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      Ikea a bien compris que les gamers ne veulent plus de meubles moches

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Monday, 15 April - 16:27

    Ikea Meubles Gaming (4)

    Ikea dévoile sa nouvelle gamme de mobilier gaming. Elle n'a rien à voir avec l'image du gamer d'autrefois.
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      Ikea lance des chargeurs pour iPhone et Android à prix imbattables

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Friday, 22 March - 10:17

    Sjoess Chargeur Usb 1 Port 30w Charge Rapide

    Grâce à Ikea, vous pouvez charger rapidement votre iPhone ou smartphone Android sans vous ruiner. L'enseigne lance des chargeurs USB-C pas chers.
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      I was wrong to ignore Zigbee and Z-Wave. They’re the best part of my smart home.

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Monday, 12 February - 12:30 · 1 minute

    Hue hub in stark relief against wood desk

    Enlarge / Where it all started for the author, even if he didn't know it at the time. (credit: Getty Images)

    I've set up dozens of smart home gadgets across two homes and two apartments over the last five years. I have a mental list of brands I revere and brands from which nothing shall ever be purchased again. In my current abode, you can stand in one place and be subject to six different signal types bouncing around, keeping up the chatter between devices.

    What can I say? I'm a sucker for a certain kind of preparedness and creativity. The kind that's completely irrelevant if the power goes out.

    When I started at Ars in the summer of 2022, the next generation of smart home standards was on the way . Matter, an interoperable device setup and management system, and Thread, a radio network that would provide secure, far-reaching connectivity optimized for tiny batteries. Together, they would offer a home that, while well-connected, could also work entirely inside a home network and switch between controlling ecosystems with ease. I knew this tech wouldn't show up immediately, but I thought it was a good time to start looking to the future, to leave behind the old standards and coalesce into something new.

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      Vintage Ikea furnishings fetch £32,000 at auction in Stockholm

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Tuesday, 19 December - 15:07

    Furniture and homewares from the 50s to 90s are coming to be recognised as collector’s items

    A selection of 122 secondhand Ikea furnishings fetched a total of £32,000 at an auction in Stockholm on Monday night, as some of the cheap and cheerful flatpack retailer’s more unusual designs are coming to be recognised as collector’s items.

    Vintage furnishings that went under the hammer at Stockholms Auktionsverk, the world’s oldest auction house, included tableware, furniture, mirrors and lights. While many of the auctioned items dated back to the 1950s, when Ikea still manufactured its furniture in Sweden, the collection also included porcelain tableware that the retailer developed in collaboration with Stockholm’s National Museum in the 1990s.

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      IKEA : ces capteurs surveillent votre maison pour à peine quelques euros

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Thursday, 30 November - 16:30

    Ikea Vallhorn Parasoll

    L'offensive d'IKEA dans la domotique se poursuit avec le lancement de trois nouveaux capteurs. Abordables, ils aident à la surveillance de sa maison connectée.

    IKEA : ces capteurs surveillent votre maison pour à peine quelques euros

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      Chez IKEA, un starter kit remplis d’objets indispensables pour les étudiants

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Sunday, 3 September, 2023 - 13:00


    IKEA pense aux étudiants qui, pour la première fois de leur vie, vont devoir vivre seuls loin de leur famille. Ils pourront s'offrir pour pas cher un « kit de démarrage » avec les accessoires et objets indispensables pour leur premier appartement.

    Chez IKEA, un starter kit remplis d’objets indispensables pour les étudiants

    charging stations covered with trash bags

    RIP! Also the vegan hot dog prices have doubled. 🫤

    Seems like it was replaced by this charge park next to it - one of the most expensive providers on the market. Probably some nice flow of money for Ikea involved.

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      Avec l’aide de l’IA, IKEA invente un canapé qui tient dans une enveloppe

      news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Wednesday, 14 June, 2023 - 16:00


    Les chercheurs du laboratoire financé par le spécialiste suédois du mobilier imagine le canapé révolutionnaire du futur.

    Avec l’aide de l’IA, IKEA invente un canapé qui tient dans une enveloppe