• chevron_right

      £20000 can provide remote learning to 240 houses of Afghan students per year

      preptorrent · Thursday, 25 August, 2022 - 01:21 edit · 16 minutes

    £20000 (by the method in this written post) can provide remote learning to 240 houses of students learning at least in pairs or more (so 480 students or even more such as 2400 students when 10 share a raspberry pi). Even more could use it if rotating shifts since uptime can be potentially 24hours per day. 128kbps bandwidth is enough to stream a 480p 4-3 aspect ratio video compressed in h264 (e.g. by mp4 wrapper) or ogg vorbis theora (remembering of course that a pi3b or pizero2w can encode 1080p video at 30fps easily), and IPFS can run on a pi3b or pizero2w quadcore for its 4way parallel processing can handle the Blake2b hashing for it. A (PS2) Sony Playstation2 "EyeToy" usb camera has a microphone built-in and works in cheese-software in linux.

    PS2 EyeToy Camera in Linux Cheese Software


    PS2 EyeToy Camera in Linux Cheese Software




    The DW News video about Afghanistan is linked here


    The DW News video about Afghanistan is linked here

    I wrote this "article" as a youtube comment and they hid it, btw. All this text is here for you to read though. Youtube are hiding comments and yet when my comments like this sometimes get through their google system's behaviour, other commenters thank me. Youtube prevent such people seeing my comment by hiding my educational and prepping content that is intended to help people. Get a movim account, people, and share my blog posts like this (via public link and subscribing and using add-contacts and RSS in Mozilla thunderbird)! I must not digress.

    Open Source Linux Geography Software called Marble


    Open Source Linux Geography Software called Marble

    A pizero2w (or pi3b if you hunt around) is £15 and so is a 12volt to usb buck convertor (to use a 12volt battery, smaller than a car battery, although that would do the same job if jerry-rigged right) so the pizero2w would run off one battery charge for a week, let alone charging via cheap home-made photovoltaic solar cells inbetween. Many debian "edu" packages can install on Raspbian and a (50p 2nd hand) sony ps2 camera can work on it via "cheese-linux-software" and Sci-Lab and OpenCL1.2 (and geogebra and marble "geography softwares" and other apps on KDE downloads to learn about computational chemistry and histogram bins like gaussian kernels or frequency analysis or matrices). That is £30 (at most) so far. A keyboard and mouse can honestly be acquired for a quid each of you really look closely. So that is £2, i.e. £32 subtotal. You have jerry rigged your own 12volt battery and solar cells though. You can make your own battery charging circuit (learning from those linux apps and wikibooks) for pennies, i.e. costing nothing as it is scrap reclaimed electronics. £6 would get you a SDCard (class10 at least, thereby capable of recording 1080p h264 30 fps video, maybe 128GB as a good brand like LG or Kingston but at worst it would be 32GB or 64GB and in reality that works out as maybe a cheap 28GB or 56GB or 112GB NAND storage space which is still fine, but even conservatively you're talking the 56GB as the 64GB model for £6 as they are in bulk too) and £1 would get a 4port usb hub, and under a quid gets earbud headphones (or homemade low power speakers of low quality sound but battery-saving) and 25p for a USB OTG convertor if you get a multipack of 5 (to share between 5 people). Less than £8 for those bits with a few pence or more change. That subtotal now is the previous £32 and the £8 meaning £40 is the subtotal if you also use the pennies to solder an old scrap hdmi port to make a short hdmi cable or RF composite to link to a TV or other screen (be it LCD or CRT, etc.). So for £40, you have a kit (except for the screen). A 5 inch DSI capacitive LCD touchscreen for the Pi (adafruit or indiamart) for the Pi is £38. So that is £78 for the Pi, and then £2 remains from £80 with which you can get a slow usb to sata convertor and a xbox360 50p HDD (removed from case, gently) to use swap space and slow but reasonable storage or even boot off it by "flashing" the pi3b firmware, but instead allow £5.33 instead of £2 to get a faster usb to sata convertor, as higher quality kit. Make your own Pi3b and pizero2w cases and take care of it.

    So the total to be spent on this entirely self sustaining "pi kit" is £83.33 and so if 240 of those were made it would be £20000 (twenty grand). One "pi kit" goes to a house with students in it and they are to share it (like maybe 3 to 10 can share it depending on what they are doing and if they have somehow blagged extra screen since up to 3 or 4 or 5 screens can run on such a pi or you cobble together all manner of cables and TV sets, etc. but reading wiki sites about it all). So 10 students in pairs sharing 5 screens could be done one such "pi kit". Preload it with the aformentioned software and allow it to squid cache whilst having a internet connection over wifi and/or bluetooth (which is about 100metres the pi itself can do, let alone the range of a wifi antennae jerry-rigged to a MITX (or MATX) PC running linux for IP-Tables and maybe software equivalent to smoothwall or CLAM-AV and OpenLiteSpeed (a "LOMP server").

    On a "bad day" (i.e. of less than optimal wifi reception) a 54Mbps 802.11g server will give 30Mbps. That is simply from an average wifi card in a (MATX) PC with an antennae system you have cobbled together. Also each Pi need not be in range but can instead daisy chain their wifi signal without even needing to use a mesh network (although that too could be done if need in a dire scenario). Limit the bandwidth each raspberry-pi can get so that there is 128kbps (enough for linux software updates, homework uploads, and a 480p video stream, let alone a two way QVGA 240p video call in ogg vorbis theora or h264 mp4 wrapper video). The 240 such "pi kits" each running 128kbps means 240 x 128kbps which is 30720kbps which is about 30mbps and that is the speed from that one MATX 802.11g wifi card alone on a linux server (and you would also have squid cache it and on each Pi if needed, let alone I P F S). By positioning each pi (nailing it gently to a table or shelf) in a houses in a daisy chain, the wifi signal could be stretched for a longer distance than the mere few hundred metres, i.e. potentially kilometres, all from the batteries with no extra added technology (beyond software). And it would continue to work in a power-cut, 24 hours a day potentially. Each student would have a free (as per SimpleSAMLphp software in php) "OAuth2 and OIDC" federated login as a server on the pi and on the MATX server which has the antennae system.

    SimpleSAMLphp Raspbian


    SimpleSAMLphp Raspbian

    SimpleSAMLphp AMD64 PC and x86 PC Linux


    SimpleSAMLphp AMD64 PC and x86 PC Linux

    Examples of SimpleSAMLphp configurations other than only OIDC


    Examples of SimpleSAMLphp configurations other than only OIDC

    It can also run "GNU_health" software, so go look up that info on the internet now.




    Install a Squid Server on each Pi and the Main server.

    Squid Server


    Squid Server

    Configure the Squid cache and Firewall.

    squid-cache.org FAQ


    squid-cache.org FAQ

    So that is £20000 for 240 pi-computers each in a building to educate and register at least 240 students and maybe even 2400, all via home schooling with remote teacher access and a webcam ability to read and make Q-R codes, let alone the ability to make sensors on the GPIO for chemistry and physics.

    Use Gnome-Warp and KDE connect and RSync to transfer files between backups and servers and similar backup software like DejaDup and Bacula and BackupPC, whichever has the most "free" (as in FLOSS e.g. copyleft or GPL_v2 license).

    Linux GNOME Warp


    Linux GNOME Warp

    kde connect


    kde connect




    RSync and other documentation for Slackware Linux


    RSync and other documentation for Slackware Linux

    BackupPC and other linux Sync or Backup recovery software


    BackupPC and other linux Sync or Backup recovery software

    Give each person who has one of these Raspberry-Pi computers a (costing about 10pence) a CDROM of Knoppix (most likely version 9.2) as a recovery CD (and Kwort Linux) as it works on both 32bit and amd64 PC computers in case they already know somebody who has a PC. They can use it as a recovery CDROM or install it to a HDD and update it or create a SMB (or SAMBA share). and the various Wiki files on these pages (and documentations on thet knoppix CDROM itself and MAN pages) can be read by those who want to learn all the things that can be done with it. Install rtorrent and share the linux files and any torrent files mentioned in this written post bu also other torrent softwre can be used like Transmission and QBitTorrent.

    knoppix FAQ


    knoppix FAQ

    RuTorrent and Rtorrent described


    RuTorrent and Rtorrent described

    RTorrent for command line linux such as on amd64 PC


    RTorrent for command line linux such as on amd64 PC

    Whether they install Kwort Linux or Knoppix9.2 (or Knoppix 9.1) on their AMD64 PC (or 32bit machine i586), share the magnet links for Knoppix and Kwort Linux and UBCD583 (Ultimate Boot CD) via their torrent software such as rTorrent or Transmission torrent client, using these magnet links pasted into the torrent software. Get people to engage helpfully for learning on the UBCD forums to talk.

    UBCD Forums Can Be Registered on


    UBCD Forums Can Be Registered on

    Magnet Links for Knoppix and Kwort Linux and UBCD538 CDROM ISO files :

    KNOPPIX_V7.2.0CD-2013-06-16-EN :


    KNOPPIX_V9.1CD-2021-01-25-EN :


    kwort-4.3.2.iso :


    ubcd538.iso :


    knoppix9.2 with XFCE Desktop


    knoppix9.2 with XFCE Desktop

    Latest Knoppix BitTorrent Information

    Latest Knoppix BitTorrent Information


    Spend no more than the £20000, and just do it. Volunteer all the cobbling together of the stuff I mentioned (carefully). I want to command this right now. Translate between Urdu and English in the softwares and consider OCR-feeder tesseract software for OCR when translating and getting the computer to "speak" words you are yet to learn in the other languages. GCSE and ALevel and degree are all achievable to some extent with that kit (and sometimes doctorate).

    KDE Linux Education Apps somewhat like Debian Edu Skole Linux


    KDE Linux Education Apps somewhat like Debian Edu Skole Linux

    Don't tell me 2400 students wouldn't come in handy. Classes of 48 students per teacher is doable. So that is 5 teachers or potentially 50 at most. Also blatantly less teachers could do the 2400 if need be. Teachers could be at a pi if need be or at the 802.11g MATX server (with a booth an a long usb cable for a web-camera). Install ClamAV for antivirus and a linux firewall solution which is free such as simple-firewall. Debian (like Raspbian) has much of this software in the software-centre or synaptic. Install IPTables (or NFTables) or equivalent on each of the linux computers (e.g. Raspbian or a Debian Operating system).

    ClamAV documentations mentioning IPCop and Endian Firewall

    https://docs.clamav.net/manual/Installing/Community-projects.html ClamAV documentations mentioning IPCop and Endian Firewall

    Debian documentions showing Arno-IPTables-Firewall, or shorewall or Firestarter or FWBuilder, etc.


