Today (or at least, "today" was technically yesterday, the 5th of April because midnight has just tocked over, here in the British Isles), I made some micro-donations.

    Public Link to this post

    Donate to Ultimate Boot CD

    Donate to Mozilla Thunderbird and Firefox

    Ultimate Boot CD Donation Guide Steps

    Thunderbird Donation Help Pro-Forma

    Mozilla Donation Guide Steps

    So you might wonder why I would make small MicroDonations rather than waiting until solely one of the causes receives the larger sum (such as £5 or £12, etc.), instead of splitting it into smaller diffuse donations all at once. Having put a coin into a Salvation Army donation bucket, I was handed a copy or War-Cry (the magazine which is a few pages), and it would seem that the reason why one is handed that, is so that the information is given to you and that would be the messge (word of God, as the topic) and the communications link (as in donation details and opportunities for a mail shot or the like, or that one might have a friend or loved one read the magazine, thereby spreading it). So MicroDonations, can do this to because you get an email, and a record in your banking card statement or Paypal, and alsothe movement of money serves as a legal trail (all of these largely being just some manner of proof to yourself that you did it and can find how to do it again). So microtransactions appear in games quite a bit, some of which have that similar audit trail. MicroDonations encourage other people to make MicroDonations too and they get that same eveidence trail benefit and so they can show others how to donate, and so on. It is not that large donations are vulgar, but that having small donations (whether it is only the small donations or both small and large donations combined) reduces the limit on who can donate that month. Not only does it mean I can avoid tacit assumptions as though people might thinks the 'only' way to donate is to donate via a large sum or repeat-donation, but also it means international donors can find it accessible, such as in Columbia where a Linux CDROM and UBCD would help locals evacuating from a Volcano, but also Venezuela where the economy has taken a downward turn and yet the people there can use Linux (such as via the State or personal choice such as Kwort or Debian Linux). A MicroDonation also means people can chip in in other ways such as by sharing the torrent file (such as in "Transmission" software) of a file used such as UBCD538.iso or a LinuxDistro that has Mozilla Firefox on it (or encouraging Thunderbird such as for the RSS reader). I opted to donated a dollar to Ultimate Boot CD (UBCD) and two dollars to Mozilla (for Thunderbird, Firefox and other browsers like Gnome Web Browser using it). This means that a benefit of microDonations is that it makes the overt usage of different licenses apparent, such as MPL (Mozilla Public License), GPLv2 (or v3, etc.), MIT License, Apache License, BSD License and so on. Having that trail of Micro-Donations and the ability for communication so that new donors and the recipient (e.g. Mozilla or UBCD) is a good form of prepping. It means people can be connected and set up a low-cost, low-power wifi MESH network in a previous disaster zone or in anticipation "just in case". That knowledge and encouragement to read the manual of these softwares also is a form of helping education or training.

    Columbia Nevado del Ruiz Residents evacuated from slopes of volcano

    Copy and paste this magnet link into your BitTorrent client such as QBitTorrent so as to encourage the sharing of Ultimate Boot CD Version 5.3.5


    Copy and paste this magnet link into your BitTorrent client such as QBitTorrent so as to encourage the sharing of Ultimate Boot CD Version 5.3.5

    Copy and paste this magnet link into your BitTorrent client such as QBitTorrent so as to encourage the sharing of (32bit Debian Linux CDROM 695MB) debian-10.6.0-i386-xfce-CD-1.iso


    Copy and paste this magnet link into your BitTorrent client such as QBitTorrent so as to encourage the sharing of (64bit Debian Linux CDROM 695MB) debian-10.6.0-amd64-xfce-CD-1.iso


    Keep track of your transaction ID and any email associated with the donations (such as perhaps if you donated by paypal) so, later, you can search or uniquely identify the place you donated to. I am putting this information here to help you if your choice is to dontae but also in case you help others donating by being informative.

    This was my Paypal Transaction Mozilla ID2BR01351ME780341NP

    This was my UBCD Ultimate Boot CD Paypal Transaction ID 21797674YD752541T

    Receipt number = 9ES656395T243223L

    Steps for UBCD donation:

    1. Visit the website and click "(paypal) donate"
    2. Enter the amount you choose for your microdonation clicking "continue" for processing (a, b, c).
    3. click "Complete Purchase".
    4. Return to the seller, checking your details.
    5. View your Paypal or banking records, noting email addresses and unique codes.
    6. Search or list your paypal transactions so you know how to find this one in future.
    7. Use the Ultimate Boot CD from the website, sharing it with friends and loved ones (such as by torrent or giving them a CD or the ISO file with hashes).

