Today (or at least, "today" was technically yesterday, the 5th of April because midnight has just tocked over, here in the British Isles), I made some micro-donations.

    Public Link to this post

    Donate to Ultimate Boot CD

    Donate to Mozilla Thunderbird and Firefox

    Ultimate Boot CD Donation Guide Steps

    Thunderbird Donation Help Pro-Forma

    Mozilla Donation Guide Steps

    So you might wonder why I would make small MicroDonations rather than waiting until solely one of the causes receives the larger sum (such as £5 or £12, etc.), instead of splitting it into smaller diffuse donations all at once. Having put a coin into a Salvation Army donation bucket, I was handed a copy or War-Cry (the magazine which is a few pages), and it would seem that the reason why one is handed that, is so that the information is given to you and that would be the messge (word of God, as the topic) and the communications link (as in donation details and opportunities for a mail shot or the like, or that one might have a friend or loved one read the magazine, thereby spreading it). So MicroDonations, can do this to because you get an email, and a record in your banking card statement or Paypal, and alsothe movement of money serves as a legal trail (all of these largely being just some manner of proof to yourself that you did it and can find how to do it again). So microtransactions appear in games quite a bit, some of which have that similar audit trail. MicroDonations encourage other people to make MicroDonations too and they get that same eveidence trail benefit and so they can show others how to donate, and so on. It is not that large donations are vulgar, but that having small donations (whether it is only the small donations or both small and large donations combined) reduces the limit on who can donate that month. Not only does it mean I can avoid tacit assumptions as though people might thinks the 'only' way to donate is to donate via a large sum or repeat-donation, but also it means international donors can find it accessible, such as in Columbia where a Linux CDROM and UBCD would help locals evacuating from a Volcano, but also Venezuela where the economy has taken a downward turn and yet the people there can use Linux (such as via the State or personal choice such as Kwort or Debian Linux). A MicroDonation also means people can chip in in other ways such as by sharing the torrent file (such as in "Transmission" software) of a file used such as UBCD538.iso or a LinuxDistro that has Mozilla Firefox on it (or encouraging Thunderbird such as for the RSS reader). I opted to donated a dollar to Ultimate Boot CD (UBCD) and two dollars to Mozilla (for Thunderbird, Firefox and other browsers like Gnome Web Browser using it). This means that a benefit of microDonations is that it makes the overt usage of different licenses apparent, such as MPL (Mozilla Public License), GPLv2 (or v3, etc.), MIT License, Apache License, BSD License and so on. Having that trail of Micro-Donations and the ability for communication so that new donors and the recipient (e.g. Mozilla or UBCD) is a good form of prepping. It means people can be connected and set up a low-cost, low-power wifi MESH network in a previous disaster zone or in anticipation "just in case". That knowledge and encouragement to read the manual of these softwares also is a form of helping education or training.

    Columbia Nevado del Ruiz Residents evacuated from slopes of volcano

    Copy and paste this magnet link into your BitTorrent client such as QBitTorrent so as to encourage the sharing of Ultimate Boot CD Version 5.3.5


    Copy and paste this magnet link into your BitTorrent client such as QBitTorrent so as to encourage the sharing of Ultimate Boot CD Version 5.3.5

    Copy and paste this magnet link into your BitTorrent client such as QBitTorrent so as to encourage the sharing of (32bit Debian Linux CDROM 695MB) debian-10.6.0-i386-xfce-CD-1.iso


    Copy and paste this magnet link into your BitTorrent client such as QBitTorrent so as to encourage the sharing of (64bit Debian Linux CDROM 695MB) debian-10.6.0-amd64-xfce-CD-1.iso


    Keep track of your transaction ID and any email associated with the donations (such as perhaps if you donated by paypal) so, later, you can search or uniquely identify the place you donated to. I am putting this information here to help you if your choice is to dontae but also in case you help others donating by being informative.

    This was my Paypal Transaction Mozilla ID2BR01351ME780341NP

    This was my UBCD Ultimate Boot CD Paypal Transaction ID 21797674YD752541T

    Receipt number = 9ES656395T243223L

    Steps for UBCD donation:

    1. Visit the website and click "(paypal) donate"
    2. Enter the amount you choose for your microdonation clicking "continue" for processing (a, b, c).
    3. click "Complete Purchase".
    4. Return to the seller, checking your details.
    5. View your Paypal or banking records, noting email addresses and unique codes.
    6. Search or list your paypal transactions so you know how to find this one in future.
    7. Use the Ultimate Boot CD from the website, sharing it with friends and loved ones (such as by torrent or giving them a CD or the ISO file with hashes).

    Steps for Mozilla (e.g. Thunderbird) donation:

    1. Visit the Website donation link (in this case, taken from the donation option form Thunderbird itself, whilst installed), entering an amount for your MicroDonation and clicking "Paypal" (although other payment options might be yor choice instead).
    2. Click "Complete Purchase".
    3. The confirmation "Thank you" screen appears where you can copy the link and optionally fill-in the donor Help Pro-Forma
    4. Check your Payal (and banking records) and use unique codes you have gained to search and find the transaction so you can refer to it in future.

    As part of prepping, an RSS reader (like Mozilla Thunderbird or those found on linux Distros) can be used to get feeds for emergency alerts. This can be a useful workaround in times when the State or Government do not have text phone alterts for a subset of people (e.g. the UK Cabinet Office Emergency Alerts, are not to be available on 3G phones but will be on 4G and 5G smartphones). This is interesting since a dumb-phone is often recommended as a prepping item because you might not have your smartphone in action (or at all). a small SBC like a RaspberryPi2ZeroW (or intel/amd SBC) can not only run linux with thunderbird or an RSS reader alternative but even Blender (although you may wish to choose between version 2.79 and 2.8) can run on a Pizero let alone a pizero2W, even though it is slow. The power consumption is low and the device can be left to process in the background such as a basic 3D scene or even basic video or audio or images like JPEG. Also GRSync can be used on such devices to share data such as by Wifi.

    ESword software can be installed on MSWindows (WindowsXP through to Windows10) or Sword Modules can be used in "BibleTime" software for Linux (such as in the software center or synaptic for Debian), MacOSX and Windows.

    BibleTime software for Linux, MacOSX and Windows

    ESword bible Software for MSWindows

    Read these other links to learn more about this information for using software and how to help people such as with health or nutrition via HugelKultur by reading the articles in these links and then seeing the subsequently linked articles as blog posts hyperlinked. Free Wikibooks First Aid documentation is linked so it can help people as a known quantity book to communicate about as a topic over the internet or LoRaWAN or HAM Radio.

    Public Post version of IRC Donation

    Public Post version of 5 GBP Pakistan Flood Donation

    Quick Notice: For the other money donation to Gnome Foundation, see this other link.

    Money donation to Gnome Foundation

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu

    You might have been inspired to read my article (A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu) on how HAM Radio can help the floods and also Afghanistan with a RaspberryPi for SDR (Software Defined Radio, such as by using Linux LimeSuite software) using a RTL2832U dongle and various open-source software like Soapy-Remote-Server, and when plugging in (the USB ports of a Raspberry Pi3b+ using GuvcView software and "cheese") a webcam (costing between £1 and $5 USD), with a built-in microphone like a Playstation2-Eyetoy but a better (usb-converted) microphone can help too.

    Arabic English Translation of How To Learn linux SDR for rtl2832u

    Arabic English Translation of How To Learn linux SDR for rtl2832u

    To be knowledgeable about how your study of HAM Radio or Linux can help the people communicating around the Earthquake disaster topics and the Pakistan Floods (and other regions like Afghanistan), you may seek self-improvement as you learn about how to get linux via a torrent file and how to use a CD-Writer (and other knowledge) in this (German and English language) article linked below (German and English... Deutschland macht gute Technologien wie Knoppix Linux). Also, learn about how to use linux (and prepare your amd64 PC) using Version 5.3.8 ultimatebootcd such as to backup data and recover lost data and to partitition drives or clone an HDD (all of which can be discovered by reading and talking on the UBCD forums), and so all that information can be seen on the article linked below as "Wifi Bandwidth Management Hong Kong".

    Wifi Bandwidth Management Hong Kong

    Wifi Bandwidth Management Hong Kong

    Amharic Ethiopia Linux Computer ሊኑክስ ኮምፕዩተር

    Amharic Ethiopia Linux Computer ሊኑክስ ኮምፕዩተር

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu

    Slackware Donation methods like paypal

    Slackware Donation methods like Paypal

    WikiBooks First Aid web pages including PDF download version

    WikiBooks First Aid web pages including PDF download version

    British Heart Foundation PDF Guide to Defibrillators

    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining... Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6.

    #UBCD #microdonations #linux #mozilla #mozillathunderbird #mozillafirefox #firefox #paypal #faith #compassion #prepping #volcano #columbia #columbiavolcano #uk #dollars #pounds #ColumbiaNevadodelRuiz #NevadodelRuiz #NevadodelRuizVolcano

    • chevron_right

      Earthquakes 2023 Turkey or Syria and compassion from HAM Radio Free software

      preptorrent · Tuesday, 7 February, 2023 - 00:26 edit · 13 minutes

    Public Movim Post Of Turkey Syria Earthquake Article

    Earthquakes between 7.4 and 7.7 (or 7.8) Magnitude (but also 6.7 Magnitude for a late shallow Earthquake) struck Turkey and Syria Monday 6 February 2023. Turkey Gaziantep then Ekinözü (a 7.5 Magnitude Earthquake struck) and the Kahramanmaras region is a struck epicentre, also in Syria Besnaya - Bseineh and Sarmada (North West Syria).

