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      Pornhub cuts off more US users in ongoing protest over age-verification laws

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Monday, 3 July, 2023 - 16:56

    Pornhub cuts off more US users in ongoing protest over age-verification laws

    Enlarge (credit: ssuaphoto | iStock / Getty Images Plus )

    On July 1, laws requiring adult websites to verify user ages took effect in Mississippi and Virginia, despite efforts by Pornhub to push back against the legislation. Those efforts include Pornhub blocking access to users in these states and rallying users to help persuade lawmakers that requiring ID to access adult content will only create more harms for users in their states.

    Pornhub posted a long statement on Twitter, explaining that the company thinks US officials acting to prevent children from accessing adult content is "great." However, "the way many elected officials have chosen to implement these laws is haphazard and dangerous."

    Pornhub isn't the only one protesting these laws. Last month, the Free Speech Coalition (FSC) sued Louisiana over its age-verification law, with FSC Executive Director Alison Boden alleging that these kinds of laws now passed in seven states are unconstitutional.

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      Pornhub et YouPorn sont prêts à bloquer les internautes français

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Monday, 19 June, 2023 - 08:39

    Le géant de la pornographie MindGeek, qui pilote des sites comme Pornhub et YouPorn, évoque la possibilité de se retirer du marché français. Certains sites sont actuellement menacés de blocage en France. [Lire la suite]

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      Pornhub attacks states for passing “unsafe” age-verification laws

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 7 June, 2023 - 17:14 · 1 minute

    Pornhub attacks states for passing “unsafe” age-verification laws

    Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | Pornhub)

    Starting today, Pornhub visitors in Virginia, Mississippi, and Arkansas will see a "very important message" on the adult website's homepage. Pornhub's public service announcement prompts visitors to contact representatives and oppose recently passed age-verification laws in these states that Pornhub claims puts children and all users' privacy at risk. If users don't support Pornhub before laws go into effect, the company says, Pornhub could potentially restrict access in these states—a threat it already followed through on in Utah .

    In the PSA, adult entertainer Cherie Deville tells Pornhub users that instead of states requiring ID to access adult content, "the best and most effective solution for protecting children and adults alike is to verify users' age at a device level and allow or block access to age-restricted materials and websites accordingly."

    According to CNN , this PSA is part of a larger effort by Pornhub and its private equity owners, Ethical Capital Partners (ECP), to work with big tech companies to create new device-based age verification solutions. So far, ECP partner Solomon Friedman told CNN that ECP has lobbied Apple, Google, and Microsoft to "develop a technological standard that might turn a user’s electronic device into the proof of age necessary to access restricted online content."

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      Pornhub shocks Utah by restricting access over age-verification law

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Tuesday, 2 May, 2023 - 22:16

    Pornhub shocks Utah by restricting access over age-verification law

    Since Monday, Pornhub has begun blocking access for all Utah visitors, taking a strong stance against the state's recently passed age-verification law . In a video statement that now appears on Pornhub's homepage when Utah users attempt to access the adult site, Pornhub spokesperson Sharita Bell said the law was not a "real solution."

    "As you may know, your elected officials have required us to verify your age before granting you access to our website," Bell said in the video. "While safety and compliance are at the forefront of our mission, giving your ID card every time you want to visit an adult platform is not the most effective solution for protecting our users—and in fact, will put children and your privacy at risk."

    In its statement, Pornhub warned that "without proper enforcement," Utah's law would put children and privacy at risk by driving Pornhub users to platforms that choose not to comply with the law—including pirate sites possibly hosting illegal content.

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      Solitude + Pornhub, ou le triomphe du Moi tout seul

      ancapism.marevalo.net / Contrepoints · Friday, 10 March, 2023 - 03:40 · 5 minutes

    63 % des jeunes Américains et 34 % des jeunes Américaines sont célibataires . 30 % des Américains adultes sont seuls (ni marié, ni partenaire). 30 % des jeunes Américains et 20 % des jeunes Américaines ont vécu une année complète (2019) sans la moindre relation sexuelle . Seulement la moitié des jeunes Américains célibataires cherchent une partenaire. D’après Fred Rabinowitz, psychologue et professeur à l’Université de Redlands, ces célibataires consomment énormément de porn en ligne et semblent s’en contenter. Sympa !

    Durant le premier confinement lié au covid — comme tout cela paraît loin, quasiment le Moyen Âge ! — je me rendais tous les matins au bureau, à Bruxelles. Soyons honnêtes : je n’ai pas le profil du bon Samaritain. Je ne me lève pas le matin en me demandant comment je vais aider mon prochain : je me lève à 5 h 30 pour travailler, et c’est tout. Or, durant ce premier confinement, cinq de mes voisins sont venus me demander de l’aide. Fallait-il qu’ils n’aient vraiment aucune alternative ! (rappelons que durant le premier confinement, obtenir la visite d’un professionnel était à peu près aussi aisé que la visitation du Saint-Esprit).

