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      Movim is moving!

      Timothée Jaussoin · / Movim · Wednesday, 20 January, 2021 - 06:47 edit

    Following our previous article, with the sudden subscription of hundred of new users both on our XMPP #services and and on #Movim itself it seems that we are starting to be quite limited by our current servers capacity.

    You might have noticed some connection issues and downtimes the past few days that are the direct result in this recent gain of interest for Movim.

    In the upcoming days we are planning to migrate the whole #infrastructure to a new server to give a bit more space for the project to grow and to allow many new users to join us.

    This will involve some extra server costs. If you want to help us covering our expenses you can always join our Patreon.

    By the way, we also bumped the size limit from 3Mb to 10Mb on our XMPP upload service, enjoy!