    USGS (United States Geological Survey, for USA Government) Data Reports the earthquakes for time and location as 2023-02-06 01:17:35 (UTC)37.174°N 37.032°E17.9 km depth

    An Internet Intensity Map from USGS shows internet activty and the map is big enough to cover where the erathquake struck.

    Internet Intensity Map from USGS

    USGS United States Geological Survey

    Disaster and Emergency Management Authority in Turkey

    HAM Radio can be used to send information by voice but also a data Mode can send Morse code or Geographical location data and Wether and so forth, and so any short text message can be sent (such as even through morse code if you so desired). The LORAWAN technologies (if you have such equipment) can also be used aside form HAM Radio for small amounts of data such as sending a start and end time-date stamp to indicate the duration of an event, along with geographical location data as longitude, latitude and altitude and then a magnet link of a torrent file for an ISO of a CDROM containing information on the topic you wish to share which could later be downloaded by the internet when it becomes avaiable (so the CDROM might have some video file stored on it and text files and PDF files and 3D-Model Files like a collada-file for software such as 'Blender' and audio files such as mp3 or Ogg Vorbis or it might be a mixed-mode CD which plays some audio in a Audio CD-Player but also has some computer data if placed into a PC computer such as MSWindows or Linux). HAM Radio exists in Syria and in Turkey and can help communications and this is important for helping people and for science data like geology and physics which might pertain more and more to the situation. Sole Linux is a debian linux software which can be used to install HAM radio software and use OCr software and FireFox Web Browser nd it can share geology and physics science information such as by installing SciLab for free. Learning Languages can be done in Liunx too. Gaussian Heat-Maps could be generated to use Kernelized classification of geological and disaster relife areas and communication HAM Radio spots possibly with LoRaWAN shown, and so OpenID built atop of OAuth2 as OIDC can allow single-sign-on and federated log-in to bring together the information such as by the Fediverse. Kernel density estimation of an hypercube could be accomkplished via the Parzen window via the Rosenblatt-Parzen method, such that OpenCL (especially OpenCL1.2 or higher) is used as an heterogenous computing method to distributed processing over low-power devices including a raspberry-pi3b (or Pizero2W) GPU or GT710 Nvidia Desktop PC GPU or even a large server so as to balance the computational efforsts as scalable. SciLab can help with this and can run on a RaspberryPi3b+ or a home Linux computer (such as the notion of a 64bit linux distro desktop PC with a GPU as good as a Nvidia GT710 installed or a AMD HD6450 or better). Machine Learning or GPU neural networks can use Kernelization methodology.

    Gaussian Kernel Density Estimation Explained on Wikipedia

    Gaussian Kernel Method explained on Wikipedia

    Ham Radio and Getting Started with Data Modes

    Syrian Scientific Technical Amateur Radio Society SSTARS

    Technical Institute of Radio by a group of amateur radio enthusiasts in Damascus

    There are various free OCR (Optical character Recognition softwares such as Copyfish (linked below and OCR Space) which can be used on PC (Windows Or Linux) and smartphone app, but also Tesseract with a9t9 frontend installed to a MSWindows PC. Also consider GOCR open-source character recognition (e.g. gocr049.exe), and (GPL License) A9t9 Free OCR (probably the easiet for MSWindows if you are willing to use free Tesseract OCR Software which has a good License, BSD/Apache style). You would thereby download the (a9t9)FreeOcrWindowsDesktop-Setup.exe file.

    Free-Ocr-Windows-Desktop (a9t9)FreeOcrWindowsDesktop-Setup.exe

    The (a9t9)FreeOcr blog and documentation hyperlinks


    For example, these languages can be recognised in he free OCR software by scanning (or taking a photograph using a digital camera or smartphone or webcam connected to a PC). Once the text is on your computer it can br translated into other languages as text. also, text can be converted into speech or SRT files as subtitles which can be added to a DVD video you make on your computer or an Mpeg4 video (or Ogg Vorbis theora in free software like Openshot or KdenLive). Text can be "spoken by a computer" using voice synthesis software. Translations of text between languages can be helped by free software like "FireFox Translations" (hyperlinked below) which you can use in the Mozilla FireFox Web-Browser and you can use Thunderbird to read RSS feeds. Discover the web pages about the OCR Languages below. Languages to use the OCR Free software with include Turkish OCR, Arabic OCR, English OCR (*), French OCR, German OCR, Portuguese OCR, Russian OCR, Spanish OCR, Chinese OCR (Simplified and traditional characters), Hindi OCR, Korean OCR, Italian OCR

    OCR Languages

    Arabic OCR

    English OCR

    French OCR

    German OCR

    Portuguese OCR

    Russian OCR

    Spanish OCR

    Chinese OCR

    Hindi OCR

    Korean OCR

    Japanese OCR

    Italian OCR

    ESword software can be installed on MSWindows (WindowsXP through to Windows10) or Sword Modules can be used in "BibleTime" software for Linux (such as in the software center or synaptic for Debian), MacOSX and Windows.

    BibleTime software for Linux, MacOSX and Windows

    ESword bible Software for MSWindows

    Read these other links to learn more about this information for using software and how to help people such as with health or nutrition via HugelKultur by readin the articles in these links and then seeing the subsequently linked articles as blog posts hyperlinked. Free Wikibooks First Aid documentation is linked so it can help people as a known quantity book to communicate about as a topic over the internet or LoRaWAN or HAM Radio. A British Military experience wound surgery research medical science paper shows the treatment of combat wounds but some wounds from natural disasters like Earthquakes can be somewhat similar and the medical knowledge of what to expect can further assist people dealing with communicating about the terminology expected for the topic.

    Public Post version of IRC Donation

    Public Post version of 5 GBP Pakistan Flood Donation

    Quick Notice: For the other money donation to Gnome Foundation, see this other link.

    Money donation to Gnome Foundation

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu

    You might have been inspired to read my article (A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu) on how HAM Radio can help the floods and also Afghanistan with a RaspberryPi for SDR (Software Defined Radio, such as by using Linux LimeSuite software) using a RTL2832U dongle and various open-source software like Soapy-Remote-Server, and when plugging in (the USB ports of a Raspberry Pi3b+ using GuvcView software and "cheese") a webcam (costing btween £1 and $5 USD), with a built-in microphone like a Playstation2-Eyetoy but a better (usb-converted) microphone can help too.

    Arabic English Translation of How To Learn linux SDR for rtl2832u

    Arabic English Translation of How To Learn linux SDR for rtl2832u

    To be knowledgeable about how your study of HAM Radio or Linux can help the people communicating around the Earthquake disaster topics and the Pakistan Floods (and other regions like Afghanistan), you may seek self-improvement as you learn about how to get linux via a torrent file and how to use a CD-Writer (and other knowledge) in this (German and English language) article linked below (German and English... Deutschland macht gute Technologien wie Knoppix Linux). Also, learn about how to use linux (and prepare your amd64 PC) using Version 5.3.8 ultimatebootcd such as to backup data and recover lost data and to partitition drives or clone an HDD (all of which can be discovered by reading and talking on the UBCD forums), and so all that information can be seen on the article linked below as "Wifi Bandwidth Management Hong Kong".

    Wifi Bandwidth Management Hong Kong

    Wifi Bandwidth Management Hong Kong

    Amharic Ethiopia Linux Computer ሊኑክስ ኮምፕዩተር

    Amharic Ethiopia Linux Computer ሊኑክስ ኮምፕዩተር

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu

    Slackware Donation methods like paypal

    Slackware Donation methods like Paypal

    WikiBooks First Aid web pages including PDF download version

    WikiBooks First Aid web pages including PDF download version

    British Heart Foundation PDF Guide to Defibrillators

    Here is an example of Russian prepping documentation, and although it has a radioactive theme, the inclusion of it here has nothing to do with nuclear weapons threats but rather just the fact that Russian people care about people too and as such the information can be useful for various scenarios (e.g. nuclear power-station precautions) and it is a lead for other documens on Russian prepping like First Aid or Health and so scanning the letters in tesseract OCR Optical Character Recognition software with translation software added under BSD license can allow for Mozilla Firefox web-browser to translate into english via Firefox Translations and so you can then search for more Russian language prepping material documents. Likewise, Lithuanian and Estonian prepping documents can be translated and searched in a simiar way and all are included here so as to kindly help all people affected in the Russia or Ukraine or countries nearby to Europe. Or people might want to read it all simply to see the compared style of diagrams or images purely for creative reasons. Graphic images of healthcare surgery or wound treatment (a topic which is for caring for poorly people) is a precaution advised for some viewing. The inclusion of it is not about war (although of course the authors show it has been useful in such circumstances) but instead simply for learning human anatomy in medicine and knowledge and helping people.

