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      Home Assistant’s new foundation focused on “privacy, choice, and sustainability”

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Monday, 22 April - 17:34

    Open Home Foundation logo on a multicolor background

    Enlarge (credit: Open Home Foundation)

    Home Assistant, until recently, has been a wide-ranging and hard-to-define project.

    The open smart home platform is an open source OS you can run anywhere that aims to connect all your devices together. But it's also bespoke Raspberry Pi hardware, in Yellow and Green . It's entirely free, but it also receives funding through a private cloud services company, Nabu Casa . It contains tiny board project ESPHome and other inter-connected bits. It has wide-ranging voice assistant ambitions , but it doesn't want to be Alexa or Google Assistant. Home Assistant is a lot.

    After an announcement this weekend, however, Home Assistant's shape is a bit easier to draw out. All of the project's ambitions now fall under the Open Home Foundation , a non-profit organization that now contains Home Assistant and more than 240 related bits. Its mission statement is refreshing, and refreshingly honest about the state of modern open source projects.

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      Can you manage your house with a local, no-cloud voice assistant? Mostly, yes.

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 14 February - 11:30 · 1 minute

    Home Assistant's voice assistant running on an ESP32-S3-Box3

    Enlarge / The most impressive part is what Home Assistant's voice control does not do: share your voice input with a large entity aiming to sell you things. (credit: Kevin Purdy)

    Last year, the leaders of Home Assistant declared 2023 the “ Year of the Voice. ” The goal was to let users of the DIY home automation platform “control Home Assistant in their own language.” It was a bold shot to call, given people’s expectations from using Alexa and the like. Further, the Home Assistant team wasn’t even sure where to start.

    Did they succeed, looking in from early 2024? In a very strict sense, yes. Right now, with some off-the-shelf gear and the patience to flash and fiddle, you can ask “Nabu” or “Jarvis” or any name you want to turn off some lights, set the thermostat, or run automations. And you can ask about the weather. Narrowly defined mission: Accomplished.

    In a broader, more accurate sense, Home Assistant voice control has a ways to go. Your verb set is limited to toggling, setting, and other smart home interactions. The easiest devices to use for this don’t have the best noise cancellation or pick-up range. Errors aren’t handled gracefully, and you get the best results by fine-tuning the names you call everything you control.

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      Homey Pro review: A very particular set of home automation skills

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Monday, 11 December - 12:30 · 1 minute

    Homey Pro hub sitting on a desk, with a blue-ish rainbow glow on bottom

    Enlarge / The Homey Pro, settling in for some quiet network check-ins at dusk. (credit: Kevin Purdy)

    I know there are people who will want to buy the Homey Pro . I’ve seen them on social media and in various home automation forums, and I’ve even noticed them in the comments on this website. For this type of person, the Homey Pro might serve as a specialized, locally focused smart home hub, one that's well worth the cost. But you should be really, truly certain that you’re that person before you take a $400 leap with it.

    Homey Pro is a smart home hub pitched primarily at someone who wants to keep things local as much as possible, forgoing phone apps, speakers, and cloud connections. That means using the Homey Pro to boost a primarily Zigbee or Z-Wave network, while also looping in local Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and even infrared remotes. It’s for someone willing to pay $400 for a device that offers robust local or cloud backups, professional design, advanced automation, and even a custom scripting language, along with access to some “experiments” and still-in-progress tech like Matter and Thread. It’s for someone who might want to add a select cloud service or two to their home, but not because they have no other option.

    But this somebody has also, somehow, not already invested in Home Assistant , Hubitat , or HomeBridge , which are more open to both add-on hardware (like new capabilities added on by USB stick or GPIO pins) and deep tinkering. It's someone who is willing to check that every device they want to control will work with Homey. While the device offers a pretty sizable range of apps and integrations , it’s far from the near-universal nature of major open-source projects or even the big smart home platforms. And you have to do a little checking further, still, to ensure that individual products are supported, not just the brand.

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      Comment faire fonctionner un module Razberry 2 (GPIO) avec Home Assistant ?

      news.movim.eu / Korben · Saturday, 25 November - 08:00 · 4 minutes

    J’ai recyclé un vieux Raspberry Pi 3D avec un module Razberry 2 (supportant les modules Z-Wave) pour y installer Home Assistant. Malheureusement, pas moyen de le faire fonctionner.

