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      Garry’s Mod is taking down 20 years’ worth of “Nintendo Stuff”

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Thursday, 25 April - 14:11

    "5ario" here won't be on the <em>Garry's Mod</em> Steam Workshop for long.

    Enlarge / "5ario" here won't be on the Garry's Mod Steam Workshop for long. (credit: Steam / LmaoSPW )

    The popular long-running Source-engine physics sandbox Garry's Mod has begun to take down Nintendo-related items from the game's Steam Workshop page, following an apparent takedown request from Nintendo.

    In a Steam Community news post , mod creator Garry Newman writes that some items have already been taken down as part of an "ongoing process, as we have 20 years of uploads to go through." Indeed, combing through the over 1.8 million Garry's Mod Steam Workshop add-ons to find all of Nintendo's copyrighted content is sure to be a significant task. A simple search for Pokemon Thursday morning turns up nearly 3,000 seemingly copyright-infringing results on its own.

    "If you want to help us by deleting your Nintendo-related uploads and never uploading them again, that would help us a lot," Newman jokes in the announcement post.

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      Modder packs an entire Nintendo Wii into a box the size of a pack of cards

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Friday, 19 April - 17:55

    Its creator calls the "Short Stack" the world's smallest scale model replica of the Nintendo Wii (bottom).

    Enlarge / Its creator calls the "Short Stack" the world's smallest scale model replica of the Nintendo Wii (bottom). (credit: James Smith )

    The miniaturization of retro tech has always been a major obsession for modders, from the person who fit an original NES into a Game Boy-sized portable to the person who made a mini-er version of Apple's Mac mini .

    One mod in this storied genre that caught our eye this week is the "Short Stack," a scale model of the Nintendo Wii that packs the 2006 console's internal hardware into a 3D-printed enclosure roughly the size of a deck of playing cards.

    "You could fit 13.5 of these inside an original Wii," writes James Smith (aka loopj), the person behind the project. All the design details, custom boards, and other information about recreating the mod are available on GitHub .

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      Un moddeur fait tourner Halo 2 en 720p sur la Xbox originale

      news.movim.eu / Korben · Wednesday, 17 April - 21:12 · 1 minute

    Un surdoué du bidouillage nommé Ryan Miceli , alias « grimdoomer » sur GitHub , vient de réussir un truc de malade : faire tourner Halo 2 en 720p sur une Xbox première génération ! Oui, 720p sur la vénérable console de Microsoft sortie en 2001, c’est un bel exploit.

    Mais alors, comment ce bon vieux Ryan a-t-il réussi ce tour de passe-passe ? Eh bien figurez-vous qu’il a littéralement mis les mains dans le cambouis pour effectuer des modifications matérielles , dans le kernel , et même sur le jeu lui-même . Un travail de titan !

    Pour entrer un peu plus dans les détails techniques, sachez que Miceli a installé un câble IDE 80 broches pour connecter le disque dur de la Xbox à un PCB custom qui supporte des vitesses de transfert plus rapides. Résultat, des temps de chargement optimisés et des perfs globalement boostées. Côté kernel, notre modder de génie a optimisé la gestion de la mémoire pour augmenter la quantité de RAM disponible pour le jeu. Et ce n’est pas tout ! Il a aussi ajouté le support du triple buffering pour un rendu plus fluide, et même des sliders pour régler le FOV.

    Faut quand même se rappeler qu’à sa sortie, Halo 2 faisait déjà cracher les poumons de la console alors l’idée de le faire tourner en 720p, ça relève presque de la science-fiction. Il a notamment exploité une faille dans le système de mémoire partagée entre le CPU et le GPU et en bidouillant le code, il a réussi à gonfler la mémoire vidéo. Et même si le framerate trinque un peu à cause de cet overclocking, on est quand même en 720p au final.

    Et pour ceux qui voudraient (presque) la même chose sur leur XBox mais qui n’ont pas envie de sortir le fer à souder, Ryan a pensé à tout. Certes, pour obtenir le Graal des 720p, faut mettre les mains dans les composants et charcuter un peu la bête, mais une bonne partie des améliorations, comme la correction du scaling en 480p ou les options pour régler le FOV, fonctionnent sur une console stock !

    Bravo à Mister Miceli, un vrai Master Chief !


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      Cities: Skylines 2 gets long-awaited official mod support and map editor

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Tuesday, 26 March - 18:53 · 1 minute

    View of a rooftop terrace with sun umbrella in Cities: Skylines 2's Beach Properties expansion.

