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      Apple loses mantle as world’s biggest phone seller to Samsung as China sales drop / TheGuardian · Monday, 15 April - 10:01

    South Korean firm regains pole position amid biggest drop in iPhone sales since Covid-19 lockdowns

    Apple has lost its spot as the world’s biggest mobile phone seller after a steep sales drop as South Korean rival Samsung retook the lead in the global market share.

    Samsung had been the biggest seller of mobile phones for 12 years until the end of 2023, when sales of Apple’s iPhone models overtook it .

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      ‘The lone hand prompts us to ask what is going on behind the curtain’: Callie Eh’s best phone picture / TheGuardian · Saturday, 13 April - 09:00

    The photographer was in Nepal when she happened upon a wedding ceremony and a once-in-a-lifetime image

    Joyful, dancing wedding guests were following a ceremonial procession and car through the streets of Bhaktapur, Nepal, when Callie Eh happened upon them. The Malaysian photographer was in the country for a photography workshop.

    “I try to attend them every year or so,” says Eh, who now lives in Switzerland. “I can improve on existing skills and learn new ones, meet other photographers and exchange ideas.”

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      Smartphone app could help detect early-onset dementia cause, study finds / TheGuardian · Monday, 1 April - 15:00

    App-based cognitive tests found to be proficient at detecting frontotemporal dementia in those most at risk

    A smartphone app could help detect a leading cause of early-onset dementia in people who are at high risk of developing it, data suggests.

    Scientists have demonstrated that cognitive tests done via a smartphone app are at least as sensitive at detecting early signs of frontotemporal dementia in people with a genetic predisposition to the condition as medical evaluations performed in clinics.

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      Smartphone Xiaomi – Dites adieu à cette option que vous adorez / Korben · Monday, 1 April - 05:00 · 2 minutes

    Dans une annonce surprenante , le géant chinois Xiaomi a décidé de supprimer la fonctionnalité « Appel » de ses smartphones, affirmant que cette option n’est plus utilisée par la majorité de ses clients. Cette décision radicale a suscité de nombreuses réactions parmi les utilisateurs de la marque.

    Xiaomi affirme que les appels passent désormais par les messageries instantanées

    Selon un communiqué officiel de Xiaomi, la fonctionnalité « Appel » sera progressivement retirée de tous les modèles de smartphones de la marque à partir de la prochaine mise à jour. L’entreprise justifie cette décision en expliquant que la plupart des utilisateurs préfèrent désormais passer leurs appels via des applications de messagerie instantanée telles que WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger ou encore WeChat.

    « Nos études montrent que moins de 5% de nos clients utilisent encore la fonction d’appel classique via le réseau de l’opérateur « , indique le porte-parole de Xiaomi. « Il nous a donc semblé logique de supprimer cette option devenue obsolète afin d’o ptimiser les performances de nos appareils. »

    Des avantages et des inconvénients pour les utilisateurs

    Si cette décision peut sembler radicale, Xiaomi met en avant plusieurs avantages pour ses clients. Tout d’abord, la suppression de la fonctionnalité « Appel » permettra de libérer de l’espace de stockage sur les smartphones, offrant ainsi plus de place pour les photos, vidéos et applications. De plus, l’entreprise promet une amélioration significative de l’autonomie de la batterie, les appels via les messageries consommant moins d’énergie que les appels traditionnels.

    Cependant, certains utilisateurs s’inquiètent des conséquences de cette décision. En effet, les appels via les messageries nécessitent une connexion internet stable, ce qui n’est pas toujours le cas dans certaines zones géographiques. De plus, les personnes âgées ou moins à l’aise avec la technologie pourraient se retrouver dans l’incapacité de passer des appels depuis leur smartphone Xiaomi.

    Vers une suppression de l’application SMS ?

    Suite à cette annonce, des rumeurs circulent quant à une possible suppression de l’application SMS dans un futur proche. En effet, Xiaomi aurait également constaté une baisse significative de l’utilisation des SMS au profit des messageries instantanées.

