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      Vlogger, pourquoi la dernière IA vidéo de Google inquiète

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Sunday, 31 March - 09:00


    L'intelligence artificielle poursuit son avancée (que certains qualifieront d'inquiétante) avec la création de Vlogger, un système développé par des chercheurs de Google capable de générer des vidéos réalistes à partir d'une simple photographie. Une technologie qui fascine et qui interroge, notamment sur les implications sociétales qu'elle entraîne.
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      Nearly 4,000 celebrities found to be victims of deepfake pornography

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Thursday, 21 March - 20:18

    Channel 4 News finds 255 British names including its presenter Cathy Newman on list from top five deepfake sites

    More than 250 British celebrities are among thousands of famous people who are victims of deepfake pornography, an investigation has found.

    A Channel 4 News analysis of the five most visited deepfake websites found almost 4,000 famous individuals were listed, of whom 255 were British.

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      Ces inarrêtables « usines » à deepfakes infestent le web avec des contenus obscènes

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Tuesday, 19 March - 16:35

    Alors que de plus en plus de personnes, massivement des femmes, sont victimes de deepfakes à caractères sexuels, leur contrôle sur le web devient impossible tant les outils prolifèrent. Numerama a consulté ces chaînes « usines » à détournement de visage.

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      Could a Labour ‘nudification’ manifesto bring more safety to AI?

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Tuesday, 19 March - 11:40

    A new proposal aims to bring greater oversight to AI development, from deepfakes and ‘cheapfakes’ to electoral misinformation, but it could highlight a divide between parties

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    The politics of AI regulation became a little clearer this weekend, after an influential Labour thinktank laid out its framework for how the party should approach the topic in its manifesto.

    From our story :

    The policy paper, produced by the centre-left Labour Together thinktank, proposes a legal ban on dedicated nudification tools that allow users to generate explicit content by uploading images of real people.

    It would also create an obligation for developers of general-purpose AI tools and web hosting companies to take reasonable steps to ensure they are not involved in the production of such images, or other harmful deepfakes.

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      En Floride, des ados arrêtés pour avoir créé des deepfakes de nus de leurs camarades de classe

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Monday, 18 March - 07:00

    Jeune Smartphone

    En décembre dernier, deux adolescents de Floride ont été arrêtés pour des soupçons de création et de partage d'images de nus générées par intelligence artificielle de leurs camarades de classe, sans leur consentement.
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      Labour considers ‘nudification’ ban and cross-party pledge on AI deepfakes

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Sunday, 17 March - 10:23

    Party looking at proposal to outlaw tools used for nonconsensual pornography and promise not to tolerate electoral misinformation

    Labour is considering proposals to tackle AI deepfakes, including a ban on so-called nudification tools, used to generate nonconsensual pornography, and signing up to a cross-party pledge not to tolerate deepfakes that constitute electoral misinformation, the Guardian can reveal.

    The policy paper, produced by the centre-left Labour Together thinktank, proposes a legal ban on dedicated nudification tools that allow users to generate explicit content by uploading images of real people.

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      Family takes fight against deepfake nudes to Washington

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Tuesday, 12 March - 14:11

    Francesa Mani told her mother she would not be a victim after fake images were circulated around her New Jersey school

    In October last year Francesa Mani came home from school in the suburbs of New Jersey with devastating news for her mother, Dorota.

    Earlier in the day the 14-year-old had been called into the vice-principal’s office and notified that she and a group of girls at Westfield High had been the victims of targeted abuse by a fellow student.

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      Black Box: the hunt for ClothOff – the deepfake porn app – podcast

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Monday, 11 March - 03:00

    For the past six months, the Guardian journalist Michael Safi has been trying to find out who is behind an AI company that creates deepfakes. Deepfakes that are causing havoc around the world, with police and lawmakers baffled about how to deal with them. And in trying to answer one question, he has been left with a bigger one: is AI going to make it impossible to sort fact from fiction?

    • Subscribe to Black Box , a new Guardian audio series on artificial intelligence, for all the remaining episodes
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      Episode two – The hunt for ClothOff: the deepfake porn app

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Thursday, 7 March - 05:00

    For the past six months, Guardian journalist Michael Safi has been trying to find out who is behind an AI company that creates deepfakes. Deepfakes that are causing havoc around the world, with police and lawmakers baffled about how to deal with them. And in trying to answer one question, he has been left with a bigger one: is AI going to make it impossible to sort fact from fiction?

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