    Dring ! Voici ma voisine française de 80 ans, qui suit des cours d’italien en ligne : son ordinateur s’est « bloqué ». Je l’éteins, je le rallume : bingo, ça marche, ce qui tombe bien car je venais d’épuiser mes compétences informatiques. Ma voisine me remercie comme le messie, car, m’explique-t-elle « cet ordinateur qui est en panne depuis trois jours est mon seul accès au monde ! »

    Le voisin du premier colle un post-it sur la porte du bureau : « Pardon de vous déranger, je suis le voisin du premier, je n’ai plus d’eau chaude, pourriez-vous me dire si vous en avez et sinon que faire ? Merci ! » Hop, d’informaticien, je passe chauffagiste.

    La voisine du dessous, une Allemande qui travaille pour une organisation syndicale européenne, ne m’a jamais adressé la parole en une année complète. Voilà-t’y pas que, me croisant dans l’entrée, malgré son masque intégral elle m’agrippe littéralement pour se présenter (après un an !) et échanger sur le sujet qui semble fort la préoccuper : « Mais comment tout cela va-t-il finir ? » et patati, et patata, la voici soudainement bavarde comme une commère latine.

    Les ratiocineurs dans mon genre aimant à réfléchir, je me suis demandé ce qui me valait ces assauts de sociabilité. La détresse de tous ces gens ? Sans aucun doute. Mais pourquoi moi ? Eh bien, parce que ces voisins avaient tous un point commun : ils étaient seuls (selon toute vraisemblance, ils le sont toujours). Seule au monde, la Française âgée ; complètement isolé, le sympathique du premier ; seule et telle une âme en peine, l’Allemande du deuxième. Tous, seuls.

    50 % des Parisiens vivent seuls . La proportion n’est probablement pas très différente à Bruxelles ou Londres . Seuls, avec Pornhub. Ce qui est probablement pire que seul — et je ne suis pas bégueule.

    Comment expliquer ces évolutions étourdissantes en volume comme dans leur rapidité ? On avance des explications ponctuelles, du type : les jeunes femmes sont désormais mieux diplômées que les jeunes hommes (60 % des baccalauréats vont à des femmes). Or, elles ne veulent pas se mettre en couple avec moins bien lotis qu’elles-mêmes. Bad luck, pal ! Cela paraît plausible. Mais à la marge.

    Quand un phénomène concerne la majorité de nos semblables, son explication réside par définition dans l’ontologie de l’époque. Par ontologie, j’entends la structure fondamentale de notre être au monde, au sens de Martin Heidegger.

    Je soutiens l’idée que nous assistons à l’exaspération d’une ontologie apparue au XX e siècle, celle du Moi-souverain, qui rejette toute forme de hiérarchie et se rebelle contre toute contrainte afin de revendiquer la primauté et l’absolutisme du Soi. À la charnière du XIX e siècle et du XX e siècle, émergeait celui qu’ Ortega y Gasset nomme l’homme-masse, qui n’eut de cesse de secouer les jougs hérités du passé. Son vouloir absolu entend se susbtituer aux hiérarchies des siècles. Ortega y Gasset soutient que le communisme et le fascisme sont deux manifestations de cette ontologie nouvelle, celle d’un vouloir dévastateur, qui revendique avec fureur le droit d’avoir tort. Car, toute contrainte, norme ou tradition est désormais un mal en soi.

    Toutefois, cette expulsion des traditions et la destruction de tous les contrats est encore incomplète. L’impérieux vouloir du XX e siècle reste collectif. Les idéologies du XXI e siècle — wokisme, écologisme , boboisme, dégénérescence du libéralisme —  viennent parachever le travail.

    Peu construites sur le plan théorique, les idéologies du XXI e siècle sont les parfaites expressions du Moi-souverain , reflétant son égocentrisme, sa versatilité, son refus de toute contrainte. Je suis ce que je veux si, quand et parce que je l’ai décidé ! La souplesse, le polymorphisme de ces idéologies reflètent le caprice d’un enfant gâté, ce Moi « plein de lui-même tel un joli petit paquet » (William Thackeray).

    La citadelle ultime du Moi, c’est moi. Quand j’ai rejeté toute espèce de contrainte, il ne reste que moi. Moi, c’est-à-dire la seule contrainte que je dois bien souffrir, si je veux rester présent au monde. Ce moi houellebecquien, vaseux, minable, dérisoire empereur d’une royaume de deux pièces, qui passe son temps à geindre sur l’évolution d’une société qu’il incarne pourtant. Car il en est la cause.