    Russian prepping documentation scanned

    Prepping documentation such as for Lithuania or Estonia or Russia or Ukraine 2016-aktyviu-veiksmu-gaires.pdf

    Alternative Link to Prepping documentation such as for Lithuania or Estonia or Russia or Ukraine 2016-aktyviu-veiksmu-gaires.pdf

    English Language Lithuanian Prepping documenation

    Lithuanian Armoured Vehicle documentation which is also useful for places like Africa

    Graphic Content Warning Adult supervision for The Management of Combat Wounds The British Military Experience

    Graphic Content Warning Adult supervision for TheManagementofCombatWoundsthebritishexperience.pdf

    USA Navy prepping PDF example for West Nile Virus

    USA Navy Prepping documenation portals found via here

    SimpleSAMLPHP documentation as per OIDC

    YouTube OAuth Example Of Using OIDC and this can be used with SimpleSAMLPHP

    I have included a link for NUAR UK Emergency Alerts (Cabinet Office) but really I would say it could do with a low cost tweak to also allow UK government square-wave data (sounding somewhat like a dial-up modem handshake sound to the human ear) to be received via RADIO (such as a FM car radio) onto a RaspberryPi (which would be expected to have installed a LoRaWAN dongle for public responding) for software updates such as torrent magnet links and bearing co-ordinates and cronjob date-time-stamps and longditude-latitude-altitude and MIDI (which cane be used for music or PC joystick or vehicle control like a drone since it even was used in guided missles in the past) to be processed in linux accepted via microphone-in 3.5mm jack plug (via USB soundcard on the RaspberryPi3b or PiZero2W) or via rtl2832u or buetooth (such as sent from a car-stereo bluetooth link, with or without a bluetooth headset earphone-and-microphone). Having a UK Gov AppImage (both RaspberryPi and amd64 compatible) on the receiving Linux device (PC or Pi3b) linked via the aforementioned technologies (3.5mm jack or bluetooth or rtl2832u) to the car-radio would allow for password authentication of installing a shellscript for every NUAR squarewave update which need only be up to 100KB but probably only needs about 3KB data sent like a DamnSmallLinux torrent file needs, notifying the need to connect to internet to download 50MB of data later that day as a bootable ISO that can be written to CDROM. About a minute of analogue FM Radio squarewave sound should transmit (from UK gov to a public radio connected to a RaspberryPi zero2w or Pi3b at home or in a car) 150KB to 300KB of data and so the signal being sent twice for parity of that 1 minute data signal should last 2 minutes and you probably do not even need that much data. The magnet-links sent could also include private firm sponsorship adverts in some scenarios.

    NUAR UK Emergency Alterts which includes software

    UK Cabinet Office NUAR and UK emergency Alerts video YT channel

    See all YT UK Emergency Alerts Videos Cabinet Office and NUAR

    Firefox Translations

    Github tesseract-ocr

    Tesseract OCR a9t9 Frontend for Microsoft Windows 8 and 10

    German and English... Deutschland macht gute Technologien wie Knoppix Linux

    German and English... Deutschland macht gute Technologien wie Knoppix Linux

    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining... Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6.

    #linux #slackware #opencl #skolelinux #debian #kde #foss #paypal #gnu #gnome #christmas #donate #charity #pakistan #afghanistan #urdu #Turkey #EarthQuake #Syria #russia #education #radiation #learning #nuar #prepping #electricity #electricial #electrician #health #safety #healthandsafety #science #mathematics #translation #coding #music

    • chevron_right

      How I made a £12 donation to International Rescue Committee

      preptorrent · Saturday, 31 December, 2022 - 23:52 edit · 11 minutes

    In time for New Year 2023, I made a £12 donation to International Rescue committee via Paypal, so Happy New Year! I show how I did it and it may help others learn how I did it, if they are already considering donating too. I understand IRC also send money to other places (Afghanistan, Yemen and so on). Happy New Year to those it helped! Another charity (predominantly suited for USA donations including charity via Afghanistan, Yemen) is linked below but $10 is the minimum (£8.41 at time of writing):

    IRC help

    IRC help

    Gov UK registered Charity webpage IRC

    Screenshot of IRC donation 28 December 2022 Paypal Order 707338 transaction 1XE05902AR2686148

    Public Post version of IRC Donation

    Public Post version of 5 GBP Pakistan Flood Donation

    Quick Notice: For the other money donation to Gnome Foundation, see this other link.

    Money donation to Gnome Foundation

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu

    You might want to donate also, having been inspired to read my article (A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu) on how HAM Radio can help the floods and also Afghanistan with a RaspberryPi for SDR (Software Defined Radio, such as by using Linux LimeSuite software) using a RTL2832U dongle and various open-source software like Soapy-Remote-Server, and when plugging in (the USB ports of a Raspberry Pi3b+ using GuvcView software and "cheese") a webcam (costing btween £1 and $5 USD), with a built-in microphone like a Playstation2-Eyetoy but a better (usb-converted) microphone can help too. You can get to the Ukraine donation webpage I used by this link, although, first of all, I should say I logged into Paypal.

    Paypal IRC International Rescue Committee Ukraine Fundraiser Registered Charity 1110538

    The Paypal screenshot arrows show what I clicked in chronological order.

    1: (Once logged into paypal) Clicked the One-Time Donaation option

    2: Entered £12 as "other" amount (minimum usually being $10 or similar in UK), like 12 months in a year, 12 hours or a zodiac or unit circle of 10 degrees when tripled.

    3: Clicked payment information, checking paypal was still logged-in.

    4: Selected "Paypal" radio button.

    5: I left the "Covering process costs" unticked to keep the donation simple for people to follow so the £12 was an overtly known quantity.

    6: I enabled the radio button for email contact but left SMS and phone unchecked to keep all communications medium a single known quantity and easy to follow when reading.

    7: I left SMS communications unchecked, as in disallowed.

    8: left phone communications unchecked as in disallowed.

    9: I left the tick-box for Gift Aid unchecked not only for simplicity but also so that no pressure is put on people reading my words to use Gift Aid which has taxation and thereby political viewpoints. If people want to add tax Gift-Aid, then that is there call. Just for the record, this stance on indicators of political matters is an indicator that my donation to this (largely) Ukraine IRC appeal is not anti-Russia either (not that you'd assume that). And anyway, Russians and Ukrainians marry and have children.

    10: I clicked the "Make a One-time donation", option.

    11: I clicked "agree and continue" to confirm the £12 would be donated via Paypal.

    12: It processed for about a minute or maybe less and then asked if I wanted to change this one-time donation to a monthly regular donation. I clicked "no thanks". This keeps the pressure low on people reading who might wish to donate. Also it could seem confusing as to how the winter Ukraine donation (which ends by 2023) could still be tripled or not. It would seem this one time donation of £12 becomes £36 if tripled at their end.

    13: I made note of 707338 being my order number.

    14: Visiting the Paypal account, I checked the £12 donation had succeeded and saw was the 1XE05902AR2686148 transaction ID sitting next to my 707338 order number and observed that the page could be printed (e.g. on paper or PDF). Checking the pertaining email account spam folder (junk bin) for a receipt is worthwhile also.

    Arabic English Translation of How To Learn linux SDR for rtl2832u

    Arabic English Translation of How To Learn multilingual linux and HAM Radio SDR for RTL2832U like with SoapyRemote-Server Software and LimeSuite

    To be knowledgeable about how your study of HAM Radio or Linux can help the people communicating around the Pakistan Floods (and other regions like Afghanistan), you may seek self-improvement as you learn about how to get linux via a torrent file and how to use a CD-Writer (and other knowledge) in this (German and English language) article linked below (German and English... Deutschland macht gute Technologien wie Knoppix Linux). Also, learn about how to use linux (and prepare your amd64 PC) using Version 5.3.8 ultimatebootcd such as to backup data and recover lost data and to partitition drives or clone an HDD (all of which can be discovered by reading and talking on the UBCD forums), and so all that information can be seen on the article linked below as "Wifi Bandwidth Management Hong Kong".

    Wifi Bandwidth Management Hong Kong

    Wifi Bandwidth Management Hong Kong

    Amharic Ethiopia Linux Computer ሊኑክስ ኮምፕዩተር

    Amharic Ethiopia Linux Computer ሊኑክስ ኮምፕዩተር

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu.

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu

    Slackware Donation methods like paypal

    Slackware Donation methods like Paypal

    WikiBooks First Aid web pages including PDF download version

    WikiBooks First Aid web pages including PDF download version

    British Heart Foundation PDF Guide to Defibrillators

    Here is an example of Russian prepping documentation, and although it has a radioactive theme, the inclusion of it here has nothing to do with nuclear weapons threats but rather just the fact that Russian people care about people too and as such the information can be useful for various scenarios (e.g. nuclear power-station precautions) and it is a lead for other documens on Russian prepping like First Aid or Health and so scanning the letters in tesseract OCR Optical Character Recognition software with translation software added under BSD license can allow for Mozilla Firefox web-browser to translate into english via Firefox Translations and so you can then search for more Russian language prepping material documents. Likewise, Lithuanian and Estonian prepping documents can be translated and searched in a simiar way and all are included here so as to kindly help all people affected in the Russia or Ukraine or countries nearby to Europe. Or people might want to read it all simply to see the compared style of diagrams or images purely for creative reasons. Graphic images of healthcare surgery or wound treatment (a topic which is for caring for poorly people) is a precaution advised for some viewing. The inclusion of it is not about war (although of course the authors show it has been useful in such circumstances) but instead simply for learning human anatomy in medicine and knowledge and helping people.

    Russian prepping documentation scanned

    Prepping documentation such as for Lithuania or Estonia or Russia or Ukraine 2016-aktyviu-veiksmu-gaires.pdf

    English Language Lithuanian Prepping documenation

    Lithuanian Armoured Vehicle documentation which is also useful for places like Africa

    Graphic Content Warning Adult supervision for The Management of Combat Wounds The British Military Experience

    Graphic Content Warning Adult supervision for TheManagementofCombatWoundsthebritishexperience.pdf

    USA Navy prepping PDF example for West Nile Virus

    USA Navy Prepping documenation portals found via here

    I have included a link for NUAR UK Emergency Alerts (Cabinet Office) but really I would say it could do with a low cost tweak to also allow UK government square-wave data (sounding somewhat like a dial-up modem handshake sound to the human ear) to be received via RADIO (such as a FM car radio) onto a RaspberryPi (which would be expected to have installed a LoRaWAN dongle for public responding) for software updates such as torrent magnet links and bearing co-ordinates and cronjob date-time-stamps and longditude-latitude-altitude and MIDI (which cane be used for music or PC joystick or vehicle control like a drone since it even was used in guided missles in the past) to be processed in linux accepted via microphone-in 3.5mm jack plug (via USB soundcard on the raspberryPi3b or piZero2W) or via rtl2832u or buetooth (such as sent from a car-stereo bluetooth link, with or without a bluetooth headset earphone-and-microphone). Having a UK Gov AppImage (both RaspberryPi and amd64 compatible) on the receiving Linux device (PC or Pi3b) linked via the aforementioned technologies (3.5mm jack or bluetooth or rtl2832u) to the car-radio would allow for password authentication of installing a shellscript for every NUAR squarewave update which need only be up to 100KB but probably only needs about 3KB data sent like a DamnSmallLinux torrent file needs, notifying the need to connect to internet to download 50MB of data later that day as a bootable ISO that can be written to CDROM. About a minute of analogue FM Radio squarewave sound should transmit (from UK gov to a public radio connected to a RaspberryPi zero2w or Pi3b at home or in a car) 150KB to 300KB of data and so the signal being sent twice for parity of that 1 minute data signal should last 2 minutes and you probably do not even need that much data. The magnet-links sent could also include private firm sponsorship adverts in some scenarios.