    Enlarge / Kudos to the designer of this umbrella-shaded rooftop terrace at Colossal Order, perhaps the only worker who can imagine a place that isn't overwhelmed by Steam reviewers. (credit: Paradox Interactive)

    Under the very unassuming name of patch 1.1.0f1 , Cities: Skylines 2 is getting something quite big. The sequel now has the modding, map editing, and code modding support that made its predecessor such a sprawling success.

    Only time will tell if community energy can help restore some of the energy that has been dispersed by the fraught launch of Cities: Skylines 2 (C:S2) . The project of relatively small developer Colossal Order arrived in October 2023 with performance issues and a lack of content compared to its predecessor. Some of that content perception stemmed from the game's lack of modding support, which had contributed to entire aspects of the original game not yet available in the sequel.

    When Ars interviewed Colossal Order CEO Mariina Hallikainen in December, she said that modding support was the thing she was most looking forward to arriving. Modding support was intended to be available at launch, but the challenges of building the new game's technical base, amid many other technical issues , pushed it back, along with console releases.

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      Major mod site says to keep your Pokémon content far away from Palworld

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Thursday, 25 January - 17:26 · 1 minute

    Nexus Mods says it wants nothing to do with this kind of <em>Palworld</em> content.

    Enlarge / Nexus Mods says it wants nothing to do with this kind of Palworld content. (credit: ToastedShoes / X )

    Palworld 's viral success has already drawn a lot of obvious "Pokémon with guns" comparisons . But when it comes to mods that might add actual Pokémon to the game, at least one major online clearinghouse is preemptively and proactively avoiding anything that could draw Nintendo's legal ire.

    Nexus Mods, a mod distribution site with tens of millions of registered users, said in a posted statement that it won't take the legal risk of distributing any Pokémon-themed Palworld mods. “We do think that adding Pokemon content to Palworld is a very cool idea and we understand why people would want such a thing," the statement reads. "However, we’re not comfortable hosting this content."

    Nexus Mods goes on to cite Nintendo's "consistent record of mercilessly submitting legal challenges, DMCAs, and takedowns against fan-made content" as the main reason behind their hesitation. "Given Palworld’s similarity to the Pokémon franchise as a base game, hosting content that adds copyrighted characters or assets into the game is almost certainly going to put us at risk of legal action. Palworld content that is uploaded to Nexus Mods and is considered to have Pokémon-derived characters or assets will be taken down. Our normal moderation policies will apply."

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      Why Capcom thinks PC game modding is akin to “cheating”

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 1 November, 2023 - 19:34 · 1 minute

    Why Capcom thinks PC game modding is akin to “cheating”

    Enlarge (credit: Aurich Lawson | Getty Images)

    For most PC gamers, the ability to update their game with a wide variety of mods is a huge benefit they can claim over most ( but not all ) console players. But Japanese publisher Capcom ( Resident Evil , Street Fighter ) says it sees unauthorized modding of PC games as a problem akin to cheating, bringing with it the risk of headaches for the company's reputation and support costs. That's according to a 50-minute presentation covering "anti-cheat and anti-piracy measures in PC gaming" that was posted to the Capcom R&D YouTube channel last week (and noticed recently by GamesRadar ).

    The presentation describes modding as an "inseparable part of PC gaming" and a reflection of a PC platform that lets you "do anything you want compared to the game console." At the same time, these facts make the PC a place "that allows you to create freely, but [where] people are also free to tamper with the game."

    “No different than cheating”

    One obviously bad form of PC game tampering, according to Capcom, is piracy. If anti-piracy tools are not used for PC titles, Capcom says, "pirated copies appear in less than a day [and] paid content such as DLC will be made free," leading to what the company calls "an immediate loss of profit." Then again, Capcom does admit that the size of this profit loss is "unobservable" because there is no suitable control case to compare it to. "We can only speculate on the cost of cheats and piracy," Capcom says, "but it's clear that if we don't do anything, the damage will surely be greater."

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      Hobbyist grinds down original chips by hand to make a Game Boy-sized NES

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Friday, 2 June, 2023 - 17:02 · 1 minute

    If you want a portable console that can play old Nintendo Entertainment System games, the easiest option is software emulation, whether you're using Nintendo's official Switch app, a portable PC, or some cheap knockoff emulator handheld. For those who want better accuracy than software emulation can provide, there's always the Analogue Pocket , which can ( with current firmware ) re-create the NES in hardware using its FPGA chip .

