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      The Guardian view on smartphones and children: a compelling case for action | Editorial

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Wednesday, 10 April - 17:38

    Regulating new technology is never simple, but the status quo offers inadequate protection

    The principle that some products are available to adults and not children is uncontroversial. Access to weapons, alcohol and pornography is curtailed in this way because a level of maturity is the precondition for access (but not a guarantee of responsible use).

    Until recently, few people put smartphones in that category. The idea of an age restriction on sales would be dismissed as luddism or state-control freakery. But ministers are reported to be considering just such a ban for under-16s. Opinion polls suggest that it could be popular with parents. Government guidance already calls for a de facto ban on mobile phone use in schools in England and Wales. Many headteachers had already imposed rules to that effect. If there is not yet a consensus that young people’s use of smartphones needs stricter regulation, that is the trajectory.

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      UK ministers considering banning sale of smartphones to under-16s

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Wednesday, 10 April - 09:34

    Polls show significant support for curb to protect children but some Tories uneasy with idea of government ‘microparenting’

    Ministers are considering banning the sale of smartphones to children under the age of 16 after a number of polls have shown significant public support for such a curb.

    The government issued guidance on the use of mobile phones in English schools two months ago, but other curbs are said to have been considered to better protect children after a number of campaigns.

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      ‘You can imagine it’s you, standing there on the edge’: Atle Rønningen’s best phone picture

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Saturday, 6 April - 09:00

    A massive cliff and a fearless friend helped the photographer capture an unforgettable image

    “Eskil is a tough guy,” Atle Rønningen says of the friend he was hiking Pulpit Rock with. “It’s a massive cliff over 600 metres high, in Preikestolen, Norway. It’s so popular and busy in the summer months, so we went in the spring as soon as the snow had gone. It was still icy in some places, and the weather changed abruptly all day,” he says.

    It was fortunate Eskil had no fear of heights, Rønningen adds, because as he approached the ledge, the rain had turned to snow and the wind had picked up. Even so, the guys kept their goal in mind. “We wanted to show how capable mobile phone photography is,” Rønningen explains. “This was 2014, so Instagram was very new and few people knew how to take good pictures using their phone. We wanted to show what could be done.”

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      If you really want kids to spend less time online, make space for them in the real world | Gaby Hinsliff

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Tuesday, 2 April - 05:00

    Tech firms can do more, but it’s the government’s job to ensure children have safe places to play – and it’s not doing it

    Three-quarters of children want to spend more time in nature. Having spent the Easter weekend trying to force four resistant teenagers off their phones and out for a nice walk over the Yorkshire Dales, admittedly I’ll have to take the National Trust’s word for this. But that’s what its survey of children aged between seven and 14 finds, anyway.

    Kids don’t necessarily want to spend every waking minute hunched over a screen, however strongly they give that impression; even though retreating online satisfies the developmentally important desire to escape their annoying parents, even teenagers still want to run wild in the real world occasionally. Their relationship with phones is complex and maddening, but not a million miles off adults’ own love-hate relationship with social media; a greasy sugar-rush we crave but rarely feel better for indulging. Yet lately, longstanding parental unease over children’s screen habits has been hardening into something more like revolt.

    Gaby Hinsliff is a Guardian columnist

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      Smartphone app could help detect early-onset dementia cause, study finds

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Monday, 1 April - 15:00

    App-based cognitive tests found to be proficient at detecting frontotemporal dementia in those most at risk

    A smartphone app could help detect a leading cause of early-onset dementia in people who are at high risk of developing it, data suggests.

    Scientists have demonstrated that cognitive tests done via a smartphone app are at least as sensitive at detecting early signs of frontotemporal dementia in people with a genetic predisposition to the condition as medical evaluations performed in clinics.

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      Smartphone Xiaomi – Dites adieu à cette option que vous adorez

      news.movim.eu / Korben · Monday, 1 April - 05:00 · 2 minutes

    Dans une annonce surprenante , le géant chinois Xiaomi a décidé de supprimer la fonctionnalité « Appel » de ses smartphones, affirmant que cette option n’est plus utilisée par la majorité de ses clients. Cette décision radicale a suscité de nombreuses réactions parmi les utilisateurs de la marque.

    Xiaomi affirme que les appels passent désormais par les messageries instantanées

    Selon un communiqué officiel de Xiaomi, la fonctionnalité « Appel » sera progressivement retirée de tous les modèles de smartphones de la marque à partir de la prochaine mise à jour. L’entreprise justifie cette décision en expliquant que la plupart des utilisateurs préfèrent désormais passer leurs appels via des applications de messagerie instantanée telles que WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger ou encore WeChat.

