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      DMA be damned, Apple cuts off path to Epic Games Store, Fortnite on EU iPhones

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 6 March - 20:11 · 1 minute

    Extreme close-up photograph of a hand holding a smartphone.

    Enlarge / A Fortnite loading screen displayed on an iPhone in 2018, when Apple and Epic weren't at each other's throats. (credit: Andrew Harrer | Bloomberg | Getty Images )

    Last month, Epic announced that Apple had approved an iOS developer account for Epic Games Sweden, thus securing a path for Fortnite to return to the iOS App Store for the first time since 2020 (in Europe, at least). But Apple has now terminated that Swedish developer account in a move Epic says is a "serious violation of the DMA [that] shows Apple has no intention of allowing true competition on iOS devices."

    No competing App Store for you

    Epic is referring there to the Digital Markets Act , the European regulation that has forced Apple to officially allow sideloaded apps on European iOS devices for the first time. Since Apple announced its DMA compliance plans in January, though, many third-party developers have loudly complained about the stringent terms Apple is imposing on companies that want to establish alternative App Stores on iOS devices. Epic Games was among those public complainants, with CEO Tim Sweeney publicly calling Apple's policies "a devious new instance of Malicious Compliance" full of "hot garbage."

    Epic said Apple denied its request for a DMA consultation that could have helped streamline its plans to return to iOS. Despite this, in February, Epic signaled a willingness to jump through Apple's hoops, using a newly approved developer account for Epic Games Sweden AB as a way to "start developing the Epic Games Store on iOS soon" ahead of a planned 2024 launch.

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      Doctor Who dans Fortnite ? Le showrunner de la série répond

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Monday, 12 February - 15:50

    Fortnite Doctor Who David Tennant

    Russell T. Davies s'exprime au sujet de rumeurs et de fuites concernant l'arrivée du Time Lord sur le battle royale d'Epic Games.
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      Disney dépense 1,5 milliard de dollars pour un parc virtuel dans Fortnite

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Thursday, 8 February - 08:35

    Disney a annoncé un investissement de 1,5 milliard pour collaborer avec Epic Games. Son objectif est de créer de nouvelles expériences connectées à Fortnite, puisant dans ses licences.

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      Disney invests $1.5B in Epic Games, plans new “games and entertainment universe”

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 7 February - 22:48

    What is this, some sort of "meta universe" or something?

    Enlarge / What is this, some sort of "meta universe" or something? (credit: Disney / Epic)

    Entertainment conglomerate Disney has announced plans to invest $1.5 billion for an "equity stake" in gaming conglomerate Epic Games. The financial partnership will also see both companies "collaborate on an all-new games and entertainment universe that will further expand the reach of beloved Disney stories and experiences," according to a press release issued late Wednesday .

    A short teaser trailer announcing the partnership promises that "a new Universe will emerge," allowing players to "play, watch, create, [and] shop" while "discover[ing] a place where magic is Epic."

    In announcing the partnership, Disney stressed its long-standing use of Epic's Unreal Engine in projects ranging from cinematic editing to theme park experiences like Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. Disney's new gaming universe will also be powered by the Unreal Engine, the company said.

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      GTA V, Fortnite ou Call of Duty : quel jeu est le plus populaire selon vous ?

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Monday, 15 January - 13:00

    Jeu Service Le Plus Populaire Sur Consoles

    La bataille des jeux service continue de faire rage... mais un vainqueur réclame déjà son titre. Fortnite, GTA V ou Call of Duty ?
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      Vous ne verrez rien de mieux que cet immense navire de guerre créé dans Lego Fortnite

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Monday, 15 January - 10:07

    Lego Fortnite permet à tout un chacun d'exprimer sa créativité en construisant tout et n'importe quoi. Naturellement, il y a des personnes plus douées et ce destroyer ultra-détaillé le prouve.

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      Monopole illégal : Epic remporte une victoire historique contre Google

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Tuesday, 12 December - 09:30

    Fortnite Victoire

    Le studio vidéoludique derrière Fortnite vient de gagner son procès antitrust contre le géant du web.

    Monopole illégal : Epic remporte une victoire historique contre Google