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      Attention, un bug d’Overwatch 2 force à acheter des skins non remboursables

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Saturday, 8 October, 2022 - 09:15

    À cause d'un bug dans Overwatch 2, des joueurs et des joueuses ont dû acheter des skins, qu'ils ne désiraient pourtant pas acquérir. Blizzard a répondu que ce type d'achat ne peut pas être remboursé. [Lire la suite]

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      Vous n’avez rien suivi d’Overwatch 2 ? Guide de survie pour savoir ce qui change

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Thursday, 6 October, 2022 - 06:47

    Overwatch 2 Une

    Overwatch est mort, vive Overwatch 2. Huit ans après la sortie de son FPS, Blizzard le revisite avec de nombreux changements. PVP, PVE, modèle économique, graphismes, passe de combat : petit guide de survie pour s'y retrouver. [Lire la suite]

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      Les discussions vocales dans Valorant seront parfois écoutées pour punir les dérives

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Monday, 27 June, 2022 - 10:15

    Riot Games prépare un mécanisme d'écoute des discussions à l'oral dans le jeu Valorant, en cas de signalement de comportement excessif dans la discussion vocale. [Lire la suite]

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      HYENAS : le FPS compétitif des créateurs d’Alien Isolation se dévoile enfin

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Thursday, 23 June, 2022 - 15:00

    template-jdg-2022-06-23t115205-031-158x105.jpg Capture d'écran du trailer de Hyenas avec une femme avalant de la poudre de bonbon pétillante sur un fond violet numérique

    Loin du sérieux de leurs jeux habituels, Creative Assembly nous propose un FPS multijoueur déjanté et anticapitaliste.

    HYENAS : le FPS compétitif des créateurs d’Alien Isolation se dévoile enfin

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      Avec Overwatch 2, Blizzard s’évite un nouveau scandale en retirant les loot boxes

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Friday, 17 June, 2022 - 09:21

    Blizzard a complètement repensé son modèle d'affaires pour Overwatch 2. Outre le passage au free-to-play, les loot boxes (boîtes de butin) vont être supprimées. [Lire la suite]

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      DOOMED: Demons of the Nether turns Minecraft into modern DOOM

      news.movim.eu / GamingOnLinux · Tuesday, 11 January, 2022 - 11:19

    What do Minecraft and modern DOOM have in common? Not a lot but a modder decided to merge them together to create DOOMED: Demons of the Nether and it's pretty darn good.

    Giving you a single-player campaign, this free to download mod is inspired by the modern DOOM games borrowing plenty of design elements. Technically, in Minecraft land, it's an adventure map pack but it really does change the game. Take a look at just how impressive it is:

    youtube video thumbnail
    Watch video on YouTube.com

    Installation is easy enough too and I've tested it working nicely on Linux.

    Make sure you have a fresh install of Minecraft 1.16.13, download the pack and then simply extract the contents into your Minecraft saves folder usually found in ~/.minecraft/saves/ . That's it, as it comes with everything needed.

    Once done, load Minecraft up and select it from the Singleplayer menu and it will guide you through a few settings you might need to tweak to make it look as intended. Absolutely brilliant.

    Article from GamingOnLinux.com taken from the RSS feed.
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      Check out the original Half-Life with Ray Tracing

      news.movim.eu / GamingOnLinux · Monday, 10 January, 2022 - 14:03

    Want to play with some real-time path tracing in Half-Life? Well, a modder is doing just that and has released a small teaser to show it off.

    The work is actually based on an existing effort , which will bring Vulkan Ray Tracing into Xash3D FWGS, a game engine that's compatible with classic Valve games designed for modding. The modder going by sultim_t, mentions their work will see the source code released when the mod is ready. They said it will provide hardware accelerated ray tracing with the possibility to "calculate global illumination, reflections, refractions, soft shadows and other visual effects with interactive framerates".

    Until it's out, you can see what they showed off below:

    They say Half-Life: RAY TRACED will be out in 2022 for "Windows", but that's never stopped us before has it? Given the source code will be out, it hopefully won't be too difficult to get it working, especially as the existing work it's based upon is cross-platform.

    Article from GamingOnLinux.com taken from the RSS feed.
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      Upcoming GZDoom-powered FPS Selaco shows off the 'AI Response System'

      news.movim.eu / GamingOnLinux · Monday, 10 January, 2022 - 12:04 · 2 minutes

    As if I could get any more excited? Selaco just looks simply incredible in the footage we've seen previously, this new GZDoom-powered FPS is going to kick-ass.

    One of the big features is the FEAR-inspired AI system, where the enemies actually work together properly to take you down. They're aware of each other, use different tactics depending on the situation and so on. It does sound exciting and the latest video shows it off a little more. Oh, you also get to flip things for cover which is clearly awesome.

    youtube video thumbnail
    Watch video on YouTube.com

    Game Features:

    • A lengthy story-driven campaign

    Selaco is a story-driven experience, and we don't say that lightly. A dedicated writer has been brought on board to assist with creating an engaging and believable sci-fi story and world.

    • Intense Action set pieces

    Turn the entire world into confetti with the destructive power of your weapons. Every single bullet will react properly with any materials or objects you hit. Our artists have created many different variations for each (voxel)object to ensure that the aftermath of each encounter is palpable. That once lavish office space now nothing but a pile of rubble with broken paintings, smashed tables, screen, chairs, smoke, and chunks of debris.

    • Custom AI

    With our FEAR influence, writing proper AI was a goal from the get go. The enemy is fully aware of each other's presence and work together to take you down. They will keep their distance if you apply constant pressure on them, will rush you if you hide or run out of bullets, toss grenades if you use the same cover for too long, and much more. Hundreds of custom lines have been written and acted out, providing hints to the player about their current plans and tactics.

    • Full soundtrack

    Selaco is accompanied by a full length original soundtrack composed by an experienced musician who has worked on many games in the past.

    • Professional voice-acting.

    To help immerse players in the story and atmosphere of Selaco, professional voice actors have been brought on board. Dawn will be voiced by the incredibly talented Melissa Medina, with other casting choices revealed at a later date.

    It's quite some time away from release yet but don't let that stop you heading over to Steam and hitting that wishlist button.

    You can also support the developer on Patreon .

    Article from GamingOnLinux.com taken from the RSS feed.