• chevron_right

      Bridge Discord

      gchilloux · pubsub.movim.eu / movim-faq · Thursday, 27 December, 2018 - 15:17

    Bonjour, J'ai une petite question concernant la passerelle Movim - Discord. Je rentre bien mes identifiants de connexion à Discord dans la conf de la passerelle, pourtant elle me répond à chaque fois "bad login/password". Pourtant ces identifiants marchent bien pour aller sur Discord... Quelqu'un a une idée ?? La passerelle est encore fonctionnelle ? Cordialement

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    • chevron_right

      Searching tags?

      Orbifx · pubsub.movim.eu / movim-faq · Monday, 14 May, 2018 - 09:24 edit

    How can one search for tags?

    One can write https://nl.movim.eu/?tag/xyz where xyz is the tag, but is there a quicker way?

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    • 10 August, 2018 roelofpieter

      You can actually use the search option (on the left hand side) to search for tags. Just don't enter the "#" in front of the tag.

    • chevron_right

      Movim-client for Linux

      linux_user · pubsub.movim.eu / movim-faq · Sunday, 11 March, 2018 - 16:27 edit

    For those ones who work with an RPM-based Linux OS like Mageia, RedHat, Fedora, openSUSE and derivatives I just want to give a hint for the installation of the client. The RPM-package on the website is no longer available (Error 404), but there's a DEB-package downloadable. With

    alien -r -c Package-name

    you can convert the DEB-package into an RPM. Alien shows some errors but it generates a 35,5 MB-package which is working fine without restrictions!

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      sebastien, debacle, testytest1, deightonrobbie, echedeylr

    • chevron_right

      Configuration, paramètres et accès au profil

      pubsub.movim.eu / movim-faq · Thursday, 28 September, 2017 - 07:40

    Bonjour, Je poursuis ma découverte de MOVIM et je bute sur des choses certainement très simples: - comment accède-t-on à son propre profil ? - comment accède-t-on aux paramètres qui permettent d'autoriser l'accès aux contenus réservés aux adultes de certains blogs ? Par avance merci! Cassius

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      Timothée Jaussoin, manu


    • chevron_right

      What do you think about content warning?

      paulfree14 · pubsub.movim.eu / movim-faq · Thursday, 3 August, 2017 - 15:52

    What do you think about content warning?
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    • 3 August, 2017 Heluecht

      nsfw is always good.

    • 4 August, 2017 Timothée Jaussoin

      This has been requested by some users that are deploying Movim inside school and companies. Because the network is federated I prefer to hide those content by default (and enable it with a simple switch in the config).
      You can use the #nsfw tag to declare your publications as adult content.

    • 14 May, 2018 Orbifx

      Good but not critical.

    • chevron_right

      Anyone knows a list of XEP-Capabilties of Movim?

      noo · pubsub.movim.eu / movim-faq · Sunday, 12 February, 2017 - 22:54

    I want to know which features movim does support now.

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      peterpanski, preptorrent, toyg


    • 14 February, 2017 Timothée Jaussoin

      I think that the information you need is here :) https://github.com/movim/moxl#xmpp-support . It should be quite up-to-date. {autoescape/}

    • person

      16 February, 2017 brashlybella

      I would like to add some emoji SHRUG {autoescape/}

    • 17 February, 2017 noo

      Perfect! Thanks a lot! {autoescape/}

    • chevron_right

      [installation] Does Movim only support ejabberd?

      noo · pubsub.movim.eu / movim-faq · Friday, 2 December, 2016 - 11:40

    Is it possible to use other XMPP-Servers than ejabberd? e.g. prosody or metronome?

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      Matija Šuklje


    • 9 January, 2017 Matija Šuklje

      Sooo, any answer yet? {autoescape/}

    • person

      20 January, 2017 giri

      Tigase works if you configure it to use pep-simple. But I have some problems getting microblogging to work.... {autoescape/}

    • 7 February, 2017 Cyprien Pouzenc

      I'm using Metronome. {autoescape/}

    • 12 February, 2017 noo

      I also tried metronome, but now I switched to ejabberd. Thanks for answering;) {autoescape/}

    • person

      16 February, 2017 brashlybella

      afaik chinwag.im is using prosody {autoescape/}