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      Wish est de retour sur le web français après un an d’exclusion

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Tuesday, 14 March, 2023 - 11:44


    Après un an de bannissement, Wish revient sur les moteurs de recherche et les boutiques d'applications en France. [Lire la suite]

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      Quelles sont les meilleures apps pour aller au ski ?

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Tuesday, 7 February, 2023 - 16:57

    Les bronzés font du ski

    Les applications dédiées au ski et au snowboard sont aujourd'hui très nombreuses et couvrent toutes sortes de besoins. En faire l'inventaire complet serait vain, alors voici une sélection des applications de ski que vous devriez utiliser avant de partir à la montagne. [Lire la suite]

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      Pig-butchering scam apps sneak into Apple’s App Store and Google Play

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 1 February, 2023 - 11:00 · 1 minute

    artist rendition of a piggbank with an Apple App Store logo on it about to explode

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    In the past year, a new term has arisen to describe an online scam raking in millions , if not billions , of dollars per year. It’s called "pig butchering," and now even Apple is getting fooled into participating.

    Researchers from security firm Sophos said on Wednesday that they uncovered two apps available in the App Store that were part of an elaborate network of tools used to dupe people into putting large sums of money into fake investment scams. At least one of those apps also made it into Google Play, but that market is notorious for the number of malicious apps that bypass Google vetting. Sophos said this was the first it had seen such apps in the App Store and that a previous app identified in these types of scams was a legitimate one that was later exploited by bad actors

    Pig butchering relies on a rich combination of apps, websites, web hosts, and humans—in some cases human trafficking victims —to build trust with a mark over a period of weeks or months, often under the guise of a romantic interest, financial advisor, or successful investor. Eventually, the online discussion will turn to investments, usually involving cryptocurrency, that the scammer claims to have earned huge sums of money from. The scammer then invites the victim to participate.

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      Évitez ces apps de santé, ou vous serez envahis de pubs

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Monday, 30 January, 2023 - 17:50

    Des applications de santé disponibles sur Google Play vous promettent de gagner de l'argent avec un nombre de pas quotidien. Les utilisateurs ne reçoivent que quelques pièces et leur smartphone est saturé de publicités. [Lire la suite]

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      Le saviez-vous ? Il y a un raccourci pour lancer plus vite la mise à jour de ses apps Android

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Sunday, 29 January, 2023 - 11:35

    success kid meme

    Il est possible de gagner du temps au moment de la mise à jour des applications Android, grâce à un raccourci qui permet de lancer le téléchargement plus vite. [Lire la suite]

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      Google customers win class-action status in lawsuit over app store prices

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 30 November, 2022 - 20:55


    Enlarge (credit: SOPA Images / Contributor | LightRocket )

    Next summer, courts will decide whether Google is guilty of “misleading” millions of Google Play users by warning them against using any other app stores or services to download apps.

    A judge this week granted class-action status to antitrust litigation that now covers 21 million Google Play customers in 12 states—Alabama, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Wisconsin, and Wyoming—and five US territories, including American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. The lawsuit claims that Google’s misleading warnings led millions of customers nationwide to pay “artificially inflated” prices for apps they could have downloaded cheaper elsewhere.

    Last year, dozens of state attorneys general sued Google on these same antitrust grounds. Those state enforcers alleged that Google made it impossible for other app stores to compete, and the company had a monopoly on Android apps. The legal teams for the customers suing are now joining forces with the states suing; if the customers win, Google owner Alphabet Inc. could be on the hook for an estimated $4.7 billion in damages from the class-action suit alone.

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      Play app with 100K downloads booted for forwarding texts to developer server

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 30 November, 2022 - 20:07

    Play app with 100K downloads booted for forwarding texts to developer server

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    Google has removed two apps, one with more than 100,000 downloads, after receiving a report they were part of an illegal scheme that surreptitiously forwarded text messages that were used to create fraudulent accounts on third-party websites.

    The first app, named Symoo, billed itself as an easy-to-use SMS messenger. Once installed, it would ask for the user’s phone number and then pretend to load the application. The app would then hang on the screen while, in the background, it copied every text received and sent it to goomy[.]fun, a website controlled by the developer.

    The screen would hang indefinitely, so eventually many users would likely force-quit the app and uninstall it. During the time Symoo was running, however, the developer would use the number for a fee-based service that registered fake accounts on sites that require SMS-based verifications. While the app was running, the service would register accounts using the infected phone’s number and then copy the verification code returned by the site. Besides sending texts associated with the fake account creation, Symoo forwarded any texts the infected phone received from other parties.

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      Wish n’arrive pas à se faire débannir du web français

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Friday, 21 October, 2022 - 12:03

    Un recours devant le Conseil constitutionnel n'a pas permis à Wish d'améliorer sa situation. La plateforme reste globalement bannie du web français. [Lire la suite]

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      Google Play apps with >20M downloads depleted batteries and network bandwidth

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Thursday, 20 October, 2022 - 23:28

    Google Play apps with >20M downloads depleted batteries and network bandwidth

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    Google Play has given the boot to 16 apps with more than 20 million combined installations after researchers detected malicious activity that could cause the Android devices they ran on to drain batteries faster and use more data than normal.

    The apps provided legitimate functions, including flashlight, camera, QR reading, and measurement conversions, security firm McAfee said on Wednesday . When opened, however, the apps surreptitiously downloaded additional code that caused them to perform ad fraud. From then on, infected devices received messages through the Google-owned Firebase Cloud Messaging platform that instructed them to open specific web pages in the background and select links to artificially inflate the number of clicks ads received.

    “Mainly, it is visiting websites which are delivered by FCM message and browsing them successively in the background while mimicking user’s behavior,” McAfee’s SangRyol Ryu wrote. “This may cause heavy network traffic and consume power without user awareness during the time it generates profit for the threat actor behind this malware.”

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