    Si cette information venait à se confirmer, cela marquerait un tournant majeur dans l’histoire de la téléphonie mobile. Les smartphones deviendraient alors de véritables « appareils de messagerie », délaissant progressivement les fonctions de communication traditionnelles.

    Quoi qu’il en soit, cette annonce a eu l’effet d’une bombe dans le monde de la tech, suscitant de nombreux débats sur l’avenir de la téléphonie mobile et une fool en colère. Reste à voir si d’autres fabricants emboîteront le pas à Xiaomi dans cette « pêche » aux fonctionnalités obsolètes.

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      Huawei shrugs off US sanctions with fastest growth in four years / TheGuardian · Friday, 29 March - 14:17

    Revenue at Chinese telecom rose 10% as net profit more than doubles

    Chinese telecoms firm Huawei grew faster in 2023 than it has for four years, as it shrugged off the impact of US sanctions .

    Revenues rose by nearly 10% to 704.2bn yuan (£77bn) as the Shenzhen-based company enjoyed a rebound within its consumer segment, which includes smartphone handsets.

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      Scroll on: why your screen-time habits aren’t as bad as you think they are / TheGuardian · Saturday, 16 March, 2024 - 08:00

    The increasing use of digital technology has inspired many scare stories, but is it reducing our attention span, does smartphone addiction actually exist – and should we even be feeling bad about it?

    Digital technology is now inextricably woven into the fabric of society, and for many of us, that does not always feel like a good thing. As screens have become more numerous, so the anxieties that we have about them have become more salient and pressing. But what if we are focusing on the wrong sorts of worries? Here are five common questions about screen time, the answers to which may help us to frame the relationships we have with our tech more accurately.

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      ‘It shows the relentless pace of contemporary life’: Misha Vallejo Prut’s best phone picture / TheGuardian · Saturday, 2 March, 2024 - 10:00

    Lives intersecting in the shared space of the city create a moment of visual serendipity

    Misha Vallejo Prut had just finished a class at the London College of Communication where he was studying for an MA in photojournalism and documentary photography, and headed to a nearby cafe. It was 2014 and he was using an iPhone 5. “The degree of pixelation in the image shows the inexorable march of time since I took this,” says says Vallejo Prut, who is now based in Quito, Ecuador.

    “Even so, I think the essence of that moment, the serendipitous intersection of lives within the shared space of the city, continues to echo the relentless pace of contemporary life.”

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      ‘I was in despair’: how lending a phone led to life savings being stolen / TheGuardian · Saturday, 2 March, 2024 - 07:00

    Thief went on £9,000 spree with the victim’s money before using her Uber account to travel to Stansted

    If you are one of those people who keeps their debit card in their mobile phone case, has a note of their pin on their handset, or only ever uses mobile banking, you may want to rethink your setup after you read the case of Sami Souret*.

    On a recent night out the 28-year-old healthcare professional was kind enough to help a man who asked to borrow her phone. Less than six hours later, her £9,350 life savings had been spent by him on Apple products in London. And the final indignity: he used her Uber account to take a cab to Stansted airport.

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      Is a smartphone and social media ban the best way to protect young people from internet dangers? | Letters / TheGuardian · Monday, 26 February, 2024 - 17:54

    Stuart Harrington doubts that such a ban will work, while Oscar Acton spells out the benefits of smartphone access for school students

    The members of the WhatsApp group Smartphone Free Childhood have an unrealistic expectation if they believe that banning under-14s from possessing smartphones and trying to prevent under-16s accessing social media is a practical way of protecting them from the very real dangers that the internet can unveil ( ‘It went nuts: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood’, 17 February ).

    If the first duty of any parent or guardian is to provide a safe and healthy environment for their children, then showing them how to access and use the internet safely is their responsibility. Roads are also potentially dangerous for children, but we do not ban cars – instead we spend time teaching young people the safe way to navigate through busy traffic.

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