    But some purists are unsatisfied with anything other than original hardware—that's the only possible explanation for projects like the TinyTendo , which goes to extraordinary lengths to squeeze an entire NES into a portable package roughly the size and weight of the old gray monochrome Game Boy. The project is the creation of hardware modder Redherring32, who eventually plans to open-source the project.

    For miniaturization projects like this, you often see chopped-up or fully custom-printed circuit boards used with the original chips to contort the hardware into a new shape. This landscape orientation mod for the original Game Boy or the original Analogue NT are both good examples. But more drastic measures were needed to squeeze an entire NES into a handheld console, most notably the removal of bulky pins and ceramic that the original chips all use.

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      Cytopia : un jeu libre à la SimCity avec des fonctionnalités de modding !

      news.movim.eu / Korben · Monday, 16 January, 2023 - 08:00 · 2 minutes

    Si comme moi, vous appréciez ce bon vieux SimCity 2000 avec ses graphismes bien rétro et que vous voulez essayer quelque chose de différent, foncez sur le site de Cytopia.

    Le principe de ce jeu, vous le connaissez : Il faut construire des villes et les gérer. Cytopia utilise un moteur de rendu isométrique basé sur SDL2 et pour le moment, il sait générer des terrains de manière procédurale et propose tous les éléments de base de SimCity tels quel les routes, les quartiers (résidentiel, industriel, commerciaux et d’autres)…etc.

    Attention, on est encore loin de quelque chose de finalisé. C’est un travail en cours de développement.

    Ce qui est intéressant avec Cytopia, c’est qu’il est en constante évolution. Les développeurs sont sans cesse en train de travailler sur de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour améliorer l’expérience de jeu.

    Par exemple, ils prévoient d’ajouter des biomes, ces grandes régions géographiques qui ont leur propre climat et leur propre faune et flore. Cela ajoutera une nouvelle dimension à la construction de vos villes, car vous devrez tenir compte des conditions climatiques et écologiques de chaque biome lorsque vous construirez vos quartiers et vos routes.

    Les développeurs travaillent également sur un mécanisme de téléchargement de mods directement dans le jeu. Vous pourrez ainsi facilement télécharger les mods créés par d’autres joueurs pour ajouter de nouvelles fonctionnalités, de nouvelles possibilités de constructions voire de nouveaux univers.

    Bientôt des villes sur Mars ?

    Et comme Cytopia est un jeu open source, vous pourrez évidemment créer vos propres mods perso si vous le souhaitez. Bien sûr, Cytopia ne néglige pas non plus l’aspect musical du jeu. Le jeu possède sa bande-son originale avec des bruits ambiants et des effets sonores qui sont tout simplement excellents. Vous vous sentirez vraiment immergé dans votre ville virtuelle rien qu’à vous.

    Cytopia est disponible sur macOS, Linux et Windows, et il devrait également y avoir une version pour Android et iOS à l’avenir. Les développeurs travaillent également sur un langage de script similaire à du LUA pour faciliter la création de mods. Si vous êtes intéressé par le développement de Cytopia, vous pouvez retrouver le code sur Github .

    N’hésitez pas à essayer le jeu et à vous impliquer dans la communauté des joueurs et des développeurs si le coeur vous en dit !

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      EA cracks down on modders selling their custom Sims 4 content

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Tuesday, 2 August, 2022 - 19:41 · 1 minute

    Look, we had to see this shot from a <em>Sims 4</em> "male pregnancy" mod while researching this story, so now you do, too!

    Enlarge / Look, we had to see this shot from a Sims 4 "male pregnancy" mod while researching this story, so now you do, too!

    Last month, EA published an update formalizing its policy that mods for The Sims 4 "cannot be sold, licensed, or rented for a fee." But the publisher tells Ars that there is still one important exception that should ensure many Sims modders can continue to make significant income from their game-expanding creations.

    EA's new modding policy, first published July 21 , is pretty direct in saying that Sims 4 mods "must be non-commercial and distributed free-of-charge" and that they can't "contain features that would support monetary transactions of any type." According to the published policy, those who want to monetize their Sims modding work are limited to indirect methods like "passive advertisements and requests for donations" on their own websites (but not within the mods themselves).

    Despite this recent formalization, this policy isn't entirely new. In late 2017, former EA Community Manager Amanda Drake wrote on the game's forums that mod creators "cannot lock content they make using our game behind a paywall." But that post also carved out a specific loophole for creators who wanted to offer an incentive to encourage donations via sites like Patreon:

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