    Debian documentions showing Arno-IPTables-Firewall, or shorewall or Firestarter or FWBuilder, etc.

    Remember of course that a GCSE can be studied and passed in one year (if not doing loads in two years), so that is potentially 2400 students per year. Arguably, some students might be doctors whereby they "hog" a pi-kit between them for 7 years. At worst it is 240 students (e.g. GCSE or ALevel) every two years.

    While, yes it could be argued that the MATX PC needs a cost covered, it can be an 18watt version at low cost (old by nowdays standard and say quad core amd64 or intel equivalent) and so it could be argued that it is one or two hundred pounds but it would probably be donated second hand for nothing. This whole system btw technically is a WAN and needs no internet, although an internet connection could be optional. It might not even need the 30mbps to be used by the internet (so maybe a trickle of internet is used just for rotating between each PC and allowing log-in and ping for statistics or purchases if that became a feature) and it can mostly be the wifi WAN network (and bluetooth PAN). A squid server provides prerecord media and software and updates, remember.

    Install "R" on each linux computer, as in r-project as in "CRAN".

    R-project CRAN for Linux


    R-project CRAN for Linux

    Also the (maths-chemistry, first-aid biology or engineering) Computer Coding students can write GTK4 apps in python3 and C++ and MariaDB and php and html5 and use Open C L framework. An RSS and XMPP chatroom (like movim) virtual conference-room for each class teacher topic could be used. Also Jitsi video call software could be used perhaps. The trained engineers and other staff could be a way to make profit from this is they are further trained beyond this free £20000 (one off) deployment although teachers have some sort of wage and so for staff who are then graduated students to earn money assigned to a company, the wages of teachers can come from that.

    My consultant expertise is worth more than the £20000 on this for this comment alone, and so the purpose of my comment is to add that value of my work in the time a research and prerequisite knowledge I have spent to make this writing.

    BibleTime can be installed and all 'works' in all languages installed on one raspberry-Pi (and the main amd64 server) so that then the Raspberry-Pi computers can RSync the BibleTime and all works in all languages (Bibles) without needing to download via the internet a 2nd time, since the first Raspberry-Pi would have done it thet once and transferred BibleTime data to all other Raspberry-Pi computers before being deployed. Those who have a RaspberryPi can read the Bibletime software works (text) thereby installed on the Raspberry-Pi computer they use.

    BibleTime Software for Linux


    BibleTime Software for Linux

    Have the students read these Wikipedia articles (and Linux Capable website article) in Urdu and also, in english if they can translate. Download the wikipedia articles (and print them as PDF using Mozilla Web Browser) and save them to a usb pendrive mass storage device and another on CDRW disk and send it to the Raspberry-Pi SDcards by using RSync or KDE-Connect.

    Urdu Wikipedia Article on computers


    Urdu Wikipedia Article on computers

    Urdu Debian Instructions on LinuxCapable website


    Urdu Debian Instructions on LinuxCapable website

    Urdu Linux instructions on an alternative website. This is in case a website pages vanishes.


    Urdu Linux instructions on an alternative website

    Slackware Linux and crontab Guide Urdu


    Slackware Linux and crontab Guide Urdu

    Linux squid server guide urdu


    Linux squid server guide urdu

    In theory, one such (240 raspberry-pi kit) £20000 network could go in Kabul and another (240 raspberry-pi kit) £20000 network in a Herat (North West Afghanistan), if the first one works and makes a profit to cover it (from capitalism coming from the trained staff who were graduated students).

    Read more multilingual (including Urdu) software help here.

    Donating 5 USD to GNOME Foundation


    Donating 5 USD to GNOME Foundation

    UK is to refine plutonium and the British Isles, instead of brain drain, get excellence (for example via space technologies from so it need not be about being mean). We are not to be relying on yanks nuclear weapons although we can have those too. We (British Isles) are to refine out own plutonium because having both (with their different periodic table properties) uranium and plutonium (independent from USA) warheads drives excellence and space technologies.

    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining... Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6. #afghanistan #linux #internet #computer #urdu #slackware #oidc #pakistan #excellence #crontab

    • chevron_right

      Deutschland macht gute Technologien wie Knoppix Linux

      preptorrent · Saturday, 20 August, 2022 - 21:33 edit · 6 minutes

    Deutsch Sprache (German Language) :

    An English translation is written much further down in this commentary.

    Eine englische Übersetzung ist viel weiter unten in diesem Kommentar geschrieben.

    Deutschland macht gute Technologien wie Knoppix Linux.

    RONNIX - Knoppix Festplatten Installation


    Knoppix Linux 9.1 ausprobiert


    Knoppix Linux Deutsch Sprache


    Knoppix Linux Englische Sprache


    ebay-kleinanzeigen Computerspeicher RAM


    CEX Spain Espana memoria RAM Computerspeicher in Spanien


    Wenn Sie ein Deutscher sind, der dieses Video ansieht und einen Ersatzcomputer hat, installieren Sie das Linux-Betriebssystem darauf. Laden Sie das Betriebssystem knoppix linux herunter. Es ist in deutscher und englischer Sprache auf der guten deutschen "knopper" Website. Suchen Sie online nach Anweisungen und der neuesten Version als "ISO" -Computerdatei. Möglicherweise möchten Sie sicherstellen, dass mindestens 1 Gigabyte oder 4 Gigabyte RAM auf diesem PC installiert sind (obwohl manchmal 512 Megabyte in Ordnung sind). Ein RAM-Upgrade würde etwa 5 bis 20 US-Dollar (oder Euro) kosten. Die knoppix-Datei zum Herunterladen ist eine ISO-Datei, die Sie mit der Software "infrarecorder" oder "Basero" in ein DVDRW-Laufwerk in ein DVDRW-Laufwerk schreiben. Ändern Sie die BIOS-Einstellungen Ihres PCs so, dass sie zuerst von der DVDRW und dann vom Festplattenlaufwerk gestartet und geladen werden. Installieren Sie knoppix auf Ihrer Festplatte (HDD), wenn die DVD geladen ist. Jeder PC mit einer CPU-Geschwindigkeit von über 1 GHz (pentium3, pentium4 oder core2duo) funktioniert. Verbinden Sie Ihren PC zu Hause über ein RJ45-Ethernet-Kabel mit einem DHCP-Internet-Router. Aktualisieren Sie Linux online. ClamAV ist der Name einer kostenlosen Antivirensoftware.

    Fragen Sie einen Freund, der mit Computern und Computerspeicher vertraut ist, ob Ihr Desktop-PC während des Upgrade-Vorgangs SDRAM oder DDR RAM oder DDR2 RAM oder DDR3 RAM oder etwas anderes benötigt. Ebay und Amazon verkaufen neue und gebrauchte Komponenten, aber machen Sie sich mit Ihrem Freund auf den Weg, um zu sehen, ob die RAM-Komponenten ordnungsgemäß funktionieren. PayPal ist eine Möglichkeit, eine Verbrauchergarantie in Betracht zu ziehen. Ein weiteres Geschäft ist in der Europäischen Union als CEX ("wir kaufen") bekannt, wie zum Beispiel Geschäfte in Spanien.

    Knoppix Linux ist sowohl in CD-ROM- als auch in DVD-Versionen erhältlich. Möglicherweise verfügt Ihr Computer nur über ein CD-ROM- oder CDRW-Laufwerk anstelle eines DVDRW-Laufwerks. Hier ist die ISO-Datei zum Herunterladen in der QBitTorrent-Software und so können Sie sie auf eine CDR oder CDRW in einem CDRW-Laufwerk schreiben. Dies wird als "Magnet-Link" bezeichnet und Sie kopieren und fügen es in die QBitTorrent-Software ein, die auf Ihrem Microsoft Windows- oder Linux-PC installiert ist, während Sie online sind.

    Knoppix torrent: Es ist in CDROM und DVD.



    Das debian-linux ist auch eine Installation auf einem PC in 32-Bit- oder 64-Bit-Versionen wert, je nachdem, ob Sie einen Pentium3 oder Pentium4 anstelle eines moderneren PCs wie einem core2duo haben.

    Debian Torrent i386 32bit PC :


    Debian Torrent amd64 64bit PC :


    Infrarecorder DVD-Brenner DVD-Laufwerk


    QBitTorrent wird als BitTorrent-Software verwendet


    Englische Sprache (English Language) :

    Germany makes good technologies like Knoppix Linux. If you are a german watching this video and if you have a spare computer, install linux operating system onto it. Download knoppix linux operating system. It is in german and english language at the good german "knopper" website. Search online for instructions and the latest version as an "ISO" computer file. You maybe wish to ensure you have at least 1 gigabyte or 4 gigabytes of RAM installed on that PC (although sometimes 512 megabytes is ok). A RAM upgrade would cost about $5 to $20 dollars (or Euros). The knoppix file to download is an ISO file which you write to a DVDRW in a DVDRW drive using "infrarecorder" software or "Basero". Change your PC BIOS settings to boot and load from the DVDRW firstly, then the hard Disk Drive secondly. Install knoppix to your Hard disk drive (HDD) when the DVD has loaded. Any PC which is over 1GHz CPU speed (pentium3, pentium4 or core2duo) will work. Connect your PC to a DHCP internet router at home using a RJ45 ethernet cable. Update linux online. ClamAV is the name of a free antivirus software.

    Ask a friend who is familiar with computers and computer memory if your desktop PC needs SDRAM or DDR RAM or DDR2 RAM or DDR3 RAM or something else during the upgrade process. Ebay and Amazon sell new and used components, but set off with your friend to see if the RAM components are working properly. PayPal is one way to consider a consumer guarantee. Another store is known in the European Union as CEX ("we buy"), such as stores in Spain.

    Knoppix Linux is available in both CD-ROM and DVD versions. Your computer may only have a CD-ROM or CDRW drive instead of a DVDRW drive. Here is the ISO file for download in the QBitTorrent software and so you can write it to a CDR or CDRW in a CDRW drive. This is called a "magnet link" and you copy and paste it into the QBitTorrent software installed on your Microsoft Windows or Linux PC while you are online.

    Knoppix torrent: It is in CDROM und DVD.



    The debian-linux is also worth installing on a PC in 32-bit or 64-bit versions, depending on whether you have a Pentium3 or Pentium4 instead of a more modern PC like a core2duo.

    Debian Torrent i386 32bit PC :


    Debian Torrent amd64 64bit PC :


    Infrarecorder DVD-Writer DVD-Drive


    QBitTorrent is used as BitTorrent software


    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining... Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6.