    « Nos études montrent que moins de 5% de nos clients utilisent encore la fonction d’appel classique via le réseau de l’opérateur « , indique le porte-parole de Xiaomi. « Il nous a donc semblé logique de supprimer cette option devenue obsolète afin d’o ptimiser les performances de nos appareils. »

    Des avantages et des inconvénients pour les utilisateurs

    Si cette décision peut sembler radicale, Xiaomi met en avant plusieurs avantages pour ses clients. Tout d’abord, la suppression de la fonctionnalité « Appel » permettra de libérer de l’espace de stockage sur les smartphones, offrant ainsi plus de place pour les photos, vidéos et applications. De plus, l’entreprise promet une amélioration significative de l’autonomie de la batterie, les appels via les messageries consommant moins d’énergie que les appels traditionnels.

    Cependant, certains utilisateurs s’inquiètent des conséquences de cette décision. En effet, les appels via les messageries nécessitent une connexion internet stable, ce qui n’est pas toujours le cas dans certaines zones géographiques. De plus, les personnes âgées ou moins à l’aise avec la technologie pourraient se retrouver dans l’incapacité de passer des appels depuis leur smartphone Xiaomi.

    Vers une suppression de l’application SMS ?

    Suite à cette annonce, des rumeurs circulent quant à une possible suppression de l’application SMS dans un futur proche. En effet, Xiaomi aurait également constaté une baisse significative de l’utilisation des SMS au profit des messageries instantanées.

    Si cette information venait à se confirmer, cela marquerait un tournant majeur dans l’histoire de la téléphonie mobile. Les smartphones deviendraient alors de véritables « appareils de messagerie », délaissant progressivement les fonctions de communication traditionnelles.

    Quoi qu’il en soit, cette annonce a eu l’effet d’une bombe dans le monde de la tech, suscitant de nombreux débats sur l’avenir de la téléphonie mobile et une fool en colère. Reste à voir si d’autres fabricants emboîteront le pas à Xiaomi dans cette « pêche » aux fonctionnalités obsolètes.

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      Wearable AI: will it put our smartphones out of fashion?

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Sunday, 31 March - 11:00 · 1 minute

    Portable AI-powered devices that connect directly to a chatbot without the need for apps or a touchscreen are set to hit the market. Are they the emperor’s new clothes or a gamechanger?

    Imagine it: you’re on the bus or walking in the park, when you remember some important task has slipped your mind. You were meant to send an email, catch up on a meeting, or arrange to grab lunch with a friend. Without missing a beat, you simply say aloud what you’ve forgotten and the small device that’s pinned to your chest, or resting on the bridge of your nose, sends the message, summarises the meeting, or pings your buddy a lunch invitation. The work has been taken care of, without you ever having to prod the screen of your smartphone.

    It’s the sort of utopian convenience that a growing wave of tech companies are hoping to realise through artificial intelligence. Generative AI chatbots such as ChatGPT exploded in popularity last year, as search engines like Google, messaging apps such as Slack and social media services like Snapchat raced to integrate the tech into their systems. Yet while AI add-ons have become a familiar sight across apps and software, the same generative tech is now making an attempt to join the realm of hardware, as the first AI-powered consumer devices rear their heads and jostle for space with our smartphones.

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      Huawei shrugs off US sanctions with fastest growth in four years

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Friday, 29 March - 14:17

    Revenue at Chinese telecom rose 10% as net profit more than doubles

    Chinese telecoms firm Huawei grew faster in 2023 than it has for four years, as it shrugged off the impact of US sanctions .

    Revenues rose by nearly 10% to 704.2bn yuan (£77bn) as the Shenzhen-based company enjoyed a rebound within its consumer segment, which includes smartphone handsets.

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      Scroll on: why your screen-time habits aren’t as bad as you think they are

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Saturday, 16 March - 08:00

    The increasing use of digital technology has inspired many scare stories, but is it reducing our attention span, does smartphone addiction actually exist – and should we even be feeling bad about it?

    Digital technology is now inextricably woven into the fabric of society, and for many of us, that does not always feel like a good thing. As screens have become more numerous, so the anxieties that we have about them have become more salient and pressing. But what if we are focusing on the wrong sorts of worries? Here are five common questions about screen time, the answers to which may help us to frame the relationships we have with our tech more accurately.

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