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      Congress passes bill to jumpstart new nuclear power tech

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Friday, 21 June - 20:40

    A nuclear reactor and two cooling towards on a body of water, with a late-evening glow in the sky.

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    Earlier this week, the US Senate passed what's being called the ADVANCE Act , for Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy. Among a number of other changes, the bill would attempt to streamline permitting for newer reactor technology and offer cash incentives for the first companies that build new plants that rely on one of a handful of different technologies. It enjoyed broad bipartisan support both in the House and Senate and now heads to President Biden for his signature.

    Given Biden's penchant for promoting his bipartisan credentials, it's likely to be signed into law. But the biggest hurdles nuclear power faces are all economic, rather than regulatory, and the bill provides very little in the way of direct funding that could help overcome those barriers.


    For reasons that will be clear only to congressional staffers, the Senate version of the bill was attached to an amendment to the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act. Nevertheless, it passed by a margin of 88-2, indicating widespread (and potentially veto-proof) support. Having passed the House already, there's nothing left but the president's signature.

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      Microsoft in damage-control mode, says it will prioritize security over AI

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Thursday, 13 June - 20:38

    Brad Smith, vice chairman and president of Microsoft, is sworn in before testifying about Microsoft's cybersecurity work during a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on June 13, 2024.

    Enlarge / Brad Smith, vice chairman and president of Microsoft, is sworn in before testifying about Microsoft's cybersecurity work during a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on June 13, 2024. (credit: SAUL LOEB / Contributor | AFP )

    Microsoft is pivoting its company culture to make security a top priority, President Brad Smith testified to Congress on Thursday, promising that security will be "more important even than the company’s work on artificial intelligence."

    Satya Nadella, Microsoft's CEO, "has taken on the responsibility personally to serve as the senior executive with overall accountability for Microsoft’s security," Smith told Congress.

    His testimony comes after Microsoft admitted that it could have taken steps to prevent two aggressive nation-state cyberattacks from China and Russia .

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      New Piracy Blocking Order in Australia, Perhaps Congress Will Take a Look

      news.movim.eu / TorrentFreak · Thursday, 9 May - 09:17 · 6 minutes

    kangaroo-oz After almost a decade of fine-tuning, including amendments to copyright law, the administration of Australia’s pirate site-blocking system looks organized and reliable.

    Applications for injunctions filed at Federal Court are usually headed by local movie company Village Roadshow, with the main beneficiaries the major Hollywood studios, Netflix, and more recently, Apple.

    This familiar format was evident again in a March application which requested ISP blocking measures against around three dozen pirate sites.

    The Australian system is thorough but hasn’t always displayed the type of responsiveness needed to tackle a constantly shifting pirate marketplace.

    More recently, however, the time between application and blocking injunction has contracted. In this case the time between rightsholders filing a statement of claim/originating application and obtaining an injunction was less than two months.

    Justice Halley’s order dated May 8, 2024, was handed down Wednesday.

    timeline The order requires around 34 sites to be blocked by DNS tampering, IP address blocking or re-routing, URL blocking in respect of the target URLs and domain names, or any alternative means agreed between rightsholders and ISPs.

    The full list of sites targeted, their domains and IP addresses, can be found at the end of this article. The summary reads as follows:

    0gomovies.ws, watchseries1.video, 0gomovies.com.pk, 123series.art, abcproxy.org, cataz.to, emovies.si, ev01.sx, flixhd.cc, fmovies.style, gimy.ai, m4ufree.vip, moviehdkh.com, moviekhhd.biz, movies.do, musichq.pe, projectfreetv.cyou, projectfreetv.ru, rarbg.tw, serieshd.watch, soap2day-online.com, soap2day.tel, soap2dayto.io, thekickasstorrents.com, thekickasstorrents.to, thekisscartoon.com, uflix.cc, putlockersgo.net, watch4freemovies.com, watchseries1.stream, thesoap2day.com, animesuge.cc, putlocker.onl, m4ufree.site, m4ufree.to, watchseries.click, www15.4movierulz.to, ymovies.cc

    The list of domains has plenty of recognizable brands but the fact they’ve appeared in a court order at all suggests they’re imposter sites with no connections or no provable connections to their previously-blocked namesakes. Australia’s blocking is carried out on a dynamic basis, meaning that a site can still be blocked regardless of domain or brand identity changes.

