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      Slackware Slackbook in Rohingya and Chittagonian কম্পিউটার #SlackwareLinux

      preptorrent · Thursday, 15 September, 2022 - 10:52 edit · 5 minutes

    Public Movim Post Link

    For Slackware linux, create a translation of the slackbook manual in two (mutually (intelligible) languages in Hanifi Rohingya script (Rohingya) Ruáingga and also Chittagonian (Bangladesh) চাটগাঁইয়া saṭgãia or চিটাইঙ্গা siʈaiŋga and then have a few people who can understand the slackbook in those languages and english impart informal training about that slackbook and its linux distro to the refugees. They will then become more employable and thereby an investment (and it helps them) but also the slackware linux has a great many educational packages on it already. Channel 4 News 24 Oct 2017 Rohingya refugee crisis: Life in Bangladesh's largest refugee camp

    I only takes a small percentage of the million refugees to learn about slackware for a positive outcome to result. It would also help if a few such people had some low cost 2nd hand amd64 (or intel) laptop (preferably quad core, but dual core might suffice with a few GB RAM) with a low-power-consumption low cost LCD projector. Those are less than £50 and can show VGA/QVGA video or jpeg files of educational material about the software on the slackware ISO file. If a few of the most clever Rohingya refugee people (maybe between 2 and 5) were paid minimum wage over a year to translate the slackbook, it would get done. Even if it were only 10 people who could muster the time to complete the aforementioned slackbook linux tasks (amongst those experiencing the hardships), it would mean from the million people, 0.001% (i.e. a thousandth of a percent) of the people is all you'd "need" for that slackbook task to be accomplished. In all probability, it is perfectly possible.

    The "lost and found" desk (shown in that channel4 News 2017 video) could use that old free laptop to create (by OpenID Connect, via SimpleSAMLphp) O-I-D-C federated sign ons and hyperlinks for how to start learning do that are linked. Print onto paper a couple of copies of the slackbook pdf to place into a water proof bagged ring binder to share amongst the translators. The translated version therby has the two languages on the same page (like a rosetta stone) and the english version of the manual is in the back of the ringbinder. That is thereby two manuals (because one is technically bilingual). However, a 3rd indonesian copy of that slackbook could just about be squeezed in too as a printed paper copy. So that is 3 (technically 4) manuals per ringbinder, and thereby 2 copies make 6. Include 32bit and 64bit CDROMs and DVD slackware distros with the ring-binders each with the pertaining torrent magnet links printed on the CD/DVD and the ringbinder (alongside the donation links for Patrick Volkerding). Some people would thereby blatantly end up learning english. In the British Isles we have a great many Bangladesh people, so the above makes sense. It breaks a catch22. That entire project (other than the minimum wage part) would cost under £100 in materials, including the laptop.

    Al Jazeera English 25 Aug 2022 Rohingya exodus: Nearly a million remain in Bangladesh camps

    Translating slackware slackbooks (and other linux manuals) also helps spread linux, especially if available as PDF and HTML both. I'd say for Slackware linux, create a translation of the slackbook manual in two (mutually intelligible) languages in Hanifi Rohingya script (Rohingya) Ruáingga and also Chittagonian (Bangladesh) চাটগাঁইয়া saṭgãia or চিটাইঙ্গা siʈaiŋga and English, French, portuguese, Hindu-Urdu sanskrit, Chinese (mandarin/unihan), Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indonesian sanskrit (e.g. pallava script), Russian, Cambodian-Thai Khmer language, Amharic Ethiopian, Swahili language.

    I speak of slackbook slackware manual languages translations in the recent post about my money donation I made to slackware.

    Donating to Linux Slackware for OIDC LoRa BitTorrent install

    For the other money donation to Gnome Foundation, see this other link, where even more linked blog posts are found too.

    Money donation to Gnome Foundation

    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining... Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6.

    Channel 4 News 24 Oct 2017 Rohingya refugee crisis: Life in Bangladesh's largest refugee camp

    Rohingya refugee crisis: Life in Bangladesh's largest refugee camp

    Al Jazeera English 25 Aug 2022 Rohingya exodus: Nearly a million remain in Bangladesh camps

    Rohingya exodus: Nearly a million remain in Bangladesh camps

    Rohingya Language Article Wikipedia

    Chittagonian Language Article Wikipedia

    Slackware Linux Slackbook Documentation Language Translations

    Slackware documentation Installation English

    Linux Slackware documentation Installation English

    Linux Slackware documentation in English

    Slackware documentation in English

    Slackware documentation in Arabic

    Slackware documentation in Arabic

    Slackware documentation in Chinese

    Slackware documentation in Chinese

    Slackware documentation in Serbian

    Slackware documentation in Serbian

    Slackware documentation in Russian

    Slackware documentation in Russian

    Slackware documentation in Spanish

    Slackware documentation in Spanish

    Slackware documentation in French

    Slackware documentation in French

    Slackware documentation in Dutch Nederlands

    Slackware documentation in Dutch Nederlands

    Slackware documentation in Portuguese Brasil

    Slackware documentation in Portuguese Brasil

    Wikipedia Bangla Computer কম্পিউটার

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    #linux #oidc #slackware #refugee #refugees #slackbookrohingyachittagonian