    En gros, ça rentre en conflit avec le Bluetooth du Raspberry Pi.

    Je vais donc détailler toutes les étapes par lesquelles je suis passé pour vous aider à résoudre ce problème. Je vais essayer d’être rapide et concis pour ne pas vous faire perdre de temps.

    Mise à jour du Razberry 2

    Cette étape n’est pas obligatoire, mais comme je l’ai fait, je me suis dit que j’allais l’inclure. Mon module datant de quelques années, c’était le moment de le mettre à jour. Il y a bien une procédure de MAJ du firmware avec ZMESerialUpdater mais n’étant pas sûr de la version du firmware à utiliser, j’ai emprunté un autre chemin.

    Pour cela, j’ai installé Raspberry OS sur une carte SD et je l’ai booté sur mon Raspberry Pi. Jusque là, rien de foufou. Puis j’ai installé Z-Way, l’OS de Z-Wave qui permet de pilote le Razberry. Le but étant de l’utiliser pour mettre à jour le firmware.

    Donc une fois connecté en SSH à mon Rpi, j’ai lancé la commande suivante :

    wget -qO - https://storage.z-wave.me/RaspbianInstall | sudo bash

    Une fois que c’était installé et que le service Z-Way est lancé, il suffit d’aller sur cette URL : find.z-wave.me . Sous le formulaire de login, vous devriez alors voir l’adresse IP de votre Raspberry. Cliquez dessus et vous accèderez à l’interface Z-Way.

    Ensuite, rendez-vous dans le menu « Management » (accessible en haut à droite)…

    Et vous pourrez alors faire la MAJ du firmware.

    Voilà donc une bonne chose de faite.

    Passage de Home Assistant en mode Debug

    Maintenant je pars du principe que vous avez déployé Home Assistant OS sur votre Raspberry Pi. L’objectif ici c’est d’avoir un accès en SSH à HAOS (Home Assistant OS).

    La première étape consiste donc à aller dans le Store des applications de Home Assistant et d’installer « Advanced SSH & Web Terminal « . Lancez-le en mode non protégé.

    On va en avoir besoin pour la suite de l’opération. Sauf que ce terminal web ne donnera pas accès à tout le système HAOS… On n’a pas d’accès à la configuration du boot par exemple.

    On va donc paramétrer HAOS pour le faire passer en mode débug afin d’avoir un accès SSH qui donne un accès système complet.

    Pour cela, munissez-vous d’une simple clé USB formatée au choix en FAT32, EXT4 ou NTFS. Renommez cette clé « CONFIG » en majuscule. C’est important, car c’est ce qui fait que ce sera détecté par HAOS.

    Dessus, on va mettre une clé SSH publique. Sous Windows, vous pouvez télécharger un client SSH tel que PuTTY et utiliser l’utilitaire PuTTYgen inclus pour générer la paire de clés.

    Sinon, sous Linux, macOS (et Windows), si OpenSSH est installé, vous pouvez générer une paire de clés avec la commande suivante :

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

    Donnez-lui un nom, rentrez un mot de passe et voilà. Vous aurez une paire de clés genre ~/.ssh/id_haos.pub et ~/.ssh/id_haos sur votre système. id_haos, c’est la clé privée, vous n’y touchez pas.

    Par contre, id_haos.pub, c’est la clé publique que vous allez copier sur la clé USB. Renommez cette clé publique sur la clé USB : authorized_keys . Vous pouvez aussi faire une copie colle ceci :

    cat /Users/manu/.ssh/id_haos.pub > /Volumes/BT/authorized_keys

    Ensuite, insérez cette clé USB dans votre Raspberry Pi. Puis là deux choix s’offrent à vous. Soit vous rebootez le Raspberry et au chargement, HAOS intégrera votre clé. Soit vous retournez dans l’interface web de Home Assistant, et dans Advanced SSH & Web Terminal, vous entrez la commande suivante :

    ha os import

    Cela importera la clé. Ensuite, ouvrez un terminal sur votre ordinateur et lancez une connexion SSH comme ceci en utilisant le port 22222 et en spécifiant le chemin vers votre clé privée avec le paramètre -i :

    ssh root@homeassistant.local -p 22222 -i /Users/manu/.ssh/id_haos

    Et voilà, vous êtes connecté en SSH à votre HAOS sans aucune restriction.

