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      Nvidia announces “moonshot” to create embodied human-level AI in robot form

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 20 March - 20:21 · 1 minute

    An illustration of a humanoid robot created by Nvidia.

    Enlarge / An illustration of a humanoid robot created by Nvidia. (credit: Nvidia)

    In sci-fi films, the rise of humanlike artificial intelligence often comes hand in hand with a physical platform, such as an android or robot. While the most advanced AI language models so far seem mostly like disembodied voices echoing from an anonymous data center, they might not remain that way for long. Some companies like Google , Figure , Microsoft , Tesla , Boston Dynamics , and others are working toward giving AI models a body. This is called "embodiment," and AI chipmaker Nvidia wants to accelerate the process.

    "Building foundation models for general humanoid robots is one of the most exciting problems to solve in AI today," said Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang in a statement. Huang spent a portion of Nvidia's annual GTC conference keynote on Monday going over Nvidia's robotics efforts. "The next generation of robotics will likely be humanoid robotics," Huang said. "We now have the necessary technology to imagine generalized human robotics."

    To that end, Nvidia announced Project GR00T, a general-purpose foundation model for humanoid robots. As a type of AI model itself, Nvidia hopes GR00T (which stands for "Generalist Robot 00 Technology" but sounds a lot like a famous Marvel character) will serve as an AI mind for robots, enabling them to learn skills and solve various tasks on the fly. In a tweet , Nvidia researcher Linxi "Jim" Fan called the project "our moonshot to solve embodied AGI in the physical world."

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      Nvidia: what’s so good about the tech firm’s new AI superchip?

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Tuesday, 19 March - 15:11

    US firm hopes to lead in artificial intelligence and other sectors – and has built a model that could control humanoid robots

    The chipmaker Nvidia has extended its lead in artificial intelligence with the unveiling of a new “superchip”, a quantum computing service, and a new suite of tools to help develop the ultimate sci-fi dream: general purpose humanoid robotics. Here we look at what the company is doing and what it might mean.

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      Segway tond votre pelouse avec un robot équipé d’un GPS

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Saturday, 9 March - 15:00

    Navimow Segway

    Pourquoi s'embêter à tondre la pelouse quand un robot peut faire le sale boulot à votre place ? Segway a lancé sa nouvelle gamme de tondeuses robotisées Navimow i dont le principal argument de vente est un prix autour de 1.000 €.
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      Verdie, le jardinier robot autonome

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Saturday, 9 March - 10:00


    Verdie, le nouveau robot d'Electric Sheep Robotics, a la main verte. Il peut en effet réaliser des tâches de désherbage et de taille, il peut aussi souffler les feuilles en complément du travail des paysagistes. L'objectif annoncé est de simplifier l'entretien paysager en le rendant plus efficace et moins dépendant de la main-d'œuvre humaine.
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      Le Cyberdog 2 de Xiaomi sait faire des sauts périlleux

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Monday, 4 March - 07:30

    Cyberdog 2

    L'été dernier, Xiaomi dévoilait son nouveau chien-robot, le bien nommé Cyberdog dont c'est la deuxième génération. Le constructeur a profité du MWC pour faire la démonstration du quadrupède, qui offre une expérience moins intimidante et plus amicale que son prédécesseur.
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      Huge funding round makes “Figure” Big Tech’s favorite humanoid robot company

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Friday, 1 March - 20:16 · 1 minute

    The Figure 01 and a few spare parts. Obviously they are big fans of aluminum.

    Enlarge / The Figure 01 and a few spare parts. Obviously they are big fans of aluminum. (credit: Figure)

    Humanoid robotics company Figure AI announced it raised an astounding $675 million in a funding round from an all-star cast of Big Tech investors. The company, which aims to commercialize a humanoid robot, now has a $2.6 billion valuation. Participants in the latest funding round include Microsoft, the OpenAI Startup Fund, NVIDIA, Jeff Bezos' Bezos Expeditions, Parkway Venture Capital, Intel Capital, Align Ventures, and ARK Invest. With all these big-name investors, Figure is officially Big Tech's favorite humanoid robotics company. The manufacturing industry is taking notice, too. In January, Figure even announced a commercial agreement with BMW to have robots work on its production line.

    "In conjunction with this investment," the press release reads, "Figure and OpenAI have entered into a collaboration agreement to develop next generation AI models for humanoid robots, combining OpenAI's research with Figure's deep understanding of robotics hardware and software. The collaboration aims to help accelerate Figure's commercial timeline by enhancing the capabilities of humanoid robots to process and reason from language."

    With all this hype and funding, the actual robot must be incredible, right? Well, the company is new and only unveiled its first humanoid "prototype," the "Figure 01," in October. At that time the company said it represented about 12 months of work. With veterans from "Boston Dynamics, Tesla, Google DeepMind, and Archer Aviation," the company has a strong starting point.

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      Phoenix : voici le robot le plus habile de la planète

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Thursday, 29 February - 16:03

    Phoenix Sanctuary Robot

    L’androïde de Sanctuary AI affiche une dextérité impressionnante grâce à ses appendices particulièrement sophistiqués, que la startup décrit comme "les meilleures mains robotique au monde".
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      Ces robots travaillent tout seuls sans l’aide d’humains

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Monday, 26 February - 08:00

    1x Technologies Eve Robots

    1X Technologies, une entreprise norvégienne soutenue par OpenAI, a mis en ligne une vidéo de ses robots Eve en action dans un entrepôt. L'intégration des robots humanoïdes dans les secteurs industriels et domestiques devient une perspective de plus en plus concrète !
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      Texas’s San Antonio airport will get a 420lb autonomous security robot

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Sunday, 25 February - 18:42

    City council approves year-long contract with Knightscope to rent a K5 robot to respond to door alarms at the airport

    An autonomous robot is due to become the latest addition to San Antonio International Airport’s security apparatus.

    Following a 7 to 3 vote on Thursday by the San Antonio city council, city officials approved a year-long contract with Knightscope, a California-based developer of autonomous security robots, to rent its K5 robot for $21,000.

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