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      C'est aussi ça l'Amérique, entre Armistead Maupin et Jean-François Revel

      François Brutsch · Tuesday, 12 October, 2021 - 20:40 edit

    [Demandez-moi une copie privée si vous n'accédez pas à l'article]

    Une Commune trans anarchiste armée et rurale en plein Trumpland... Une illustration de Ni Marx ni Jésus de J.-F. Revel ou un volet inédit des Chroniques de San Francisco (Tales of the City), mais surtout une fantastique aventure humaine. #politix #LGB

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      In Switzerland too, gender dysphoria among young people is spreading and premature medicalisation offered as the only answer

      François Brutsch · Friday, 20 August, 2021 - 14:01 edit

    My latest article on Un Swissroll (in French)


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      In Switzerland, trans people speak for themselves in a magnificent coffee table book

      François Brutsch · Wednesday, 4 November, 2020 - 17:05 edit

    TRANS*: le «coffee table book»

    My latest post (in French) on Un Swissroll. The book is in French, German and Italian. #LGB

    • TRANS*: le «coffee table book»

      Avec TRANS*, Epicène, l'association des personnes transgenres en Suisse, publie un splendide ouvrage optimiste, didactique et apaisé à l'usage du grand public. Loin de l'acrimonie qui sème la division chez les féministes et les LGBT dans le monde anglo-saxon Commandé il y a des mois lorsque j'avais

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      Les vrais problèmes des trans

      François Brutsch · Friday, 3 July, 2020 - 16:04 edit

    Coups de gueule

    Cet article illustre admirablement la réalité des problèmes auxquels les personnes trans sont confrontées. Ils sont spécifiques et méritent d'être portés par une organisation dédiée plutôt que d'être maladroitement assimilés aux gays, lesbiennes et bisexuel-le-s, qui ont la chance d'être bien dans leur corps et vivent simplement une attraction pour les personnes du même sexe (ou des deux sexes). #LGB

    • Coups de gueule

      Il y a fort longtemps, dans ma vie d’avant, alors que j’écrivais les discours d’un conseiller d’État genevois pour la banque qu’il présidait, ce dernier me dit en lisant mon texte : « M. Bertholet, si vous voulez dire qu’il pleut, dites : il pleut ». Aujourd’hui, je veux dire qu’il pleut encore beaucoup trop sur la vie des personnes [...]

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      Sex, gender and protecting the rights of women, gay men, lesbians and bi as well as trans

      François Brutsch · Saturday, 15 February, 2020 - 13:13 edit

    Opinion | The Dangerous Denial of Sex


    Best general introduction to the subject l've read so far!

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      Sex-change sorrow: on detransitioning

      François Brutsch · Sunday, 10 November, 2019 - 13:22 edit

    I don't want to look obsessed and flood this feed with the discussion around T in the LGB(T) community, but this article is really important.

    The author is Andrew Sullivan, who is a serious gay, right-wing and Catholic (of a sort) thinker in the Anglosphere (educated in Britain, living in America). And the article is full of facts which are hard to find, and raises all the proper questions in a non-judgemental manner.

    I read it in today's Times in London (News Review), which requires registration, but it is available (link below) from the New York magazine website.


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      Dropping the T: time to distinguish between sexual orientation and gender

      François Brutsch · Friday, 25 October, 2019 - 20:26 edit · 1 minute

    As reported by The Times, London:

    For several years now a schism has been building within the LGBT community between Stonewall [the umbrella organisation in the UK] and those alarmed by its trajectory. This reached its logical end on Tuesday night with the birth of a breakaway group, provisionally titled the LGB Alliance [on Twitter: @AllianceLGB].

    Conway Hall in Holborn was full of distinguished lesbians and gay men: local government officers, a consultant psychiatrist, psychotherapists, academics, doctors, a BBC producer, film-makers. All once stood behind Stonewall. Indeed the broadcaster Simon Fanshawe was a founder member and the former American Express vice-president Kate Harris a major fundraiser.

    Yet they believe that since 2015, when the charity incorporated trans rights into its remit, Stonewall has ceased to represent them. They say it endorses sexist stereotypes promoting the notion that a “butch” girl or a “feminine” boy is in the wrong body and needs treatment when most gender non-conforming children turn out, like them, to be gay.

    Their first demand is that the Equality and Human Rights Commission investigates the advice Stonewall (which receives an annual £600,000 in government grants) gives to public bodies from councils to police. They say it misrepresents the Equality Act by replacing the legally protected characteristic biological “sex” with “gender identity”. From this alleged deceit has come gender-neutral school toilets, police recording male-bodied rapists as “female” or the NHS admitting self-identified trans women onto female wards. The LGB Alliance calls this “Stonewall Law” and plans to fight it.