    NUAR UK Emergency Alterts which includes software

    UK Cabinet Office NUAR and UK emergency Alerts video YT channel

    See all YT UK Emergency Alerts Videos Cabinet Office and NUAR

    Firefox Translations

    Github tesseract-ocr

    Tesseract OCR a9t9 Frontend for Microsoft Windows 8 and 10

    German and English... Deutschland macht gute Technologien wie Knoppix Linux

    German and English... Deutschland macht gute Technologien wie Knoppix Linux

    Good reads in paper books are:

    Penguin Books, Chemistry, David William Arthur Sharp... ISBN 978-0-140-51445-2

    Thames and Hudson, A History Of Western Art, The World Of art Library Michael Levey

    CGP Physics Workbook (formula sheet quoted below, but the book is also useful for repairs, radioactive safety and nuclear fission and fusion revision)... ISBN 978 1 84146 644 6

    Good listens on Audio CD include:

    Tchaikovsky Seenade for strings in C, op.48 and Dvořák Serenade for strings in E, op.22

    In addition to learning (GCSE Maths O-Level) Graphical Linear Inequalities (for business allocation like logistics especially programming RaspberryPi BASH scripts and GPIO usage like as a multimeter), Science formula notes worth writing on the back of a periodic table photocopied for learning (not necessarily BODMAS conforming) include:

    Frequency: f = 1/T

    Wavelength: v = f * λ

    Velocity: s = d/t

    Time: t = d/s

    Acceleration: a = Δv/t "or" a=F/m

    Weight (a force): W = m * g

    Force (and Mass): F = m * a

    Work done: E = F * d

    Kinetic Energy: KE = 1/2 * m * v²

    Momentum: p = m * v

    Force: F = (mv - mu)/t

    Potential Difference: V = I * R

    Current: I = V/R

    Resistance: R = V/I

    Electrical Power: P = I * V "or" P = I² * R

    Charge: Q = I * t

    Electrical Energy: E = Q * V "or" E = P * t

    Moment: M = F * d

    Efficiency = Useful Energy out / Total Energy in

    Transformer Equation: "(Potential Difference across Primary Coil) / (Potential Difference across Secondary Coil)" = "(No. of turns on Primary Coil) / (No. of turns on Secondary coil)"

    KDE Kalzium Periodic Table of Elements

    Learn Music and Coding for Open Sound control in Chuck-Audio Free Software such a MIDI and Gaussian function in Synthesis or FFT

    Learn UML with Umbrello for Object Oriented Programming

    Learn music Theory With LenMus Phonascus software GPLv3

    Prety much everything in this comment is so that you can get something out of the experience too such as via learning or self-improvement if considering the IRC donation and this information can help people such as those from Ukraine. That is a form of mutually beneficial interaction potentially. Spread the hashtag #DonateAndGetSkills

    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining... Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6.

    #linux #slackware #opencl #skolelinux #debian #kde #foss #paypal #gnu #gnome #christmas #donate #charity #pakistan #afghanistan #urdu #ukraine #irc #Internationalrescuecommittee #russia #education #radiation #learning #nuar #prepping #electricity #electricial #electrician #health #safety #healthandsafety #science #mathematics #translation #coding #music

    • chevron_right

      How I made 5 GBP Christmas Donation to Disasters Emergency Committee Pakistan Floods

      preptorrent · Saturday, 24 December, 2022 - 22:15 edit · 5 minutes

    This article (or blog-post) is to help people who might want to do the same such as donations or similar, or for learning. It is "How I made 5 GBP Christmas Donation to Disasters Emergency Committee Pakistan Floods". Merry Christmas!

    Public Post version

    Quick Notice: For the other money donation to Gnome Foundation, see this other link.

    Money donation to Gnome Foundation

    I made (this Christmas Eve, 2022, in the British Isles) a £5 donation ($6.10 USD) to the UK PayPal Giving Fund for the Disasters Emergency Committee Pakistan Floods. A screenshot shows the numbered steps I took.

    Paypal Transaction ID 3A8425999S8274643

    DEC UK Paypal Transaction ID 3A8425999S8274643

    Another charity (predominantly suited for USA donations including charity via Afghanistan, Yemen) is linked below ut $10 is the minimum (£8.41 at time of writing):

    IRC help

    How I donated £12 to Ukraine IRC International Rescue Committee

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu

    You might want to donate also, having been inspired to read my article (A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu) on how HAM Radio can help the floods and also Afghanistan with a RaspberryPi for SDR (Software Defined Radio) using a RTL2832U dongle and various open-source software like Soapy-Remote-Server, and when plugging in (the USB ports of a Raspberry Pi3b+ using GuvcView software and "cheese") a webcam (costing btween £1 and $5 USD), with a built-in microphone like a Playstation2-Eyetoy but a better (usb-converted) microphone can help too. You can get there by this link, although, first of all, I should say I logged into Paypal.

    Paypal DEC Pakistan Floods Fundraiser Registered Charity 1110538

    The Paypal screenshot arrows show what I clicked in chronological order.

    1. (Once logged into paypal) Clicked the Donate option

    2. Entered £5

    3. Clicked "Donate Now" (having ticked to shared the email address).

    4. Clicked "Donate Now" when paypal showed where the £5 originated from.

    5. Clicked "Copy" so as to get the hyperlink pertaining to my donation, and then viewed my paypal printable activity for the transaction ID.

    This article is to help people who might want to do the same such as donations or similar. For it to be even more overtly like mutually beneficial collaboration (so you can get something additionally nice out of it in terms of learning about technology and documentation), learning something for yourself while you are at it (donating) such as how to use linux or HAM Radio or First-Aid creative-commons health books, I have also shown how I learned a bit about linux and open-source software whilst donating to those also. The topics can be said to pertain to each other in theright context such as the usage of HAM Radio, such that also a linux computer can use SDR (Software Defined Radio) to communicate in emergency and also spread free learning or knowledge about the physics of HAM Radio such as waves and angles (mathematics) or signal propagation. I totally recommened using a raspberry-pi3b (or pi3b+) with SciLab and a webcame (sony PS2 eyetoy) and an RTL2832U USB dongle but also it is worth learning some linux on an old AMd64 PC with at least 2GB RAM, and more like 4GB RAM or more. A dualcore CPU can be fine as can a quadcore PC but do be aware that a quadcore might have a UEFI BIOS instead of a legacy BIOS and so learn more about installing linux (on the UBCD forums) by asking the people there questions on how to do so and be prepared to take good clear digital-photos of your computer screen (including the BIOS) when uploading images to the website UBCD forum. It can also help you (using a flashlight torch) to photograph the inside of your PC case (when switched-off, unplugged at the mains, following saefty and static precautions) so as to identify your componets and wiring configurations and to show the Motherboard model numbers and codes, and quite possibly thet FCC-ID which is often printed between the PCI (or PCI-e) slots so as to serve as a unique identifer oer motherboard model number and brand-name manufacturer. Share such hints and tips with others, making friends along the way.

    Arabic English Translation of How To Learn linux SDR for rtl2832u

    To be knowledgeable about how your study of HAM Radio or Linux can help the people communicating around the Pakistan Floods (and other regions like Afghanistan), you may seek self-improvement as you learn about how to get linux via a torrent file and how to use a CD-Writer (and other knowledge) in this (German and English language) article linked below (German and English... Deutschland macht gute Technologien wie Knoppix Linux). Also, learn about how to use linux (and prepare your amd64 PC) using Version 5.3.8 ultimatebootcd such as to backup data and recover lost data and to partitition drives or clone an HDD (all of which can be discovered by reading and talking on the UBCD forums), and so all that information can be seen on the article linked below as "Wifi Bandwidth Management Hong Kong".

    Wifi Bandwidth Management Hong Kong

    Wifi Bandwidth Management Hong Kong

    Amharic Ethiopia Linux Computer ሊኑክስ ኮምፕዩተር

    Amharic Ethiopia Linux Computer

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu.

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu

    Slackware Donation methods like paypal

    Slackware Donation methods like Paypal

    WikiBooks First Aid web pages including PDF download version

    WikiBooks First Aid web pages including PDF download version

    German and English... Deutschland macht gute Technologien wie Knoppix Linux

    German and English... Deutschland macht gute Technologien wie Knoppix Linux

    Earthquakes 2023 Turkey or Syria and compassion from HAM Radio Free software

    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining... Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6.

    #linux #slackware #opencl #skolelinux #debian #kde #foss #paypal #gnu #gnome #christmas #donate #charity #pakistan #afghanistan #urdu

    • chevron_right

      Linux and Health Trains potential concept in Botswana

      preptorrent · Monday, 26 September, 2022 - 21:28 edit · 5 minutes

    An hospital train carriage (just a low cost single carriage or two converted from an existing train or locomotive and appended to an existing train to run a couple of times a year maybe on a return journey) would mitigate and potentially partially overcome some challenges in Botswana. Profit could be made by creating humic material which is transported North and sold to the great green wall, and the humic material could be a biproduct of trees and vegetation grow for smoked flavouring of tobacco in Botswana (also a profit area).