    Blocking in Australia Marketed as a Success

    After the MPA recently announced that it’s working with Congress to introduce site-blocking legislation in the United States, attention will inevitably turn to other countries where blocking has shown good results. Likely candidates include Australia, United Kingdom, and Portugal.

    Whether site-blocking has been effective in Australia (or indeed anywhere else in the world) mostly finds answers in studies carried out on behalf of the MPA. We’ve reported on almost all of them and while the research itself doesn’t raise immediate concerns, some subsequently reported conclusions are difficult to square, not just with the position on the ground, but with the scale of subsequent blocking activity.

    MPA report to Congress in 2023: The evidence shows that site blocking is effective both in reducing traffic to pirate websites and increasing the use of legitimate services. A site-blocking order applicable to the main access providers in a given country effectively reduces traffic to the targeted piracy domains in the period after blocking is implemented. For example, blocking 53 piracy websites in the United Kingdom caused an 88% drop in visits to the blocked sites and an 80% to 95% drop across user groups in other waves. Additionally, analysis in Australia, Portugal, and South Korea found average drops in visits to blocked sites of between 60 and 90% ( pdf ).

    Of course, when the domains of pirate websites are suddenly blocked by a country’s main ISPs, a significant drop in traffic to the domains that have been blocked is the inevitable outcome. The reality is that when domains are blocked, pirate sites know instantly, and since it takes minutes or even seconds to switch to a replacement domain or subdomain, the effectiveness of blocking finds itself immediately undermined.

    That being said, there is credible evidence to show that users affected by a blocking wave in Australia “increased consumption of content on legal viewing sites in the post-period following the blocking by 5%.” That 5% is not insignificant but the uplift refers to a traffic measurement, not an increase in subscription uptake.

    More Blocking is Always Needed

    Australia doesn’t publish an official blocklist so again, figures produced by those requesting the blocking is the only information readily available. What we can say with some certainty is that in early 2023, 2,000 domains had been subjected to blocking orders by the Federal Court.

    To that background, a study carried out by the MPA found that there were 1.8 billion visits to pirate sites from Australian IP addresses in 2022, up 10% on similar research a year earlier.

    Another claim from last year by Creative Content Australia stated the following: 6.3 million Australians aged 13+ have experienced a cybersecurity issue while pirating with 82% of teens and 72% of adults falling victim to fraud, malware or identity theft

    Taken at face value, that sounds like eight in every ten teenagers aren’t finding blocking particularly effective.

    In the UK, another country likely to be held up as an example of what blocking looks like when done properly, a conservative 10,000 domains have been blocked and piracy rates have remained static for years.

    So for now, the sites listed below will soon be placed on Australia’s blacklist. Tests today reveal that some may have disappeared. Others already have new domains.

    Blocking may still have some benefits but, in general, it just doesn’t really look like it.

    The latest blocking order is available here ( pdf )