    Correction du problème lié au conflit entre Z-Wave et le Bluetooth

    Maintenant on va pouvoir régler le problème lié au Z-Wave / Bluetooth. Toujours en SSH, vous allez éditer avec vi, le fichier suivant :

    vi /mnt/boot/config.txt

    Vi, vous connaissez… Il faut appuyer sur « i » pour éditer le contenu. Et quand vous avez fini, vous appuyez sur « Echap » pour sortir du mode édition et vous faites « :wq » pour sauvegarder et quitter l’éditeur.

    Donc on va éditer le fichier et décommenter la ligne dtoverlay et lui adjoindre la ligne force_turbo comme ceci :


    Dès que c’est fait, vous sauvegardez, vous quittez Vi et vous rebootez le Raspberry Pi


    Et voilà. Ensuite, vous retournez dans l’interface de Home Assistant, et vous pourrez configurer comme il se doit votre réseau Z-Wave.

    C’est le bonheur !

    Et en bonus…

    Rejoignez la team sur le Patreon !!

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      Mazda’s DMCA takedown kills a hobbyist’s smart car API tool

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Tuesday, 17 October, 2023 - 19:47

    Mazda MX-30

    Enlarge (credit: Jonathan Gitlin)

    Before last week, owners of certain Mazda vehicles who also had a Home Assistant setup could set up some handy connections for their car.

    One CX60 driver had a charger that would only power on when it confirmed his car was plugged in and would alert him if he left the trunk open. Another used Home Assistant to control their charger based on the dynamic prices of an Agile Octopus energy plan . Yet another had really thought it through, using Home Assistant to check the gas before their morning commute, alert them if their windows were down before rain was forecast, and remotely unlock and start the car in cold conditions. The possibilities were vast , and purportedly beyond what Mazda's official app offered.

    Mazda, however, had issues with the project, which was largely the free-time work of one software developer, Brandon Rothweiler . In a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notice sent to GitHub , Mazda (or an authorized agent) alleges that Rothweiler's integration:

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      Willow could be the $50 hardware piece of the DIY voice assistant puzzle

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Monday, 15 May, 2023 - 22:04 · 1 minute

    Booth showing off white-painted household objects that could be controlled in a Google smart home.

    Enlarge / Google's smart home ambitions are exactly the kind of thing Willow and Home Assistant are trying to help people avoid. (credit: Patrick T. Fallon/Getty Images)

    Big Tech voice assistants are struggling. Alexa is Amazon's biggest money-loser , Apple's Siri is mired in organizational dysfunction and cautiousness , and Google is leaning hard into every kind of AI except its own Assistant . The open source, privacy-minded Home Assistant, with perfect timing, aims to step into the void with a local-only voice assistant .

    There's one big problem: Home Assistant doesn't yet offer any hardware you can buy and put on your kitchen counter. That's the gap a curious new project, Willow , aims to fill. It's a project to utilize a specific set of hardware: ESP-32-BOX devices, which provide a basic hardware shell around ESP32 SoCs . Once flashed with Willow, they can work as locally controlled voice assistants and, eventually, great and easy access points for Home Assistant.

    They're not going to win design awards, but they look a lot nicer on a kitchen counter or desktop than a bare Raspberry Pi with a microphone HAT on , or repurposed gaming or teleconference hardware.

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      SwitchBot’s Hub 2 is the first Matter device that really matters

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Monday, 10 April, 2023 - 17:49 · 1 minute

    SwitchBot Hub 2 on a table, with sensors highlighted

    Enlarge / SwitchBot's new Hub 2 is most helpful for those who already have SwitchBot products in their home, but also those with infrared devices they'd like to automate. (credit: SwitchBot)

    The Matter smart home connectivity standard has huge promise and lots of device makers lined up to engage with a theoretically more open, less server-dependent future. And yet, so far, I haven't been compelled to write about any individual products launching with Matter support. Most of them are simply familiar products—light bulbs, turning door locks, wall switches—that now can be set up in a different, cross-platform way ( however painfully ). Most wouldn't compel anyone who already has a functioning version of them to upgrade or expand their setup.