    #Linux #Germany #Knoppix #HDD #Festplatte #Computerspeicher #ComputerMemory #ebaykleinanzeigen #kleinanzeigen #ebay

    • chevron_right

      How to improve low cost stable Philipines internet connection

      preptorrent · Wednesday, 17 August, 2022 - 17:01 edit · 16 minutes

    Deploy "debian edu" servers (with built-in Squid servers) connected to 802.11g wifi hubs so that students can get basic 128kbps wifi (which will somewhat travel through building walls) per person. A bluetooth (basically a PAN, personal area network) handshake option could be allowed too for those with wifi problems. A Laser inernet (shown as the red beam on the map) links wifi hubs, although a directional wifi instead of the laser part could be used of laser was too expensive. Each user (student) has an (OIDC) open i-d (connect) registration for federated SSO (Single Sign On). So not only educational material but linux security updates can download via that bluetooth or 128kbps wifi from a squid-server as a deb file or tar-gz file with shell script if need be (for installing later when the internet is disconnected or for taking to another PC so that actually even members of the public can get those linux distro security and packages updates if copied to a CDRW or external usb HDD). Even the older bluetooth can allow for 300kbs and so a 128kbps connection should not be a problem. Each building could choose to use light-bulb internet if they wish so as to avoid reducing the bandwidth of available wifi. They would pay for that part themselves though (if they even needed it). Students (child students but also including a few adult medical students) register for internet using OpenID-Connect (OIDC) via SimpleSAMLphp installed on a linux server on the wifi network connected to thet internet laser system (so they receive a federated login SSO, single sign-on and it allows them to access data cached via a squid server).

    SimpleSAMLphp Raspbian

    SimpleSAMLphp AMD64 PC and x86 PC Linux

    Squid Server install on Linux like Slackware

    Guide for Reinstalling Smoothwall

    Linux Smoothwall firewall and network admin distro

    Squid server Caching and Firewall and configuration

    See Wifi and Laser Internet Map Attached :

    Wifi and Laser Internet Map in Philipines

    Purple Wifi circles (also indicating bluetooth) are about 5KM diameter and that would do and be low cost because electricity consumption is low (and can use battery backup), although it is possible the range would exceed those 5KM circles (at each internet "Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub"). Each Wifi hub (as a purple circle on the map) provides a 5KM diameter circle of 802.11g to about 400 students (including some medical staff at the medical buildings in those purple circles also using SSO OIDC via the SimpleSAMLphp), and there are 10 hubs in purple circles so that is 4000 people with 128kbps internet simultaneously, although more could be added if "shifts" are rotated such as 12hour night shift and day shift to double the number to 8000, or there could be 8 hour shifts (if some students do night-classes instead) to thereby triple the number in 24 hours to 12000 people with 128kbps internet, getting 8 hours per day. That is 12000 PC linux computers that therefore get security updates from a Squid-server and those PC machines might be used for offline activity elsewhere such as a family member using LibreOffice to calculate their home dietary plans. That would really mean though that "8 hour" slots are used instead of simultaneously all ten hubs of 1200 PC linux machines (i.e. 12000) using the internet simultaneously from a (approximately maximum) 56Mbps Wifi hub. So each 8 hours (3 slots in a 24 hour day), 400 PC Linux machines would connect to a 56Mbps inernet Wifi hub (in a purple circle). About 360 Megabytes data per Linux PC (of the 400 group subset) would be able to be downloaded/uploaded (shared between download and upload) in that maximum scenario of 10 (purple circle hubs) of 1200 Linux computers (totalling 12000 Linux PC machies) sharing time slots in a 24hour day. There are ways to avoid squandering it all on linux secrity updates if multiple Linux PC computers are willing to share data over their own wifi (faster up to 56Mbps for the 802.11g even if they have no faster a wifi card which they might do), either by KDE connect or mesh networks and even sometimes using software like "DD" and Clonezilla and partimage and fsarchiver and partclone and LVM, all combined, saving data across a network.


    partimage comparison



    ClamAV Antivirus

    If two such Linux PC computers are near to each other, they can also share what software updates they have received so far between each other using KDE connect or similar software and GSConnect, speeding up the process if one of the PC machines already has the updates especially with Squid-server installed (because wifi is up to 54Mbps peer-to-peer like that), or bluetooth notifications via "nuntius" software. The Linux PC desktop would be likely to be XFCE with a "Whisker menu".

    KDE connect Linux



    deskcon might be an extra option if updated by a volunteer community

    All 802.11g wifi hubs (connected each to one of multiple debian-edu server which can be a low power SBC) would be sent with an option to connect your own paid-for internet sim-card ISP plan in case the signal drops out (so you have at least 128kbps internet which is a gibayte every 24hours but it woudl not be promised to function per student 24 hours a day but might only run at their own classroom times and homework slots, and so some students rotate their "turn" otherwise a 54Mbps connection only allows, per hub "purple circle", 400 students using it even though there is more ways to share bandwidth than that most limiting scenario).

    This is low cost and allows private ISP companies to still operate. The "entirely free" part (for students) is the "not-internet" (basically a Wifi LAN) 128kbps. A 480p ogg vorbis theora video an be sent via that.

    The investment (which is not to be expensive) is down to using Lasers for internet as "line of sight" along water ways, and sometimes roads. The internet laser won't use up Wifi bandwidth. water ways will always have a line of sight. there may be some relay posts for bening river waters. However, even in a bad scenario, a small vessel (like a boat) could have a laser and wifi device onboard to traverse thet water-ways and improve signals on a rare occassion, like a drone on water or instead a bouy with a drone or (wifi signal) winch-tied baloon that is docked to it.

    Send fast (but low cost) internet via laser line-of sight to multiple "Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hubs" (allowing 128Kbps per person) as backup to stop internet connections dropping out entirely.

    Send the Laser for the internet over water mainly but a key point of land would be the linking of Manila Bay (East to West) water to the Manila sea water (i.e. over land East to West from Muntinlupa City Police Station to Our Lady Of Peace Hospital).

    The internet Laser would start at Marikina Bridge, A. Bonifacio Ave, Marikina, Philippines (a Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub).

    So the internet laser would beam along the Marikina River to Marikina River's, Barkadahan Bridge, Taytay, Rizal, Philippines (a Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub). The internet laser is then sent, along the Marikina River. So the internet laser would be beamed from Barkadahan Bridge (a Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub) which is on the Marikina River but the river there meets the Manila Bay water.

    So the internet laser would beam from Barkadahan Bridge (a Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub), over the Laguna de Bay water to Muntinlupa City Hall (Town Hall), Manila S Rd, Putatan, Muntinlupa, Philippines (a Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub).

    From Muntinlupa City Hall Town Hall (a Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub), the laser would Link (over land) along the road (Parañaque Road), thereby linking (over land, East to West) internet from the bay water to the Manila seawater. From Muntinlupa City Hall Town Hall (a Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub), the laser would Link (over land) to Muntinlupa City Police Station (a Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub). So then from that Muntinlupa City Police Station (a Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub), the internet laser would link to Olivarez General Hospital, San Antonio, Parañaque, Metro Manila, Philippines (a Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub). So the internet laser would then link from Olivarez General Hospital (Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub) over land to Our Lady Of Peace Hospital, E3, Parañaque, 1700 Metro Manila, Philippines (a Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub). The internet laser then links from Lady Of Peace Hospital (Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub) across the Manila Bay sea water to Orion Municipal Hall, San Vicente Bridge, Orion, Bataan, Philippines (a Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub).

    So the laser internet across the land from Orion Municipal Hall, San Vicente Bridge, Orion, Bataan, Philippines (a Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub) to Centro Medico De Santisimo Rosario Inc. (Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub).

    So the internet laser then links from Orion Municipal Hall (Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub), across the land (having already corssed thet Manila Bay Sea water) to Sasmuan Municipal Hall, Pampanga, Philippines (a Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub).

    The internet laser then links from Sasmuan Municipal Hall (Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub), along the (Jose Abad Santos Avenue) road, the laser links to Department of Foreign Affairs, San Fernando, Pampanga (Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub). The internet laser then links from Department of Foreign Affairs (Laser conversion to 802.11g Wifi hub), so the laser could be sent along waterways (canals and rivers) if need be.

    It (the laser map and short wifi range) avoids using as much wifi bandwidth as possible (because it is laser internet) and the wifi available is only 802.11g (with bluetooth options too) and at that only 128kbps so there is a low bandwidth standard for educational linux video and XML data deployment which is capable of 480p video per student. Families and companies can purchase a small "extra addon" to combine this infrastructure (128kbps 802.11g) wifi with their existing sim-card or microwave bandwidth ISP internet to avoid dropped signal.

    This means that newer internet technology (via capitalism) is not intruded upon via this bandwidth (because it is limitedby being 128kbps and only 802.11g so as to get through walls) and also a person with an old deskop PC installing linux (presumably debian-edu aka skole-linux with a squid-server) can find it more likely that their old wifi dongle or PC-card (and 802.11g compatible) device will work with it (and they can use thet FCC ID to identify it for drivers or NDISWrapper). That can be the case even if they have a desktop PC which is 32bit i586 (circa 1Ghz CPU) or amd64 CPU (or intel equivalent or raspberry-pi3b) as long as they have say 256MB RAM or preferably 512MB RAM in the computer. Basically a "How TO" guide on upgrading your PC RAM would be provided so as to try to get as many old computers running 512MB RAM (or even over 1GB RAM) as possible. The Kwort Linux distro would also be acceptable.

    The debian-edu would be a low cost deployment. When it comes to paid-for deployments, people would probably be looking at Red Hat Linux (and Microsoft linux subsystem) both of which are good but they would have sufficient knowledge as an individual by then that such a subset of people would use a paid-for deployment solution usually for business or organisations paying Red Hat or Microsoft for a custom solution (as, like Apple they too have linux or BSD unix-style in their own operating systems). Students would be encouraged to have a usb-hub with mutiple usb-mass-storage device pendrives (about 7 where two are for index and 5 are for raw data, which gives the equivalent storage of about 4 such SDA drives) to make a BTRFS array as backup of data even though their main (SDA1) HDD is the normal linux distro on an HDD. It helps Squid-servers and snap-shots. So (purchased by students for their own PC or raspberry-pi such as a pi3b) the 7 usb (pendrive) "SDA" drives for BTRFS would be 32GB each (or a cheap 28GB NAND storage version), storing squid-server data (so basically 112Gb is four data SDA drives of circa 28GB each because 5 drives will give data equivalent to only 4 drives, and we remeber the other 2 drives in thet 7 are essentially for a form of indexing where if one fails, it can be replaced with an identical blank to repopulate the drives). If one of thet 5 data (not index) drives fails, it too can be replaced with n identical drive bought by the student to repopulate with data from thet other 4 data drives. A student could, if they wanted, have that data backed up to their own privately owned 120GB HDD such as with the cloning or backup tools one might find on a linux CDROM/DVD or knoppix and UBCD (both, on different disks or installed on a HDD also). The main OS is not booted on thet those 7 BTRFS drives but on a standard sata HDD, usually running Reiser4.12 or higher instead of ReiserFS (or the file system can be Ext4 if needed), and swap space is on that mechanical HDD. For that SATA OS boot drive (SDA1) for Linux, even a 50pence 20GB HDD from an xbox360 2nd hand would do. Eventually, extra features might be added where a local electronics repair shop (or technology magazine with paid subscription in bilingual English language and Filipino like Tagalog) sponsers a particular education program (e.g. computing law or electronics repair and HAM Radio with music games sold) so adverts for it are shown with a hyperlink.

