• chevron_right

      Décorez votre historique GitHub avec du Pixel-Art !

      news.movim.eu / Korben · Tuesday, 4 July, 2023 - 07:00 · 1 minute

    Si vous êtes un nerd qui passe son temps sur Github (le meilleur site du monde), voici un machin assez rigolo même si dans les fait, ça ne va pas vraiment changer votre vie. Il s’agit de Gifiti qui permet de créer des graffitis en pixel art depuis l’historique de vos commits sur Github.

    Vous vous demandez sûrement comment cela est possible… Je vous explique !

    Gitfiti est un outil en python qui vous permet de « décorer » l’historique de vos commits GitHub en profitant de la capacité de Git à accepter des commits dans le passé.

    Pour réaliser cela, l’outil génère un script (Powershell ou bash) qui effectue des commits avec les variables d’environnement GIT_AUTHOR_DATE et GIT_COMMITTER_DATE définies pour chaque pixel ciblé.

    Il est recommandé de créer un nouveau dépôt GitHub lors de l’utilisation de Gitfiti, car cela risque d’écraser l’historique du dépôt que vous pourriez choisir. Le pixel art inclus dans gitfiti comprend des images telles que kitty , oneup , oneup 2 , hackerschool , octocat et octocat 2 (dans le même ordre sur l’image ci-dessous).

    Une fois votre nouveau dépôt Github créé vous n’aurez plus qu’à exécuter gitfiti.py et suivre les explications concernant le nom d’utilisateur, la sélection du pixel art…etc.

    Attendez ensuite un jour ou deux pour que le Gitfiti apparaisse dans votre graphique de commits. Si vous ne voulez plus de ce truc, c’est également hyper facile de virer en supprimant le dépôt que vous avez créé.

    Pour faire votre propre dessin en pixel art, PaintGitHub est la solution la plus pratique !

    L’idée avec ça, c’est de faire preuve d’un peu d’originalité et de montrer à tous que même les développeurs ont un petit côté artistique.

    À découvrir ici .

    • chevron_right

      The huge power and potential danger of AI-generated code

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Friday, 30 June, 2023 - 16:42 · 1 minute

    The huge power and potential danger of AI-generated code

    Enlarge (credit: Mark Garlick/Science Photo Library/Getty )

    In June 2021, GitHub announced Copilot, a kind of auto-complete for computer code powered by OpenAI’s text-generation technology. It provided an early glimpse of the impressive potential of generative artificial intelligence to automate valuable work. Two years on, Copilot is one of the most mature examples of how the technology can take on tasks that previously had to be done by hand.

    This week GitHub released a report , based on data from almost a million programmers paying to use Copilot, that shows how transformational generative AI coding has become. On average, they accepted the AI assistant’s suggestions about 30 percent of the time, suggesting that the system is remarkably good at predicting useful code.


    (credit: GitHub)

    The striking chart above shows how users tend to accept more of Copilot’s suggestions as they spend more months using the tool. The report also concludes that AI-enhanced coders see their productivity increase over time, based on the fact that a previous Copilot study reported a link between the number of suggestions accepted and a programmer’s productivity. GitHub’s new report says that the greatest productivity gains were seen among less experienced developers.

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    • chevron_right

      Copilot pour Xcode – L’assistant IA indispensable aux développeurs Apple

      news.movim.eu / Korben · Friday, 23 June, 2023 - 07:00 · 3 minutes

    Je suis absolument fan de Github Copilot intégré à Visual Studio qui permet de coder beaucoup plus vite grâce à l’IA. Et je vous avoue que dans je code sous Xcode (l’IDE d’Apple), ça me manque grave.

    Ou plutôt devrais-je dire « ça me manquait » puisqu’aujourd’hui, je vais vous parler de Copilot for Xcode . C’est une extension incroyable pour Xcode qui intègre l’assistance de GitHub Copilot et ChatGPT directement dans l’éditeur de code source d’Xcode.

    Elle offre une variété de fonctionnalités, dont des suggestions de code, un chat, une fonction de dialogue pour générer du code, et même des commandes personnalisées pour étendre le chat et le dialogue. Pour profiter de toutes ces merveilles, il vous faut juste un accès au net, Node.js pour exécuter le LSP Copilot, et un abonnement à GitHub Copilot pour les fonctionnalités de suggestion.

