi_tethering open_in_new

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      jpmens.net /2022/01/24/my-requirement-for-dnssec-a-napkin/

    • chevron_right

      Fun with the DNS SOA expire field

      pubsub.slavino.sk / jpmens.net · Thursday, 13 January, 2022 - 23:00 · 2 minutes

    I spend a bit of time explaining the DNS Start Of Authority ( SOA ) record in introductory DNS trainings. This is what a DNS SOA record (the first record in a zone file and one which must exist exactly once in a zone) looks like:

    example.net.   3600 IN  SOA mname rname (
                            17       ; serial
                            7200     ; refresh (2 hours)
                            3600     ; retry (1 hour)
                            1209600  ; expire (2 weeks)
                            900      ; negttl [minimum] (15 minutes)

    We discuss the individual fields and scenarios for their values (also pointing out that recommended SOA values may or may not be useful). I specifically talk about the expire field and what its use is. You will know that if a secondary server for this zone cannot contact a primary for expire seconds, the secondary server will no longer respond to queries for this zone, preferring to SERVFAIL rather than to respond with stale data. That is how I learned what the field means. Quite straightforward actually.

    I would not have brought up the topic had it not been for a participant who asked what happens if expire is configured to zero ( 0 ) seconds.

    After saying “don’t do that!” and threatening to get a frozen trout from the fridge if further such question arose, I put the question aside, but that evening I decided to investigate. Unfortunately, as it turns out.

    DNS specifications and exceptions ... ;)

    What would actually happen if an authoritative primary provided a zone with expire=0 in its SOA ?

    My first thought was the secondary server, upon receiving a transfer with expire=0 , would just immediately expire the zone. Easy enough to test, and it turned out that a BIND secondary does not do that at all but continues serving the zone “for a while”. (I initially reported BIND serves the zone for an hour before expiring it, but that is wrong.) Thanks to Evan who directs me to the function I wasn’t able to find in the source code, I learn expire is set to at least refresh + retry (and has been since 1999), whereby the latter two values have a minimum of 5 minutes each. I also learned that BIND limits expire to 14515200 seconds or 24 weeks.

    The introductory training had already finished, but I contacted the participants and reported our findings. (I try to not leave questions unanswered.)

    And how do the other Open Source DNS servers react?

    PowerDNS and Knot DNS do not expire the zone data when receiving expire=0 ; the former because it doesn’t ever expire a zone (see below).

    Admittedly this whole topic of expire with value 0 seconds is super edge-case, and there’s no reason to get involved in looking into it. (So why did I do that!?!?)

    But what about “regular” expiration? Assume a zone has a valid expire field in its SOA , how will these servers handle that when operating as secondaries?

    PowerDNS originally made a deliberate design choice to never expire zones. I learned about this yesterday upon submitting an issue report .

    NSD implements zone expiry and logs the fact when it occurs. (Here are notes I took .)

    nsd[45521]: error: xfrd: zone a1.dnslab.org has expired

    Knot DNS also expires the zone when expire elapses, logging the fact ( my notes ).

    info: [a1.dnslab.org.] zone expired

    BIND also expires the zone when the SOA expire elapses ( my notes ), and logs the fact:

    general: zone a1.dnslab.org/IN: expired

    These last three respond with SERVFAIL when the zone has expired, meaning that a legitimate client such as a resolver will attempt to query a different nameserver.

    I spent the better part of a day doing this. I should have left it at don’t do that !

    Značky: #Network

    • wifi_tethering open_in_new

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      jpmens.net /2022/01/14/fun-with-the-dns-soa-expire-field/

    • chevron_right

      Ansible vault password in macOS keychain

      pubsub.slavino.sk / jpmens.net · Thursday, 16 December, 2021 - 23:00 · 1 minute

    I’ve been messing around with macOS keychains part of the morning, and it occurred to me that I hadn’t jotted down how to use Ansible vault with generic passwords in a macOS keychain , so here goes.

    I create a generic password from the CLI or via the GUI

    $security add-generic-password -a jpmens -j"vault pw for example.com"-s vpw-example-com -wpassword data for new item:
    retype password for new item:

    password in keychain

    A one-line shell script I place in ~/bin/vaultpw.sh obtains that generic password

    /usr/bin/security find-generic-password -a jpmens -s vpw-example-com  -w

    and I configure ansible.cfg to use that executable script from which to obtain the vault password on stdout (or I specify it at runtime as argument to --vault-password-file )


    Whenever I use Ansible vault, its password is obtained automatically.

    $EDITOR=ed ansible-vault create secrets.yml
    dbpass: superverysecret
    $head-2 secrets.yml
    $ansible-vault view secrets.yml
    dbpass: superverysecret

    Note that it’s not possible to keep the vault password secret from anyone who must be able to launch playbooks which use vaulted files from the CLI.

    Značky: #Network

    • wifi_tethering open_in_new

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      jpmens.net /2021/12/17/ansible-vault-password-in-macos-keychain/