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      GPT2-chatbot – Une IA mystère qui serait la prochaine évolution d’OpenAI (GPT-4.5 / GPT-5) ?

      news.movim.eu / Korben · Tuesday, 30 April - 07:51 · 2 minutes

    Vous avez entendu parler de GPT2-chatbot ?

    C’est un modèle de langage un peu mystérieux, accessible uniquement sur le site https://chat.lmsys.org , qui semble avoir des super pouvoirs dignes de ChatGPT . Mais attention, suspense… Personne ne sait d’où il sort !

    Quand on lui pose la question, ce petit malin de GPT2-chatbot clame haut et fort qu’il est basé sur l’archi de GPT-4 sauf que voilà, ça colle pas vraiment avec son blaze GPT-2…

    Du coup, les théories vont bon train. Certains pensent que c’est un coup fourré d’ OpenAI , qui l’aurait lâché en mode ninja sur le site de LMSYS pour tester un nouveau modèle en douce, possiblement GPT-4.5 ou GPT-5. D’autres imaginent que c’est LMSYS qui a bidouillé son propre chatbot et qui lui a bourré le crâne avec des données de GPT-4 pour le rendre plus savant que Wikipédia.

    Moi, je pencherais plutôt pour la première hypothèse. Pourquoi ? Et bien ce GPT2-chatbot partage des caractéristiques bien spécifiques avec les modèles d’OpenAI, comme l’utilisation du tokenizer maison « tiktoken » ou encore une sensibilité toute particulière aux prompts malicieux .

    Au travers de mes propres tests réalisés hier soir, j’ai pu constater que les différences entre GPT2-chatbot et GPT-4 étaient assez subtiles. Les textes générés par GPT2-chatbot sont effectivement mieux construits et de meilleure qualité. Lorsque j’ai demandé à Claude (un autre assistant IA) de comparer des textes produits par les deux modèles, c’est systématiquement celui de GPT2-chatbot qui ressortait gagnant.

    Ma théorie personnelle est donc qu’il s’agit bien d’une nouvelle version améliorée de ChatGPT mais je ne pense pas qu’on soit déjà sur du GPT-5. Plutôt du GPT-4.5 grand maximum car les progrès, bien réels, ne sont pas non plus renversants. C’est plus une évolution subtile qu’une révolution.

    Les internautes ont aussi leurs hypothèses . Certains imaginent que GPT2-chatbot pourrait en fait être un petit modèle comme GPT-2 (d’où son nom) mais boosté avec des techniques avancées comme Q* ou des agents multiples pour atteindre le niveau de GPT-4. D’autres pensent qu’OpenAI teste en secret une nouvelle architecture ou un nouvel algorithme d’entraînement révolutionnaire permettant d’obtenir les performances de GPT-4 avec un modèle compact. Les plus optimistes voient même en GPT2-chatbot les prémices de l’AGI !

    Prêt à tester les talents cachés de GPT2-chatbot ?

    Alors direction https://chat.lmsys.org , sélectionnez « gpt2-chatbot », cliquez sur « Chat » et c’est parti mon kiki !

    Vous avez droit à 8 messages gratos en mode « tchatche directe » et après, faut passer en mode « Battle » pour continuer à jouer. Un petit conseil : pensez à repartir d’une page blanche en cliquant sur « New Round » à chaque fois que vous changez de sujet, sinon il risque de perdre le fil.

    On verra bien dans quelques semaines quelle théorie sortira gagnante de ces discussions.


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      Critics question tech-heavy lineup of new Homeland Security AI safety board

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Monday, 29 April - 20:15 · 1 minute

    A modified photo of a 1956 scientist carefully bottling

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    On Friday, the US Department of Homeland Security announced the formation of an Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board that consists of 22 members pulled from the tech industry, government, academia, and civil rights organizations. But given the nebulous nature of the term "AI," which can apply to a broad spectrum of computer technology, it's unclear if this group will even be able to agree on what exactly they are safeguarding us from.

    President Biden directed DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to establish the board, which will meet for the first time in early May and subsequently on a quarterly basis.

    The fundamental assumption posed by the board's existence, and reflected in Biden's AI executive order from October , is that AI is an inherently risky technology and that American citizens and businesses need to be protected from its misuse. Along those lines, the goal of the group is to help guard against foreign adversaries using AI to disrupt US infrastructure; develop recommendations to ensure the safe adoption of AI tech into transportation, energy, and Internet services; foster cross-sector collaboration between government and businesses; and create a forum where AI leaders to share information on AI security risks with the DHS.

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      OpenAI to use FT journalism to train artificial intelligence systems

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Monday, 29 April - 16:36

    Under deal, ChatGPT users will receive summaries and quotes from Financial Times content and links to articles

    The Financial Times has struck a deal with the ChatGPT developer OpenAI that allows its content to be used in training artificial intelligence systems.