    No. Target Online Location Target Domain Names Target URLs Target IP Addresses
    1 gimy gimy.ai https://gimy.ai
    2 m4ufree.to m4ufree.to https://wwl.m4ufree.to
    3 m4uFree.site m4ufree.site https://wwl.m4ufree.site
    4 cataz cataz.to https://cataz.to
    5 0gomovies.ws 0gomovies.com.pk https://0gomovies.com.pk
    0gomovies.ws http://0gomovies.ws
    6 soap2day-online.com soap2day-online.com https://soap2day-online.com
    soap2dayto.io https://soap2dayto.io
    7 thesoap2day thesoap2day.com https://web.thesoap2day.com
    8 soap2day.tel soap2day.tel https://soap2day.tel
    9 watch4freemovies watch4freemovies.com https://watch4freemovies.com
    10 putlockersgo putlockersgo.net https://upto.putlockersgo.net
    11 putlocker.onl putlocker.onl https://ww2.putlocker.onl
    12 watchseriesclick watchseries.click https://www.watchseries.click
    13 fmovies.style fmovies.style https://fmovies.style
    14 projectfreetv projectfreetv.cyou https://projectfreetv.cyou
    15 ev01 ev01.sx https://ev01.sx
    16 serieshd serieshd.watch https://serieshd.watch
    17 musichq musichq.pe https://musichq.pe
    18 moviehdkh moviehdkh.com https://moviehdkh.com
    19 123series 123series.art https://123series.art
    20 flixhd flixhd.cc https://flixhd.cc
    21 Movies Portal movies.do https://movies.do
    22 project-free tv projectfreetv.ru https://projectfreetv.ru
    23 emovies emovies.si https://emovies.si
    24 moviekhhd moviekhhd.biz https://moviekhhd.biz
    25 uflix uflix.cc https://uflix.cc
    26 watchseries1 watchseries1.stream https://watchseries1.stream
    watchseries1.video http://watchseries1.video
    27 suge anime/animesuge animesuge.cc https://wl.animesuge.cc
    28 thekisscartoon.com thekisscartoon.com https://thekisscartoon.com
    29 m4ufree m4ufree.vip https://m4ufree.vip
    30 ymovies ymovies.cc https://ymovies.cc
    31 abc proxy abcproxy.org https://abcproxy.org
    32 thekickasstorrentsproxy thekickasstorrents.to https://thekickasstorrents.to
    thekickasstorrents.com https://thekickasstorrents.com
    33 rarbg portal rarbg.tw https://rarbg.tw
    34 4movierulz.to 4movierulz.to https://www15.4movierulz.to

    From: TF , for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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      The Kids Online Safety Act isn’t all right, critics say

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Monday, 14 August, 2023 - 11:00 · 1 minute

    The Kids Online Safety Act isn’t all right, critics say

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    Debate continues to rage over the federal Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), which seeks to hold platforms liable for feeding harmful content to minors. KOSA is lawmakers' answer to whistleblower Frances Haugen's shocking revelations to Congress. In 2021, Haugen leaked documents and provided testimony alleging that Facebook knew that its platform was addictive and was harming teens—but blinded by its pursuit of profits, it chose to ignore the harms.

    Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), who sponsored KOSA, was among the lawmakers stunned by Haugen's testimony. He said in 2021 that Haugen had showed that "Facebook exploited teens using powerful algorithms that amplified their insecurities." Haugen's testimony, Blumenthal claimed, provided "powerful proof that Facebook knew its products were harming teenagers."

    But when Blumenthal introduced KOSA last year, the bill faced immediate and massive blowback from more than 90 organizations—including tech groups, digital rights advocates, legal experts, child safety organizations, and civil rights groups. These critics warned lawmakers of KOSA's many flaws, but they were most concerned that the bill imposed a vague "duty of care" on platforms that was "effectively an instruction to employ broad content filtering to limit minors’ access to certain online content." The fear was that the duty of care provision would likely lead platforms to over-moderate and imprecisely filter content deemed controversial—things like information on LGBTQ+ issues, drug addiction, eating disorders, mental health issues, or escape from abusive situations.

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      Illinois just made it possible to sue people for doxxing attacks

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Friday, 11 August, 2023 - 19:40

    Illinois just made it possible to sue people for doxxing attacks

    Enlarge (credit: gladder | iStock / Getty Images Plus )

    Last Friday, Illinois became one of the few states to pass an anti-doxxing law , making it possible for victims to sue attackers who "intentionally" publish their personally identifiable information with intent to harm or harass them. (Doxxing is sometimes spelled "doxing.")

    The Civil Liability for Doxing Act, which takes effect on January 1, 2024, passed after a unanimous vote. It allows victims to recover damages and to request "a temporary restraining order, emergency order of protection, or preliminary or permanent injunction to restrain and prevent the disclosure or continued disclosure of a person's personally identifiable information or sensitive personal information."

    It's the first law of its kind in the Midwest, the Daily Herald reported , and is part of a push by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to pass similar laws at the state and federal levels.

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      A nearly 20-year ban on human spaceflight regulations is set to expire

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Thursday, 27 July, 2023 - 11:00

    A crew of six passengers, including former professional football player and television anchor Michael Strahan, stroll past the Blue Origin New Shepard booster they rode into space in December 2021.