    Mais attendez un instant, il y a encore mieux ! Si vous désirez utiliser les fonctionnalités de chat générer du code, vous aurez uniquement besoin d’une clé API OpenAI valide. Concernant les autorisations, l’extension vous demandera d’accéder au dossier et à l’API d’accessibilité lors de sa première ouverture. Quant à l’installation, vous pouvez la faire via Homebrew, ou bien télécharger le fichier CopilotForXcode.app depuis la dernière version disponible sur GitHub et l’extraire dans votre dossier Applications.

    La première étape pour utiliser GitHub Copilot consiste à installer Node.js et à activer l’extension dans les paramètres système de votre Mac. Pour cela, il vous suffit de vous rendre dans ‘Sécurité et confidentialité’, puis de cliquer sur ‘Extensions’. Cochez les cases ‘Xcode Source Editor’ et ‘Copilot’. Une fois ceci fait, connectez-vous à GitHub Copilot en cliquant sur ‘Sign In’ dans l’application et procédez comme indiqué. Ensuite, pour configurer votre clé API OpenAI, cliquez sur ‘OpenAI’ dans l’application et saisissez votre clé API dans le champ de texte.

    Maintenant que tout est installé, parlons un peu des fonctionnalités offertes par Copilot for Xcode. Imaginez que vous êtes en train de rédiger du code, et que soudain, vous ayez besoin d’un coup de pouce pour terminer une fonction un peu tordue. Eh bien, Copilot est là pour vous aider !

    Il vous fournira des suggestions de code en temps réel, basées sur les fichiers que vous avez ouverts et en utilisant ses connaissances de votre base de code pour vous offrir des recommandations pertinentes. C’est comme si vous aviez un collaborateur invisible à vos côtés, prêt à vous donner des conseils avisés à tout moment. Vous pouvez même activer et désactiver cette fonctionnalité pour des projets spécifiques si vous travaillez sur un projet d’entreprise.

    L’un des aspects les plus intéressants de Copilot for Xcode est la fonctionnalité de chat, alimentée par ChatGPT. Grâce à elle, vous pouvez poser des questions ou échanger avec l’IA sur des problèmes de code ou des concepts de programmation. C’est comme discuter avec un collègue compétent, qui se trouve être une IA !

    La création de commandes personnalisées est une autre fonction très puissante de Copilot for Xcode. Vous pouvez comme ça créer des commandes qui exécutent « Chat » et « Prompt to Code » avec des invites personnalisées, facilement accessibles via la barre de menu Xcode et le menu contextuel du widget circulaire.

    Copilot for Xcode est vraiment une extension qui change la donne pour les développeurs travaillant avec Xcode.

    Et si vous avez des questions ou souhaitez en savoir plus sur le développement, consultez la FAQ et le fichier Development.md correspondant.

    N’hésitez pas à l’essayer, votre productivité et votre tranquillité d’esprit vous diront merci.


    • chevron_right

      GitHub Takes Down Cloudstream APK Code Repo Following MPA Complaint

      news.movim.eu / TorrentFreak · Friday, 16 June, 2023 - 21:05 · 2 minutes

    cloudstream logo Legal video streaming services such as Amazon, Disney, and Netflix are booming. At the same time, there’s a flourishing dark market of pirate streaming tools.

    These unauthorized alternatives increasingly use slick designs and easy-to-use apps to appeal to a broad audience. And unlike the legal options, they offer all popular titles under the same roof, without charging a penny.

    Cloudstream is one of the apps that made its mark in recent years. The Android-based software can aggregate pirated content from several third-party streaming sources and is fully customizable through open-source extensions.

    This hasn’t gone unnoticed by rightsholders. Sky UK targeted the software last year, and a few months ago, Hollywood’s Motion Picture Association (MPA) took action against the app.

    MPA Targets Cloudstream

    The MPA represents the major Hollywood studios and Netflix, and the weight of these massive corporations had the required effect. Following a takedown notice in March, Cloudstream developer “Lag” took the Cloudstream.cf website and some code offline voluntarily.

