• chevron_right

      You can inherit a dead relative’s GOG account—if you have a court order

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Thursday, 6 June - 20:19

    At least my son will be able to use my copy of <em>Fallout: New Vegas</em> to distract him from mourning...

    Enlarge / At least my son will be able to use my copy of Fallout: New Vegas to distract him from mourning... (credit: Getty Images)

    A few weeks ago, we called some attention to the legal difficulty of passing on your digital Steam game library after you die. While Valve hasn't responded to a request for comment on the matter, PC gaming platform GOG tells Ars that it is ready and willing to help users transfer their accounts in the event of their death.

    As long as they bring a court order, that is.

    "In general, your GOG account and GOG content is not transferable," GOG spokesperson Zuzanna Rybacka tells Ars. "However, if you can obtain a copy of a court order that specifically entitles someone to your GOG personal account, the digital content attached to it, taking into account the EULAs of specific games within it, and that specifically refers to your GOG username or at least email address used to create such an account, we’d do our best to make it happen."

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      Heroic, le lanceur de jeux open source pour GOG et Epic Games

      news.movim.eu / Korben · Sunday, 24 September, 2023 - 07:00 · 2 minutes

    Aujourd’hui, je tiens vraiment à vous présenter un lanceur de jeu au top et qui s’appelle en toute modestie : Heroic !

    Heroic c’est open source , ça permet de lancer des jeux Epic Games en utilisant Legendary et GoG en utilisant gogdl , c’est compatible avec Linux, Windows et macOS et devinez quoi ? C’est même dispo sur SteamDeck ! Son interface utilisateur propose des paramètres Wine pour une expérience de jeu optimale sous Linux et macOS. Il supporte plus de 30 langues et permet d’ajouter des thèmes personnalisés.

    Alors pourquoi devriez-vous utiliser Heroic ? Tout d’abord, c’est un lanceur Open Source , ce qui signifie que nous avons la possibilité d’examiner le code source et même de contribuer à son développement. De plus, il consomme vachement moins de ressources que l’Epic Games Launcher (EGL) et est en général beaucoup plus rapide.

    Un exemple concret : lors de tests comparant le temps de lancement entre Heroic et EGL (epic games launcher), il a suffi d’environ 14,37 secondes pour que Heroic se lance. EGL est, quant à lui, légèrement plus lent, prenant environ 16,45 secondes . De même, lorsque l’on veut naviguer entre la boutique et la bibliothèque d’EGL, cela prend environ 2 secondes alors qu’avec Heroic c’est pratiquement instantané. En plus de cela, Heroic prend également beaucoup moins d’espace disque et de mémoire vive que EGL.

    Ceci étant dit, il faut quand même admettre qu’il y a encore un peu de travail à faire sur Heroic en termes d’optimisation sur le chargement des images (2,7 secondes pour Heroic contre 2,9 secondes pour EGL).

    Il est important de noter qu’actuellement, seuls les jeux nécessitant une activation dans une autre plateforme (Uplay, Origin) ne sont pas pris en charge par Heroic. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas ! Legendary a récemment ajouté une commande d’activation pour ces jeux. Nous pouvons donc nous attendre à ce que cette prise en charge soit bientôt disponible dans une prochaine version.

    Depuis les dernières versions, Heroic peut utiliser EOS (services Epic Online), mais vous devrez mettre à jour DXVK et installer corefonts via winetricks au préalable. De son côté, Legendary avait déjà ajouté le support pour EOS avec sa version 0.20 .24 – mais rien que pour les utilisateurs de Windows. Snif.

    En conclusion, si vous cherchez un bon petit lanceur de jeux communautaire avec un bon design et de chouettes fonctionnalités, je vous encourage vivement à essayer Heroic Games Launcher ! Vous ne serez pas déçu !

    À découvrir ici

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      The Ars Technica GOG collection: Our picks from GOG’s big Spring Sale

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Friday, 24 March, 2023 - 11:30

    <em>Frostpunk</em>, an alternate history survival city building simulation game.

    Enlarge / Frostpunk , an alternate history survival city building simulation game. (credit: GOG.com)

    Several staff members are big fans of the GOG games marketplace, primarily for two reasons: the games are DRM-free, and there are many classic DOS games from the '80s and '90s.

    GOG has been running its annual Spring Sale for a few days now. This time around, we worked with GOG to curate a list of Ars Technica picks. These are discounted games chosen by Ars staffers Samuel Axon and Lee Hutchinson that we think Ars readers might enjoy—assuming you haven't played them already.

    If you haven't, discounts during this sale range from 20 percent to as much as 75 or 80 percent. Since most of them are classics, they generally weren't too pricy to begin with.

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      Project Zomboid has big plans for 2022 and beyond, with NPCs on the way

      news.movim.eu / GamingOnLinux · Tuesday, 11 January, 2022 - 10:49 · 1 minute

    After a great many years in Early Access, Project Zomboid has finally hit the big time with it regularly seeing multiple tens of thousands of players and they have some big plans . The latest release (Build 41) took a long time, as it reworked so much of the game but it's done and they're moving onto the next big chunk of features and it all sounds rather exciting.

    One big addition that has been talked about for years is the addition of NPCs, and they're finally coming - for reals this time. They've split into different teams to work on different things, one team being focused on getting NPCs all hooked up and working.


    NPCs being the most requested feature of the game, they decided to do them before pets and hunting because "a big reason for not being comfortable with hunting and pets being first, is they are still NPCs and would necessarily leverage all the technology we’ve being working on for years at this point". To get there, another team will be working alongside them on normal content patches for Build 42 but they're trying to get NPCs actually release as soon as they can.

    Until NPCs arrive, Build 42 sounds like it's going to be pretty impressive too, greatly expanding the "tech tree" for crafting as they say: "our ultimate goal is to provide significantly extra crafting potential to allow players to effectively create a post-apocalypse nu medieval community, to provide plausable alternatives to any of the lootable items in the game that would logically be plausable with the correct skills and resources so players don’t feel pressured to restart the early game repeatedly to get long term fun out of the game".

    Sounds fancy. We're going to need to take a properly look at the modern Project Zomboid soon.

    Project Zomboid is available on GOG and Steam .

    Article from GamingOnLinux.com taken from the RSS feed.