    Une génération qui préfère Pornhub, entre deux Deliveroo, aux vertiges infinis de la sexualité réelle ne paraît pas promise à un brillant avenir. Nous allons devoir redécouvrir les vertus, les séductions, les contraintes et les promesses infinies de l’altérité. Démiurgique et passionnant programme !

    Article d’abord publié par l’hebdomadaire flamand ‘t Pallieterke

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      Money Shot : Netflix va diffuser un documentaire choc sur les coulisses de Pornhub

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Thursday, 2 March, 2023 - 16:00

    pornhub-logo-930x476-1-e1640014264724-158x105.jpg logo Pornhub

    La diffusion de Money Shot sur Netflix promet d'érafler encore un peu l'image du site X Pornhub.

    Money Shot : Netflix va diffuser un documentaire choc sur les coulisses de Pornhub

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      Teens can proactively block their nude images from Instagram, OnlyFans

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Monday, 27 February, 2023 - 18:33 · 1 minute

    Teens can proactively block their nude images from Instagram, OnlyFans

    Enlarge (credit: Peter Dazeley | The Image Bank )

    Over the past few years, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) saw worrying trends indicating that teen sextortion is on the rise online and, in extreme cases, leads to suicides. Between 2019 and 2021, the number of sextortion cases reported on NCMEC’s online tipline more than doubled . At the start of 2022, nearly 80 percent of those cases involved teens suffering financial sextortion—pressured to send cash or gift cards or else see their sexualized images spread online.

    NCMEC already manages a database that works to stop the spread of child sexual abuse materials (CSAM), but that tool wouldn't work for confused teens ashamed of struggling with sextortion, because it gathers information with every report that is not anonymized. Teens escaping sextortion needed a different kind of tool, NCMEC realized, one that removed all shame from the reporting process and worked more proactively, allowing minors to anonymously report sextortion before any of their images are ever circulated online.

    Today, NCMEC officially launched that tool— Take It Down . Since its soft launch in December, already more than 200 people have used it to block uploads or remove images of minors shared online, NCMEC’s communications and brand vice president, Gavin Portnoy, told Ars.

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      Pornhub Risks Losing Its Domain Name in Bizarre Piracy Lawsuit

      news.movim.eu / TorrentFreak · Wednesday, 1 February, 2023 - 07:30 · 5 minutes

    pornhub copyright Pornhub is without a doubt one of the most visited adult entertainment outlets on the Internet.

    The ‘entertainment’ platform is owned by MindGeek, the company formerly known as Manwin. In just a few years it has transformed the adult industry’s pay-to-access model into an all-you-can-eat, free-to-stream business.

    Part of this magic formula is down to Pornhub and other MindGeek-owned tube sites allowing users to share content. This material includes legitimate videos from official Pornhub models, as well as thousands of videos that are copyrighted by MindGeek, such as the Brazzers and Reality Kings brands.

    This content is freely available and monetized through advertisements. However, there is one particular threat to this lucrative business model: pirate sites.

    When Pornhub got started fifteen years ago the site featured many pirated videos itself. Today, this image has changed, partly due to the mandatory verification of uploaders. Instead, Pornhub’s parent company MindGeek is now actively waging legal battles against competitors.

    These DMCA takedown campaigns and lawsuits have already resulted in some success. Just a few months ago, MindGeek won its case against DaftSex . In addition to millions of dollars in damages, the court also ruled that the company could take over related domain names, which had millions of visitors.

    DaftSex wasn’t completely defeated and soon reappeared with a new domain name . Meanwhile, MindGeek’s attention is drawn to its lawsuit against tube site Goodporn, which had some bizarre developments recently.

    MindGeek Sues Goodporn

    Initially filed in 2021 at a federal court in California, the copyright infringement lawsuit accuses the site and its operator of large-scale copyright infringement.

    “The GoodPorn Website is a pirate website, displaying copyrighted adult entertainment content without authorization or license,” the complaint alleged.


    MindGeek initially tried to contain the problem by sending DMCA takedown notices. This didn’t help, as the site purportedly ignored them, allowing it to profit from the alleged infringing activity of its users.

    “Defendants do not even attempt to comply with their obligations under the DMCA. Instead, Defendants systematically refuse to comply with proper and compliant DMCA takedown notices,” MindGeek wrote.

    The complaint is similar to those seen earlier targeting alleged pirate sites. The response is altogether different, however. Goodporn’s owner, Amrit Kumar from India, is fighting back hard.

