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      Windows 11 évitera que vous vous arrachiez les cheveux à l’avenir à cause du code Wi-Fi

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Wednesday, 8 November - 17:24

    énervement ordinateur

    Le partage du code Wi-Fi va devenir bien plus agréable dans Windows 11, avec une option d'affichage du mot de passe en QR Code. [Lire la suite]

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      iPhones have been exposing your unique MAC despite Apple’s promises otherwise

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Thursday, 26 October, 2023 - 21:48 · 1 minute

    Private Wi-Fi address setting on an iPhone.

    Enlarge / Private Wi-Fi address setting on an iPhone. (credit: Apple)

    Three years ago, Apple introduced a privacy-enhancing feature that hid the Wi-Fi address of iPhones and iPads when they joined a network. On Wednesday, the world learned that the feature has never worked as advertised. Despite promises that this never-changing address would be hidden and replaced with a private one that was unique to each SSID, Apple devices have continued to display the real one, which in turn got broadcast to every other connected device on the network.

    The problem is that a Wi-Fi media access control address—typically called a m edia access control address or simply a MAC—can be used to track individuals from network to network, in much the way a license plate number can be used to track a vehicle as it moves around a city. Case in point: In 2013, a researcher unveiled a proof-of-concept device that logged the MAC of all devices it came into contact with. The idea was to distribute lots of them throughout a neighborhood or city and build a profile of iPhone users, including the social media sites they visited and the many locations they visited each day.

    As I wrote at the time :

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      Canon warns printer users to manually wipe Wi-Fi settings before discarding

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Tuesday, 1 August, 2023 - 23:41

    Canon warns printer users to manually wipe Wi-Fi settings before discarding

    Enlarge (credit: Getty Images)

    Printer manufacturer Canon is warning that sensitive Wi-Fi settings don’t automatically get wiped during resets, so customers should manually delete them before selling, discarding, or getting them repaired to prevent the settings from falling into the wrong hands.

    “Sensitive information on the Wi-Fi connection settings stored in the memories of inkjet printers (home and office/large format) may not be deleted by the usual initialization process,” company officials wrote in an advisory on Monday. They went on to say that manual wiping should occur “when your printer may be in the hand of any third party, such as when repairing, lending or disposing the printer.”

    Like many printers these days, those from Canon connect to networks over Wi-Fi. To do this, users must provide the SSID name, the password preventing unauthorized access to the network, and in some cases, additional information such as Wi-Fi network type, the local network IP address, the MAC address, and network profile.

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      Les iPhone ne sont pas les meilleurs en Wi-Fi et en 5G, mais Apple va changer ça

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Monday, 19 June, 2023 - 09:31

    Selon l'analyste Ming-Chi Kuo, les iPhone 16 adopteront un modem compatible Wi-Fi 7 en 2024, alors que l'iPhone 14 est le seul smartphone haut de gamme incompatible avec le Wi-Fi 6E. D'autres changements sont à prévoir, notamment au niveau de la 5G. [Lire la suite]

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      Super Smash Bros. retro demake puts Wi-Fi into an NES cartridge

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Thursday, 27 April, 2023 - 16:48 · 1 minute

    The Super Tilt Bro. cartridge contains Wi-Fi hardware for online gaming using Nintendo's 1985 NES console.

    Enlarge / The Super Tilt Bro. cartridge contains Wi-Fi hardware for online gaming using Nintendo's 1985 NES console. (credit: Sylvain Gadrat)

    In the heyday of the NES , if you didn't have a human nearby to play games with, you were out of luck for multiplayer gaming. But thanks to a new NES cartridge inspired by Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo's 8-bit console, you'll be able to play a new homebrew game with anyone on the Internet.

    On Wednesday, Super Tilt Bro. reached its Kickstarter funding goal within 48 hours of its launch. Its NES cartridge, developed by Paris-based independent developer Sylvain Gadrat and published by Broke Studio, will include a Wi-Fi chipset and antenna that lets it connect to the Internet for one-on-one online play.

    As Gadrat tells the story on the Super Tilt Bro. website, the game's history began in 2016 when Gadrat rediscovered his old NES console in a storeroom and became fascinated with the 8-bit processor that powered it. His interest led to an ambitious project: porting Super Smash Bros. to the NES. Over time, the project evolved, and by 2018, Gadrat released the first version of Super Tilt Bro. as a homebrew game developed entirely in assembly language.

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      Un homme « anti-ondes » utilisait un appareil émetteur d’ondes pour brouiller d’autres ondes

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Tuesday, 14 March, 2023 - 09:41

    Dans l'est de la France, un particulier se disant électro sensible avait installé un brouilleur chez lui pour contrer les ondes d'une antenne relais située à quelques centaines de mètres de son domicile. Problème : un brouilleur d'ondes émet aussi des ondes, avec plus de puissance. [Lire la suite]

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      Piratage : comment savoir si votre voisin utilise votre connexion Wi-Fi ?

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Thursday, 12 January, 2023 - 19:00

    box-internet-158x105.jpg Box Internet

    Vous avez découvert que votre voisin de pallier utilise votre Wi-Fi sans votre accord ? On vous explique comment procéder.

    Piratage : comment savoir si votre voisin utilise votre connexion Wi-Fi ?

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      Une faille de sécurité permet de “voir” à travers les murs grâce au Wi-Fi

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Tuesday, 8 November, 2022 - 08:01


    Un réseau Wi-Fi, un petit drone, et 20 $ de matériel : c'est tout ce dont un attaquant a besoin pour savoir ce qui se passe de l'autre coté d'un mur.

    Une faille de sécurité permet de “voir” à travers les murs grâce au Wi-Fi

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      Le saviez-vous ? Partager son code Wi-Fi est très facile avec Android

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Saturday, 29 October, 2022 - 12:06

    Oubliez le calvaire d'avoir à taper les nombreux caractères du code Wi-Fi lorsque vous vous connectez chez vos proches. Vous pouvez vous faciliter la vie grâce à un scan de code QR. [Lire la suite]

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