    “Having the absolute worst anti-piracy coalition on our asses is not preferable. They will undoubtedly fuck us legally if they have to. Think what you want but I do not want all of Hollywood after me because of some hobby project,” Lag wrote.

    In addition to the website, MPA’s initial notice also listed various files from third-party Cloudstream code repositories, most of which related to extensions. These files were taken offline by GitHub but the repositories all stayed online.


    A screenshot from the main repository shows that the bare app code doesn’t include any extensions. This means that by default, it can’t be used to stream pirated content. This is likely why the repository is still on GitHub today and actively being developed.

    MPA Fires Another Round

    The MPA hasn’t completely forgotten about Cloudstream though. This week, it sent another takedown notice to GitHub asking the developer platform to take down two code repositories, in their entirety.

    “We are writing to notify you of, and request your assistance in addressing, the extensive copyright infringement of motion pictures and television shows that is occurring by virtue of the operation of the APK software, CloudStream.

    “[T]he Repository hosts and offers for download the APK, which in turn is used to engage in massive infringement of copyrighted motion pictures and television shows,” MPA adds in its notice.


    The reported “CloudStream-2” repositories, including one from developer “Lag”, have been removed by GitHub. People who try to access the respective URLs will see a “ Repository unavailable due to DMCA takedown ” notice instead.

    The Extension Escape

    Interestingly, the CloudStream-2 code is far from new. It’s an older release that has been on GitHub for several years and was no longer actively supported. Unlike the newer versions, it didn’t rely on extensions, which means that it likely still worked as a pirate streaming app out of the box.

    Also, the repository included screenshots that displayed how the APK could be used to stream pirated content. This likely didn’t work in their favor either.


    The difference between the ‘fully-loaded’ and ‘bare’ versions of Cloudstream is worth highlighting. As mentioned earlier, MPA’s earlier takedown notice targeted extension files, not the entire Cloudstream repository.

    We don’t want to draw strong conclusions based on these actions, but the MPA appears willing to leave the extension-based app untouched on GitHub for a reason. At least for now; there are certainly no guarantees that this won’t change in the future.

    From: TF , for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

    • chevron_right

      Copilot CLI – Votre expert en shell à portée de main

      news.movim.eu / Korben · Tuesday, 23 May, 2023 - 12:00 · 1 minute

    Voici un nouveau truc absolument fantastique si vous aimez l’IA : Copilot CLI ! Développé par Github, imaginez un terminal si puissant qu’il semble lire dans vos pensées et comprendre tout ce que vous voulez faire.

    Copilot CLI est cette petite révolution qui nous attend tous parce qu’il est capable de concevoir des commandes shell complexes et des boucles que je n’aurais jamais pu imaginer sans y passer des heures. C’est comme si un expert en shell vivait à l’intérieur de votre terminal et vous chuchotait à l’oreille comment exécuter des commandes obscures que vous n’auriez jamais osé essayer auparavant.

    Parfois on bute sur des problèmes insurmontables quand on est sur son terminal et maintenant, avec Copilot CLI, qui connait ces outils sur le bout des doigts, plus de problèmes !

    En réalité, Copilot CLI dispose de trois commandes shell : ?? , git? et gh? .

    Voici comment elles fonctionnent :

    • ?? est un outil polyvalent pour les commandes shell arbitraires. Elle compose des commandes et des boucles, et utilise des indicateurs de recherche obscurs pour répondre à votre requête.
    • git? est spécifiquement utilisée pour chercher des invocations git. Par rapport à ??, elle est plus puissante pour générer des commandes Git, et vos requêtes peuvent être plus succinctes lorsque vous n’avez pas besoin d’expliquer que vous êtes dans le contexte de Git.
    • gh? combine la puissance de la commande CLI GitHub et de l’interface de requête avec la commodité de laisser l’IA générer pour vous les indicateurs compliqués et les expressions jq.

    Pour l’instant, Copilot CLI est disponible alpha, mais vous pouvez vous inscrire sur la liste d’attente et recevoir une notification dès que vous aurez accès. À noter qu’il vous faudra également un accès à GitHub Copilot pour l’utiliser.

    Grâce à ces alias, vous pourrez également exécuter les commandes générées directement dans votre terminal.

