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    Morgan McMillian’s blog

    12 posts

    • chevron_right

      Still can't get #movim up and running on my server. I suspect that there is some obscure dependency that's not captured in the documentation.

      Morgan McMillian · Friday, 12 October, 2018 - 00:28

    Still can't get #movim up and running on my server. I suspect that there is some obscure dependency that's not captured in the documentation.
    • chevron_right

      I love it when meetings get canceled and my calendar opens up. I should set myself as busy now so I can get some things done without distraction.

      Morgan McMillian · Thursday, 11 October, 2018 - 18:06

    I love it when meetings get canceled and my calendar opens up. I should set myself as busy now so I can get some things done without distraction.
    • wifi_tethering open_in_new

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    • chevron_right

      I really should carve out some time to play with docker since that's what the kids (those more hip than me) seem to be talking about these days.

      Morgan McMillian · Thursday, 11 October, 2018 - 14:58 edit

    I really should carve out some time to play with docker since that's what the kids (those more hip than me) seem to be talking about these days.
    • wifi_tethering open_in_new

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    • chevron_right

      Contact publication

      Morgan McMillian · Wednesday, 10 October, 2018 - 00:40

    Taking the #movim thing for a spin again. I'm having problems getting my own pod up and running I figure I'll just use this instance as my proving ground for a bit longer. (I apparently can't php as well as I should) So hello again!
    • chevron_right

      Jaron Lanier interview on how social media ruins your life - https://youtu.be/kc_Jq42Og7Q

      Morgan McMillian · Friday, 14 September, 2018 - 13:46

    Jaron Lanier interview on how social media ruins your life - https://youtu.be/kc_Jq42Og7Q
    • wifi_tethering open_in_new

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    • chevron_right

      Microblogging via xmpp

      Morgan McMillian · Thursday, 13 September, 2018 - 15:46

    I've been exploring #movim and #xmpp microblogging and I think I have a somewhat decent understanding of the technical details. So now I'm considering practical use. Are people using it and seeing advantages of microblogging over xmpp versus traditional http?

    • chevron_right

      Contact publication

      Morgan McMillian · Thursday, 13 September, 2018 - 00:21

    I was informed today that my full-time telecommuting will be coming to an end before the end of the year. Which means I'll be back in the box of sadness (also known as a cube farm) in a couple of months. I have lots to consider and figure out now.
    • wifi_tethering open_in_new

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    • chevron_right

      Funny how a project at work which has been scoped "as time permits" all of the sudden has a deadline requiring me to spend all my time outside of work hours to get done. Yeah. -_-

      Morgan McMillian · Wednesday, 12 September, 2018 - 16:01

    Funny how a project at work which has been scoped "as time permits" all of the sudden has a deadline requiring me to spend all my time outside of work hours to get done. Yeah. -_-
    • wifi_tethering open_in_new

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