    Enlarge / A crew of six passengers, including former professional football player and television anchor Michael Strahan, stroll past the Blue Origin New Shepard booster they rode into space in December 2021. (credit: Mario Tama/Getty Images )

    In 2004, Congress passed a law that established a moratorium on federal safety regulations for commercial astronauts and space tourists riding to space on new privately owned rockets and spacecraft. The idea was to allow time for new space companies to establish themselves before falling under the burden of regulations, an eventuality that spaceflight startups argued could impede the industry's development.

    The moratorium is also known as a "learning period," a term that describes the purpose of the provision. It's supposed to give companies and the Federal Aviation Administration—the agency tasked with overseeing commercial human spaceflight, launch, and re-entry operations—time to learn how to safely fly in space and develop smart regulations, those that make spaceflight safer but don't restrict innovation.

    Without action from Congress, by the end of September, the moratorium on human spaceflight regulations will expire. That has many in the commercial space industry concerned.

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      TikTok CEO fails to convince Congress that the app is not a “weapon” for China

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Thursday, 23 March, 2023 - 22:21

    TikTok Chief Executive Officer Shou Zi Chew testifies before the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

    Enlarge / TikTok Chief Executive Officer Shou Zi Chew testifies before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. (credit: Kent Nishimura / Contributor | Los Angeles Times )

    For nearly five hours, Congress members of the House Committee on Energy & Commerce grilled TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew over concerns about the platform's risks to minor safety, data privacy, and national security for American users.

    “The American people need the truth about the threat TikTok poses to our national and personal security,” committee chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wa.) said in her opening statement, concluding that “TikTok is a weapon.”

    Rodgers suggested that even for Americans who have never used the app, “TikTok surveils us all, and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is able to use this as a tool to manipulate America as a whole.”

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      Biden’s TikTok ultimatum: Sever ties with China or face US ban

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Thursday, 16 March, 2023 - 16:12 · 1 minute

    Biden’s TikTok ultimatum: Sever ties with China or face US ban

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    After US President Joe Biden and the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) spent years trying to work out a deal with TikTok that could address national security concerns, Biden seems to have given up. Yesterday, TikTok confirmed that the Biden administration issued an ultimatum to the app’s China-based owners to either divest their stakes or risk a TikTok ban in the US, Reuters reported .

    Biden’s demand comes just one week before TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew is scheduled to testify before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. The Wall Street Journal confirmed that Chew is already in the US and is working with “experienced Washington advisers” to help him defend TikTok against its harshest critics in Congress next Thursday.

    Chew told The Journal that forcing a sale does not address national security concerns any better than the deal that TikTok had already worked out with the CFIUS. Under the deal that Biden seems to be shrugging off now, TikTok has already invested billions in moving its US users’ data to US servers and hiring independent monitors to ensure that Americans’ TikTok feeds can’t be manipulated and that their data can’t be accessed by China authorities.

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      Congressman confronts FBI over “egregious” unlawful search of his personal data

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Friday, 10 March, 2023 - 18:57 · 1 minute

    Rep. Darin LaHood (R-Ill.)

    Enlarge / Rep. Darin LaHood (R-Ill.) (credit: Bill Clark / Contributor | CQ-Roll Call, Inc. )

    Last month, a declassified FBI report revealed that the bureau had used Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to conduct multiple unlawful searches of a sitting Congress member’s personal communications. Wired was the first to report the abuse , but for weeks, no one knew exactly which lawmaker was targeted by the FBI. That changed this week when Rep. Darin LaHood (R-Ill.) revealed during an annual House Intelligence Committee hearing on world threats that the FBI’s abuse of 702 was “in fact” aimed at him.

    “This careless abuse by the FBI is unfortunate,” LaHood said at the hearing, suggesting that the searches of his name not only “degrades trust in FISA” but was a “threat to separation of powers” in the United States. Calling the FBI’s past abuses of Section 702 “egregious,” the congressman—who is leading the House Intelligence Committee's working group pushing to reauthorize Section 702 amid a steeply divided Congress—said that “ironically,” being targeted by the FBI gives him a “unique perspective” on “what’s wrong with the FBI.”

    LaHood has said that having his own Fourth Amendment rights violated in ways others consider “frightening” positions him well to oversee the working group charged with implementing bipartisan reforms and safeguards that would prevent any such abuses in the future.

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