    I would say that students get a multivitamin (iodine salts etc and vitamin C) as a bottle of (low cost) vitamin pills (1 a week) sent to their family once per academic year and they (like paying adults or companies who use the ISP) get HowTo wiki tutorials on prepping (making your own G-O-O-D-Bag, first aid and DIY, including how to use the Man-pages for advanced users). And no, familes and companies cannot "blag the students internet" to do personal internet. The could however have access to educational health "atom" feeds downloaded by the students automatically, probably in some GTK4 app. The RSS feeds would have everything you find on a teletext style system anyway including stocks and shares. A teacher would probably volunteer answers to an FAQ anyway once in a while. A parent or company cannot blag the student internet for say their own internet banking. Thereby, private companies (capitalism) should still have its area in which to grow.

    As for recommending Google (not just Microsoft and Red Hat and Apple) for linux/BSD (or 'nix based systems) deployment... Hmm well I would think about it. I will use the google-map screenshot to show there might be hope for google to be fair but I will discourage the use of google for this until they release this comment (basically identical to this post written here) because they have deployed a system that has hidden the comment. This laser internet and Wifi could actually be made by a community (via a whipround) instead of State and large company involvement and so a large company should feel happy at being invited into such a solution. This laser-wifi internet solution is about avoiding downtime so people can comment, and send-receive information, not to induce downtime artificially by making comments like this hidden.

    See this video on youtube for an alternative to using the laser because it is a (Wifi Device Rocket AC Gen2 with 25KM) wifi alternative (instead of using any laser) using the 802.11ac standard even though thet 802.11g standard could be converted at hubs between these links made by the Wifi Device Rocket AC Gen2 with 25KM.

    Wifi Device Rocket AC Gen2 with 25KM range by Linus Tech Tips 8Mile or 12 KILOMETER Wi-Fi SUCCESS


    The internet laser connects in series, using some of its (thus far about half a gigabit bandwidth), but where laser is not available a fairly low cost Wifi device could be used across that long 25KM stretches of water (or less distance) thereby daisy-chaining mutiple such (Rocket AC Gen2 ) wifi links together. A 25KM stretch of water is between Rosario-Noveleta to the Eastern side of Manila Bay and the Western side ALAS_asin to the coast near Mount Mariveles. The Wifi device would span that 25KM and achieve 150MBps (if using WiFi 802.11AC) speeds and two such Wifi device pairs of dishes would double that bandwidth to give 300Mbps and by then only about 250Mbps would be needed unless the extra 50Mbps in the 300Mbps were used to create and 11th purple circle hub to expand beyond Sasmauan Municipal Hall to the north or instead, to expand far South, to link Old Lighthouse at Montemaria, Batangas, across the water to (a new purple circle Wifi Hub) Sabang Ferry Terminal which is connected by road to Puerto Galera Bayan Oriental Mindoro, so the Wifi would connect its signal over a stretch of water under 25KM, reaching the Island that has Mounts Iglit Baco National Park on it. The Purple Circle hub of Sabang Ferry Terminal would convert back to a 802.11g 54Mbps Wifi once again. since thet populationis lower in density, that 54Mbps of wif could be split into several links instead of using it all on an extra 400 students there and so, instead a few hubs link to some other Calamian islands, so each new purple circle hub tat far South would each exist whilst having say 50 to 100 students only (at 128kbps), so that way between 4 and 8 of the islands could get an internet connection from that Wifi Rocket AC Gen2 device. If that were done, the (Rocket AC Gen2) signal series would probably go next via the Island with Marinduque on it to then connect to Banton Island and then Tabias Island and over water to Northwest Panay Peninsula Natural Park and (with more such Rocket AC Gen2 wifi links) it would probably be able to get to Cebu City, Lungsod, then Samar Island and Surigao City Port & Ferry Terminal, Port Area, Surigao City, Surigao del Norte, Philippines. All this is still on the half a Gigabit connection. If it were to work, the South Islands or the North could use another half Gigabit perhaps, thereby creating the entire nework on solely 1 Gigabit of a connection.

    Read more blog posts I wrote describing how to use FOSS software to improve people's computer technology.

    Read how I donated money to GNOME Foundation to show how is was done


    Wifi Bandwidth Management Hong Kong


    Wifi and FOSS Potential in Haiti


    £20000 can provide remote learning to 240 houses of Afghan students per year


    German and English... Deutschland macht gute Technologien wie Knoppix Linux


    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining... Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6.

    • Pictures 1 image

    • visibility
    • chevron_right

      Donating 5 USD to GNOME Foundation

      preptorrent · Wednesday, 10 August, 2022 - 20:02 edit · 5 minutes

    Today I sent the Gnome Foundation 5 Dollars (USD) and perhaps others will do so too. I included a message asking them to make a voxel game engine which uses OpenCL1.2 in Linux. #GnomeVoxelOpenCL So I have uploaded an image file to show how the money was sent so that, if other people wish to send their own money to GNOME Foundation, they can see what to click. Public Post Movim Link

    As an aside, later on 24 December 2022 (Christmas Eve), I donated £5 to DEC UK Paypal to help the Pakistan flood's Aid and I show how it can be done (and added free linux and HAM Radio learning tips).

    Public Post version of How To Donate £5 to DEC UK Paypal to help the Pakistan flood Aid


    The link to use Paypal for this GNOME donation is at this URL, below.

    Sending Gnome Money


    As I used Paypal, I could add a message.

    Image file of 5 USD sent to GNOME

    On 28 December 2022 in time for 2023 New Year, I donated £12 to IRC, International Rescue committee, and here is how I did it, linked below.

    How I made a 12 GBP donation to International Rescue Committee IRC 28 December 2022


    Upon donating 5 USD to Gnome, I wrote this, and perhaps they will like it.

    " Please make a FLOSS (Free Libre Open Source Software) voxel graphics game engine for Linux in OpenCL1.2 (thereby compatible with RaspberryPi3b upwards and an Intel or AMD64 PC with at least a Radeon HD6450 GPU or Nvidia GT710 using nouveau drivers) some ability to integrate with GTK4 and GTK5 (python3 or C++) and encourage members of the public to write games for it. Gallium3D would be able to use it. It would also be great to then see GNOME Web run those games so that the browser has this thing it can do which other browsers probably cannot do. By donating this money, I foresee that others will do so likewise, to some degree. Love from ... "

    Perhaps people who add a reference when paying via Credit Card might add their small text reference as "VoxelOpenCL" and just kind of hope the GNOME Foundation see their money they have sent is for that purpose. Either that, or including the Transaction ID of "82942369JB079011H" might let them know. Using the hashtag #GnomeVoxelOpenCL might also spread the idea. It would be cool of the GNOME Web Browser did a thing other browsers don't do (like this), thereby giving people a specific reason to use it even if it does not have full compatibility with other websites. the OpenCL voxel Game engine would be a thing on its own too though, even if a person were not using the GNOMe Web Browser. It is just kind of a cool idea that the GNOME Web browser would also be able to run such OpenCL1.2 voxel engine games. It is the theme of heterogenous computing. Such a game engine could be used for other things too such as basic medical imaging or mapping of 3D landscapes such as conversion of stereoscopic photos into 3D graphics models , like say the inside of the Mexico Coahuila state coal mine were the 10 miners became trapped. That is the sort of low cost (£15 per pizero2w) technical prepping that could have mapped what was going on down the mine in advance, thereby also sending communication to pizero2w SBCs hung with their camera and battery like lamps on coal-mine "walls", forming a wifi mesh network and linking to ethernet RJ45 cable running up to the surface to a building or caravan where a small server (another Pizero2W or Ryzen SBC) constantly monitoring the sights and sounds of the coal mine or cave. The Rj45 ethernet cable would be better since it work probably still work under water in a flood whereas wifi is more a sort of "added extra".

    Mexico Coahuila state coal miners trapped


    I only just sent this. I have not heard from GNOME Foundation and so it is not a GoFundMe or crowd funding effort. It is instead a 5 Buck Paypal payment with some text I wrote in it. Maybe that will do the trick.

    In my opinion to be helpful, the LibreWolf (Mozilla Fork) browser could have done with a Gallium3D style engine in it and so it would help a VM by throwing loads of CPU cores and RAM at it, even if it resulted in it feeling like a HD6450 GPU. It would be a way of OpenCL running in a browser. #GnomeOpenCL #SendGnomeMoney #Gnome #GnomeFoundation #OpenCL #Voxel #Voxels #Paypal #GnomeVoxelOpenCL


    I have also donated, on 21 September 2022), to Linux Slackware Patrick Volkerding via Paypal, so you may consider donating likewise and therefore see this link to see how I did it and use the #SlackwareBitTorrentOIDCLoRa hashtag: Donating to Linux Slackware for OIDC LoRa BitTorrent install

    Read more blog posts I wrote describing how to use FOSS software to improve people's computer technology.

    Read how I donated money to GNOME Foundation to show how is was done


    Wifi Bandwidth Management Hong Kong


    Wifi and FOSS Potential in Haiti


    £20000 can provide remote learning to 240 houses of Afghan students per year


    German and English... Deutschland macht gute Technologien wie Knoppix Linux


    Amharic Ethiopia Linux Computer ሊኑክስ ኮምፕዩተር


    Amharic Ethiopia Linux Computer

    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu.


    A guide to radio communications technologies for Linux computing for Urdu

    Slackware Donation methods like paypal


    Slackware Donation methods like Paypal

    WikiBooks First Aid web pages including PDF download version


    WikiBooks First Aid web pages including PDF download version

    Link To My Botswana concept Hospital Train Linux theory


    Link To My Botswana concept Hospital Train Linux theory

    #linux #slackware #opencl #skolelinux #debian #kde #foss #paypal #gnu #gnome

    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining... Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6.

