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      The Last of Us est politique

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Sunday, 3 December - 10:45

    Dans cette chronique France Culture de Numerama, on explore la notion de ville après la fin du monde. Avec l'exemple de The Last of Us. [Lire la suite]

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      Cloner une voix pour changer sa langue : c’est le projet de Spotify

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Tuesday, 26 September, 2023 - 08:06

    Avec Voice Translation, Spotify s'aventure un peu plus sur le terrain de l'intelligence artificielle. Le géant du streaming utilise notamment une technologie d'imitation vocale développée par OpenAI pour modifier la langue d'une personne sans toucher à sa voix. [Lire la suite]

    Abonnez-vous aux newsletters Numerama pour recevoir l’essentiel de l’actualité https://www.numerama.com/newsletter/

    Próximamente en Vai el #podcast

    • GreenskyVai (@greenskyvai@social.politicaconciencia.org)

      Adjuntado: 1 imagen Próximamente en @vamosaaprenderinglselpodcast@open.audio 👉👉👉 (...) comprender como se comporta culturalmente un determinado grupo social, nos permitirá conocer en profundidad su forma de comunicarse, que va mas allá de solamente dominar la lengua. Solemos pensar que para comunicarnos efectivamente con personas que hablan otra lengua, solo nos bastaría con conocer el idioma. Y la realidad es que para comunicarnos apropiadamente con personas de otras latitudes es imprescindible cierto conocimiento de la cultura de dichas personas. #podcast #blog #cultura #educacion #fediverso #mastodon #idiomas

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      Buffy contre les vampires : pas de reboot mais un nouveau projet

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Thursday, 14 September, 2023 - 11:00

    buffy-contre-les-vampires-spin-off-audio-158x105.jpg Spike : une série audio dans l'univers Buffy

    Alors que le reboot de Buffy contre les vampires est à l'arrêt, l'univers s'exporte sur Audible pour une série centrée sur Spike.

    Buffy contre les vampires : pas de reboot mais un nouveau projet

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      Il n’y a pas besoin d’aimer le foot pour aimer Ted Lasso, la série qui humanise le sport

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Saturday, 9 September, 2023 - 12:16

    [En partenariat avec France Culture] Avec cette première chronique Numerama de la saison 3 du Meilleur des Mondes, l'émission de François Saltiel, on explore l'optimisme de Ted Lasso. [Lire la suite]

    Abonnez-vous aux newsletters Numerama pour recevoir l’essentiel de l’actualité https://www.numerama.com/newsletter/

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      Les armes de la transition. Le climatologue : Jean Jouzel

      news.movim.eu / LeVentSeLeve · Thursday, 7 September, 2023 - 20:21

    Jean Jouzel est glaciologue-climatologue, pionnier dans l’étude du changement climatique. Il a été vice-président du groupe scientifique du GIEC (Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat) lorsque ce dernier a reçu le Prix Nobel de la Paix en 2007. La liste de ses responsabilités est impressionnante. Il a plus récemment rejoint le Haut Conseil pour le Climat. Jean Jouzel nous éclaire sur le rôle précis d’un climatologue dans le cadre de la transition écologique.

    Les Armes de la Transition est une émission présentée par Pierre Gilbert et produite par Le Vent Se Lève.

    Cette émission a été enregistrée par Vincent Plagniol et mixée par Thomas Binetruy.

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      The Pirates vs. The Premier League: Must-Listen Podcast Available Now

      news.movim.eu / TorrentFreak · Saturday, 26 August, 2023 - 14:35 · 3 minutes

    piratesvpremierleague-s When a sports business journalist says he’s producing a podcast series on piracy, there’s always a risk that the end product will end up sounding like a corporate anti-piracy campaign disguised as independent reporting.

    After learning of the project a few months ago, we are pleased to confirm that podcast series The Pirates vs The Premier League is out now and certified free from distracting influences.

    Created by journalists Matt Cutler and Richard Gillis, the series begins with football fan Matt hoping to find a pirated live stream of a match featuring his team, Aston Villa, which isn’t being shown in the UK.

    Given that the Premier League insists this is a crime (watching streams, not supporting Aston Villa), the admission sets the tone for an honest view of IPTV piracy. Matt speaks with those who supply streams, hears from fans who consume them, and with input from various experts, tries to understand the implications for the Premier League and the sport in general.

    We’ll let the podcast tell its own story but a significant point emerges from the podcast in the form of a jarring omission. Contributors include fans, a close friend of a jailed IPTV pirate, an IPTV reseller, anti-piracy company Nagra, various industry analysts and fascinating input from Will Page, former Chief Economist at Spotify, to name just a few.

    The Premier League, the body at the epicenter of the debate, refused to participate.

    Five episodes are currently live piratesvpremier-spotify

    The podcast explores various theories on why the Premier League prefers to exclude itself from the discussion, while acknowledging the exceptional quality of the Premier League product. One of the questions relates to the cost of that product in an economic downturn and whether football’s traditional working class fans are being priced out in favor of the middle classes.

    “The Premier League is a fantastic product. It’s hard to argue against that,” Matt informs TorrentFreak.

    “Over the last 30 years it has taken football not just in the UK but globally to a new level of quality and entertainment, and also the clubs are doing more than ever to support grassroots and good causes. That’s only been enabled because of the investments that have come from Sky and other subscription broadcasters. But I do believe football in particular has become too expensive.

    “TV is the main way most football fans watch sport; season ticket waiting lists are at an all-time high and even if you can get a ticket, you have to be able to afford it. The cost of living crisis is putting this under the spotlight and piracy in many ways democratizes football again. Yet the data also shows two-thirds of people who pirate sports broadcasts also pay for sports broadcasts legitimately.

    “Fans will pay, millions just don’t currently have access to a product that delivers what they want at a price point they are willing to pay.”

    Factors Beyond Price Fuel Piracy

    The podcast also addresses the controversial ‘3pm blackout’ and its contribution to piracy rates. Matt believes that getting rid of the broadcasting ban would be a major step forward, as would a change of anti-piracy messaging and more consideration for those who can’t afford to follow the sport anymore.

    “The blackout is a core reason why people are pirating sport in the UK and I haven’t seen any evidence that its removal will have a negative impact on grassroots football, both attendances and people playing,” Matt says.

    “I’d also like to see communications changed away from ‘pirating sport might get you arrested’ to better explaining why the money being spent on media subscriptions benefits fans and the clubs they support. And who the illegitimate content lines the pockets of.

    “Lastly, and maybe this is a reach but, subsidizing subscription costs for those struggling financially wouldn’t go amiss.”

    The Pirates vs The Premier League is available on Spotify and Apple ( Unofficial Partner Productions )

    From: TF , for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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      Les podcasts “White Noise” font fureur sur Spotify : c’est quoi ?

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Friday, 18 August, 2023 - 15:00

    spotify-1-158x105.jpg spotify (1)

    Les podcasts White Noise rapportent des milliers de dollars aux créateurs sur Spotify, mais qu'est-ce que c'est exactement ?

    Les podcasts “White Noise” font fureur sur Spotify : c’est quoi ?