    Préparez-vous et améliorez vos compétences en shell grâce à Copilot CLI. Nous sommes sur le point de voir des changements incroyables dans notre façon d’utiliser nos terminaux.

    À découvrir ici

    • chevron_right

      Popular Pirate Bay Proxy Site Disappears From GitHub

      news.movim.eu / TorrentFreak · Saturday, 20 May, 2023 - 17:47 · 2 minutes

    pirate bay logo As one of the most notorious torrent sites, The Pirate Bay has been blocked by ISPs around the world.

    In response to these digital roadblocks, several proxy sites have sprung up to bypass these restrictions. Besides that, there are dedicated sites that help people to find these backdoors.

    The Proxy Bay

    “The Proxy Bay” has long been one of the leading information portals. The site didn’t offer an official proxy itself but provided an overview of available options. As such, it proved to be quite useful in countries where site blockades are active.

    In the UK, for example, where TPB has been blocked for over a decade, the site was particularly popular.

    Since the blocking orders often allow rightsholders to add newly appearing proxies, this has turned into a game of whack-a-mole. When proxies are blocked, new domains are launched, which are then picked up by pirates through information portals such as The Proxy Bay.

    GitHub Takedown Saga

    This routine has been a major source of frustration for rightsholders. It reached the point where some of these linking sites were banned, and when City of London Police got involved in the matter earlier this year, it was clear that things were getting more serious.

    It’s quite something when the police actively get involved in a copyright matter. In this case, it was particularly salient since “The Proxy Bay” was hosted at GitHub.

    The developer platform swiftly complied with the takedown request, which wasn’t unexpected. However, after someone representing the proxy information site sent a counter notice , the domain was restored .

    The brief takedown in January hurt the site’s traffic but, when it came back a month later, business resumed as usual. According to SimilarWeb, the site had 1.5 million visits again in March, which is quite a lot for a GitHub hosted page.

    proxy bay

    Mystery Disappearance(s)

    The GitHub restoral was a significant victory for The Proxy Bay. Ironically, City of London Police’s takedown efforts may have actually raised the site’s profile, running contrary to the initial goal.

    There was no celebration, however; quite the opposite in fact. A few weeks after its comeback the site quietly disappeared. Those who try to access the domain today will get a 404 error. This means that the site is gone, but why remains a mystery.

    In theory, there could have been another takedown request but since there isn’t one documented by GitHub, that seems unlikely. The other option is that the owner of the page voluntarily removed it, perhaps spooked by the police taking an interest.

    The latter explanation would run contrary to the counternotice sent earlier. However, it’s not clear if that was actually sent by the operator, especially since the notice referenced the incorrect .com domain name, instead of the .io one that GitHub pages use.

    Rinse… and Repeat

    Interestingly, all proxy domains that were previously promoted on The Proxy Bay have gone offline as well. These domains include unlockedtpb.org, thepiratebayone.com, and tpbproxy.info. The same is true for thepirateproxybay.com, which hosted the information on the same page as The Proxy Bay.

    All these mystery disappearances, taking place shortly after the police takedown request, are at least unusual.

    This doesn’t mean that there’s a shortage of proxies, though, new ones pop up all the time; also on GitHub ( 1 , 2 , 3 , etc ). This game of whack-a-mole has been ongoing for more than a decade and it’s unlikely to end anytime soon.

    From: TF , for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

    • chevron_right

      After 18 months, GitHub’s big code search overhaul is generally available

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Monday, 8 May, 2023 - 20:48

    GitHub has announced the general availability of a ground-up rework of code search that has been in development for years.

    The changes include substantial new functionality that is significantly more aware of context. The company says its new code search is "about twice as fast" as the old code search and that it "understands code, putting the most relevant results first."

    That's on top of redesigned search and code view interfaces. The new search interface offers suggestions and completions, and categorizes and formats the results more intelligently.

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    • chevron_right

      La Liga Asked GitHub to Shut Down Football Streaming App ‘Nodito’

      news.movim.eu / TorrentFreak · Sunday, 7 May, 2023 - 20:42 · 3 minutes

    nodito With millions of fans all over the world, Spanish football league ‘ La Liga ’ is one of the most popular in the game.