    So the train could have armed-guard medic ecology rangers who protect the ecology and crops but also provide some first aid knowledge such as that free from wikibooks (e.g. as the links which then also show more links like the wikibooks first-aid PDF found via the link on my YT About page mentioned "GNU Gnome") and occassionally hand out a linux CDRW disk to install or LiveCD (in 32bit and 64 bit) for the cleverest peers in the communities to teach locals sharing their computer like an amd64 SBC running from a battery (e.g. a car battery) with buck convertor and homemade photovoltaic solar panel because debian edu and slackware and fedora have many "edu" style free softwares. Health topics of Sexually transmitted infections, Vehicles crashes first-aid (like trains, aircraft and road vehicles) and disease from those bugs you mentioned could be mentioned as small HowTo guides using GNU_Health software on the SBC AMD64 linux computer (with a LoRaWAN on it and rtl2832u SDR dongle) topics of health can be bluetoothed to people's phone or handed to them on a small double-sided A6 printed sheet with QR codes, small text guides (in english and translations and some magnetlinks to DVD ISO files of EndlessOS for AMd64, and ARM and a few debian CD ISO files for i586 32bit and amd64).

    Only about 5 such AM64 SBC computer setups would be needed (dividing £1000 between 5 means about £200 each for battery setup, tiny 5inch or 7inch small screen, SDCard, USB pendrive, Mouse, keyboard, power-convertors and all, plus a $1 second hand usb webcam from a playstation2 eyetoy) so there would be one in the North, one in the East, One in the West, one in the South and one on train to count as the one for the centre of the country. So in other words it is an A8 sheet folded in 4 so in ends up as A6 with duplex printing (thereby meaning 4 "sections" each side of a duplex printed A4 sheet result in 8 sections). In 7 of the 8 "sections" write the same information repeated in different languages in tiny text, cramming The 8th panel would be a proforma for their individual indentity information and the pre-printed magnet links and QR codes and latitude-longitude, unix timedate-stamps and and HAM Radio information, and some GCSE physics formula triangles.

    Chittagonian (Bangladesh) saṭgãia or siʈaiŋga would be the first language i.e "1", so "2" is French, "3" portuguese, "4" Taa, "5" Tshwa, "6" Khwe, "7" Hindu-Urdu sanskrit, "8" Chinese (mandarin/unihan), "9" Japanese, "10" Korean, "11" Arabic, "12" Indonesian sanskrit (e.g. pallava script), "13" Russian, "14" Cambodian-Thai "15" Khmer language, "16" Amharic Ethiopian, "17" Afrikaans, "18" Kalanga, "19" Swahili language, "20" Georgian, "21" English (chiefly British).

    To help you, much of this information is on the link (GNOME GNU) I mentioned, and more information to discover the technologies and guides and documentation.

    Arabic SDR Rrtl2832u Soapy-Remote LimeSDR

    Donating to Linux Slackware for OIDC LoRa BitTorrent install

    Donating to Linux Slackware for OIDC LoRa BitTorrent install

    Donating 5 USD to GNOME Foundation GNU

    Donating 5 USD to GNOME Foundation GNU

    Slackware Slackbook in Rohingya and Chittagonian কম্পিউটার

    Linux Urdu or Arabic

    Linux Urdu or Arabic

    Linux Slackware Documentation English

    Linux Slackware Documentation English

    A guide through the whole process of installing and configuring Slackware Linux; written for new and experienced users alike

    Linux Slackware Documentation Arabic

    Linux Slackware Documentation Arabic

    Linux Slackware Documentation Dutch Nederlands

    Linux Slackware Documentation Dutch Nederlands

    een gids voor het gehele proces van installatie en configuratie van Slackware Linux, geschreven voor zowel nieuwe als ervaren gebruikers

    Linux Slackware Documentation Chinese

    为你安装和配置 Slackware Linux时进行全程指导;是不是新手都能看。

    Linux HAM Radio SDR English Arabic

    Mynamar Jingpho-Luish ... Burmese ... မြန်မာဘာသာ PHP ပရိုဂရမ်မင်းဘာသာစကား ... လင်းနပ်စ် Linux

    ကွန်ပျူတာ အင်္ဂလိပ်: computer

    လင်းနပ်စ် Linux

    ဦးဘွန်းတု ubuntu လင်းနပ်စ် Linux

    Debian လင်းနပ်စ် Linux

    PHP ပရိုဂရမ်မင်းဘာသာစကား

    Programming language ပရိုဂရမ်မင်းဘာသာစကား

    Joomla Lessons By Wai Phyo Aung ... Joomla Control Panel ကိုသိထားမှ ကိုယ့်ရဲ့ ဝက်ဘ်ဆိုဒ်ကို ကောင်းကောင်းထိန်းချုပ်လို့ရမယ်

    XAMPP Install ပြုလုပ်နည်းသင်ခန်းစာ how to install XAMPP Myanmar Tutorial

    How to Create New Database in MySQL Database... Database အသစ်ဖန်တီနည်းသင်ခန်းစာ

    Coding Website ရေးနည်း video သင်ခန်းစာ အပိုင်း ၂ by using HTML5 and CSS3

    Ubuntu အကွဲကွဲအပြားပြားဖြစ်ခြင်းကြောင့် desktop Linux ၏နှစ်သည် ဘယ်တော့မှဖြစ်လာမည်မဟုတ်ကြောင်း ၎င်းတို့ကဆိုသည်။ ပြီးတော့ Android ကော။

    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining... Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6.

    #botswana #linux #hospitaltrain #debian #slackware #fedora #africa #skolelinux

    • chevron_right

      Donating to Linux Slackware for OIDC LoRa BitTorrent install

      preptorrent · Wednesday, 21 September, 2022 - 21:18 edit · 5 minutes

    Quick Notice: For the other money donation to Gnome Foundation, see this other link. Money donation to Gnome Foundation

    Public Post Movim Link

    Today I sent Linux Slackware Money for Patrick Volkerding and perhaps others will do so too. #SlackwareBitTorrentOIDCLoRa I attach a trimmed screenshot to show how it was done. I included a message asking slackware to put SimpleSAMLphp (for setting up an OIDC and OAuth2 user registration server) on the distro CDROM ISO and an ability to enter a bittorrent magnet link of another Linux Distro (including another Slackware, be it newer or older to download and install instead or as well as the Slackware version on the ISO CDROM being installed), and a LoRa icon that works like the Wifi icon on the desktop of XFCE in Slackware. If you think about it, even if it took all day long, a LoRaWAN connection could just about send a trickle of data as a magnet-link for a linux distro ISO to a computer, ready to install when a wifi connection (presumably with internet) becomes available, capable of downloading that distro (maybe just be a 50MB DamnSmallLiunx Iso or a larger filesize slackware CDROM). Paypal Donation Linux Slackware Volkerdi So I have uploaded an image file to show how the money was sent so that, if other people wish to send their own money to Linux Slackware Money for Patrick Volkerding, they can see what to click.

    The link to use Paypal for this is at this URL, below.

    Sending Linux Slackware Money for Patrick Volkerding

    Just to confirm this is the same and if you are looking for various donation methods (and please do see the forum link below).

    As I used Paypal, I could add a message. Remember to keep such a paypal message half the size of the 'wordcount' shown in the screenshot. Whilst mentioning the Payapal donation transaction ID 243384911N127970H (to uniquely identify it to both the recipient and sender), I have also made a suggestion that slackware slackbook2 languages could be included on the slackware distro CDROM ISO such as via PDF now if they become available. On the translations slackbook slackware website, many languages links for that manual of slackbook are broken-links. I'd say for Slackware linux, create a translation of the slackbook manual in two (mutually intelligible) languages in Hanifi Rohingya script (Rohingya) Ruáingga and also Chittagonian (Bangladesh) চাটগাঁইয়া saṭgãia or চিটাইঙ্গা siʈaiŋga and English, French, portuguese, Hindu-Urdu sanskrit, Chinese (mandarin/unihan), Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indonesian sanskrit (e.g. pallava script), Russian, Cambodian-Thai Khmer language, Amharic Ethiopian, Swahili language. Obviously other languages like Dutch and German and so on can exist but these main languages cover the world in varius geographic areas and with differing alphabets and languages which can be understood by many as second language (for example like how most chinese people do not speak english as a 2nd language but there are so many chinese english speakers on account of the great many chinese people that the language stills gets good coverage over many a landmass). Portuguese and Spanish people can eventually understand each other (pretty much) if they listen hard and stick to mutually commonplace wordings each. Some Dutch people in Holland would understand something of the language of South Africa, eventually. Ironically of course, they'd probably both know somebody who speaks some part of english too. Elsewhere in blogging, I encourage the translation of slackbook into the languages of rohingya and chittagonian with the #slackbookrohingyachittagonian hashtag.