    Arabic English Translation of How To Learn linux SDR for rtl2832u

    Various FOSS links and Donating to Linux Slackware


    Free software for education and registering people via the following way could help and so this comment is to help people in Haiti, (registering new users via OAuth2 with OIDC as IdP and SP on SimpleSAMLphp installed on the Jacmel RaspberryPi). #SimpleSAMLphp #OIDC #Haiti #kgeography #GNUHealth #kalzium #kanagram #linux #opencl #ipfs #scilab

    If they agree (ask them?) in Haiti, Health Center De Lavoute (via Health Center De Lafond) there could be a 1 Kilometre daisy-chained wifi mesh network (when adding antennae via the Hirose U.FL like by the pib3b+ solder pads) of say 12 RaspberryPi3b SBC boards established to link/bridge a limited (under a megabit, of say 18Kilobits per second) starting from the internet connection at Jacmel (see http://edu.raspberryshake.org website) RS4D station R897D for a RS1D instrument that measures geological information like earthquakes, located on the first floor of a public notary’s office. Spacing each pizero2w in the chain about 90Metres to 100Metres apart (so the onboard wifi works even if the antannae were to fail), even if the wifi speed of about 72Kbps were halved for each pizero2w on the 2.4gHz band, there would still be a 18Kbps connection (about a third of an old dialup connection) for bandwidth, which is enough to ping and register (login) users (students and teachers) regostered via Open ID Connect using Simple-SAML-php installed on the Raspberry-Pi at the RS4D station R897D (and both health centres), along with FOSS education softwares, students can use.

    Each Pi (pizero2w) kit in the daisy chain (at about £100 cost) could be powered by (£15) buck convertor an 12volt battery (which would retain battery-charge for about 1 week) and solar power panels. So the bandwidth used from their connection is basically nothing (18kbps) and barely that would need to be used, other than perhaps for auto-update of software that would constantly trickle through. The network pizero2w computers powered by battery would come to £1200 and would also be a good prepping prep since multiple pizero2w boards are robust and low power, thereby working in a power-cut, and the signal can navigate the high terrain, placing each pizero2w at as high an altitude as possible on an anchored pole. An uninterruptable powersupply could be added (i.e. "built homemade" for about £100 each) at either end (Jacmel RS4D station R897D to Health Center De Lavoute) and one in the middle (via Health Center De Lafond) of the wifi chain, thereby bringing the total to £1500.

    For pennies, print each registering user an A4 certificate (laminated with a photo from a ps2-eye-toy 50p webcam which also scans QR codes in Open Project and LibreOffice and GTK4) with a few QR codes and the open-ID-Connect registration to login for the Service-provider (SP) and indentity-provider (IdP) at that Jacmel server, even if they are using a Pi computer anywhere along that daisy-chain route. Students can report health problems the experience using a suitable FOSS chat protocol in "empathy IM" client and both medical centres can have GNU_Health software (on the pizero2w and pi3b+ stationed at their building) to log their communications. LibreOffice can make QR codes and kodaskanna can read QR and make the data available for further processing.



    kodaskanna reads QR or Barcodes making data availble for further processing

    Between PC computers (linux and linux PC or linux and MSwindows PC), smb4k software shares linux and microsoft Windows network data via Samba share.

    smb4k shares linux and microsoft Windows network data via Samba


    Between PC computers (linux and linux PC or linux and MSwindows PC), FuseSmb software shares linux and microsoft Windows network data via Samba share.

    Keysmith generates tokens for your two-factor logins 2FA

    [https://apps.kde.org/en-gb/keysmith/](FuseSmb on Ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb)

    FuseSmb on Ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb

    FuseSmb OpenSuse


    FuseSmb Suse Linux


    FuseSmb debian Linux


    FuseSmb RPM Fedora Red Hat CentOS


    Slackware Linux Samba


    So installed software would include the following.

    See chemcollective software: The Virtual Laboratory contains hundreds of standard reagents. In the Virtual Lab, you can conduct diverse experiments in acid-base chemistry, thermochemistry, solubility, and redox chemistry. See http://chemcollective.org website.

    chemcollective Website Software Linux

    PhET is an educational resource that contains computer demonstrations of experiments and activities. It is a collection of science simulations that can be integrated in classroom teaching-learning.

    Also see http://virtualbiologylab.org website for ecology studies software.

    virtualbiologylab ecology studies software

    Software "Kalzium" is for chemistry such as periodic table knowledge, and solving chemical equations.


    Software "Kanagram" to improve language skills for vocabulary.

    Kanagram Wiki

    KGeography is a mapping software focusing on political geography. Marble is a mapping software focusing on physical geography, rainfall patterns, longtitude and latitude relationships. Users could submit information to the software to update recent geography changes, such as in the "marble" software too. You can use Marble to look up addresses, to easily create maps, measure distances and to retrieve detail information about locations that you have just heard about in the news or on the Internet.

    So install "Marble" via "sudo apt-get install marble" in the terminal.

    Marble Geography Linux Software


    So supporting software can be written in GTK4 via C++ and MariaDB with PHP and Python3 and html5 canvas API, such as a student exporting their data via XML for LaTex homework files and so forth.

    Geological and chemistry information (such as processing of Gaussian functions in physics, statistics like histograms or ROCOF in SciLab, chemistry, and Fourier Analysis of geological information or video encoding) can be distributed for processing via OpenCL1.2 framework on the GPU and CPU of each Pizero2W in SciLab using Python and C++ programming languages, sent via wifi within the aforementioned limited bandwidth. An additional (13th) raspberrypi zero2w, on the same pole as the pinultimate Pizero2w in the chain near Jacmel RS4D station R897D could have IPFS (interplanetary filesystem) installed to backup user submitted data, where bandwidth in the chain is somewhat higher.

    This software is SciLab...


    On each (e.g. 32GB to 128GB) SDCard of the pizero2w computers, an ISO file of endless-OS (albeit for amd64) would available so that people have not only a linux distro to put on an amd64 PC but also the ISO file could be mounted via the wifi to access the wikipedia articles on the Linux Distro ISO file, even if the internet is down one day. https://www.endlessos.org/os Both the pi4 and amd64 versions would be included in FTP and SAMBA share (as wifi, not internet), the latter in French and English versions, and torrent links for the other language versions. A pinebook pro endless OS image would be stored on the SDCard too in english language, FTP and SAMBA share (as wifi, not internet).

    Pi 4 endless OS https://images-cdn.endlessm.com/torrents/public/eos-arm64-rpi4-en-4.0.4-full.torrent

    AMD64 Endless OS (english language) https://images-cdn.endlessm.com/torrents/public/eos-amd64-amd64-en-4.0.4-iso.torrent

    AMD64 Endless OS (french language) https://images-cdn.endlessm.com/torrents/public/eos-amd64-amd64-fr-4.0.4-iso.torrent

    AMD64 Endless OS (portuguese language) https://images-cdn.endlessm.com/torrents/public/eos-amd64-amd64-pt_BR-4.0.4-iso.torrent

    AMD64 Endless OS (portuguese language) https://images-cdn.endlessm.com/torrents/public/eos-amd64-amd64-es-4.0.4-iso.torrent

    AMD64 Endless OS (spanish language) https://images-cdn.endlessm.com/torrents/public/eos-amd64-amd64-es-4.0.4-iso.torrent

    Pinebook Pro ARM Endless OS (english language) https://images-cdn.endlessm.com/torrents/public/eos-arm64-pinebookpro-en-4.0.4-full.torrent

    The battery power of each pizero2w "pi kit" can be configured with a buck convertor as per this ExplainingComputers youtube video (but a solar panel and charging circuit would be added too).

    ExplainingComputers : Raspberry Pi Battery Power


    Capable of running on a 256MB RAM PC or higher, Kwort Linux version 4.3.2 fits onto a 650Megabyte CDROM and thereby can work in computers even if they have an older CDROM drive only or are unable to boot from USB port via a USB pendrive (mass storage device). Once installed, it can be updated securely over the internet via Wifi or by RJ45 connection such as in a home DHCP router, and upgraded to a slackware install of many gigabytes in size. "Ultimate BootCD" (ubcd538.iso) fits onto a 700MB CDROM and has just about everything you need to try to repair your PC and recover data or "piggyback boot" from CDROM drive to USB or use PXE (Preboot-Execution-Environment) to ethernet RJ45-port boot or ieee1284 boot, etc.

    Some extra (CDROM ISO file) Linux Distro torrent files as magnet links for linux are below and they could be copy-pasted onto the XHTMLMP registration-page for people who register for OIDC, having seen a poster perhaps on a pole (showing a URL to the local host and a QR-Code) within the range of the pertaining RaspberryPi Wifi:

    These below are Magnet Links for Linux distros which you can (copy-paste) open in a torrent software such as QBittorrent to download linux as an ISO file and "burn" (write) it to a CDR as a CDROM, each, using software like Infrarecorder or Brasero (you may have to enable the "overburn" option to have the full filesize write to your CDR). Please use and share these Linux torrents on your PC, and tell your friends about them (and to search online for videos and blogs about these Linux ISO files). For computers with no CDROM or DVD Drive but a floppy drive and HDD, the Slitaz floppy-disk install (with many floppies, usually at least 17 to 25 floppy disks) can be performed downloading via the link https://floppy.slitaz.org/ but without digression, here are the Linux CDROM ISO magnet links.

    ubcd538.iso (695.1 Megabytes) 64bit and 32bit


    kwort-4.3.2.iso (637 Megabytes) 64bit and 32bit


    debian-10.6.0-amd64-xfce-CD-1.iso (695 Megabytes) 64bit only


    debian-10.6.0-i386-xfce-CD-1.iso (695 Megabytes) 32bit only


    Lastly, for computers people find too slow to use as a typical Office PC (such as a 1GHz CPU 32bit i686 machine with under 1GB RAM such as approximately 256MB to 512MB RAM), media distribution (especially using a USB dongle RTL2832U for HAM RADIO SDR and TV stations and Radio), their PC can still perform many of the Linux functions (Wifi router, bridge, etc.) when configured as a standard-definition Media Centre TV by using LinHES Linux which is also on an ISO that fits on a CDROM, and can be updated once installed to an HDD. "Liberty focussing" media can be viewed on a LinHES PC as an HTPC, especially if a IR receiver is added with a bluetooth dongle and a nintendo wii-remote (or a FlIRC-USB with WindowsMedia Centre Remote if a user insists). Since LinHES has lighttpd installed, the lighttpd can be used for WebGUI and other general server functionality (running MariaDB and PHP and RSS). Then Squid can be installed for caching websites when the internet bandwidth is low or when the internet is down (disconnected temporarily), as a proxy server for example, so one could use Squid, lightsquid and logrotate for monitoring, Access control, caching. Secure Lighttpd with Let's Encrypt TLS. Then use IPTables (with firewall rules and so forth). Likewise could be done in Kwort Linux since it is Slackware Linux.

