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      Free améliore le forfait Netflix inclus avec sa Freebox Delta / Numerama · Wednesday, 12 July, 2023 - 11:21

    Les abonnés à la box haut de gamme de Free ont désormais le choix entre Netflix Essentiel (1 écran, 720p) et Netflix Standard (2 écrans, 1080p, avec des publicités). Un choix pas forcément facile, avant la disparition de l'offre de base ? [Lire la suite]

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      The Morning Risk Report / TheWallStreetJournal · Tuesday, 11 July, 2023 - 13:50

    The EU approves a data-transfer deal with the U.S., averting potentially costly disruptions. And Silicon Valley Bank’s former parent sues the FDIC over $2 billion in deposits.
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      Today's Logistics Report: Costly Free Delivery; Seeking More Packages; Yellow's Lending Reprieve / TheWallStreetJournal · Tuesday, 11 July, 2023 - 11:26

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      The Morning Risk Report / TheWallStreetJournal · Monday, 3 July, 2023 - 13:23

    Companies expect new challenges to diversity policies after court ruling, and the Supreme Court agrees to hear a challenge to SEC’s power. Also, new Chinese law raises risks for American firms in China, U.S. officials say.
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      Today's Logistics Report: Walkout Hits British Columbia Ports; U.S. Grain Crop Withers in Drought / TheWallStreetJournal · Monday, 3 July, 2023 - 11:43

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      Today's Logistics Report: Port Labor Speed Bump; Europe's Commodities Crackdown; Russia's Turkey Hub / TheWallStreetJournal · Friday, 30 June, 2023 - 13:22

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      The Morning Risk Report / TheWallStreetJournal · Friday, 30 June, 2023 - 13:21

    The Supreme Court strengthens religious accommodations in the workplace, and sanctioned Russian cargo ships made more than 100 stops at Turkish ports. Also, a compliance chief is charged with insider trading on information pilfered from girlfriend.
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      The Morning Risk Report / TheWallStreetJournal · Thursday, 29 June, 2023 - 13:16

    Wall Street regulators’ new target is emojis, and FTX begins talks on reboot amid regulatory crackdown on crypto exchanges. Also, a securities broker faces insider-trading probe tied to Morgan Stanley deals
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      Today's Logistics Report: Limiting Chip Exports; Inventories Bite Food Suppliers; Natural Gas Diving / TheWallStreetJournal · Thursday, 29 June, 2023 - 12:15