    As I used Paypal, I could add a message. Here it is:

    This payment is for: To support a later CDROM (number1 or number2 as the Live CD) ISO file release of slackware15 such as slackware15.1 which you'd make a torrent file for, here is $5 and to ask you to please put SimpleSAMLphp on the ISO file of that distro and for to also have SimpleSAMLphp, thereby making any Slackware CDROM (to HDD) installation (for i586 or amd64) easy to make into a OpenIDConnect (OIDC with OAuth2) server. Include easy LoRaWAN support too shown upon booting like the how a Wifi desktop icon is in XFCE, please. It would be cool (sort of like wubi.exe did but via rtorrent) to have slackware have a boot option to type in a magnet link of a linux distro and attempt to download it (via rj45 DHCP ethernet cat5 home router) in addition to slackware (e.g. kwort or fedora or debian or an older or newer slackware so as to have slackware install it instead or in addition, perhaps dumping it on a fat32 partition on the hdd temporarily and in SWAP space). Keep the distro under 700MB though. Might as well ask just in case you feel like putting these things into slackware 15.1 or 15.2 anyway. Well actually, I'm kind of hoping you'd become inspired to include these things in slackware just by reading this even if the notion is new to you. Also this is to say thanks for making slackware and I hope to encourage others to do a donation for this too. I often recommend slackware to people and have done for about two decades.Sending kind regards from the British Isles, from myself. I saw the forum post about the T-Shirts.My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining... Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6.

    Pat actually refunded me this $5 and it seems the reason is because he thought it was an "assignment". So donated the $5 again on 23rd September 2023, via Transaction ID 0XK49451SK068444F.

    (quote Pat) "Hi, thanks but I don't accept assignments such as this so I'm returning your gift. Best regards, Pat" Transaction ID: 3DK558321H901181B (end quote)

    So I just want to make it clear that I DID manage to send him that $5 again after he had refunded it. That way I have made sure that slackware (Volkerding) has the $5 donation. I reckon the 'temporary' refund was on account of just some small confusion as to how the $5 was initially to be donated. If you donate by that paypal link, maybe write "This is not an assignment but just a donation for loving Slackware".

    Tempting though, to send multiple small "donations" for small tasks he probably won't do. Maybe for washing the dishes or something. Totally don't do that of course (cough cough). But do donate though.

    Paypal Donation Linux Slackware Volkerdi done again

    Link to Slackware Donation methods like paypal

    Link to Slackware Donation methods like paypal

    Link to my post about how slackbook in rohingya and chittagonian could be useful

    Link to my post about how slackbook in rohingya and chittagonian could be useful

    Link To My Botswana concept Hospital Train Linux theory

    Link To My Botswana concept Hospital Train Linux theory

    #linux #slackware #skolelinux #debian #kde #foss #paypal #SlackwareBitTorrentOIDCLoRa

    • chevron_right

      Slackware Slackbook in Rohingya and Chittagonian কম্পিউটার #SlackwareLinux

      preptorrent · Thursday, 15 September, 2022 - 10:52 edit · 5 minutes

    Public Movim Post Link

    For Slackware linux, create a translation of the slackbook manual in two (mutually (intelligible) languages in Hanifi Rohingya script (Rohingya) Ruáingga and also Chittagonian (Bangladesh) চাটগাঁইয়া saṭgãia or চিটাইঙ্গা siʈaiŋga and then have a few people who can understand the slackbook in those languages and english impart informal training about that slackbook and its linux distro to the refugees. They will then become more employable and thereby an investment (and it helps them) but also the slackware linux has a great many educational packages on it already. Channel 4 News 24 Oct 2017 Rohingya refugee crisis: Life in Bangladesh's largest refugee camp

    I only takes a small percentage of the million refugees to learn about slackware for a positive outcome to result. It would also help if a few such people had some low cost 2nd hand amd64 (or intel) laptop (preferably quad core, but dual core might suffice with a few GB RAM) with a low-power-consumption low cost LCD projector. Those are less than £50 and can show VGA/QVGA video or jpeg files of educational material about the software on the slackware ISO file. If a few of the most clever Rohingya refugee people (maybe between 2 and 5) were paid minimum wage over a year to translate the slackbook, it would get done. Even if it were only 10 people who could muster the time to complete the aforementioned slackbook linux tasks (amongst those experiencing the hardships), it would mean from the million people, 0.001% (i.e. a thousandth of a percent) of the people is all you'd "need" for that slackbook task to be accomplished. In all probability, it is perfectly possible.

    The "lost and found" desk (shown in that channel4 News 2017 video) could use that old free laptop to create (by OpenID Connect, via SimpleSAMLphp) O-I-D-C federated sign ons and hyperlinks for how to start learning do that are linked. Print onto paper a couple of copies of the slackbook pdf to place into a water proof bagged ring binder to share amongst the translators. The translated version therby has the two languages on the same page (like a rosetta stone) and the english version of the manual is in the back of the ringbinder. That is thereby two manuals (because one is technically bilingual). However, a 3rd indonesian copy of that slackbook could just about be squeezed in too as a printed paper copy. So that is 3 (technically 4) manuals per ringbinder, and thereby 2 copies make 6. Include 32bit and 64bit CDROMs and DVD slackware distros with the ring-binders each with the pertaining torrent magnet links printed on the CD/DVD and the ringbinder (alongside the donation links for Patrick Volkerding). Some people would thereby blatantly end up learning english. In the British Isles we have a great many Bangladesh people, so the above makes sense. It breaks a catch22. That entire project (other than the minimum wage part) would cost under £100 in materials, including the laptop.

    Al Jazeera English 25 Aug 2022 Rohingya exodus: Nearly a million remain in Bangladesh camps

    Translating slackware slackbooks (and other linux manuals) also helps spread linux, especially if available as PDF and HTML both. I'd say for Slackware linux, create a translation of the slackbook manual in two (mutually intelligible) languages in Hanifi Rohingya script (Rohingya) Ruáingga and also Chittagonian (Bangladesh) চাটগাঁইয়া saṭgãia or চিটাইঙ্গা siʈaiŋga and English, French, portuguese, Hindu-Urdu sanskrit, Chinese (mandarin/unihan), Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indonesian sanskrit (e.g. pallava script), Russian, Cambodian-Thai Khmer language, Amharic Ethiopian, Swahili language.

    I speak of slackbook slackware manual languages translations in the recent post about my money donation I made to slackware.

    Donating to Linux Slackware for OIDC LoRa BitTorrent install

    For the other money donation to Gnome Foundation, see this other link, where even more linked blog posts are found too.

    Money donation to Gnome Foundation

    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining... Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6.

    Channel 4 News 24 Oct 2017 Rohingya refugee crisis: Life in Bangladesh's largest refugee camp

    Rohingya refugee crisis: Life in Bangladesh's largest refugee camp

    Al Jazeera English 25 Aug 2022 Rohingya exodus: Nearly a million remain in Bangladesh camps

    Rohingya exodus: Nearly a million remain in Bangladesh camps

    Rohingya Language Article Wikipedia

    Chittagonian Language Article Wikipedia

    Slackware Linux Slackbook Documentation Language Translations

    Slackware documentation Installation English

    Linux Slackware documentation Installation English

    Linux Slackware documentation in English

    Slackware documentation in English

    Slackware documentation in Arabic

    Slackware documentation in Arabic

    Slackware documentation in Chinese

    Slackware documentation in Chinese

    Slackware documentation in Serbian

    Slackware documentation in Serbian

    Slackware documentation in Russian

    Slackware documentation in Russian

    Slackware documentation in Spanish

    Slackware documentation in Spanish

    Slackware documentation in French

    Slackware documentation in French

    Slackware documentation in Dutch Nederlands

    Slackware documentation in Dutch Nederlands

    Slackware documentation in Portuguese Brasil

    Slackware documentation in Portuguese Brasil

    Wikipedia Bangla Computer কম্পিউটার

    ডেবিয়ান হার্ডওয়্যার ভুবনে স্বাগতম Linux Debian Hardware

    Linux কি এবং এর ইতিহাস

    ডেবিয়ান Ubuntu Linux 07 Crontab Bangla

    How to Install KALI LINUX on Your LAPTOP & DESKTOP Step by Step in Bangla

    How to Install KALI LINUX on Your LAPTOP & DESKTOP Step by Step in Bangla

    Kali Linu 32bit + 64bit

    32bit Kali Linux Magnet Link File Attached



    64bit Kali Linux Magnet Link File Attached



    #linux #oidc #slackware #refugee #refugees #slackbookrohingyachittagonian

    • chevron_right

      لینکس کمپیوٹنگ کے لئے ریڈیو مواصلاتٹیکنالوجیز کے لئے ایک رہنما.

      preptorrent · Thursday, 1 September, 2022 - 23:41 edit · 1 minute

    پاکستان کا پل شدید سیلاب میں بہہ گیا ہے۔

    Pakistan bridge is swept away in severe flash flooding

    Pakistan bridge is swept away in severe flash flooding

    (Soapyremote-server) پاکستان میں ٢٠١٠ اور ٢٠٢٢ میں سیلاب آیا تھا۔ لینکس پاکستان کی مدد کر سکتا ہے جب اسے ایچ اے ایم ریڈیو کے ساتھ استعمال کیا جاتا ہے۔

    (Soapyremote-server) Pakistan was flooded in 2010 and 2022. Linux can help Pakistan when it is used with HAM radio

    لینکس استعمال کرنے کے لئے آزاد ہے اور افغانستان کے مواصلات اور تعلیم کی حمایت کر سکتا ہے۔

    Linux is free to use and can support Afghanistan's communications and education

    (Linux Urdu) This hyperlink displays basic Linux commands in Urdu, so please read them and share information about Linux in addition to data about Linux in all other languages mentioned about "slackware" in the book

    (Linux Urdu) یہ ہائپر لنک اردو میں لینکس کے بنیادی احکامات دکھاتا ہے، لہذا براہ کرم انہیں پڑھیں اور کتاب میں "slackware" کے بارے میں مذکور دیگر تمام زبانوں میں لینکس کے بارے میں ڈیٹا کے علاوہ لینکس کے بارے میں معلومات کا اشتراک کریں۔

    Linux Urdu

    Linux Urdu

    (LoRaWAN + Squid-Cache + GRSync + 802.11g Wifi) مندرجہ ذیل اجزاء سگنل بھیج کر اور وصول کرکے ڈیجیٹل اور اینالاگ ریڈیو مواصلات میں مدد کر سکتے ہیں۔

    (LoRaWAN + Squid-Cache + GRSync + 802.11g Wifi) The following components can help in digital and analog radio communication by sending and receiving signals

    Linux (Squid-Cache) GRSync (802.11g + 4 * LoRaWAN RF SX1276 868MHZ, 915MHZ = "2 * £10" = £20)...