    ‘Pro Se’ Defense & Attack

    Kumar has answered the complaint with “pro se” filings, which means that he is representing himself without a lawyer. This is unusual but not noticeable from the text. The arguments read as if they were written by an attorney or even a team of lawyers.

    After failing to have the case dismissed over a lack of jurisdiction, the defendant submitted an answer to the complaint which denies all copyright infringement allegations in addition to a counterclaim.

    The counterclaims and defense go hand in hand. They are predicated on the claim that MindGeek (MG Premium) signed a bilateral agreement with Goodporn in 2019, to transfer the rights of its content.


    A copy of the agreement is offered as evidence and signed by Kumar. MindGeek’s Ferass Antoon is listed as the second signatory. Antoon was the CEO of the adult company but left his position a few months ago, according to media reports.

    Fraudulent Agreement?

    Kumar brought this agreement up at an earlier stage of the lawsuit since it suggests that the site had the right to use the contested videos. In response, MindGeek subsidiary MG Premium dismissed the document as fraudulent.

    “Defendant Kumar has made a claim of ownership of Plaintiff’s work and infringement by Plaintiff. First, he claims ownership over all of Plaintiff’s works via a contract that is, on information and belief, fraudulent.

    “The alleged signatory for Plaintiff, Feras Antoon, has never held any position with Plaintiff,” MG Premium added.

    The latter sentence may refer to the fact that MindGeek is not the same company as MG Premium. The latter is a subsidiary, under which thousands of MindGeek-linked copyrights are registered.

    Whether the document is real or not remains a point of contention and it’s not our place to opine on that. The matter will eventually have to be resolved in court but the counterclaim suggests more fireworks may lie ahead.

    Millions + Pornhub.com

    Goodporn accuses MG Premium of unfair business practices and breach of contract. The first claim partly relates to DMCA notices MG Premium sent to Google, asking it to remove Goodporn URLs. The notices were illegitimate, Kumar argues.

    The breach of contract claim alleges that MG Premium is the copyright-infringing party here, as the company signed over its rights to Goodporn.

    “Counter Plaintiff entered into a bilateral agreement with Counter defendant, MG Premium Ltd, under which all the counter defendant’s contents, including videos, galleries, and stories, were transferred to Counter Plaintiff. Counter Defendant is currently violating counter Plaintiffs copyrights by continuing to use these works without permission.”

    Kumar adds that the agreement is legitimate and suggests that there is a financial paper trail to back this up.

    “The bilateral agreement is real and legitimate. The contract’s validity can be confirmed by checking Mr. Feras Antoon’s financial statements or those of his partners, such as Bernd Bergmair, who owns a majority of Mind Geek, and David Tassillo, the COO of the company.”

    The court will ultimately have to make sense of this bizarre situation. Kumar’s demands show that there is a lot at stake, including Pornhub’s future.

    As part of the counterclaim, Goodporn requests $10 million in damages for breach of contract, as stipulated in the agreement. In addition, Goodporn wants to be on record as the legitimate rightsholder, while MG Premium should stop all infringing activities.

    The Pornhub.com domain name is also at risk, as Goodporn asks the court to sign it over if it wins the case.

    domain demand

    The counterclaim further requests an order that requires Google to reinstate all Goodporn URLs that were removed based on MG Premium’s DMCA notices, while credit card businesses should be ordered to stop working with allegedly infringing sites such as Brazzers.com and Mofos.com.

    Needless to say, the allegations from both sides must be proven before damages or other relief come into play. Thus far, the adult entertainment imperium doesn’t seem to be particularly concerned.

    “These counterclaims are untrue, frivolous, and absurd. We look forward to our attorneys dealing with this matter through the court system,” MindGeek informs TorrentFreak.

    A copy of Goodporn/Amrit Kumar’s answers, defenses, and the counterclaims are available here (pdf) . The document also contains the relevant exhibits including the agreement

    From: TF , for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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      Pornhub requires ID from Louisiana users to comply with state’s new porn law

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Tuesday, 3 January, 2023 - 20:40

    Pornhub requires ID from Louisiana users to comply with state’s new porn law

    Pornhub and other major porn sites owned by MindGeek now require Louisiana residents to verify their ages because of the state's new porn law that took effect on January 1, 2023.

    "Louisiana law now requires us to put in place a process for verifying the age of users who connect to our site from Louisiana. The privacy and security of the Pornhub community is our priority, and we thank you for your cooperation," the Pornhub website tells Louisiana-based users when they try to access the website.

    Pornhub owner MindGeek also operates Brazzers, YouPorn, and Redtube. All of those MindGeek sites now prompt Louisiana-based users to verify their age. Websites that violate the new state law could be found liable in civil lawsuits.

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