    LinHES 8.2 download


    Upgrading (when a LinHES PC is plugged into the internet via Wifi or ethernet RJ45), can be done thusly to version 8.3 and then to higher versions, in the link URL guides as follows:


    Install LinHES


    Upgrade LinHES


    Using UBCD (either booted from CDROM or installed to HDD first before booting UBCD) to mount the ISO of the torrented versions (of LinHES_R8.6.1.iso) to an HDD partition (e.g. IDE or SATA HDD partition) then allows for that later version of LinHES_R8.6.1.iso (exceeding the capacity of a CDROM, at 1.03GB filesize) to be installed as though the HDD-mounted ISO behaves as a bootable CDROM. One way of mounting a CDROM ISO file is with "KDE Ark" Linux software. https://apps.kde.org/en-gb/ark/

    KDE Ark software for CDROM ISO and Zip or GZip or 7z or Tar and archives

    KDE Ark software for CDROM ISO and Zip or GZip or 7z or Tar and archives

    UBCD HDD 'install'


    UBCD to HDD




    Here is that magnet link for the same torrent file LinHES_R8.6.1.iso.torrent which is also attached to this Movim Post.


    By direct download of 695MB, this older version of "Hirens Boot CD" (Hirens.BootCD.15.2.zip) is worth having too and performs some of the same functions as UBCD.


    hirens boot CD 15.2


    It is not to be confused with the newer version which is almost an entirely different approach of making this sort of Recovery CD and compatible with Microsoft Windows10 and that is the "Hirens Boot CD PE" although you can still do things like mount a CDROM ISO file to an HDD like with software such as "mDisk 1.6.0" included, and tools like "PLoP Boot Manager 5.0.14" so you can piggyback boot from the CDROM (or HDD if you have installed it there as per the youtube link below) to an Operating System installed on USB port storage device like a pendrive or a IEEE1284 port such as a ZIP-disk or Parallel port CD drive or a cable to another PC IEEE1284 parallel port thereby linking two computers together via a IEEE1284 parallel cable. It (Old Hirens Boot CD, i.e. Hirens.BootCD.15.2.zip) is still very clever but for UEFI (modern BIOS) computers that run Windows7 (or Server2008) or newer Operating Systems, more modern than the BART-PE Windows XP recovery CDR people could make at home. It can be installed to a HDD like a PATA IDe or SATA internal mechanical HDD with spindle and platters (so I am not just talking about a USB Pendrive mass storage device).

    Hiren's Boot CD


    Installing Hiren's Boot CD USB PE To A Hard Drive On PC Or Laptop


    Whereas UBCD uses a DOS style environment, Knoppix is a Linux based Recovery CDROM which has some similar very powerful tools and is also an entire Linux operating system on a Live CD (ISO file 668.1 MB) and it too can be installed to an HDD and then used as a recovery "CD ISO" from an HDD (not merely from booting via an CDROM drive).


    The torrent file for it is attached:


    Below are Knoppix hacks including connecting to the internet via Bluetooth GPRS, recovering lost HDD data, cloning the HDD, Booting over a Network, Scanning for Viruses WarDriving (finding WiFi outdoors), creating persistent settings for the Knoppix CDROM on a Floppy Disk. An extra link is provided for detail.


    Knoppix Clone Hard Drives


    Clone drive using Knoppix


    multiple Linux links and Donating to GNOME GNU foundation


    Urdu Linux


    Ethiopia Linux


    Chinese and English Linux Hong Kong 考虑制作一个无线接入点。


    #skolelinux #simplesamlphp #oidc KodiLinux #debian

    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining... Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6.

    • chevron_right

      Wifi Bandwidth Management

      preptorrent · Monday, 13 June, 2022 - 23:12 edit · 8 minutes

    Think about the apartment on the top floor.

    想想 公寓位于顶楼。

    Consider making a wireless access point. #wifi


    $15 RaspberryPiZero2W 无线接入点。

    RaspberryPiZero2W = 130Mbps on 2.4Ghz Band.

    Limit internet bandwidth per apartment to 1Mbps.


    The 130 apartments will have Wi-Fi access, may have internet capabilities, or have at least one shared hard drive containing forums and videos. Ogg Vorbis Theora 480p.

    这130套公寓将有Wi-Fi接入,可能具有互联网功能,或者至少有一个包含论坛和视频的共享硬盘驱动器。Ogg Vorbis Theora 480p.

    Linux 常用命令 : sudo iw wlan0 set bitrates legacy-2.4 1 Linux basic commands : sudo iw wlan0 set bitrates legacy-2.4 1

    sudo iw wlan0 set bitrates legacy-2.4 1

    Each apartment is assigned a WiFi access point code and a QR code printed on paper.


    For each piece of paper inside the apartment, the QR code can be converted into a unique code printed on the paper and a hexadecimal hash. #OAuth2 #SimpleSAMLphp #OIDC

    对于公寓内的每张纸,QR码可以转换为印在纸上的唯一代码和十六进制哈希。#OAuth2 #SimpleSAMLphp #OIDC

    Perhaps, in one of the hundreds of apartments, there must be a computer programmer willing to volunteer.


    The cost of the equipment described here will be less than $100.


    Video must be in the public domain.


    This 480p codec requires 100MB to play an hour of video.


    These intranet forums and video files will be made available to residents free of charge.


    Wifi bandwidth can be limited to 128Kbps, and it can play 480p videos.


    The bandwidth of 128KB provides 8 times that of Internet users.


    That means more than 1,000 people have access to low-bandwidth wifi, but that's enough to survive.


    GTK4 : The relational database of the forum must be programmed in php and mariadb. ejabberd

    GTK4 : 论坛的关系数据库必须用php和mariadb编程。ejabberd

    The computer can be powered by batteries and solar energy for almost 1 week without sunlight. RaspberryPiZero2W

    计算机可以在没有阳光的情况下使用电池和太阳能供电近1周。 RaspberryPiZero2W

    You can learn how to power your computer. RaspberryPiZero2W


    The Youtube channel is called "Explaining computers."

    Youtube频道被称为"解释计算机"。 "Explaining computers."

    RaspberryPi OpenCL1.2 can be programmed on a graphics processor.

    RaspberryPi OpenCL1.2 可以在图形处理器上编程。

    Use Gaussian functions in mathematics.


    Users can process and download histogram frames and statistics covered by wifi in the WebGL HMTL5 web page, which displays a location map with a more or less powerful wifi signal.

    用户可以在WebGL HMTL5网页中处理和下载wifi覆盖的直方图帧和统计数据,该网页显示具有或多或少强大wifi信号的位置地图。

    This is called a Gaussian heat map.


    Both Geogebra and SciLab are free software that users can use to display XML data exported by OpenCL 1.2.

    Geogebra和SciLab都是免费软件,用户可以使用它来显示OpenCL 1.2导出的XML数据。

    Public housing is not the solution in Hong Kong. Scarce land can be used for infrastructure such as railways to Chinese mainland. Then, commercial buildings in Hong Kong will attract profits.


    The new railway from Hong Kong to Chinese mainland may be located near specific housing in Chinese mainland. The cost of building an apartment on the mainland will be lower than in Hong Kong. Chinese mainland specific housing apartments will reduce the housing crisis.


    Linux Slackware Documentation Chinese


    为你安装和配置 Slackware Linux时进行全程指导;是不是新手都能看。

    RTL2832U TV and Radio and HAM Radio Dongle for Linux AMD64 PC and Raspberry-Pi3b

    Additional Notes... Itaewon crowd crush kills more than 150 in Seoul, South Korea


    구급 First Aid Wikibooks 오픈 소스 데이터


    구급법 First Aid Rules Namu Wiki 오픈 소스 데이터


    Korean Language 한국말 Han-guk-mal


    준비를 위한 응급 처치 책은 "위키책" 웹사이트에서 찾을 수 있습니다. 무료이며 영어로되어 있지만 번역 할 수 있습니다. 이러한 지식은 한국인과 사람들이 무료 운영 체제를 사용하여 데스크톱 컴퓨터간에 무선으로 통신하는 데 도움이됩니다. 그러한 운영 체제 중 하나를 Linux라고합니다. 자세한 내용 및 학습 도움말은 이 채널에서 연결된 내 웹 페이지에 대한 하이퍼링크를 참조하십시오. HAM 라디오에 대한 정보도 있습니다. 슬랙웨어 설치 및 한글 설정.

    A book of first aid for preparation can be found on the "Wikibooks" website. It is free and in English, but it can be translated. Such knowledge helps Koreans and people to communicate wirelessly between desktop computers using free operating systems. One such operating system is called Linux. For more information and learning help, see the hyperlink to my webpage linked from this channel. There is also information about HAM radio. Install Slackware and set up Hangul.

    Read how I donated money to GNOME Foundation to show how is was done


    Linux Korea 슬랙웨어 설치 및 한글 설정 Install Slackware and set up Hangul


    Slackware Donation methods like paypal


    Installing Slackware in Korean 슬랙웨어 설치 및 한글 설정


    한국인들은 모국어로 리눅스와 보통 영어로 제공되는 다른 자유 소프트웨어에 대해 질문할 수 있습니다. 따라서이 방법으로 언어 간 번역을 수행 할 수 있습니다. 다양한 무선 기술과 오픈 소스 소프트웨어는 특정 인터넷 포럼에서 논의 될 수 있습니다.

    연구 및 질문"이라는 디지털 장치 용 Radio HAM 소프트웨어에 대해 알아보기 위해 "RTL2832U"및 "LoRaWAN". 예제 소프트웨어는 "LIMESDR/Soapyremote-Server"및 "UltimateBootCD538/UBCD538.iso"라고도합니다.

    Open Source Software guideskldp.org


    Koreans can ask questions about Linux and other free software that is usually available in English in their native language. Therefore, it is possible to perform translation between languages in this way. Various wireless technologies and open source software can be discussed in certain Internet forums.

    Research and Questions" to learn about the Radio HAM software for digital devices called "RTL2832U" and "LoRaWAN". Example software is also known as "LIMESDR/Soapyremote-Server" and "UltimateBootCD538/UBCD538.iso".