    ایک ریموٹ ڈیسک ٹاپ سافٹ ویئر ہے جو آپ اپنے کمپیوٹر سے دور سے جڑ سکتے ہیں اور انٹرنیٹ کنکشن کے مقام تک محدود کیے بغیر کہیں

    Debian: ٹیوٹوریل کے ساتھ آگے بڑھنے سے پہلے، یہ یقینی بنانا کہ آپ کا سسٹم تمام موجودہ پیکجوں کے ساتھ اپ ٹو ڈیٹ ہے۔


    کسی دوست سے کہیں کہ وہ "slackware PDF" کے بارے میں انگریزی زبان کی کتاب کا ترجمہ کرے اور آپ دیکھیں گے کہ یہ آپ کو اپنی مطلوبہ کمپیوٹر ہارڈ ویئر کے بارے میں بتاتا ہے، جیسے پینٹیئم 4 یا اے ایم ڈی 64، ترجیحا 256 میگا بائٹ یا 1 گیگا بائٹ ریم یا اس سے زیادہ کے ساتھ۔ "debian" نامی دیگر لینکس کمپیوٹر 1 گیگا بائٹ یا 4 گیگا بائٹ ریم کے درمیان چاہتے ہیں۔


    Ask a friend to translate an English-language book about "slackware PDF" and you'll see that it tells you about the computer hardware you want, such as Pentium 4 or AMD64, preferably with 256 megabytes or 1 gigabyte of RAM or more. Other Linux computers called "debian" want between 1 gigabyte or 4 gigabytes of RAM.

    slackbook html

    slackbook html



    slackbook translations

    slackbook translations

    Slackbook (slackbook-2.0.pdf + MAN-pages) Portugese (Brazilian), Italian, Russian, German, Croatian, Romanian, Serbian, Czech, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Latvian, Bulgarian, Polish, Greek, Spanish, Indonesian, Turkish

    اپنے دوستوں کو اس معلومات کے بارے میں بتائیں، اور دکھائے گئے قواعد و ضوابط میں اس کے بارے میں جانیں۔

    Tell your friends about this information, and learn about it all in the rules and manuals shown

    درج ذیل ٹیوٹوریل آپ کو سکھائے گا کہ Rtl-sdr پر Soapyremote-server Slackware Linux ھنے .

    (Soapyremote-server HAM Radio)

    This technology can be used in Pakistan and Afghanistan in the same way that examples and instructions can be used


    اس ٹیکنالوجی کو پاکستان اور افغانستان میں اسی طرح استعمال کیا جاسکتا ہے جس طرح درج ذیل تجربات اور ہدایات استعمال کی جاسکتی ہیں۔

    Pakistan HAM Radio

    Pakistan HAM Radio

    Afghanistan HAM Radio

    Afghanistan HAM Radio

    2010 Pakistan HAM Radio

    2010 Pakistan HAM Radio

    Linux Slackware Documentation Arabic

    Linux Slackware Documentation Arabic

    تثبيت سلاكوير : كامل الخطوات من خلال الدليل لتثبيت و ضبط سلاكوير لينكس كتب لكلا المستخدمين المبتدئين و المتمرسين

    Donating 5 USD to gnome foundation GNU

    Donating 5 USD to gnome foundation GNU

    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining... Just saying

    Psalms23 :

    Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love

    Also, I'd say Matthew6

    #skolelinux #debian

    • chevron_right

      Ethiopia Linux Computer ሊኑክስ ኮምፕዩተር

      preptorrent · Sunday, 28 August, 2022 - 00:09 edit · 5 minutes

    ከታች ያለውን hyperlinks ያንብቡ. ኢትዮጵያን ለመርዳት አንድ የትምህርት ፈቃደኛ ሠራተኛ "ሊኑክስ RaspberryPiZero2w/AMD64 Ubuntu" የሚለውን የሚያመለክት ነጻ ዲጂታል መመሪያ ደብተር መጠቀም አለበት። ምናልባትም ጥቂት እኩዮች በፀሐይ ኃይል የሚንቀሳቀሰውን ኮምፒውተር ይጠቀሙ ይሆናል። ኮምፒውተሩ በመንደሩ ውስጥ ወደ 100 ሰዎች ከመመለሱ በፊት 50 የአሜሪካ ዶላር ገደማ ወጪ የሚጠይቅ ነው ። ነጻ ሶፍትዌር እንግሊዝኛ ከዚያም ባዮሎጂ እና ሂሳብ ማስተማር ይችላል. እባክዎን "slackware" መመሪያ ደብተርዎን ወደ አማርኛ እና ኡርዱ ተርጉመው የኮምፒዩተር ፋይሉን ይጠቀሙ "slackbook pdf"

    Read the hyperlinks below. To help Ethiopia, an educational volunteer must use a free digital guidebook that refers to "Linux RaspberryPiZero2w/AMD64 Ubuntu." Perhaps a few peers use the solar-powered computer. The computer costs about $50 before returning to 100 people in the village. Free software can teach English and then biology and mathematics. Please translate your "slackware" rulebook into Amharic and Urdu and use the computer file "slackbook pdf".

    አፋር ክልል በኢትዮጵያ "Afar" ክልል በድርቅ ወቅት ሕፃናት መሞታቸውን ነዋሪዎች ይናገራሉ።

    Children Dying in Ethiopia's Afar Region Amid Drought, Conflict, Residents Say

    Children Dying in Ethiopia's Afar Region Amid Drought, Conflict, Residents Say

    (PDF slackbook guidelines መመሪያዎች)

    PDF slackbook guidelines መመሪያዎች

    (PDF slackbook መመሪያዎች)

    ከላይ የተጠቀሰውን መመሪያ መጽሐፍ ስትተረጉሙ በአንድ መንደር ውስጥ ለ10 ብልህ ሰዎች የወረቀት ቅጂ አካፍሉ። በየሳምንቱ ለ5 ቀናት 200 ነዋሪዎችን በየቀኑ ማታ ለማስተማር ይህን መመሪያ መጽሐፍ ለመጠቀም ፈቃደኞች መሆን አለባቸው። ስለዚህ በአምስት ቡድኖች ውስጥ 200 የመንደሩ ነዋሪዎች 1000 ተማሪዎች ይሆናሉ. ስለዚህ 10 መምህራን እያንዳንዳቸው 1000 ተማሪዎች አሏቸው። አጠቃላይ የተማሪዎች መጠን 100,000 ነው. የትምህርት ቤቱ ጊዜ አንድ ዓመት ይሆናል። ተጨማሪ 10 መማሪያ መፃህፍትን በወረቀት ላይ ማተም። እያንዳንዱ አስተማሪ መመሪያ የያዘ መጽሐፍ አለው ።

    መምህራኑ በዚህ ስም ስለተጠቀሰው ስለ ሊኑክስ ርዕሰ ጉዳይ ከዚህ በታች ያለውን መረጃ በሙሉ መማራቸው በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው ። "Kali Linux" + "Ubuntu Linux".

    ስለዚህ መምህራኑ ስለሚከተሉት ርዕሰ ጉዳዮች ይማራሉ ፤ ተማሪዎቹም ይህን ሁሉ እውቀት ለሌሎች ማካፈል አለባቸው ። "Kali Linux" + "Ubuntu Linux".

    በቪዲዮው ላይ እንደሚታየው ይህ ትምህርት ክፍት በሆነ መልክዓ ምድራዊ አካባቢ ወይም በጊዜያዊ መዋቅር ውስጥ ከቤት ውጭ ሊከናወን ይችላል.

    እያንዳንዱ 8 ሰዓት ርዝመት ያለው ሴሚናር ሌሊቱን ሙሉ ይቆያል. ስለዚህ አስተማሪው ለ5 ቀናት እንዲያስተምር ስለተመደበ በሳምንት 40 ሰዓት ያህል ይሠራል። ስድስተኛ ቀኑን አስተዳደራዊ ሥራዎችን በማከናወን ያሳልፋል።

    ኮርሱ ለአንድ ዓመት የሚቆይ ሲሆን ይህም 50 ሳምንት ያህል ይቆያል። በየሳምንቱ እያንዳንዱ ተማሪ አንድ 8 ሰዓት የሚፈጅ ትምህርት አለው። ስለዚህ እያንዳንዱ ተማሪ በዓመት 400 ሰዓት ያጠናል።

    (PDF slackbook Guidelines)

    When you translate the aforementioned guidebook, share a paper copy with 10 clever people in a village. They should be willing to use this guidebook to educate 200 residents every night for 5 days each week. So in five groups, 200 villagers will be 1000 students. So 10 teachers each have 1000 students. The total student size is 100,000. The school term will be one year. Print a further 10 textbooks on paper. Each teacher has a guidebook.

    It is vital that teachers learn all the information below about the Linux subject mentioned here. "Kali Linux" + "Ubuntu Linux."

    So the teachers learn about the following subjects, and the students have to share all this knowledge with others. "Kali Linux" + "Ubuntu Linux."

    As shown in the video, this lesson can be performed outdoors in an open geographical area or in a temporary structure.

    Each 8-hour long seminar lasts through the night. So the teacher is assigned to teach for 5 days, so he works about 40 hours a week. He spends his sixth day doing administrative work.

    The course will last for a year, which will last about 50 weeks. Every week, each student has an 8-hour lesson. So every student studies 400 hours a year.


