• chevron_right

      Digital IDs - Act now to protect our freedom

      Kapow · Saturday, 26 March, 2022 - 20:17

    Do you want to live in a world where you are at the mercy of a Tech tyrant?

    Imagine today if suddenly the things you use to identify yourself:

    • passport

    • drivers license

    • social security number

    • photo ids for work, etc

    and the things you use to prove your credentials:

    • high school certificate

    • academic qualifications

    • college transcript

    • memberships, etc

    and the things you use to prove what you own:

    • bank accounts

    • title to real estate

    • title to motor vehicles

    • broker accounts

    • 401ks

    • crypto wallets, etc

    just suddenly disappeared.

    It would destroy your life. How would you get money to buy groceries, or earn a living, or prove you have not stolen your car.

    But don’t worry, all these things could magically reappear if:

    • you just did what you were not,

    • if you thought how you were told,

    • if you only said what was “acceptable”, etc.

    • That is a tremendous power somebody could hold over you and everybody else in society.

    The questions is:

    • do you want to control that power for yourself, or

    • would you prefer to let a tech tyrant hold that power over you, or

    • a corrupt politician, or

    • a faceless bureaucrat in a tyrannical government

    Continued at https://explodingheads.substack.com/p/digital-ids-act-now-to-protect-our

    Related links at https://exploding-heads.com/c/selfsovereignid

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      theyn, oppose_brainwashing_scams, eyome