    Open Source Software guideskldp.org


    PNG Installing Slackware in Korean 슬랙웨어 설치 및 한글 설정


    슬랙웨어 Slackware Korean Wikipedia


    PNG IMG installing-slackware-in-korean 슬랙웨어 설치 및 한글 설정

    Version 5.3.8 ultimatebootcd


    Prepare your PC (amd64 or i586) with UBCD538.iso to write to a CD with Infrarecorder or Brasero/k3b software. P2P... This is a torrent file to be plugged into BitTorrent-enabled browsers such as Opera or BitTorrent download managers such as uTorrent (695.1 MB).

    Alternatively, you can use this magnet link:


    without downloading the torrent file. If you are using uTorrent, select File, Add Torrent from URL... and enter the magnet link.

    UBCD Ultimate Boot CD FAQ


    UCBD Forums FAQ


    Attached is the same ubcd538.iso.torrent 54.5 KiB


    Torrent Hash


    You can backup (and "flash/update") your PC BIOS using this forum guide and UBCD538.iso on CDROM if you have a "FAT format" (up to 4GB size) usb pendrive mass-storage device (which is better in some scenarios than having a FAT32 32GB usb mass storage device pendrive). Also sometimes blank floppy disks (FAT format) can help additionally. Do not confuse "FAT" format with "FAT 16" or "FAT 32" formats.

    BIOS built-in features for backup and/or update (flash) bios


    If you have a wifi usb dongle (at about $15 or more), apartment rooms have a decent chance of wifi and other wireles technology signals being within range such as if people are using am open-source operating-system laptop (with a DVDRW drive internally or externally via USB) with say KDE_connect/GRSync, and also 802.11g goes through walls slightly better than some other standards like some 802.11n dongles. Putting a CDR "cake" of 25 blank CDs and 25 of DVD-RW could be a worthwhile "prepping-thing", and a few cheap SDcards and USB pendrive mass-storage devices. Have a cake of 10 "already written" discs (a mix of CDR and DVD). i.e. So then put a (disk "1") Ultimate_Boot_CD(UBCD538.iso) written to a CDR in your kit with some other "distros". Another two CDs to include an be as follows (and, for DVD, "disk 2" consider slackware14_2 too for CDR but also for "disk 3" consider "fedora scientific spin" at 4.2Gb to write to a DVD-R, as Fedora-Scientific_KDE-Live-x86_64-36 and for "disk 4" consider also Fedora-Games-Live-x86_64-30 at 4GB in size to write to DVD likewise in infrarecorder or k3b_Brasero). For a 64 bit PC/laptop (amd64), as "disk 5" debian-10.6.0-amd64-xfce-CD-1.iso is 695MB (so thereby it easily fits on a 714MB a CDROM with "overburn" enabled in infrarecorder or k3b if needed). For a 32bit PC or laptop (i586 or pentium4/athlonxp) debian-10.6.0-i386-xfce-CD-1.iso is 695 MB in size and so it too fits on a CD, as "disk 6". On (2.88GB) DVD consider for "disk 7" Hiren’s BootCD PE x64 (v1.0.2) for UEFI computers but also an older version for "disk8" as "Hirens. BootCD. 15. 2. zip" on a CD (592.5MB). For disk "9" have your MSwindows PC "rescue DVD/system repair disk" you have made yourself on yor own MSWindows PC such as Win7 or Win8 or Win10 or Win11. For "Disk 10" have the MSWindows Os install disk DVD for win8 or win10 or win11_(from the Microsoft website download install ISO (with your unique serial number to hand and kept secret and safe). As for Mac users, they'd look all this up and know what to do for their Mac anyway, likewise by seeing respected Mac sites. So that (to reiterate) is a cake of 25 blank CDR (or CDRW) and another cake of 25 blank DVD-R (or DVDRW) but then also 10 pre-written disks as above. If you cannot get the capaciy of a "25 cake", you might get by with a "10 cake" of blanks. A "cake" (as CDRW/DVDRW computer slang) means a "spindle drum" of optical disks. For a few dollars, a cheap usb_camera you know works on the above "distros" is worth getting and it has a microphone built-in. In fact 2 can help for communications. New or used can work. Look at all the applications you can get on a "distro" (like that "fedora scientific spin") and know that those can be had on the other "distros" too for free (over wifi with a web_connection) using what is known as a "package manager" (which is basically like "add-remove-programs" in MSwindows, or somewhat similar anyway). Look into it all. I presume this comment might get deleted automatically. It is to help people. Discover guides on the above and ask people about it all, like how to make a "wifi access point" or using one of those "Pi-Board" (like a raspberry-pi) small computers you hear about from various brands.

    hirensbootcd old-versions


    hirensbootcd download recent


    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining... Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6. #slackware #hongkong #korea #linux #슬랙웨어

    People love PC case building competions and get to strut their stuff.

    It also means they get to write a post with an animated GIF in it (of their design) and possibly a collada file from sketchup of their design. It would be so cool in Movm to be able to view a collada file of a 3D model, especially an interactive one you can click to see the lid open in an animation, or for the DVDRW drive to slide open too.

    Alt text

    The old UK digital TV "Red Button" switch-over sucked and should have had an rj45 port and a small CPU and xvid h.264 instead of mpeg2. A mobile phone 25MHz cpu would have been something they could have added as a minimum so two-way interaction could have been had. Or even the RISC 68040 found in printers would do (and it would have provided decent IEEE for serial since the 68030, and parallel for the IEEE1284 in the 68040, such as the MC68040FE25V). Even blu-ray players with their ethernet port were better and had java (although frankly the non-foss nature of java is also bollocks and you had to write your own keyboard input back in the day, which was such bullshit).

    Fortunately, it is very commonplace for people to build an HTPC these days. It usually leans towards XBMC which is kodi, and that at least means the hardware of an xbox (basically a 733MHz geforce3 akin to radeon 9200le underclocked, not far off an old raspberry-pi or gamecube/wii hardware spec), and this is good because it gives a known quantity hardware spec. At least 4GB of RAM is fair to expect these days, but what with DDR3 in AMD APU systems being so cheap, it would not be unrealistic to expect people to get optimal performance in a 16GB RAM set up. A real HDD should be assumed and that is because the xbox had one (and ideally a sata HDD is used and a sata DVDRW but booting from a USB-HDD is acceptable and a usb-DVDRW is acceptable however linux can complain about usb sometimes). It means swap space can be managed without worry about wearing out a NAND SSD (even if you also have one). Of course it also means files can be stored. It would be nice to also assume that users would have at least 6 or even 8 sata ports (either on the motherboard or added via HBA in a pci-e) to allow one sata-port to be for a DVDRW, another SATA port to be for that bootable Xbox HDD (which has a partition for files and another for swap space), but also, another 6 laptop HDDs of 1TB (4 for the array and 2 for index, thereby giving about 3TB storage) to be BTRFS solely for files (or games) and not the OS. However that would be optional extra, and the existence of all that RAM means files can be used in that (or "partitioned" into a fake HDD like a LiveCD ever since knoppix has done that, or even just debian). So I'd be happy with the assumption that there is always the DVDRW drive and 1 HDD, and so any other drives (like those btrfs) are optional extras but still a known-quantity. When kodi boxes came out on boxes lower in specification than an original xbox it really did defy the point of the known-quantity hardware. I cannot stand that. Somebody always has to mar a nice thing, don't they? Well the spec is now raised again, thankfully so those days are over.

    This hyperlink has Movim mentioned with Kodi, so I figured it would make good information as an aside. https://homehack.nl/page/2/

    Movim in Kodi is needed, and (especially when a kodi HTPC has 3D capability which usually at least as good as an AMD HD3000 SMA graphics, or an APU such as on a 6400k CPU with APU, or a caicos hd6450) it needs some sort of WebGl 3D interaction (and using SimpleSAMLphp for OAuth2 with OIDC user registration is worthwhile too, possibly also using OpenCL in SciLab) so low bandwidth interaction can be had (such as 3D games with audio, or powerpoint style presentations with 3D similar in graphics quality to CS4 adobe-flash with papervision). A wii-remote should be the assumed controller because the driver is in the linux kernel and has been for about a decade, and a chatpad (e.g. qwerty) could be added. The above hardware spec (if the btrfs is there) blatantly allows for IPFS to be added so people can actually have a decent video network in Standard-Definition (about bitchute quality as DVD quality like an old XBOX, or at most 720p). But really 3D assets would be the great thing. https://neverwintervault.org/cep In the game NeverWinterNights, there was a "community expansion pack". A known quantity expansion pack of sound samples, textures and 3D models about the quality of a gamecube graphics would mean it would be possible for small collada file animations and games like a blender3D or sketchup would be able to be made for everybody even on a low-bandwidth (1 megabit) connection because everybody would already have the "CEP" community expansion pack (presumably released in an ISO file the size of a 4GB DVD, so that if you cannot download it, you can just copy a DVD from your friends, and a hashfile or magnet link checks it is legit). Actually the Movim CEP ISO should be merely 3.5GB so that it could also go on a crap SDCard where they skimp and don't give you the full 4GB. It would be cool if (when the user chooses the "yes/no" tickbox option) the torrent file of this MovimCEP.iso (full of approved public-domain 480p video clips, 3D model collada files, textures, sounds etc.) could be grabbed during installation like wubi.exe used to do, and then the HTPC could serve it to others who need it. In the apocalypse, you'd always get your movim htpc setup.

    To be honest, even a dual-ISDN connection would probably be usable as a bandwidth, but 1megabit is a nice easy number and is also the upload speed of a ADSL connection (not ADSL2) in the UK, and after all a HTPC tends to sit under the TV set and can be plugged into a home internet connection. At worst a 3G simcard in a router (as a contingency) would be providing about a third of a megabit (300Kbps), and even that is enough, but 1 megabit is safe to assume in general because the cable comes out the wall.