    Steps for Mozilla (e.g. Thunderbird) donation:

    1. Visit the Website donation link (in this case, taken from the donation option form Thunderbird itself, whilst installed), entering an amount for your MicroDonation and clicking "Paypal" (although other payment options might be yor choice instead).
    2. Click "Complete Purchase".
    3. The confirmation "Thank you" screen appears where you can copy the link and optionally fill-in the donor Help Pro-Forma
    4. Check your Payal (and banking records) and use unique codes you have gained to search and find the transaction so you can refer to it in future.

    As part of prepping, an RSS reader (like Mozilla Thunderbird or those found on linux Distros) can be used to get feeds for emergency alerts. This can be a useful workaround in times when the State or Government do not have text phone alterts for a subset of people (e.g. the UK Cabinet Office Emergency Alerts, are not to be available on 3G phones but will be on 4G and 5G smartphones). This is interesting since a dumb-phone is often recommended as a prepping item because you might not have your smartphone in action (or at all). a small SBC like a RaspberryPi2ZeroW (or intel/amd SBC) can not only run linux with thunderbird or an RSS reader alternative but even Blender (although you may wish to choose between version 2.79 and 2.8) can run on a Pizero let alone a pizero2W, even though it is slow. The power consumption is low and the device can be left to process in the background such as a basic 3D scene or even basic video or audio or images like JPEG. Also GRSync can be used on such devices to share data such as by Wifi.

    ESword software can be installed on MSWindows (WindowsXP through to Windows10) or Sword Modules can be used in "BibleTime" software for Linux (such as in the software center or synaptic for Debian), MacOSX and Windows.

    BibleTime software for Linux, MacOSX and Windows

    ESword bible Software for MSWindows

    Read these other links to learn more about this information for using software and how to help people such as with health or nutrition via HugelKultur by reading the articles in these links and then seeing the subsequently linked articles as blog posts hyperlinked. Free Wikibooks First Aid documentation is linked so it can help people as a known quantity book to communicate about as a topic over the internet or LoRaWAN or HAM Radio.

    Public Post version of IRC Donation

    Public Post version of 5 GBP Pakistan Flood Donation

    Quick Notice: For the other money donation to Gnome Foundation, see this other link.

    Money donation to Gnome Foundation

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu

    You might have been inspired to read my article (A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu) on how HAM Radio can help the floods and also Afghanistan with a RaspberryPi for SDR (Software Defined Radio, such as by using Linux LimeSuite software) using a RTL2832U dongle and various open-source software like Soapy-Remote-Server, and when plugging in (the USB ports of a Raspberry Pi3b+ using GuvcView software and "cheese") a webcam (costing between £1 and $5 USD), with a built-in microphone like a Playstation2-Eyetoy but a better (usb-converted) microphone can help too.

    Arabic English Translation of How To Learn linux SDR for rtl2832u

    Arabic English Translation of How To Learn linux SDR for rtl2832u

    To be knowledgeable about how your study of HAM Radio or Linux can help the people communicating around the Earthquake disaster topics and the Pakistan Floods (and other regions like Afghanistan), you may seek self-improvement as you learn about how to get linux via a torrent file and how to use a CD-Writer (and other knowledge) in this (German and English language) article linked below (German and English... Deutschland macht gute Technologien wie Knoppix Linux). Also, learn about how to use linux (and prepare your amd64 PC) using Version 5.3.8 ultimatebootcd such as to backup data and recover lost data and to partitition drives or clone an HDD (all of which can be discovered by reading and talking on the UBCD forums), and so all that information can be seen on the article linked below as "Wifi Bandwidth Management Hong Kong".

    Wifi Bandwidth Management Hong Kong

    Wifi Bandwidth Management Hong Kong

    Amharic Ethiopia Linux Computer ሊኑክስ ኮምፕዩተር

    Amharic Ethiopia Linux Computer ሊኑክስ ኮምፕዩተር

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu

    Slackware Donation methods like paypal

    Slackware Donation methods like Paypal

    WikiBooks First Aid web pages including PDF download version

    WikiBooks First Aid web pages including PDF download version

    British Heart Foundation PDF Guide to Defibrillators

    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining... Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6.

    #UBCD #microdonations #linux #mozilla #mozillathunderbird #mozillafirefox #firefox #paypal #faith #compassion #prepping #volcano #columbia #columbiavolcano #uk #dollars #pounds #ColumbiaNevadodelRuiz #NevadodelRuiz #NevadodelRuizVolcano