    In common with similar sports organizations, La Liga has a dedicated anti-piracy team that actively tracks and reports unauthorized live streams.

    This sounds like a straightforward task but, in reality, it often turns into a perpetual stream of takedown notices. After all, the operators of piracy sites and apps have no intention of abiding by the law and pull out all the stops to avoid getting caught.

    La Liga vs. Nodito

    A recent takedown notice from La Liga illustrates this problem quite well. A few days ago the league sent a takedown notice to GitHub, asking it to remove an APK file that belongs to the user Nodoapps, known for the Spanish football streaming app Nodito.

    “The National Professional Football League has among its main objectives the fight against piracy in the digital environment, in particular, the protection of its rights and those of its member clubs, and spends enormous human and technological resources to detect such misuse,” the notice starts.

    La Liga explains that since the app links to live streams of First and Second Division games published without permission, GitHub should take the code offline.

    “This user does not have any right to this type of links with illegal broadcasts, so the conduct described supposes a violation of said exploitation rights of audiovisual content of the National League Championship in its First and Second Divisions.”

    The takedown notice was effective in the sense that GitHub acted swiftly. As a result, people who try to download the APK file through that link now see a 404 error instead . That doesn’t really solve the problem though.

    New GitHub Link

    Soon after the above-mentioned URL was reported and disabled, the same user began promoting a new GitHub download link through Nodoapps’ official linktree page. Simply putting the APK file in a ‘gg’ subfolder did the trick.


    La Liga’s anti-piracy team is likely be aware of this and will probably send a new takedown notice to GitHub, asking the company to take this down as well. But even if all piracy was eliminated from GitHub overnight, the problem isn’t going away.

    By now, the Nodito app is being shared all over the web on dedicated APK-sharing sites. The developers also posted a copy on Google Drive, which will likely be updated to a new URL once it’s removed.


    The above shows how difficult it can be to effectively take down a pirate streaming app that doesn’t rely on a single domain. In fact, the developers have previously shown that they don’t mind rebranding the entire app if the situation calls for it.

    Nodito isn’t the first streaming tool Nodoapps released. The software was previously known as “NogoGO,” until its site was hit by a DMCA takedown notice.

    “We wanted to inform you that access to the NodoGO site has been removed due to a DMCA problem. As a result, the app disappeared and it’s no longer accessible to any user,” Nodoapps announced two weeks ago

    “That is why we have had to create a new application called NODITO […] that we will share in our social networks,” the team added.


    And indeed, in addition to the download options listed at Linktree, Nodoapps also promotes download options for the APK file on its official Telegram channel, Instagram, Twitter, and elsewhere.

    Scammers Enter the Game

    By now, the Nodito brand has taken on a life of its own, which can make it hard to spot which versions are official and which aren’t. This provides an opportunity for scammers to enter the game, and indeed, an unofficial “Nodito” made its way to the Google Play Store recently.

    This app has been downloaded over 10,000 times in just a few days but according to Nodoapps’ official developers, it should be avoided at all costs.

    “It is a scam, they ask for your phone number to ‘supposedly’ verify themselves but all they do is send you SMS. All they do is take advantage of Nodito’s name,” Nodoapps writes.

    These types of scams are hard to avoid. Nodoapps knows from experience that sending a takedown notice may temporarily solve the problem, but dealing with scammers is a game of whack-a-mole too.

    From: TF , for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

    • chevron_right

      Twitter obtains subpoena forcing GitHub to unmask source-code leaker

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 29 March, 2023 - 15:24

    Twitter's bird logo is displayed on the the outside of its San Francisco headquarters building.

    Enlarge / Twitter headquarters in San Francisco on February 8, 2023. (credit: Getty Images | Anadolu Agency )

    Twitter has obtained a subpoena compelling GitHub to provide identifying information on a user who posted portions of Twitter's source code.

    Twitter on Friday asked the US District Court for the Northern District of California to issue a subpoena to GitHub . A court clerk signed off on the subpoena yesterday.

    GitHub user "FreeSpeechEnthusiast" posted Twitter source code in early January, shortly after Elon Musk bought Twitter and laid off thousands of workers. Twitter reportedly suspects the code leaker is one of its many ex-employees.

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