    So I think a (half-height matx) HTPC BOX for Movim should be designed by the community (public domain style) sort of like a competition (except you don't win anything - lol). It would of course be able to take the sata 3.5 inch HDD in the style of an XBOX, and a sata 5.25 inch bay DVDRW drive, standard tray loader, and space for 6 sata laptop HDD drives in case people want the BTRFS. It should take a standard ATX PSU, because a PSU is a pain in the arse if it blows. A minimum 300watt bronze rated PSU could be assumed. I think that is a fairly humble PSU Wattage standard. The HTPC case should also have the ability to be seen (by the human standing or sitting infront of it) as an oblong box with 4 InfraRed recievers (one on each corner) so that the wii remote can work (and bluetooth would be assumed, and that could be bluetooth 2.1 with A2DP). A wifi of both 802.11g and 802.11n should be assumed (but you must be able to turn it off if security is a worry, and so the ethernet can be used instead as default). If the HTPC has additional hardware ability such as better bluetooth or wifi (such as bluetooth4 or 802.11ac then that is fine and I don't care or mind but it must have the aforementioned minimum). It should also have two rj45 ethernet connections at 1GBPS each and I don't care how they are implemented. You could use the onboard rj45 and a usb rj45 dongle combined for all I care. I don't think assuming a person has a ethernet dell i350-t2 is fair (and btw those get faked too often), but it could be an optional extra. Likewise a 8core CPU (Ryzen 7 4700U) could be an optional extra for those who want blake2sp with their btrfs array of 6 sata 2.5 inch HDDs. But realistically, it cannot be assumed as a spec people will own and that is because it is just too expensive and we do not want this to be a "toy for the rich". Having a cheap (at most £10) dual-core A6-6400k using the onboard APU and not dual-channel RAM is reasonable (and people can discover the CPU is very overclockable to 4GHz or even 5GHz if they are truly bothered, and the APU uses little power). But really, the dual-core performance of 3.9GHz is a lot of CPU power, and you could even run docker on one core (even if it is inefficient). This low-spec is enough to get a decent opengl4.4 standard, and can allow for "dual-graphics" (if Microsoft Windows is perhaps chosen and not just Linux) if somebody wants to use a HD6450 with it, or even two in crossfire if they have a motherboard that can do that. The assumption that is that the HD 8460D APU is used (with a minimum 256 megabytes of RAM dedicated to graphics in the BIOS) and without dual-channel RAM. And so that is slow by modern standards but you can still do a lot with it (but if a person has lots of RAM like say between 6GB and 16GB they may wish to dedicate 2GB RAM to the onboard graphics APU as some DirectX11 games or OpenGL games need that, like FarCry2, if a person uses the HTPC also for 3D of that standard even just on low settings when using 3D beyond gaming, although they might also wish to do some humble gaming on the PC too with it). The point is to avoid making it difficult for people. Allow them to have unoptimised systems so at least that have something that works good-enough. The spec is so low that, not only can people often buy it, some people would even give such things away as gifts. The other useful thing about this is that, even if a person has a motherboard with poor expansion options for PCI slots, such as the ASUS a68HM-plus, they still have the PCIe x16 Gen2 slot and a PCI-e x1 Gen2 slot and one PCI-legacy slot. So perhaps one day fast network adaptors in the PCI-e x16 slot (such as an infiniband) become more abundant and they can use that. Or maybe a HBA becomes more abundant so as to put in a great many HDDs. Meanwhile the PCI-e x1 gen2 slot can be used to add two more sata ports so a total of 6 HDDs can be added since the motherboard has 4 sata ports. The legacy PCI slot could be used for IDE pata or sata to add a couple of ports to make 8 sata ports available. It should be assumed that, if the PCI-e x1 slot is used to add two sata ports, this chipset of HBA is used (and this video by Mark Furneaux shows how other chipsets on HBA such as marvell might otherwise fail):

    Mark Furneaux video of ASM1061 HBA

    Detailed Look At A $6 ASM1061 SATA HBA From eBay


    There should be an option for people to boot the Operating System off the parallel port (although it would not be the standard). This also means a parallel port dongle (such as a SDCard reader-writer parallel port adaptor) could be used. It would be acceptable for a Raspberry-Pi GPIO to be used to connect to the parallel port if needed, or just a usb-parallel port adaptor plugged into some other raspberry-pi such as a pi-zero. An extra design for an arduino based (atmega32) chip could be made (vaguely like a lallafa plipbox, but not ethernet) to plug into the parallel port, allowing an SDCard of say 8GB to 32GB to be read to and written to (but preferably a real HDD could be plugged in via sata or IDE in the parallel port dongle so swap space could be used albiet very very slow). It just means the maximum can be squeezed out of the other sata ports (such as 6 sata if the 2port ASM1061 HBA is added) for btrfs without the OS interfering. That optional extra is only for people who want it though. I've always had a thing for booting from a IEEE1284 port ever since 6x speed CDROM (CDRW) drives were a thing as ECP. I cannot resist adding it as an optional extra. You can boot off a parallel zipdisk drive for all I care (in "emergency mode").

    People should be able to make their own Movim-HTPC-KODI-PC-Case with tools no more exotic than A4 Paper black-and-white printer templates (pdf), a reciprocating saw (sawzall), a pair of tin-snips, and very humble dremel (or clone rotary tool) and an electric drill and a cheap carbon-steel tap-and-die set. So it would seem likely that Aluminium and thin sheet metal would be materials used, and motherboard stand-offs. No 3D-Printer should be "required". This HTPC must be able to be made poor-man style. Try to keep adhesives simple such as commonly available 2part epoxy-resin and gorilla-glue and contact-adhesive and maybe silicon adhesive if heat is a worry. I think also 2part metacrylate adhesive (while a bit exotic) would be just about "fair" as an adhesive to use because the use of acrylic panels is fairly commonplace in a PC case (if needed). The case could include commonplace sheet metal but even occassional cheap metal (for pic-e blanking plates and) could be made from old tuna tins (cleaned of course). It would make sense to try to use mild steel where possible because paint is cheap. Paint for aluminium can be pricey and that is not so desirable a factor. Extremely cheap parts can be used where possible, but a nice paint job from a spray can can make it look smart. Yes I honestly would use tuna tin metal for PCI blanks.

    So yeah, there is no prize. Just use the hashtag #KodiMovimCase so people know what your movim post is about. Mind you, one "prize" is that people would be able to use their Movim Kodi boxes to access content at least as good as my amazing post I have written here (and with 3D graphics somehow). I might make a proper list of criteria but frankly, this post has all the information needed. I am assuming vanilla debian would be a default Operating system even though I'd like slackware and OpenIndiana options to exist, but basically, it would be down to the nature of KODI's most commonly chosen kernels (rather than me getting what I want). I really like the idea of the legacy PCI slot having a terratec ews88mt sound card being plugged in to people can start to use the box for good content creation, in a full-height version. It would mean decent linux drivers get written for that old card in slackware (or even OpenIndiana), but that will need to be another "optional extra" and it would require a full height case (which I am trying to avoid so as to keep the HTPC slim). The PC case being slim also increases the chance of a person putting it in their living room (lounge) where it can be seen, and so the four InfraRed (probably usb IR) recievers can be seen on the 4 corners and used with the wii-remote. Also two playstation3 (720 pixel) usb web-cameras should be able to be plugged in with one on each corner. This means that a 3D stereoscopic image could one day be made in software. So even if just one camera gets used (and after all both can be unplugged if privacy is a concern), it means the PC case has potential for usage with the Movim XMPP video conferencing in future. I imagine what people would do is decide that, even though their own MovimKodiCase must conform to fit the asus a68hm-plus motherboard (which is FM2), that they will have their own desired hardware spec so that they, for example, have a matx motherboard taking something similar in speed such as an am3 socket Athlon II x2 220 Chip and a HD6450 (or r5 230), and then one day they decide to upgrade the CPU to a fx8350 and the GPU to a rx570. That is fine to do, just as long as the previous motherboard FM2 asus a68hm-plus can fit in for everybody else. It probably will mean that people submitting designs will choose two designs whereby one is a half-height and the other is a full height (so they can put their new graphics cards in). In that situation, mark your movim post with the additional hashtags #MovimKodiCaseFull and #MovimKodiCaseHalf also.

    One last thing, the movim KODI HTPC should expect the user to be able to plug in a Realtek RTL2832U for digital TV. They are £10. If SDR Software Defined Radio is used through such a dongle, well that might be a thing too. Apocalypse reasons. The MovimHTPC would of course be able to be used worldwide. So yeah those are my specs. You may suggest other spec but the chances are this comment will be the final word on the bare-minimum specification because a line has to be drawn somewhere. And yes I know, I too would love 8core minimum for btrfs and better instruction sets and a Radeon rx570 but we have to be realistic. This should be something easy enough that people make them for cheap and give them to a friend or three as gifts. Until the battle of vulkan and OpenGL4.5 and Directx12 is won (with at least 3 versions coming out), this old OpenGL4.4 (if the HD6450 is added, and it probably would be that matx Asus a68hm-plus motherboard that gets used, but you may squeeze in a different motherboard model as long as the case also works with the a68hm-plus) should be used for many years. You do after all get the ability to have two monitors. That could mean one is for the TV screen and the other is a kiosk touch-panel or handheld touchscreen. It would be nice to imagine people would one day have the option to use their a6-6400k machine as a movim "pod" in addition to it running Movim as standard and Kodi (because eventually people would expand from 4GB and stick the 16GB RAM in). Maybe even some sort of IPFS gets flung in to use that 2TB of that btrfs array of HDDs. Digitally communicating over that SDR might be a nice thought experiment. Link to a HTPC by a Movim user

    David Icke has been booted off youtube (and I think facebook) for saying the coronavirus is being used by the State (mostly governments) to track everybody on mobile smartphones and similar technology and force vaccinations and break the economy. While of course his claims about those exact things are absurd and all that stuff is definitely not like totally happening right now (that exact precise set of things), I will say that David Icke is absolutely correct about the anunnaki, their gold, Archons, and the transdimensional lizards who put their 'hands' in the lower backs of the illuminati to sort of control them like remote control robots. Being on Movim where free-speech reigns, I have the confidence to say this without getting shadowbanned (not that I'd shitpost here or anything).

    (Confidentally hovers mouse cursor over padlock icon and the "publish" arrow, which I think is a paper aeroplane as if a folded note-paper message is being fired over a classroom)..."Click".

    Sargon Of Akkad on David Icke and covid19

    Sargon Of Akkad on covid19 and David Icke

    • chevron_right

      Mozilla's Cringe-Worthy Dive Into A Buzzfeed Style Swamp.

      preptorrent · Sunday, 24 December, 2017 - 12:45 edit

    Update: Hyerplink Linux Gamer criticism of MozillaLinux Gamer

    Example video by youtuber titled Linux Gamer. Mozilla Privacy concerns raised. Perhaps a small part of the solution is to break up one's computing habits so that some actions do not reqiure a browser. Retro Computing channels use Bulletin Boards which likewise have IRC and FTP features. You don't need a browser at all for those things. Networks or chat using XMPP like Movim are another thing to consider.

    • reply chevron_right

      Mozilla's Cringe-Worthy Dive Into A Buzzfeed Style Swamp.

      Really, Mozilla? Really? And so good things are ruined. This is why we cannot have nice things. One good reason why the mozilla public license should be taken with a pinch of salt. Trust is earned, and so easily lost. Come back Konqeror. Maintain the trustworthiness though. Be truly of public license and that which is Free.

      group_work fake-news 21 June, 2017

    • wifi_tethering open_in_new

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