    በዚያው ቀን ስለ ባዮሎጂና ጤንነት ለተሰበሰበው ሕዝብ ስትናገር ሰብሎችን ከእንስሳት ለመጠበቅ በ24 ሰዓት ውስጥ ከፕላስቲክ ጠርሙሶች የተሠራ መረብ ማምረት አለብህ ። ከአሥር ሰዎች መካከል አንዱ ከዛሬ ጀምሮ ለGCSE ባዮሎጂ ብቁ ከሆነ ወደ ዲዚልነት የተቀየረውን የፕላስቲክ ፒሮሊሲስ እንዲያመርቱ ማበረታታት ይኖርባቸዋል። ከዚያም ከፔትሮኬሚካል ሞለኪውል ውስጥ ካርቦሊክ አሲድ መሥራት። የኬሚካልና የቁሳቁስ ዋጋ 10 ብር ብቻ ነው። "hugelkulture" የሚለውን ቃል ጥቀሳቸውና ስለዚህ ጉዳይ አስተምሯቸው።

    የፕሮጀክቱን የገንዘብ ድጋፍ ጠብቆ ለማቆየት እንደ ምግብና እንጨት ካሉት የገንዘብ ሰብሎች ከሚገኘው ገቢ ውስጥ ጥቂቱን የፒሮሊሲስ ሂደትና ከዚያ በኋላ ከሚከናወነው የፔትሮኬሚካል ሽያጭ የሚገኘው ትርፍ በጣም ጥቂቱን ይጠይቃል ።

    እባካችሁ የካርቦሊክ አሲድ ለጤናና ለደህንነት ወይም ፀረ ተሕዋሳት መድኃኒቶችን ለማጽዳትና በኢንዱስትሪ አጠቃቀም ረገድ ትርፍ ለማግኘት ምን ያህል ብዙ ዓላማ እንዳለው ለክፍል ውስጥ አስረዱላቸው።


    Speaking to the crowd on the same day about biology and health, you have to produce a net made from plastic bottles within 24 hours to protect crops from animals. If one in ten people qualify for GCSE biology from now on, they should be encouraged to produce the plastic pyrolysis that has been converted into diesel. Then make carbolic acid from the petrochemical molecule. The price of chemicals and materials is just $10. Mention the word "hugelkulture" and teach them about it.

    Maintaining the financing of the project requires a fraction of the revenue from financial crops such as food and timber, the pyrolysis process and a fraction of the proceeds from subsequent petrochemical sales.

    Please explain to the class how much carbolic acid has a lot of purpose in cleaning up health and safety or antimicrobial medicines and making a profit in industrial use.

    ኮምፕዩተር Kali Linux Ethiopia article like Tigrinya/amharic

    ውክፔዲያ - ሊኑክስ Ethiopia Tigrinya/amharic linux article wikipedia

    Linux in Amharic – 02 How to Install Ubuntu Operating System ሊኑክስ በአማርኛ By Girum Hailegebriel Kur

    YouTube ከእንግዲህ ሊኖክስ የሚያስተምር ቪዲዮ እና እንዴት መጠቀም እንደሚቻል ካላጫወተ, በጣም ተመሳሳይ መረጃ ያለው አማራጭ ቪዲዮ እነሆ.

    If YouTube no longer plays a video teaching Linux and how to use it, here's an alternative video with very similar information.

    ኡቡንቱ በኮምፕተራችን ላይ እንጭናለን? How to install ubuntu operating system in Amharic

    ኡቡንቱ በኮምፕተራችን ላይ እንጭናለን? How to install ubuntu operating system in Amharic

    Linux Computer in the Afar Region for 2022

    ሊኑክስ ኮምፒዩተር ለ 2022 በአፋር ክልል

    ሊኑክስ ኮምፒዩተር ለ 2022 በአፋር ክልል Linux Computer in the Afar Region for 2022

    ubuntu-Amharic Linux computer explanation for Ethiopians

    ሊኑክስ ኮምፒውተር ለኢትዮጵያውያን ማብራሪያ

    ubuntu-Amharic ሊኑክስ ኮምፒውተር ለኢትዮጵያውያን ማብራሪያ

    ስለ HAM ሬዲዮ መሣሪያ ይወቁ. "rtl2832u + LimeSuite" የሚል ስም ያለው ሲሆን የሚከተሉትን ሶፍትዌሮችም ይጠቀማል። ሶፍትዌሩ ተሰይሟል "Soapyremote-server". በተጨማሪም የሚከተለውን ቴክኖሎጂ በተመለከተ መረጃዎችን በኢንተርኔት አንብብ። ሊኑክስ (squid-cache) + Guvcview (qr-code-generator) + SMB (802.11g) + GRSync (4 * LoRawan RF SX1276 868MHZ, 915MHZ = "2 * £ 10" = £ 20)

    Know about the HAM radio device. It has the name "rtl2832u + Limesuite" and uses the following software. The software has been named "Soapyremote-server". Also read information online about the following technology. Linux (squid-cache) + Guvcview (qr-code-generator) + SMB (802.11g) + GRSync (4 * LoRawan RF SX1276 868MHZ, 915MHZ = "2 * £ 10" = £ 20).

    PS2 USB EyeToy Camera in GuvcView Linux Cheese Software

    PS2 USB EyeToy Camera in GuvcView Linux Cheese Software

    Here are some small introductory instructions to the coder's "BASIC" Amharic computer program.

    ወደ ኮዴተሩ "BASIC" የአማርኛ ኮምፒዩተር ፕሮግራም አንዳንድ ትንሽ የመግቢያ መመሪያዎች ከዚህ በታች ቀርበዋል።

    ወደ ኮዴተሩ "BASIC" የአማርኛ ኮምፒዩተር ፕሮግራም አንዳንድ ትንሽ የመግቢያ መመሪያዎች ከዚህ በታች ቀርበዋል።

    Here is a small introduction to Amharic computer programming BASIC

    "Python2 + Python3" በመባል የሚታወቀውን የኮምፒዩተር ኮድ ስልት በመጠቀም ለአማርኛ ኮምፒዩተር ፕሮግራም አንዳንድ የጀማሪ መመርያዎች ከዚህ በታች ቀርበዋል።

    "Python2 + Python3" በመባል የሚታወቀውን የኮምፒዩተር ኮድ ስልት በመጠቀም ለአማርኛ ኮምፒዩተር ፕሮግራም አንዳንድ የጀማሪ መመርያዎች ከዚህ በታች ቀርበዋል።

    Here are some starting points for an Amharic computer program using a computer code style known as "Python2 + Python3."

    በአማርኛ ኮምፒዩተር ፕሮግራም አማካኝነት "Python2 + Python3 + ዳታቤዝ" የተባለ የኮምፒዩተር ኮድ ስልት በመጠቀም ሰርቨር ከፈጠርክ ሰዎች ለተጠቃሚ ስም መመዝገብ ይችላሉ።

    Using a computer code style called "Python2 + Python3 + Database" through an Amharic computer program, people can sign up for a username if you create a server.

    deritatech Lecture_1_C++_programing_በአማረኛ

    deritatech Lecture_1_C++_programing_በአማረኛ

    EthioComputerSchool How to Install Kali Linux 2021.1 in Amharic on VirtualBox On Windows Hacking in Amharic ሃኪንግ

    EthioComputerSchool How to Install Kali Linux 2021.1 in Amharic on VirtualBox On Windows Hacking in Amharic ሃኪንግ

    Programming Training Basics of Kali Linux Terminal Commands - Part 1 (Amharic)

    Programming Training Basics of Kali Linux Terminal Commands - Part 1 (Amharic)

    GxCamp Ethio Training Playlist SQL database tutorial in Amharic ስክኤል ዳታቤዝ በአማርኛ

    GxCamp Ethio Training Playlist SQL database tutorial in Amharic ስክኤል ዳታቤዝ በአማርኛ

    YoFan Tech C++ programming Amharic tutorial Playlist

    YoFan Tech C++ programming Amharic tutorial Playlist

    Evangadi Tech The making of the Internet

    Evangadi Tech The making of the Internet

    High Tech Technology Institute Computer Maintenance Part 1 ኮምፒዉተር ጥገና ክፍል 1

    High Tech Technology Institute Computer Maintenance Part 1 ኮምፒዉተር ጥገና ክፍል 1

    LibreOffice Database ዳታቤዝ

    LibreOffice Database ዳታቤዝ

    ሊኑክስ የ HAM የሬዲዮ ሶፍትዌር እንዳለው እና የሚከተለው ስም "Limesuite + Grig hamlib" እንደሆነ እባክዎ ይወቁ.

    Please know that Linux has HAM radio software and the following name is "Limesuite + Grig hamlib".

    HAM Software limesdr hackaday

    HAM Software limesdr hackaday

    HAM Software limesdr Limesuite Debian

    HAM Software limesdr Limesuite Debian

    Fedora Linux Grig hamlib

    Fedora Linux Grig hamlib




    እንግሊዝኛ መናገር ከቻልክ ይህን ሃይፐርሊንክ ከዚህ በታች እና የሚሰጠውን ተጨማሪ መረጃ በማንበብ ስለ ሊኑክስ መማር የበለጠ ያንብቡ።

    Donating 5 USD to GNOME Foundation

    If you can speak English, read more about learning about Linux by reading this hyperlink below and more information it provides.

    Donating 5 USD to GNOME Foundation

    Donating 5 USD to GNOME Foundation

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu

    #computer #ኮምፕዩተር #linux #ሊኑክስ #simplesamlphp #oidc #afghanistan #pakistan #eritrea #tigray #ethiopia #tigray #amhara #አማራክልል #ትግርኛ #ክልልትግራይ #ኤርትራ