    Here's the first thing to make me take notice, and it is, of all things, a hub. The SwitchBot Hub 2 (also $70 on Amazon ) makes the most sense if you already have some SwitchBot products in your home and might want to take them beyond their default Bluetooth range with Wi-Fi connectivity. But I think it might also appeal to someone looking for an entryway to a small, controlled, and useful smart home.

    For one thing, the Hub 2 isn't just a puck of plastic that does nothing but coordinate traffic for a subset of devices. I have two of those taking up space in my home, from Phillips Hue and Samsung SmartThings. They hang out within Ethernet distance of my router, eating trickle power and generating a little heat pocket on that shelf. They are quiet, mostly useless roommates who will be evicted by some future upgrade.

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      How to control your smart home without yelling at a dumb voice assistant

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Tuesday, 31 January, 2023 - 12:30

    Woman staring disconcertedly at a smart speaker

    Enlarge / We don't have to rely on megacorp obelisks to operate the things we buy. We don't have to learn their language. We can break free. (credit: PonyWang/Getty Images)

    For many people, an automated smart home is about little things that add up to big conveniences over time. Lights turning on when you pull into the driveway, a downstairs thermostat adjustable from your upstairs bedroom, a robot vacuum working while you're at the grocery store—you put in a bit of setup work and your life gets easier.

    What most smart homes also include, however, is a voice assistant, the opposite of a quiet, unseen convenience. Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant: They demand that you learn specific device names and structures for commands, while they frequently get even the most simple command astoundingly wrong. And they are, of course, an always-listening corporate microphone you're allowing inside your home.

    There are ways to keep that smart home convenience while cutting out the conversation. Some involve your phone, some dedicated devices, but none of them involve saying a device's name. Here's an overview of the best options available.

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      With voice assistants in trouble, Home Assistant starts a local alternative

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Thursday, 22 December, 2022 - 22:29 · 1 minute

    Home Assistant running on a Google Nest Hub, via a wild Chromecast hack. Native hardware like this would be nice.

    Enlarge / Home Assistant running on a Google Nest Hub, via a wild Chromecast hack. Native hardware like this would be nice. (credit: Home Assistant )

    Are cloud-based voice assistants doomed? That seems like an overly dramatic question to ask if you look at the current state of millions of users of Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Apple's Siri, but we're not so sure about the future. Google and Amazon have backed away from their voice assistants recently, with Amazon firing a big chunk of the Alexa team due to it losing $10 billion a year . Google isn't quite at the "fire everyone" stage, but it is reportedly less interested in supporting the Assistant on third-party devices, which would be a crippling move given Google's extremely small hardware division. Everyone built these systems assuming a revenue stream would come later, but that revenue never came, and it's starting to seem like the bubble is bursting.

    One project that has a heavy dependence on Big Tech voice assistants isn't sitting around and waiting for doomsday. The team at Home Assistant is declaring 2023 "Home Assistant's year of Voice." This is basically the leading smart home project saying, "If these cloud voice assistants don't provide Big Tech with a multi-billion dollar revenue stream, that's fine, we'll do it ourselves!" There are a few nascent, open source voice assistant projects out there already, but the Home Assistant team has proven it can manage a big project. It has a huge, thriving community and enough revenue to have full-time employees, making this the new frontrunner for a viable local voice service.

    Plus Home Assistant isn't starting from scratch—it went and found what it called the "most promising" open source voice assistant out there, "Rhasspy," and hired the lead developer, Mike Hansen, to work full-time on voice in Home Assistant. Hasen will now work at Nabu Casa, the Home Assistant's commercialization company. According to Home Assistant's founder, Paulus Schoutsen, "Rhasspy stands out from other open source voice projects because Mike doesn’t focus on just English. Instead, his goal is to make it work for everyone. This is going great as Rhasspy supports already 16 different languages today." The plan is to support all 62 languages the Home Assistant currently supports, but with voice, all without needing an Internet connection.

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