    The FT will receive an undisclosed payment as part of the deal, which is the latest to be agreed between OpenAI and news publishers.

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      ChatGPT dit n’importe quoi sur les internautes, et se fait attaquer

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Monday, 29 April - 15:10


    De nouveaux ennuis arrivent pour OpenAI, la société derrière ChatGPT. L'activiste autrichien Max Schrems, très actif contre les géants du net dès qu'il est question de données personnelles, a lancé une procédure contre le créateur du célèbre chatbot.

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      OpenAI met la main sur un nouveau poids lourd de la presse

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Monday, 29 April - 12:38

    Chatgpt Presse

    L'entreprise continue de signer des contrats avec des tauliers du monde des médias pour entraîner ChatGPT. Des collaborations qui bénéficient aux deux parties, mais qui font aussi émerger des questions inconfortables.
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      Un ancien de Pixar explique pourquoi les vidéos générées par IA ne fonctionneraient pas à Hollywood

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Saturday, 27 April - 09:09

    Un ancien animateur des célèbres studios Pixar estime que, pour l'instant, les outils capables de générer des vidéos grâce à l'IA, ne seraient pas encore assez pertinents. La nécessité de retravailler les plans empêche ces programmes de percer dans le monde du cinéma.

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      Apple releases eight small AI language models aimed at on-device use

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Thursday, 25 April - 20:55

    An illustration of a robot hand tossing an apple to a human hand.

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    In the world of AI, what might be called "small language models" have been growing in popularity recently because they can be run on a local device instead of requiring data center-grade computers in the cloud. On Wednesday, Apple introduced a set of tiny source-available AI language models called OpenELM that are small enough to run directly on a smartphone. They're mostly proof-of-concept research models for now, but they could form the basis of future on-device AI offerings from Apple.

    Apple's new AI models, collectively named OpenELM for "Open-source Efficient Language Models," are currently available on the Hugging Face under an Apple Sample Code License . Since there are some restrictions in the license, it may not fit the commonly accepted definition of "open source," but the source code for OpenELM is available.

    On Tuesday, we covered Microsoft's Phi-3 models , which aim to achieve something similar: a useful level of language understanding and processing performance in small AI models that can run locally. Phi-3-mini features 3.8 billion parameters, but some of Apple's OpenELM models are much smaller, ranging from 270 million to 3 billion parameters in eight distinct models.

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      School athletic director arrested for framing principal using AI voice synthesis

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Thursday, 25 April - 15:30 · 1 minute

    Illustration of a robot speaking.

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    On Thursday, Baltimore County Police arrested Pikesville High School's former athletic director, Dazhon Darien, and charged him with using AI to impersonate Principal Eric Eiswert, according to a report by The Baltimore Banner . Police say Darien used AI voice synthesis software to simulate Eiswert's voice, leading the public to believe the principal made racist and antisemitic comments.

    The audio clip, posted on a popular Instagram account, contained offensive remarks about "ungrateful Black kids" and their academic performance, as well as a threat to "join the other side" if the speaker received one more complaint from "one more Jew in this community." The recording also mentioned names of staff members, including Darien's nickname "DJ," suggesting they should not have been hired or should be removed "one way or another."

    The comments led to significant uproar from students, faculty, and the wider community, many of whom initially believed the principal had actually made the comments. A Pikesville High School teacher named Shaena Ravenell reportedly played a large role in disseminating the audio. While she has not been charged, police indicated that she forwarded the controversial email to a student known for their ability to quickly spread information through social media. This student then escalated the audio's reach, which included sharing it with the media and the NAACP.

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      Microsoft’s Phi-3 shows the surprising power of small, locally run AI language models

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Tuesday, 23 April - 20:47

    An illustration of lots of information being compressed into a smartphone with a funnel.

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    On Tuesday, Microsoft announced a new, freely available lightweight AI language model named Phi-3-mini, which is simpler and less expensive to operate than traditional large language models (LLMs) like OpenAI's GPT-4 Turbo . Its small size is ideal for running locally, which could bring an AI model of similar capability to the free version of ChatGPT to a smartphone without needing an Internet connection to run it.

    The AI field typically measures AI language model size by parameter count. Parameters are numerical values in a neural network that determine how the language model processes and generates text. They are learned during training on large datasets and essentially encode the model's knowledge into quantified form. More parameters generally allow the model to capture more nuanced and complex language-generation capabilities but also require more computational resources to train and run.

    Some of the largest language models today, like Google's PaLM 2 , have hundreds of billions of parameters. OpenAI's GPT-4 is rumored to have over a trillion parameters but spread over eight 220-billion parameter models in a mixture-of-experts configuration. Both models require heavy-duty data center GPUs (and supporting systems) to run properly.

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